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On the pre-production status

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On 5/13/2020 at 7:05 PM, VaZso said:

Yes - it looks to be an interesting product anyway, but as I heard, support of their older devices are not very good

Yes, I can confirm it 😞 My Gemini PDA runs Android 8, which was released in 2018. No newer firmware and security patches...

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I just had to create an account to chime in as a voice of reason here, because there is some seriously toxic entitlement going on in this thread. I, as I'm sure pretty much everyone else who actu

Thanks for pointing out before the mass panic :). Corrected to January as it was meant.

Some pages ago during December I requested a refund for preorder, and decided to wait till FxTec could actually deliver. Everything has been processed in a friendly and timely manner :-). What I can a

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On 5/16/2020 at 12:02 AM, FBela said:

Yes, I can confirm it 😞 My Gemini PDA runs Android 8, which was released in 2018. No newer firmware and security patches...

Wondering, if the Cosmo comminate is being supported any better. Also, heard that they don't have the strongest assemblage quality for their products, if they do react, if hardware has problems...

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I have no complaints about the quality of the assembly of the Gemini, I had no problem with it either. But due to a lack of software support, I didn’t order either Cosmo or Astro. That’s why the Pro1 looked very promising, but I couldn’t make friendship with the rounded display. Maybe I will give it a try with Unihertz Titan as long as Pro2 comes out :)

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Honestly speaking, in my experience, the most likely thing to happen when a company is unable to get the products shipped to customers who have already paid is that they run out of money and go bust. Their Chinese supplier will ship only after full payment I am sure (from own experience). And if they no longer have enough liquidity, well tough luck.

Result: Those who haven't received their product yet will never get it. Those who have are stuck with zero updates and support.

I sure hope it's different in this case, but it feels like that to me now.

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2 hours ago, ohkami_b said:

I sure hope it's different in this case, but it feels like that to me now.

What you wrote is a worst case scenario and I hope it will not be true and they have enough liquidity.

It is true the situation is unfortunately affects profit but they are still live and working - otherwise they would have not been able to ship devices in the meantime or update their website's code.

So I am optimistic.

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13 hours ago, VaZso said:

What you wrote is a worst case scenario and I hope it will not be true and they have enough liquidity.

In some  Nth worst case scenario the company would be able to stay afloat and fill its obligations but speculations about its well-being would creep into discussion boards.

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On 5/18/2020 at 8:43 PM, ohkami_b said:

Honestly speaking, in my experience, the most likely thing to happen when a company is unable to get the products shipped to customers who have already paid is that they run out of money and go bust. Their Chinese supplier will ship only after full payment I am sure (from own experience). And if they no longer have enough liquidity, well tough luck.

Result: Those who haven't received their product yet will never get it. Those who have are stuck with zero updates and support.

I sure hope it's different in this case, but it feels like that to me now.

Beside, thanks to corona, things having become even slower than they've already been last year, I don't see any signs to back such pessimism. Actually the signs there are point to the contrary, as at least a few of those who hadn't received their product until a few days ago now got theirs. This is clearly a sign that there is a factory and phones are coming out of it. 

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On 5/18/2020 at 8:43 PM, ohkami_b said:

Honestly speaking, in my experience, the most likely thing to happen when a company is unable to get the products shipped to customers who have already paid is that they run out of money and go bust. Their Chinese supplier will ship only after full payment I am sure (from own experience). And if they no longer have enough liquidity, well tough luck.

Result: Those who haven't received their product yet will never get it. Those who have are stuck with zero updates and support.

I sure hope it's different in this case, but it feels like that to me now.

Only two solutions to that dilemma:

1. Patience

2. Start building your own keyboard phone, too

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While I fully understand the fears and the scenarios are entirely possible, I don't really understand the timing. Now, after they shipped new devices and after they informed us that they ramped up production entirely, now you are complaining and saying that they get bankrupt.

That doesn't really make sense to me.


Also, spreading such theories can very well lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy since more cancelled orders further affect the liquidity and profit range. Do refund if you don't trust them anymore, but don't destroy it for others.

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21 hours ago, SchattengestaIt said:

after they informed us that they ramped up production entirely

I don't think they've said that. Last update spoke of having almost 100% of our factory staff back to work. And that they can ramp up, but not to where. No indication that they're at full capacity I think.

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Well I've just sent off my request for a refund.


I've lost all trust and patience now in this product.  Especially given how many issues that should have been sorted before the relase are still cropping up.  I also think that the "goodwill" gesture of a cleaning product for a phone that I have been waiting 9 months for was not a particularly brilliant PR stunt.


I've managed to get Google Maps working quickly on my Priv again by removing all the updates and since that was my biggest problem really then I'm happy enough.  I might think about a Pro2 IF they manage to learn their lessons from this shambles.

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So they pushed out a batch of Qwertz after Corona. That batch was probably (my assumption), made with parts that were already available at the factory. But could not be assembled due to Corona. I know, they were waiting for a shipment. But also those parts must have been laying around in another factory. 
That was what, three weeks ago more or less? Personally I would have waited a little bit longer, at least July.
Factories take time to start-up. And don't think for a second that the small batches ordered by FxTec get on top of their to-do-list. 

Nonetheless, I sorta understand your decision. I'm waiting for a replacement screen and three phones. I will wait another two months. IF the phones are not delivered by the end of June I'm assuming it means bye bye € 2100,-... and only then will I order a replacement screen on Ali.
For now I keep my fingers crossed 🤞 and add a little prayer 🙏.

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On 5/22/2020 at 12:21 AM, wave-rider said:

"ramped up production entirely"

... "A small batch qwertz"

We will see ...




this both sentences did not match with each other....!


ramped up Production entirely...

BUT a small batch qwertz...

....seems very funny


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4 hours ago, Bruce Wayne said:

this both sentences did not match with each other....!


ramped up Production entirely...

BUT a small batch qwertz...

....seems very funny

Well only if you assume that the ramped up production means the total product. It COULD just as well mean that they are ramping up the production of parts and perhaps part assemblies, but only when all needed parts are availably they can be finally assembled and become packed to become a batch.

They could well have a component in critical supply that only allow them to ship a small batch this time.

And by the mention of qwertZ my GUESS would be that it is the keyboard that is (now) the critical component as they now got enough of what was previous critical to make a small batch with the qwertZ keyboards they already had. But I'm just guessing here.

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My phone is not as critical these days, so I'll give it another month before I request for a refund. My carrier is dying to give me credits to give me another phone.

A year ago, spec for price the Pro 1 was still OK to justify (mind you I paid less than half for the same spec in an Essential PH1 almost 2 years ago), but I'm not sure if I can justify the same thing now just for the keyboard, especially for one that's not actually in the orientation that I want it to slide in.

Edited by ToniCipriani
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On 5/25/2020 at 9:31 AM, Bruce Wayne said:

this both sentences did not match with each other....!

ramped up Production entirely...

BUT a small batch qwertz...

....seems very funny


I inquired about my order and just got:

"We expect to ship remaining orders over the next few weeks."

Must be some batch.


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Meanwhile, Clove is not mincing their words:


This product has been discontinued and is no longer available for sale.

I guess they got tired of waiting.

"The next few weeks" is F(x)tec's version of SoonTM, so I wouldn't hold my breath.

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Feeling so sorry for the FxTec team that despite all their efforts and when it looked like they might pull it off that pandemic totally derailed their plans.

Feeling sorry for the frustrated customers still waiting for their phones.

Feeling lucky I got mine just before the factory was shutdown.

Interestingly Pro1 runs on the same SoC as Oculus Quest so there is still hope they could source them long enough to fullfil their orders. My understanding is that Oculus Quest is also mostly unavailable now. FxTec is not the only tech company to fall victim of that pandemic.

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On 5/28/2020 at 10:15 AM, CornholioGSM said:

😞...i got reply now...again nothing tellig "few weeks & update soon" message 😞

Bez názvu.png

On the 11/05 :


So I guess it won't be for this month then... I don't mind to wait month and month, just annoyed to read every month "it will be shipped by the end of this month"... If they told me I'll have to wait until December, I would be fine, I would have find a something for the wait... Now I am just with no phone and still think "ho, don't be silly, don't buy a phone now, you gonna received yours by the end of the month, you can wait a few more weeks". So I start thinking about cancelling my order.

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