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Everything posted by claude0001

  1. When I place a script named e.g. "99hwoverlays" with the following code #!/system/bin/sh # # Set "Disable WH Overlays" developer option at startup # bash -c "service call SurfaceFlinger 1008 i32 1" & into /data/local/userinit.d/, the "Disable HW Overlay" option gets set automatically after boot. Remember to make the script executable (chmod +x). Also note that user startup scripts in /data/local/userinit.d/ are no longer executed by default in modern LineageOS, you have to install some helper app like RunUserinit from F-Droid.
  2. It's always difficult to discuss topics that are somewhat subjective ... It would probably be good if you could provide a specific and (hopefully) reproducible example of an app that does not scroll smoothly for you. I can scroll smoothly (as far as my expectations go) when browsing through a thread in QKSMS, when scrolling down a web page in Firefox, when displaying a thumbnail gallery in the default Lineage picture app, when displaying folder contents in MaterialFiles, and when browsing through a lengthy program in Acode.
  3. I have never played with those options and am certainly no expert in tuning the Android graphics stack to its max. However, there seems to be consensus that those options are not enabled by default for a reason. That's especially true for the "Disable HW Overlays" flag, which seems to worsen battery life (as more CPU load is generated). I'd rather not mess with those defaults in my ROM. I can confirm that also for me "Disable HW Overlays" is not persistent across reboots (while "Force GPU" is), which is kind of strange -- although it could also be an indication that this is really a
  4. That's a good point. You are right that the Pro1 could -- technically at least -- have had the upgrade to the Pro1X's Android 10 for "free" if the SoC thing had not happened. However, it is also true that updates of stock Android 9 stopped long before the mainboard change. As far as I know, they ran into trouble with their contractor making the OS, independent of the other issues with the SoC manufacturer. Let's hope they (and we) will have more luck with the Pro1X ...
  5. I do not know from personal experience, but people close to the Lineage porting effort have hinted F(x)tec at least suspected they would not be able keep an official Android OS afloat -- long before the 835 thing happened. Seems like keeping a certified Android OS up-to-date is not so cheap after all, let alone porting newer Android major releases to the device ...
  6. I cannot really comment on the state of the stock Android OS as I have been on Lineage since day one. However, especially those who jumped-off stock only recently seem to not look back at all. Considering how unhappy you seem to be with your stock Android 9, I'd suggest you just give Lineage (or some derivative) a chance. I think it is by now clear that F(x)tec more or less intended the Pro1 to be used with alternative ROMs. Yes, I fully agree that they should have either stated this more clearly from the beginning, or properly supported the original OS their phone was delivered with. But
  7. I know you are joking, but I meant that quite seriously. My wife brings home half of the family income, but, for some reason, I thought I need a phone that is 10x more expensive than hers (while having worse audio quality ๐Ÿ˜‰ ). Of course I explained to her why I wanted that Pro1 so badly before throwing all that money at a company that, even then, I was not sure would be able to deliver at all. If you manage your entire household from a common financial pool, it is imho a question of mutual respect to discuss major expenses prior to engagement -- especially if they are about what most peop
  8. You are right, but let's not further misuse this thread for discussing known issues of the original Pro1 (again). Lineage may be able to fix a few more things on the Pro1, but I think we have to accept the fact that, from F(x)tec's perspective, that one is done. Any software issues related to the binary blobs will not be fixed. Imho, we will be lucky to even get spare parts for components unique to the Pro1. Let's see how the Pro1-X comes out and how long F(x)tec plan to keep it available for purchase. If it improves on some of the issues already in the first production batch, and if
  9. I very much enjoy the discussions here, and hope that also F(x)tec uses them for inspiration on future projects. But considering the features of a hypothetical Pro2, I think we should also be realistic: The Pro1/Pro1-X are very expensive phones even without including exotic technologies like e-ink-keyboards. I think 1000 โ‚ฌ/$ are a magical landmark, where even enthusiastic keyboard-phone lovers will have a hard time convincing their spouses that they really need that device. A Pro2 should probably focus on getting an up-to-date flagship SoC and improve on the known shortcomings of i
  10. Some time ago, I recommended Devuan as my GNU/Linux distribution of choice for installation in a chroot of LineageOS. Today, I wanted to upgrade my xrdp-pulseaudio modules (providing seamless sound forwarding to Android when using my X11 desktop) and found out that installing them on Devuan is not possible in a straightforward way using the tools provided on neutrinolabs' GitHub repo. The reason is that the drivers need to be compiled against the pulseaudio sources matching the version of each respective distribution. On Devuan, the command: # sudo apt build-dep pulseaudio fai
  11. Yes, just tested that: USB mouse works for pattern-based unlocking, even if one connects the mouse only while the phone is already locked. Bluetooth mouse could work, if it is already paired with the device and BT is switched on. Otherwise probably not ...
  12. That could not be more true. Canonical (at the time they still backed the project) would have liked us to think about Ubuntu Touch and the Ubuntu distribution for PCs as two flavours of the same OS -- as in iOS vs. MacOS. Many users unaware of technical details may believe that to this date. The truth is, for all but a few exotic devices (like the PinePhone), Ubuntu Touch does not even use an Ubuntu Linux kernel! It bundles a minimal version of the device-vendor supplied Android system, including its kernel and driver blobs. It then uses compatibility layers (libhybris) to interface
  13. I believe you have fundamentally wrong expectations regarding Ubuntu Touch. It is not designed as a traditional Unix, but as a smartphone OS, sharing quite a few concepts with Android. This includes app confinement (sandboxing), which actively breaks core Unix philosophy, as data "belonging" to one program purposedly cannot be easily picked up by another. Installing a true Unix environment on UbuntuTouch is possible, but involves quite similar techniques than doing the same on Android, the difference being that with UbuntuTouch you use an LXC container while on Android we rely on traditio
  14. For those with GNU/Linux-chroots: UPower provides a friendly interface to display the information from that sysfs tree. E.g. rostkatze:~ # upower -e /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_battery /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/line_power_dc /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_main /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/line_power_pc_port /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/line_power_usb /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_bm
  15. The point is that the major components that make the SoC useful as a phone are closed-source, like on any typical Android device using similar SoCs. As a consequence, all projects of using a fully open-source Linux OS on the Pro1 are just proofs-of-principle that, while academically interesting, are so far from prime-time that the last Pro1 will likely have gone the way of all silicon before they mature to the point of becoming practically useful. Do not get me wrong: this is not an unusual situation. Practically all Android devices depend on these proprietary blobs, as we both know. As o
  16. Actually, I find the Pro1 is too large for comfortable thumb-typing. Travel of the thumbs is too long for some keys when holding the phone by the keyboard. From other discussions here, I know that I am not alone with this opinion. I certainly could thumb-type much faster on my good old N900 -- though I must admit that I neither miss the small screen size of the latter, nor the absence of many special keys the Pro1 has ... I can well imagine that the PlanetComputers keyboard is even much less comfortable to thumb-type on, but -- in all fairness -- I do not think that was the design goal o
  17. Build 20211219, with the December AOSP security fixes, is available at the above link. Full list of local mods with respect to upstream Lineage-16.0 tree: Modified gps.conf which (for me) enables the Pro1 to get its initial fix much faster. Corrected QoS powerhint signals. Backport from Lineage 18.1. Keyboard driver: Enable high keycodes Backport from Lineage 18.1. Keyboard driver: Fn-Tab acts as Alt-Tab. Cherry-picked from an experimental patch proposed by @Slion against LOS 18.1. Was never merged into any official distribution. Keyboard: Prevent unwanted mu
  18. Tbh, I never did things like C-x C-s single-handed, even with a full-size PC keyboard: I hit one of the Ctrl keys with one hand, and the letter key with the other. Anyway, after years of using it intensely, I have almost stopped using emacs for various reasons. Also vi, I use only for minor editing of shell scripts or config files. For any serious amount of coding, it has been Kate for a while now. Mainly old age I guess ๐Ÿ™‚. But its Windows-style shortcuts do work quite well on the Pro1, too. (And, of course, it's got a vim input mode, just for you ๐Ÿ˜‰ ). Back on topic: Of course, the P
  19. While I do not use emacs much anymore, I do not perceive C-x C-c as a problem on the Pro1. Emacs is certainly much more useful on the Pro1 than it used to be on the N900, which had its single Ctrl key awkwardly placed in the top left corner and no hardware Esc key at all ... But we can agree to disagree: Vim is much better at thumb-typing anyway -- both on the N900 and the Pro1. *duck* ๐Ÿ˜‰
  20. I was not aware 4G was not working in SFOS anymore. It is said to have worked even on the very earliest releases (end 2019 - mid 2020) according to this post [maemo.org]. What happened? With 3G getting shut down everywhere, this indeed disqualifies SFOS as a daily driver for a lot of people. With news like this, and the development of UBTouch also stalling, it seems like Lineage/AOSP-ROMs are indeed all we are left with for the original Pro1. ๐Ÿ˜ž
  21. Yes, that LOS option is a blessing. I also ended up with a value of 32. I found the "pointer location" debugging function (settings > system > developer options > pointer location) useful for optimising the width of the unsensitive edge.
  22. Calm down people. It's a minuscule company, making infinitesimal numbers of phones. You must be quite new around here for assuming they will be on time. They have never been. ๐Ÿ™‚ Still, they have shown that they love their project and do everything in their power to deliver to their customers. The original Pro1 was delayed by months. But many (probably most?) eventually got their phones, including myself. Please just try to chill.
  23. In case that function is really important to you, I have got this one: UGREEN USB C Hub Ethernet with 4K 60Hz HDMI USB C Adapter LAN with HDMI, RJ45, 100W PD, SD/microSD, 2 USB 3.0 (though I remember buying it at lower price than 50 โ‚ฌ). All features of that hub work in LineageOS 16.0 and I thus would expect them to work in 18.1, too. That said, performance-wise, the Ethernet adapter does not even remotely reach the advertised 1 Gbit/s: using iperf3 I measure ~150 Mbit/s up and ~230 MBit/s down. On the same network, with the same peer, I easily get 300-400 MBit/s via the Pro1's W
  24. Actually, there is a (vendor) tool to flash the screen firmware without reinstalling the OS. However, it is made for Android 9 and, while it seems to work in LOS 16.0, it has been found to not work on 18.1. See this post by @Rob. S. and subsequent ones.
  25. Sigh ... Both the Pro1 and the Pro1X are designed as certified Android phones. Besides having an easily unlockable bootloader, there is nothing "open" about them. Yes, the community has been able to port LineageOS, UnbuntuTouch and SailfishOS. Like for a myriad of other phones, that is possible because all three of these systems rely on the original Android core OS of the devices. The Pro1(X) being "Linux" phones is a misconception on the side of the media that F(x)tec never openly corrected. Probably as they expected to profit from the resulting (though unjustified) enthusiasm in th
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