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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/2019 in all areas

  1. Seriously, I'm still expecting shipment on the 29th but saying you will send an official update and then not following through makes me worry.
    3 points
  2. Folks complaining about the price are funny. These guys need to make some income if they're going to remain in business. Those of us who paid early are helping keep them in business and if you don't then I suppose you missed it. I still it's worth it anyways because there is no alternative. I mean, there's no DIY to get ourselves a QWERTY device so it's definitely a "shut up and take my money" thing.
    3 points
  3. After the Game Gripper ( ) got mentioned on our discord chat, a few others and me contacted the people behind it, and this is the reply we got: Thanks for the tip. Yes I’ll reach out to them. I still have all the equipment to make game grippers in my garage ?. The biggest problem I had with game gripper was that by the time I got them ready to sell, the phones were old news. If the phone makers would just share some basic information with me about the dimensions I could be ready when they launch the phone. -Hyrum If this comes to be a reality i'm certainly getting one, let us ho
    2 points
  4. There is certainly another circuit involved, Power Management and charging are as far as I am aware of 2 additional ICs. They have to meet the specifications aswell, and there might be the bottleneck to QC4.0
    2 points
  5. From my perspective the point is not that they raise the price as such, but that they cancelled the pre-orders that were made waiting for a possible Scandinavian layout. They could have clearly stated that if the Scandinavian layout were ever to come out (they several times said this depends on the demand) then it will be at a different price. Had we known this I'm quite sure many in Scandinavia would not have waited, but bought the QWERTZ print version, that is quite close to Swedish/Finnish, and reasonably close to Norwegian...
    2 points
  6. I would also vote in favor of unlimited editing, absuse can be dealt with manually, we have report button and I don't think it would be commonplace.
    2 points
  7. Ya, I'd like unlimited edit too. I assumed we couldn't edit pre-migration posts due to something related to migration, not due to their being a limited edit window. As someone said, mega posts that get pages and pages long, its nice to be able to update the first post with relevant details... like when people release roms or utils or apps etc for our phone... I'm active on a few forums and never had one where I couldn't edit forever...
    2 points
  8. You can skip the email if you send me a shipping confirmation instead at this point. The 29th is almost there and you still sounded confident so far... though to be honest you sounded confident each time we had a delay, but things look good so far. I'd prefer if you'd just drop the PR layer in-between (you are dropping some info on the forums here at least) but I guess you have your reasons.
    2 points
  9. Have you seen this thread? https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2340-game-gripper/
    2 points
  10. Limited editing will be an issue once the device is out and you get stuff like community megathreads where information and whatnot will be collected in the first post. To be honest, in most places you have no editing limits and it's not an issue. With destructive edits being a rare occurrence. And even then, from what I can tell, these forums have a feature to log all post edits complete with the content changes (default off I think), so even in the worst case there would not be an issue restoring the old content if necessary.
    2 points
  11. I guess the self-assembly version is for the (yet to be released) Scandi keyboard?!
    2 points
  12. The title is a lie and plain clickbait, but let's have a laugh while we wait :).
    1 point
  13. The pro1 features a shifted layout to make it easier to type. But since the keys in the middle are often hardest to type on a keyboard slider, wouldn't it be better to shift the layout to the opposite direction (have special keys in the middle) like some strange keyboard do? This is not common and I still would prefer a non shifted US-Layout. But to actually solve the problem of the hard to reach middle keys, this would be more stable than the current shift since you can grab it normally, wouldn't it? What do you think?
    1 point
  14. Might I suggest italicized emojis 🤔
    1 point
  15. i can't really see where a dpad would fit on the pro1 it would be amazing if it was possible though
    1 point
  16. Would be super keen for this! I plan on using the keyboard for games regardless but having something like the Game Gripper for better comfort would be an instant buy.
    1 point
  17. well, since idk how the case looks like and if it's usable, i ordered this: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B07XHN46H1/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 someone already posted this somewhere but idk where exactly
    1 point
  18. Your not the only one... Really hope the reason they skipped the email was that the update email will be "we're shipping!"
    1 point
  19. Thank you, I haven't noticed that. Anyway, I was up-to-date in the old forum, maybe 1 day away because of travel. When the new forum has appeared, I have looked it but did not see which are the new messages (but bold topic names) and I was feel later I may have more time to find out what to do (so I have not really read the forum in the last few days because I did not want to miss new messages). Today is weekend, so I has started to look it deeper. I have found some topics with new messages without mark and many more (every other) with bold topic name but read messages (which were
    1 point
  20. Top right in the overview you can mark everything as read. If you were not 'up to date' before the change to the new forum, you can not easily see what you had not read in the old. You would have to look in the top threads, until your are sure it is older than last you read.
    1 point
  21. Am I the only one who miss the ability to see what are the unseen messages in a topic? I don't like reading forum topics when I don't know what was the last message I read in that topic, so every time I have to search at least for messages written in the same day. Also, Activity may be a good thing, but it don't help in the problem above. Old forum had marked these unseen messages anyway, but I could not find it in the new forum yet. Edit: "Community" reputation has also zeroed as I see.
    1 point
  22. That would be a really nice feature, but misuse is only effective if people actually reply, in which case people have also usually read what they are replying to. Of course you could subtly implant memories in peoples mind but that tends to only work if it's not far from the reality which sortof limits the potential for abuse other than by the extremely wicked antagonists who will find a way to play their tricks in any case. I think that feature has much more potential for abuse, but I suspect it's necessary to be able to quote people properly. If you indeed can edit peoples messages a
    1 point
  23. I had not. This is a pretty cool idea, and has the advantage of actually being doable with the Pro1. I was more thinking about support for flat joysticks (a la 3DS), as I didn't see the issue of using the keyboard for the regular buttons, but I guess it lowers the chances of using the wrong keys.
    1 point
  24. Well my thinking is it'd only happen once in a blue moon, if at all. And it would be fairly easy to deal with in most cases, even a non-mod could simply place a post exposing their trickery.
    1 point
  25. Here we get the price with tax, logged out or not. I think it is a US specific thing to show it without tax, as the tax is state-dependant.
    1 point
  26. In some aspects GC3 is better than 4, in others 4 is better than 3 It is matter of one being more scratch resistant and the other more impact resistant. It is GC4 that is more impact resistant We have another thread with this somewhere.... EDIT Could not find it, but it relates to this https://www.gsmarena.com/counterclockwise_the_rise_of_gorilla_glass_and_how_it_changed_the_phone_industry-news-37570.php
    1 point
  27. It's not even that expensive! The cheapest new iPhone you can get is $999 while the Pro1 is only $729 right now.
    1 point
  28. Is this really a surprise? Some people complain pre-orders don't get enough bonuses, others that pre-orders are cheaper than devices for everyone else, can't please everyone at once. Having said that, device might get cheaper later, or disappear from the market completely, considering the very narrow niche, your call whether to risk waiting another ten years for a nice qwerty device 🙂
    1 point
  29. What about a Brexit edition with a hole all the way through replacing the second half of the 8-key were the asterisk would be in the normal edition? 😇
    1 point
  30. How appropriate 🙂 - my current phone is Windows 10 & the only reason I went looking for a new handset is coz MS are dumping support from 2020!! All the more disappointing to me coz MS cashed-in on Nokia, which was the final nail in the coffin for the Symbian OS 😞
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. I had so much fun making game grippers ~10years ago. I'd be open to making some for the pro1. One problem is I live in the USA and this seems to be primarily an EU phone. I'd probably need to track down my old EU partner or even better if fxtec would distribute them. I tried connecting with those guys on LinkedIn about the pro1 but no reply. For a little history, the game gripper came before we had decent Bluetooth game pads. Once they stopped making high end phones with slide out keyboards the game gripper stopped selling and I went back to work. -Hyrum
    1 point
  33. It is QC3. Just got it confirmed. (And no, I do not know what other component(s) preventing it from doing QC4)
    1 point
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