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Everything posted by claude0001

  1. From what others wrote, out-of-the-box, the Pro1X is not configured for charging in powered-off state (was the same for the Pro1). So keeping it connected to the charger will not fix anything if the battery is completely depleted. The phone should ship with a half-charged battery and ready for action. I think you should contact support.
  2. Indeed, the device needs to be in fastboot mode for fastboot commands to work. 😉 The alternative method of activating that mode is by holding "Volume down" + "Power" when switching on the device.
  3. Congrats. And very interesting desktop setup! I start to understand what you meant when you wrote it is optimised for operation via keybindings. 🙂 As you have the same setup on both devices (Pro1 and Pro1X) now, can you say anything about performance? In the past we worried a lot about the Pro1X's slower CPU (after its re-design). As, in our Linux containers, we rely on all-software rendering (llvmpipe) there could be a significant difference e.g. in OpenGL benchmarks or video playing ...
  4. I do not know about the Pro1-X, but for the Pro1, the command to enable charging when powered-off was fastboot oem off-mode-charge "1"
  5. On the Pro1-X spec page it says "2-stage camera shutter key", just like for the Pro1. @EskeRahn is right: I also cannot feel the first stage of the button on my Pro1, but it does work in principle.
  6. Ah, I had missed your point above where you wrote that your problem is limited to the container you ported from the Pro1. Never mind then. If it is only about transferring your software configuration to the Pro1X, would it then not be easier to just install a fresh container and scp any relevant things (like $HOME/.config/) over from your Pro1?
  7. In my LineageOS chroot, I encountered the problem that X.Org insisted on having access to System-V-style shared memory, but that the Android kernel implements only "Google-style" shared memory (/dev/ashmem). In my case, I could solve that by wrapping the android-shmem library around X.Org, as explained in this post. Out of interest: Does SailfishOS natively support SysV shared memory calls? After all it also uses the Android kernel underneath.
  8. This, 100%. Imho, configuring your 'containered' (desktop) GNU/Linux distro in a way to make best use of the small (touch-)screen is a large part of the work. That is, if you want to actually use the system productively rather than just show-off your neofetch output online to your friends once ... 😉 . Trying to operate applications designed for desktop workstations via a touch interface can be frustrating even on a full-size display. On a small handheld touch-screen, the experience can quickly become infuriating, unless given some significant GUI customization. In my setup (bas
  9. I tend to disagree with that. The more you are trying to use the Pro1(X) as a "real" computer terminal, the more you are going to be irritated by "Android" features suddenly popping up in your face. For me, the accent selector does have its use in some apps targeted at more casual writing. But, e.g., when coding, I often write sequences like '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<', '>>>>>>>>>>>>', '++++++++++++++', or '--------------------' when commenting programs. In these cases, I find it very helpful that my text editor (acode) do
  10. Try to test with different apps. On the original Pro1 (with Lineage 16.0) long-pressing a physical button worked for bringing up the accent selector box, but only for certain apps. For me, it works in what I call "smartphone-typical" apps like QKSMS or the Settings Menu. It does not work in some apps that are more serious about physical-keyboard typing, like, e.g. CollaboraOffice or ConnectBot. I guess apps can opt in or out of that feature, which I think makes some sense: depending on context, users might expect a long-press to auto-repeat the character rather then to bring up the accent
  11. I remember a post by @tdm which said the telephony driver bits in LineageOS were unchanged with respect to Stock Android 9. Considering that enabling VoLTE et al. for a given device is up to the carriers, is there any reason to believe that installing (whatever version of) LineageOS would improve anything here? Screw this. I should have followed @EskeRahn's link above which shows that going from Stock to LineageOS did enable VoLTE for him. Lesson learned.
  12. As far as I know, the version of TWRP available for the Pro1 does not support decryption of data partitions and hence cannot be used for backups. In fact, the only purpose of that build of TWRP was to enable a clean install of SailfishOS. It is also known to mess up the existing data partition upon boot: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/twrp.3976369/ , https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2479-team-win-recovery-project-twrp/
  13. Thanks for mentioning my LOS 16 builds. For completeness: @daniel.schaaaf maintains an unofficial ROM of LOS 17.1 (Android 10) for the Pro1. In principle, the sources of all four LOS branches (16.0, 17.1, 18.1, and 19.1) are still maintained at lineageos.org and are getting patched based on the Android security bulletins. It is only that - by LineageOS policy - only one branch per device (in our case 19.1, now) is allowed for the automatic weekly builds, probably in order to save CPU time on the official compiler farm. It is however totally possible to build any of the supported
  14. I guess some have developed such passion in ranting about F(x)tec that they will feel empty and disappointed when they receive the phone after all ... 😉
  15. I uploaded my latest LOS 16.0 ROM, dated 20220530. It contains the 5 April 2022 AOSP fixes. There are no other changes since my last build above. As usual, a tar.gz with all my local mods with respect to the official lineage-16.0 sources is also available. I had originally intended to skip the April patchlevel, and jump directly to May 2022. Unfortunately, there seem to be problems with the May patches for some other device, hence they have not been merged into the official tree yet ...
  16. Lineage purges old builds as they do not want to promote the use of outdated (and thus unsecure) roms. It is however totally possible to build all supported branches (16.0, 17.1, 18.1, 19.1) yourself, in which case the latest security patches from the upstream Android project get included automatically. Such builds are then "unofficial" in that they are not signed with the keys of the Lineage project, but otherwise they are based on the same source code. @daniel.schaaaf maintains an unofficial lineage-17.1 rom for the pro1. See this thread. Myself, I maintain an unofficial lineage-16
  17. Interesting. Did you actually measure the data rate? As I wrote above, I am stuck to around 200 Mbit/s with my UGreen ethernet, which is slower than the Pro1's wifi (but of course still fine for all everyday tasks).
  18. LineageOS 16.0 is basically Android Pie with the proprietary Google stuff removed. The Linux kernel is identical to the one shipping with the Pro1's Android OS. As it is the kernel that is doing all the hardware support, I would thus assume that a device that works in LOS 16 should work in Stock Android, too. But, no, I haven't tested it. Sorry.
  19. I have got this combined card-reader, USB-hub, HDMI-adapter, and ethernet card: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/gp/product/B093FKT9BF/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 All features of that hub work out-of-the-box in LineageOS (16.0 over here, still). That said, performance-wise, the Ethernet adapter does not even remotely reach the advertised 1 Gbit/s: iperf3 measures ~150 Mbit/s up and ~230 MBit/s down. On the same network, with the same peer, I easily get 300-400 MBit/s via the Pro1's WiFi ...
  20. Be aware that, as part of its security concept, Android runs every app under a different UID. As a consequence, with an ext4 FS, data sharing across apps can be difficult unless they use the common GIDs (media_rw, etc.) foreseen to that effect. In the past, many people used FAT-formatted SD-cards to circumvent that restriction, taking advantage of the fact that FAT simply does not know about UNIX file permissions. I do not know if this affects your use case(s).
  21. I do not know about stock Android, but on LIneageOS (16.0) I have two partitions on my SD-card: one formated as ext4 and one as ext3, and both just work. I did the formatting externally using a PC. The same card can also be accessed via an external (USB) card reader connected to the Pro1, so this is independent of the built-in reader. At least on the low level, I think the kernel supports all filesystems it is aware of, irrespective of the specific block device. Of course, how Android treats a partition on the high-level may be a different story. On my Lineage 16 (Android 9), I can use my
  22. This. I recall they designed the Pro1 specifically to have the USB port on a dedicated board (and thus easily replaceable) as the USB socket was a well-known weak point of the N900 (where it was directly soldered to the mainboard). But without spare parts, that design effort was futile at best ...
  23. Probably depends on what you compare to. Intuitively, it seems clear to me that rendering on a remote client must have better performance compared to running the client on the localhost. Anyway, most of the time, I use my Devuan chroot remotely via SSH. While LineageOS has its own SSH server, I agree that its CLI is much too crippled for daily use. I thus configured Devuan's SSH server to listen to the default port 22 of the Pro1, while relocating LineageOS's SSHD to port 222. That way, the latter can still be used for specific (root access) tasks to LineageOS, but "normal" SSH logins tak
  24. I guess you are in the US. US carriers seem to be problematic in general as they do not "know" the Pro1. Similar problems might arise with the Pro1X. I cannot help personally, but there is another thread dedicated to US network acceptance.
  25. The PinePhone is much better suited for running upstream Linux and GNU/Linux distributions targeting phones. As such, it is a very interesting project. I was close to ordering it several times, and do not know how long I will still be able to resist ... 🙂 However, its specs are quite low compared to the Pro1 or Pro1X. When it comes to CPU, RAM, or display resolution, the PinePhone's usefulness as a "laptop replacement" may thus be limited, despite its more GNU/Linux-friendly architecture.
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