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On the pre-production status

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2 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

Well when 70% are to be served, that will mean that ALL countries that has orders would be on the list. Even if only one order. With normal rounding 70% of 1 rounded would be one.

I will accept 70% of a Pro1... provided it comes with instructions on how to finish and I can source the missing parts 🤣

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I just had to create an account to chime in as a voice of reason here, because there is some seriously toxic entitlement going on in this thread. I, as I'm sure pretty much everyone else who actu

Thanks for pointing out before the mass panic :). Corrected to January as it was meant.

Some pages ago during December I requested a refund for preorder, and decided to wait till FxTec could actually deliver. Everything has been processed in a friendly and timely manner :-). What I can a

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1 hour ago, jlavi said:

"This batch is 6x bigger than the previous batches combined."
"It will, however, still include 70% of all pre-orders"

So 70% * (1 + 1/6) = 82% of all pre-orders covered and 18% still missing?

Assuming the spin and/or vagary is put on this and previous messages, I would apply an appropriate level of cynicism and assume that means this batch will bring the total units delivered will be 70% of pre-orders. (then I think we can each add our own personal error bars onto that figure :classic_laugh: )


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2 minutes ago, epninety said:

Assuming the spin and/or vagary is put on this and previous messages, I would apply an appropriate level of cynicism and assume that means this batch will bring the total units delivered will be 70% of pre-orders. (then I think we can each add our own personal error bars onto that figure :classic_laugh: )


So to summarise: strictly reading there will be about 18% left as @jlavi calculated, if we put a pessimistic (mis?)interpretation 30%. At the least that give us a range of what is left as what Erik called "The remaining, relatively small percentage of unshipped, mostly very recent orders ". 🙂

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This formula seems to be a bit strange to me although my device should be included as being with IGG coupon.

...but as I live in a relatively small country, I have a fear that the amount of Pro1 ordered from my country may be relatively small amount especially as I have not really seen Pro1 mentioned in local (tech) media - even though I have tried to contact some of them being at Barcelona at MWC without success, however, they wrote about those foldable things...

So does it mean in a case of living in a country where not really much orders have been taken, one would not receive its unit even if she/he was super fast?

I don't think it is a really good scheme but I agree the part of countries with lower amount of pre-orders may receive a few Pro1's even if their would have been not included otherwise - so that way local media may have some information about Pro1...
...but I don't agree the other part which may result in countries with lower number (but faster) pre-orders to receive their devices later...

So if some phones are positioned from slower pre-orderers to these countries then it would be easier to understand than if super early pre-orderers are delayed because of the same reason.

...this is only my opinion but it may worth considering I think...

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So, again the majority of this post is off-topic, so that's hidden. Please focus on the actual news. Guess my advice about not getting too excited about shipping before CNY was sound, at least for some people. Always thought they wouldn't risk not shipping the entire batch, so logically they just reduce the batch. Oh well, just a couple of weeks to wait.


I'm responding mostly because I just can't stand it when words are put into my mouth, and when I'm accused of things that I have never done. Considering how the ignore function works, this might also not be me just talking into nothingness since you can always unhide on a post by post basis.

21 hours ago, Rob. S. said:

I hereby inform you that you've now earned the privilege of becoming the first name in my ignore list.

Two thoughts about this. 1, bummer, since I still mostly wanted to try and improve this community. To try and get people to stop baselessly accusing people, to not dismiss arguments by saying they're stupid but then not elaborating on how, to not just argue with constant fallacies. By you ignoring me you just choose to not want to improve, to ignore all criticism. You yourself are choosing to make this criticism you're receiving to be non-constructive, while it was constructive. This is one of the prime reasons why I hate ignore functions like this, you're just making a safe bubble for yourself, devoid of any criticism. While this is certainly less annoying, you're also negating all constructive criticism like this, you're shutting yourself off to other ideas, and that's terrible in my opinion.

2. At least now there's a bigger chance I won't be attacked by you with baseless accusations, arguments that are littered with fallacies requiring me to clarify why they don't work, or just plain old insults. So at least with you bubbling into your safe space I'll also have a bit of a bubble, but like I said, I dislike the negatives of such a bubble.

21 hours ago, Rob. S. said:

Giving one too many asinine answer to something the meaning of which you didn't even understand, or didn't want to understand

There was nothing asinine about my post, and I'm going to explain why my post is correct. Disregarding the context for now, it's 100% true that you can't decide what I'm sorry for. That's a personal thing that no fact even needs to touch. You might think that I was lying, but that's impossible to prove considering it's so personal, and even so I doubt this is an accusation of lying about that statement.

To further explain why my post wasn't asinine, I'll explain why I fully understood the meaning of the post I replied to. The post was

On 1/14/2020 at 9:17 PM, Rob. S. said:
On 1/14/2020 at 7:40 PM, Zamasu said:

This post is kind of off-topic, so sorry about that

No, not about that. Anyway, I give up. 

The "Anyway, I give up." part is irrelevant, since I didn't respond to that. To explain the meaning of "No, not about that." you need to resolve all the reference words like "that". There's only 1 sentence quoted in that post, so that's the only part where the antecedent could be, and the only thing "that" could refer to would be the "that" from the sentence quoted from my post, what I am sorry about. And my "that" refers to the entire first part of the sentence "This post is kind of off-topic", since you could rephrase it as "Sorry about this post being kind of off-topic". So with this knowledge you can conclude that the post I replied to could be rephrased as "No, not about this post being kind of off topic".

Now, there's also an implied part before the "No, not about that". Considering there's again only 1 sentence quoted, and that directly referring to my post, you can only assume that that's the same as in the quote. In the quote I left out the subject, since it's obvious it's me. You could rephrase it to "I am sorry about this post being kind of off-topic". So if fill in the implied parts from this sentence into the sentence from the post I replied to you get something which means "Zamasu is sorry not about that post being kind of off-topic". Or a bit better worded, "Zamasu is not sorry about that post being kind of off-topic".

You might say that that's not what you meant , but that's largely irrelevant to what the eventual meaning of the post is. Grammatically this is 100% what you posted, and that's the only part that I can read and respond to, I can't read minds over the internet to figure out if there's a meaning in text that's not actually written there. If you meant something else, you should've reworded the post so it's aligned with what you meant.

So in short, there's nothing asinine about that post, and I fully understood what that post meant.

21 hours ago, Rob. S. said:

Giving one too many asinine answer to something the meaning of which you ... didn't want to understand – which wasn't the first time, either

With this you're saying I have posted stupid replies to things I didn't knowingly fully understood. I've also, to you, stated that what I post is, as far as I know, true. So, you are accusing me of being a liar. Considering your thoughts on accusations of lies without evidence, can you please provide me with the evidence that you based your claim on?

I still stand by the fact that what I posted I thought was true at the time of posting, or was accompanied with a quantifying statement that I wasn't sure or that it was an opinion. Some things have shifted since, but I think I have clarified my posts in such situations. Feel free to provide evidence of the opposite though, but, considering you seem to like it more to say baseless accusations are bad, then to actually provide basis for your accusations, I sincerely doubt I'll see any. And if I'll see any, I'm sure I'll be able to explain why that post was actually true.

So, a long post, which I think proves that your accusation about me is wrong, that my post was correct, and that your reasons to ignoring me are based on wrong assumptions at best. So, after reading this feel free to ignore it and not post to pretend that you didn't read it.

Guess my advice about not getting too excited about shipping before CNY was sound, at least for some people. Always thought they wouldn't risk not shipping the entire batch, so logically they just reduce the batch. Oh well, just a couple of weeks to wait.

Edited by Zamasu
[/spoiler] tag didn't actually stop the hidden message.
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1 hour ago, KingOfTerrible said:

I certainly hope that an order # of 52xx from the USA means I'll be within that 70% calculation.

My order # is 42XXX from Nov 15. I modified my order a bit last week and they said: "The shipping time should be unaffected which is still by the end of this month."

If I use my order number as the total number of orders, 70% of it is about 29500. So the order numbers up to this should be covered. Probably more since I don't think I am the last customer.

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I'm just happy that Erik is honest. He gives us exact numbers and tells us when more devices are going to be shipped. Sure I'd have liked to get my device soon and sure I could tell about my phone falling apart - it actually is. But with that kind of honesty, I can't be mad.

Thank you, @Erik and FxTec for listening to us.

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Soo, I did not read all 116 pages of this thread - apologies in advance - but given the recent announcements I now wonder: What exactly are
 "Those with Indiegogo deals"?

Are they all those who used the voucher from the IGG campaign for the Moto mod? Or all those backing an IGG campaign for the pro1 itself (did that even exist)? Or those having used the coupon and ordered + paid before a certain date?

I am asking because I did use the voucher from the Moto mod campaign, and do have a number in the #36xxx range, yet have not received any mails so far. Now if this announcement does pertain to me as well and I don't receive anything until the end of this month, I then know that I should maybe ask the support about what happened 😉

Not to make any complains just yet, but I would be a bit disappointed if I get the phone after the LineageOS port has become bug-free 😀


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4 minutes ago, Gigadoc2 said:

Are they all those who used the voucher from the IGG campaign for the Moto mod?

Exactly that.

There was no IGG campaign directly for Pro1 but coupons transferred from Moto Mod campaign.

So as of last information, your order should also be fulfilled by this batch.

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19 minutes ago, Gigadoc2 said:

Soo, I did not read all 116 pages of this thread - apologies in advance - but given the recent announcements I now wonder: What exactly are
 "Those with Indiegogo deals"?

Are they all those who used the voucher from the IGG campaign for the Moto mod? Or all those backing an IGG campaign for the pro1 itself (did that even exist)? Or those having used the coupon and ordered + paid before a certain date?

I am asking because I did use the voucher from the Moto mod campaign, and do have a number in the #36xxx range, yet have not received any mails so far. Now if this announcement does pertain to me as well and I don't receive anything until the end of this month, I then know that I should maybe ask the support about what happened 😉

Not to make any complains just yet, but I would be a bit disappointed if I get the phone after the LineageOS port has become bug-free 😀


...i have #36xxx too without igg...and still nothing 😞 only good is that my xt896 is still (approx) alive 🙂   i have writted to fx support and they told me that my phone will be delivered util end of January or on mid of februar.


iphone style " sent from my motorola xt896 " 😄

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5 minutes ago, CornholioGSM said:

only good is that my xt896 is still (approx) alive 🙂 

Haha, I had my d855 (yes, no keyboard, the last one for me was the n900) phone die on my after I ordered and paid the pro1, and then I almost immediately bought a used a5y17lte as a holdover. Turned out to be quite the good decision 😅

Another stupid question: Is the order status "processing" normal, or does that mean it's not even registered as paid?

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11 minutes ago, VaZso said:

Exactly that.

There was no IGG campaign directly for Pro1 but coupons transferred from Moto Mod campaign.

So as of last information, your order should also be fulfilled by this batch.

But wasn't there a cut off date for paying for those with coupons and if they paid after that date, they did not get shipping preference?  This is just from memory, so I could be remembering incorrectly.

I mention it, because 36xxx is a fairly large order number, which means the chances of paying layer may have been greater.  Do you know when you paid, @Gigadoc2?

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1 minute ago, Gigadoc2 said:

Another stupid question: Is the order status "processing" normal, or does that mean it's not even registered as paid?

That is normal (but has confused many people).

However, you want to be sure of your status, you can always email [email protected] and ask them.

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5 minutes ago, david said:

But wasn't there a cut off date for paying for those with coupons and if they paid after that date, they did not get shipping preference?  This is just from memory, so I could be remembering incorrectly.

I mention it, because 36xxx is a fairly large order number, which means the chances of paying layer may have been greater.  Do you know when you paid, @Gigadoc2?

Unfortunately not, fxtecs payment provider did not accept my credit card, so I had to use bank transfer (and thus I have no idea as to when they registered the payment).

EDIT: So, when there is a cutoff for that I should probably not get my hopes up.

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5 minutes ago, david said:

But wasn't there a cut off date for paying for those with coupons and if they paid after that date, they did not get shipping preference?

As far as I know, every order with IGG coupon applied and payed should have shipping preference... however, if the number 10 order was payed after very first batch has shipped then that order was definitively delayed... 🙂

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2 hours ago, Gigadoc2 said:

Haha, I had my d855 (yes, no keyboard, the last one for me was the n900) phone die on my after I ordered and paid the pro1, and then I almost immediately bought a used a5y17lte as a holdover. Turned out to be quite the good decision 😅

Another stupid question: Is the order status "processing" normal, or does that mean it's not even registered as paid?

My one dropped down and screen broken totally... But i canot buy insted Using the same broken ...in hope....pro1 one will deliver...but I get only false promises.

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3 hours ago, CornholioGSM said:

...i have #36xxx too without igg...and still nothing 😞 only good is that my xt896 is still (approx) alive 🙂   i have writted to fx support and they told me that my phone will be delivered util end of January or on mid of februar.


iphone style " sent from my motorola xt896 " 😄

I feel you. I got ~38xxx and the support continuously promised (it weren't just expectations) that it will come in October, then November, later by Christmas and after that in January. But this is the first time that we get actual information and with the numbers I really believe that we will get our phone next month. Still a long wait, but it comes to an end.

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16 hours ago, Erik said:

Whether it's a country with low interest or not, this formula keeps it fair for everyone. If it was only done in order of payments, the smaller countries may have to wait for a while, as not everyone was awake when we started accepting payments :).

I have not understood all implications of the formula. From the quote above, I understand that it is a move to take into consideration the different time zones and to add fairness to the process. Seems like a nice move.

That they had to develop such a formula seems also to indicate that not all pre-order done before 31st July and paid at the beginning of August will be covered by the batch. Pre-orders done before 31st July seems to be more than 70% of the total number of pre-orders.


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