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Everything posted by Hook

  1. If you read the posts above, I think you will see that what you describe is the normal state for most of us. I would imagine orders will be "processing" until the phones are actually shipped. However, I'm just guessing.
  2. I'm not a phone band expert (and I'm also not on T-Mobile) but from these two articles, one from Last April and one from Last December, it looks like T-Mobile is leaning heavily on it's new spectrum acquisition, Band 71, in some areas. I had T-Mobile briefly in VA a few years ago and wasn't very happy as the coverage seemed very spotty. https://www.whistleout.com/CellPhones/Guides/cell-phone-networks-and-frequencies-explained https://www.phonearena.com/news/Cheat-sheet-which-4G-LTE-bands-do-AT-T-Verizon-T-Mobile-and-Sprint-use-in-the-USA_id77933 These articles are posted as informati
  3. It's not just overseeing the the order processing, manufacturing, distribution, logistics and shipping of our phones with all the underlying business operations that requires, but they also have to do marketing, which for a phone aimed at as untypical consumer market as this, means a lot of showing up where the potential market and support folks are. As you can see form the following link, Liangchen (and a certain other forum regular ;-) ) was at Froscon this weekend. It would be nice, as crazy busy as the F(x) team is if they could shoot us off a message of how the pre-ordering
  4. This happened to me (and many others), but I was able to talk to the Fraud division at my bank and they unblocked the card and I was able to put the transaction through because they then knew what it was. Did you contact the issuing bank?
  5. My opinion only, but ugh. ;-) Whenever a phone or software offers that option (my password locker does) I immediately set it to unlimited. One of the things I loved about Dirty Unicorns is that it left my phone unencrypted by default. My paper files aren't encrypted. They don't even have a password. I don't need my phone encrypted. Lol. The few things that need to be encrypted are. Again, just me. YMMV (and I'm not being critical of anyone who disagrees with me).
  6. I suspect they are not allowed to announce themselves or give any information in the forum. NDA and all that.
  7. Not looking for a fix as I'm sure the new forum will take care of it, but wanted to see if this is happening to others. The forum index has become unreliable at identifying threads that have new posts or reporting who the last poster was. When I enter a thread, I often find posts I've never seen before. So I have to go into each thread individually to find and respond to new posts. Anyone else seeing this? I'm on Win 10 using Firefox, but I got the same thing using Chrome.
  8. Amazon is mentioned very briefly in this YouTube video, towards the end, as possible selling the Pro1, But the reviewer gives no basis for saying that, so who knows? I don't believe I've ever heard F(X) Tec refer to selling on Amazon.
  9. It also helps explain why they had said Quertz were for Europe only. The US fulfillment center will probably not receive Quertz models. This makes a lot of sense. Everything I've ever ordered from the UK has been shipped to me from a fulfillment center in the US, including my subscription to MOJO magazine. ;-)
  10. At least I hadn't seen that on the forum before. Seems to be a nice easy way for direct contact. Also new links at bottom (again, at least I hadn't noticed them before, but I'm not always on top of things) including a Term Of Sales Link which has interesting information including the fact that we have 14 days after we get it for buyers regret. I don't plan on having buyers regret, but is good to know it's there. Nice to see these things popping up (though it may be old news by the time this thread gets moderated :D).
  11. They had said on the form to request the change to quertz that "QWERTZ keyboards can only be shipped to European addresses.." I didn't want one, I was just checking the form (being curious about most things), but I thought that was odd. The only thing I could think of is that the phones with qwertz may be being made and/or shipped from a different location that is being hit with tariffs. Apparently they are willing to accept orders from the US after all, but there is a penalty. I don't clearly understand why all the US phones aren't being hit with this. Not that I'm unhappy there was no Trum
  12. This almost sounds like a particular Bank with it's own quirks. As I said earlier, Bank of America (Visa Debit) was just fine with the F(X) Tec purchase once they had determined I really intended to make the purchase and it wasn't fraud. The Bank in question may possibly be more rigorous than most big bank systems. Obviously, I'm in the US.
  13. The page won't tell you why. The F(X) server doesn't really know why. Contact your bank. Once they clear it (unblock your card) it will go through fine. At least that's what happened with me.
  14. I am 12xx and only got the notice a couple of hours ago. These emails are apparently being generated number by number and not in large batches over the 48 hours. It's coming.
  15. Yes, indeed. Tried both cards and both failed. Called my bank and both my cards had been blocked for suspicious activity. Lol. Bank of America is a bit of a nanny bank anyway, you have to tell them when you are going on any kind of travel, but they do offer $0 fraud protection. Got it straightened out and got my order in and my cards unblocked. Life is good. ;-)
  16. Yes, that's fine. I probably overinterpreted your phrase "with known bugs." No, I don't expect perfection, and certainly no device I have used has had anything close. Glad to hear that your test unit is stable.
  17. I'm wondering if there is a control in the forum software to set up time based rules (e.g., can only create 1 new thread per 24 hours, can make only 3 replies in an hour). It's a much less intrusive limitation, but would likely turn away most robots. Just a thought.
  18. I seriously hope this isn't the case. I think it would be bad if they started releasing buggy devices. They are much better off continuing to delay until they get things pretty stable. There will always be a bugs that pop up once you get a large number of users, but you want as finished a product as possible for your first impression. I'm willing to wait, just keep me informed. :-) Just my 2 cents.
  19. It wasn't a keyboard phone, but I loved the trackball on my Nexus One made by HTC. That was one beautiful phone. Lasted me 3 years, but had a serious design flaw almost guaranteeing the power button would fail and it was a very convoluted DIY repair (HTC never owned up to the flaw). However, that trackball was amazing for precision cursor control. Thanks for bringing back the memory. :-)
  20. For what it's worth (and I'm not arguing that they shouldn't give us a definitive answer here or in a newsletter), Chen Liangchen answered a recent query on the Facebook page with "[The F(x) Tec Pro1] is compatible with Verizon."
  21. No, early September can be as few as 4 weeks (give or take a couple of dangling days) from the end of July. ;) Look, the original was written at the beginning of the year as what they were hoping for at a point where they really couldn't make accurate projections. Even with this new estimation, they have rightly qualified it with "anticipate" and "expected." I am confident they are going to get them out as soon as they can with the quality they want. I'm also sure they won't ask for money until they are sure on the delivery, whether it's 3 weeks or 6 weeks. As long as they keep me updated
  22. I would imagine most folks would volunteer to beta test. Myself included. I imagine the form they said they will send will have the sorting variables. Region (they might want a sampling from different regions)? Experience/Technical knowledge? Use cases? Random drawing (lol)?
  23. They say in the specs "5.99-inch 2160 x 1080 (FHD+) AMOLED" If I'm not mistaken, and I could be, 2160 is the vertical resolution and 1080 is the horizontal resolution. (assuming portrait orientation here)
  24. It's AMOLED, so I think you will get what you want.
  25. No, that location (order status) has always said that, I was talking about the pre-order page where it changed from July 2019 to Summer 2019.
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