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Everything posted by claude0001

  1. I've had similar issues with my Pro1 since day 1, though I cannot restrict the phenomenon to a certain subset of keys. In the beginning, me trying to type fast always resulted in many errors, either from missing characters or from the software registering additional (e.g. "addd&nitional") keys, I certainly had not pressed. Over time, I improved in hitting the keys "right", i.e., quite firmly and in a well-defined sequence. However, I cannot say that this kind of typing is much fun. I type slowly, and cannot practically use more than two fingers, even when putting the Pro1 down on a t
  2. The Pro1's camera window is actually sunken-in by a tiny amount, to protect it when the phone is put on a table for keyboard operation. I remember f(x)tec were quite proud they had achieved that in designing the back of the phone ...
  3. For what it's worth, another update of Netflix (to version "8.35.0 build 19 50257") just came in via Aurora. Runs just fine on rooted, GAPPs-free LOS 16.0. Seems like it is indeed just a matter of circumventing the Google Play store ...
  4. A new build of good-old LineageOS 16.0 for our good-old Pro1 (835) is available at http://findus.zwergenschaenke.net/~puma/linux.html#lineagepro1 Go for the ROM dated 2022-08-23. It contains backported AOSP security fixes up to patchlevel "1 August 2022". I bumped the Android security string to reflect that. Seemingly, people are slowly losing interest in Pie. While the AOSP patches since May have been backported and have undergone basic testing (by me and on other devices), they have not been merged into the official LOS 16.0 tree yet, due to pending code review. While I a
  5. Affirmative. Consensus is that deep discharge is bad and high temperatures (as occur during quick-charging) are bad. This is true for any Li-ion battery, nothing Pro1(X) specific here.
  6. Sorry, but just use a non-Quick-Charge-enabled power supply. No other action requied.
  7. Deep-discharging being a good thing is a popular myth from Ni-Cd-battery times. Li-ion batteries do not like that. @EskeRahn is right in that temperature is a decisive factor. Using QuickCharge (tm) results in my Pro1(not X) becoming so hot it is uncomfortable to touch. I hence avoid quick-charge by using only my PC USB-ports for charging.
  8. Unfortunately, I have no second specimen of this (quite expensive) type. Now, I could insert my Pro1 card into the laptop and test. However, considering that I routinely hurt at least two of my fingernails when extracting the Pro1's <censored> SD/SIM holder, and subsequently always wonder whether I haven't broken the puny little thing for good now, I prefer not to, sorry. πŸ™‚
  9. I've had a SanDisk eXtreme 256 GB in my Pro1 (no X) since day 1. My impression is that, while isolated read or write access is OK, random access cannot be compared to an ssd or even a magnetic hdd, no matter what you are being told. I learned this the hard way after installing my GNU/Linux OS on my SD-card (in an effort to reduce wear of the bulit-in memory). Some benchmarks from my system: Pure writing: dd if=/dev/zero of=test.dat bs=512k count=1k 1024+0 records in 1024+0 records out 536870912 bytes (537 MB, 512 MiB) copied, 8.25252 s, 65.1 MB/s Pure reading: dd if=test.dat of
  10. I can confirm that the app itself does not (yet?) complain about rooting per-se. Rooted, Google-free Pro1 with LineageOS 16.0 here. That's good-old "su" (on modified root partition), no magisk hiding anything about it. I could install Netflix via Aurora store and it is getting updated normally.
  11. Other American users have reported that soon, all networking protocols prior to 4G will be shut down in the US. So this might not be a long-term solution ... edit: As expected, @Hook was faster ... πŸ˜„
  12. Confirmed for the 835 Pro1. Toggling that flag causes the Pro1 to ignore the connected power cable and drain its battery instead.
  13. Awesome findings, thanks. I did not test the (unsafe) battery capacity-faking bit (yet). πŸ˜‰ The battery charging control works the same on the original (835) Pro1. The keyboard backlight control also works similarly, except that, on the Pro1, the respective sysfs files are located under /sys/class/leds/keyboard-backlight/ rather than "/sys/class/leds/button-backlight/".
  14. Thanks for this heads-up. Having my Pro1 so nicely set-up as daily driver almost feels like a burden, now. If I only had a spare Pro1 or Pro1X for tinkering with such promising projects ... At first glance, I can find no review or video online about Droidian even for the original Pro1, which is strange given it is one of the only three officially supported devices ... @steeb did you test on Pro1 or Pro1X?
  15. I'm not using Termux myself. But, in my (very limited) understanding, it still works on Android 12. It is just not receiving updates (or is not installable at all?) from the Google App Store (because it still targets Android 9 SDK). The F-Droid version should not be affected by this, nor manual installation using the *.apk. There seem to be some worries that, in the future, Android 12+ might shut down apps targeting Android 9 SDK via SELinux policies. But would this necessarily also affect LineageOS 19.1+? Anyway, I disabled SELinux on my Pro1 (LOS 16.0) long ago ...
  16. Thanks to MaemoLeste, the N900 can run a 5.x.y kernel now (I should try it at some point). However also here, they had to somehow reuse the original closed-source driver for 3D graphics, and sadly, also the remaining hardware is only mostly supported. And that is 13 years after the device was released ... Not to be misunderstood: the MaemoLeste people do great work here, they are just too late to the party. Pretty good illustration of my point above, about how obsolescence catches up with the phones before their support in mainline Linux matures sufficiently for being practically useful. 😞
  17. You are obviously very skilled with Linux and embedded systems. Sorry for spamming you with technical details on chroots and LXCs that must be completely clear to you. πŸ˜„ Hopefully my post can still serve to encourage others who just want to run a GNU desktop environment on their handheld without sacrificing regular smartphone capabilities ... All your points a perfectly valid, and I couldn't agree more that support in upstream Linux should be the ultimate goal, always. Unfortunately, the mobile phone world being what it is, this often means that the hardware reaches obsolescence before it
  18. If you want to run mainline Linux out of principle, I totally respect that. πŸ‘ But, on the practical side: what do you think you would miss if you ran your favourite GNU distro in a container of Android, Sailfish or UBTouch, as proposed by @matf-kabouik or @Rob. S.? Many think of an Android/Lineage chroot or an UBTouch/Sailfish LXC as an "emulator" or a "virtual machine", and therefore have the gut feeling that any software installed in such environments would not be "really" running on their phone. That its speed of execution would be slower compared to the "host OS". That it would s
  19. Never heard of that -- but then I've also never used stock Android 9. I tend to view this anecdote as proof of how much the Pro1-X (too) will leave its initial (software) problems behind once we see LineageOS up and soaring ... Firmware bugs are a different story, of course.
  20. I would advise you to relax. I guess, much of your first impression is determined from what other phone you come from. I asked, and @EskeRahn reported a direct comparison of the Pro1-X and Pro1 above, which I interpret as "on-par-within-the-measurement-uncertainty". @Rob. S. reported similarly in a different thread. I own only a Pro1, and was never super-happy with its WiFi or LTE connectivity, but it has still been perfectly usable over the last two years. So, in your place, I wouldn't worry too much about that point right now.
  21. I do not know anything more than was in the September 2021 update: Note the generic "your devices". As I own only an original Pro1, I would be quite happy if it was still given some (official) love, too ... πŸ˜‰ On a more serious note, they probably hired him for his general skills in embedded ARM Linux systems, and will want to flexibly adapt his focus according to company needs (which makes perfect sense to me).
  22. No one will have experience with those, as the Pro1-X was released only a few days ago. For the Pro1, some success in mainlining has been made, resulting in (as far as I know) a PostmarketOS proof-of-principle. However, as the Pro1-X ended up being a totally different machine, nothing of that is likely portable easily. On the bright side, F(x)tec hired a software engineer specifically to help in mainlining the Pro1-X (and also the original Pro1, I guess). The Pro1 and Pro1-X are not even using the same kernel, so even in the (standardized) x86-world, this would not be possibl
  23. Thanks for information and for summarizing this so nicely. I guess, most people are not aware that the typical camera sensor uses only a fraction of its pixels for each of the red, green, and blue colour channels, respectively. I also agree that, at the given size of phone sensors and lenses, and given the high density of a 48-megapixel sensor, just grouping pixels 4-by-4 is likely the most reasonable thing to do, except (maybe) for the most high-end phone cameras. That said, it is also true that, in the days before CCD/CMOS sensors reached today's insanely high pixel densities, demosaici
  24. WiFi and LTE connectivity seemed quite bad to me already for the original Pro1. With reports about bad network quality of the Pro1X accumulating here, is there anyone who can compare the two devices side-by-side? Edit: Re-reading the thread, I found that @matf has reported similar signal levels for his Pro1 and Pro1-X. Both phones have metal bodies that are certainly not helping their radios. Is this a real problem of the Pro1-X or are we chasing a ghost here?
  25. @asonix I generally agree with your criticism and have pointed that out myself already in Pro1 times: F(x)tec enjoyed all the noise about the Pro1 being a "Linux phone", a "successor to the N900", etc. However, all they really provided was a factory-unlocked bootloader and a plain, commercial Android OS. Now, to be fair, they finally did hire a programmer specifically to contribute to the porting efforts regarding LineageOS, UbuntuTouch, and Mainline kernel.org earlier this year (was in one of the updates). So things are changing for the better ...
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