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On the pre-production status

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Could people please start to disclose at least the first 2 digits of their order numbers (e.g.: 19xxx) again, when they receive, or are assigned a tracking number? Kinda nice to see, at what stage FX is with their deliveries (I am aware that there are many internal factors possibly playing in, but it would still show, at what stage deliveries are). Would also act as a mental balm 😄

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I just had to create an account to chime in as a voice of reason here, because there is some seriously toxic entitlement going on in this thread. I, as I'm sure pretty much everyone else who actu

Thanks for pointing out before the mass panic :). Corrected to January as it was meant.

Some pages ago during December I requested a refund for preorder, and decided to wait till FxTec could actually deliver. Everything has been processed in a friendly and timely manner :-). What I can a

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8 minutes ago, NokiaN900Nerd said:

Could people please start to disclose at least the first 2 digits of their order numbers (e.g.: 19xxx) again, when they receive, or are assigned a tracking number? Kinda nice to see, at what stage FX is with their deliveries (I am aware that there are many internal factors possibly playing in, but it would still show, at what stage deliveries are). Would also act as a mental balm 😄

Just a note... last batch seems to be mostly QWERTZ phones which were on hold for a while, so these numbers may be much lower than those which will be shipped next time.

So don't worry if you also see numbers in the 3xx range. 😄

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1 hour ago, VaZso said:

Just a note... last batch seems to be mostly QWERTZ phones which were on hold for a while, so these numbers may be much lower than those which will be shipped next time.

So don't worry if you also see numbers in the 3xx range. 😄

That's what I meant, the numbers cannot be taken into account 100 percent, but even if you have a couple weird ones, a general pattern is visible (need a pro 1, autocorrect is slowly sending my sanity down the river Styx...)

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It's finally here! Mine is the 335th specimen.


My only problem so far is really just the unlucky fingeprint reader placement. I assume a good case should solve that.

I really want to get something like this:


Other than this, I slapped the BB Launcher on because the basic Pie one is just atrocious. I haven't finished setting up everything yet but overall I am satisfied.

Edited by Tsunero
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22 minutes ago, Tsunero said:

My only problem so far is really just the unlucky fingeprint reader placement. I assume a good case should solve that.

I really want to get something like this

See that thread about cases:


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If it's delivered earlier, no one's gonna care about MediaTek 🤗.

I owned Unihertz Jelly Pro and Atom. No complaints from me on performance. Sure, OS-support should be tricky. But, it could very well take a bite out of FxTec's share in this niche market.
Keyboard looks very Psion, which I personally loved. And isn't this their third iteration? So time-to-market could be short.

Nonetheless... I will keep on supporting FxTec.
When can I pre-order the Pro2? 🤣

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30 minutes ago, DieBruine said:

And isn't this their third iteration? So time-to-market could be short.

March 2021 is their crowdfunding target date. And take those with a bit more than just a grain of salt. Not all Cosmo Communicator backers have their device yet either (though they have shipped more devices than Fx if you want to compare that). Hardware development is rarely smooth sailing.
I'm fairly sure there will at least be a couple of more Pro1s shipped until then.

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34 minutes ago, DieBruine said:

If it's delivered earlier, no one's gonna care about MediaTek 🤗.

Their expected delivery is March 2021, so approximately a year from now.

35 minutes ago, DieBruine said:

Keyboard looks very Psion, which I personally loved. And isn't this their third iteration? So time-to-market could be short.

Yes - it looks to be an interesting product anyway, but as I heard, support of their older devices are not very good.
I hope F(x)tec will be better regarding this.

37 minutes ago, DieBruine said:

Nonetheless... I will keep on supporting FxTec.
When can I pre-order the Pro2? 🤣

Same here, I hope they will have a Pro2 even if it is going to production after two years from now.
I would also support F(x)tec if they keep this form factor, so a similar outfit.

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8 minutes ago, Vission said:

"It's finally here! Mine is the 335th specimen." 

Does that mean they have only made less than 500 units of the phone so far?

Actually no, I think in the serial number topic there was someone with 1k. I think what happened here is that most of my unit was "reserved" early due to my preorder but there was no qwertz keyboard available so it was put on hold.

Or, qwerty and qwertz units are counted separately in production would be my other guess.

Edited by Tsunero
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This is some next-level bad PR. Shame really.

Apart from the shitty camera software and sometimes wonky Bluetooth I absolutely love the Pro1. Now if I could just get my hands on the rest... 🧐

Order Date Status Total Actions
#238xx July 29, 2019 Processing 1,964.99 EUR charged at a future date for 3 items Deliver!!!
#55xx February 28, 2019 Completed 667.00 EUR charged at a future date for 1 item  
Edited by DieBruine
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10 hours ago, OliverTypes said:

s reactions name GIF

I prever vague statements instead of promises honestly. And even vague mails show that they haven't forgot us.

Remember those "will be shipped before [august, september, october, november, christmas, new year, january, february]" mails which we got every month? I hated those.

Now at least we know that we don't know when to receive it. This feels better than broken promises and expectations every couple of werks.

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3 hours ago, SchattengestaIt said:

I prever vague statements instead of promises honestly. And even vague mails show that they haven't forgot us.

Remember those "will be shipped before [august, september, october, november, christmas, new year, january, february]" mails which we got every month? I hated those.

Now at least we know that we don't know when to receive it. This feels better than broken promises and expectations every couple of werks.

Naturally, I would prefer the mail with the exact delivery date over anything, but I also thought rather well of this mail today: just the simple information, that production is up again, and rolling, not feeling forgotten. They're trying and working.

To the people complaining about every step on the way: You got too much time on your hands. Keep in mind, you are waiting on a phone(non essential), not a kidney donation or heart transplant. Even when you have it, your life will not revolve around the phone 24/7, neither should it.

I bought from a startup, I will try to be patient, maybe sometimes annoyed, too, it happens. However, if you cannot be patient with such a product, and ruin your nerves on a daily basis over such a trivial item, just order a mainstream phone, your health is more important.

If I should never receive my phone, I'll just be disappointed for a day or 2, but that's that. Can still gag over camera lenses 😄

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15 hours ago, Rob. S. said:


We just wanted to let you know that Pro1 production is well 
underway, and we expect to ship more units over the next few weeks.

Continued restrictions on the movement of goods around China has 
resulted in some processes taking longer than anticipated and at 
slightly higher costs, but overall the situation in China is 
improving and we now have almost 100% of our factory staff back 
to work. This means that we can ramp up production as we work our
way through the backlog of orders pre Covid-19. 

As always, thank you for your continued patience and support.


Team F(x)tec


Thanks, moved your comment to the locked thread

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On Dec 17 update it was told the production rate was ramped up. On Jan 17 Erik mentioned the batch was "6x bigger than the previous batches combined" and that they had produced 70% of the pre-orders.

So 60% of pre-orders was produced in 5 weeks. While Fxtec cannot forecast, I can. Even at half the rate achived at January they should be able to produce remaining 30% of the pre-orders in 5 weeks. 🙂

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@jlavi If I remember correctly, those 70% were never completed and I think they were even missed by a big margin. However, I don't have the thread/post at hand that would support my theory so it might be wrong.

Anyways: If you don't get your parts, your whole calculation won't work out. I expect my phone to arrive in at least one or two months from now even if they ramped up production a lot. Not that I wouldn't take it if it was sent at this exact moment...

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Sure, having some exact delivery date might not be realistic these days for some relatively new company. But on the other hand, the communication might have been better. Today's communication is rather like „we are doing our best“ and virtually nothing more. They also use phrases like “few devices”, which gives us just a little information. OK, I see that the number of produced might be secret and it is OK. But maybe some information like “all devices ordered on XX. YY. ZZZZ and sooner are shipped” or maybe “Your device is expected to be shipped on XX. YY. ZZZZ. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the shipping date in the current situation.”. This would bring much more valuable information


After all, i don't care if F(X)tec has shipped today just one device, one hundred devices or one thousand devices. Even if I had the exact number of devices shipped today, it is kind of useless without some more information like number of units that are to be delivered before my device.

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@v6akSorry, but how exactly was the information better back then? We have heard from them once a month (now almost once a week), were given immense promises (shipping starts at x, shipping is completed by x) and haven't heard of any problems until... well, until the deadline was passed and we got another delay.

Too much information also inherets the risk that people leave the boat fearing that those problems will cost too much time. So it's a risky game to still provide us with some information.


For me, this is better. I don't feel forgotten nor do I feel like they were lying to us. And since they can't make any promises in these times, they just avoid them. I'm happy with that kind of information although it won't change the delivery date.

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