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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2019 in Posts

  1. Hi everyone, We know we've been a little quiet in the past days, and that is because there is not much new to add into a new update - we are on track to begin shipping tomorrow, on the 29th. Some of you will receive their dispatch notice tomorrow, with everyone from the first batch following by the end of this week. We are currently waiting on stock to arrive at our warehouse in Hong Kong, which will dispatch orders directly to our Asia and Oceania based customers. The first batch is being held at the Chinese export customs at the minute. Alongside our Asian pre-orders, we will, at t
    29 points
  2. Dear f(x)tec - Team, as usually I have to explain myself before so that everyone understands what I am saying exactly. I am not "upset" about any delay. It's a preorder of an unknown product from a start up etc... so again it's not about the date or the price or anything else. It's simply about the communication. There were some progress made with some updates from production. But I really really hope that tomorrow you or at least some users could post a confirmation that some devices were send. It got again very quiet from you after your announcement of a mail (which wasn't send) a
    10 points
  3. I can't believe I missed this when I first watched the video. * *I'm just poking fun, please don't hurt me over this.
    7 points
  4. I also think it's funny to watch these keyboard warriors freak out. Hardware is Hard. It is very hard. Communication is also hard despite its simplicity. Too much communication increases risk. Apparently with the update 9 hours ago, it got a bunch of folks to freak out and assume every worst possibility. I'm not saying that those possibilities are wrong either given the "challenges" with trade but the reaction is amusing. Stuck at "China Export" is the only part I'm concerned with given... trade tensions, etc. but on the bright side, at least its coming! Remember when the keyboard mo
    6 points
  5. I am an Asian customer. I had paid on 3rd Aug. Order# 13xxx. Will update on the forum as soon as I get a shipping notification.
    6 points
  6. small blue dot or star left of the topic title -> go to first unread post
    5 points
  7. Yeah sorry not sorry that I find humor in all the impatience and elaborate conspiracy theories posted after Erik just updated us this morning that everything was still on schedule. To me it's just a phone. If I feel like it's too long to wait, I could cancel instead of complaining but at the end of the day, it's probably been 10 years since I've seen a decent slider unless I count my Priv which I kinda don't so even if I'm not in the first batch, I'm cool with that. There has been nothing in this process so far that says scam or anything like that in my opinion.
    5 points
  8. My GUESS is that it litereally means in the order they received payments. And hence the ones first to order got the pay-mail earlier thus also has a higher chance of being among the first that paid. Adjust that with the promise that the (small) number with Indiegogo coupons were promised priority from the very beginning. And Erik wrote that the number of qwertZ numbers were so small that they were expected to be all included in the first batch too. Shortly after he wrote they expected to leave the fulfilment warehouses starting Oct 29. EDIT: Note hat this is my optimistic inte
    4 points
  9. Well I'm gonna make a bold statement and assume that the phones weren't built at Chinese customs, hence they had to be shipped there to begin with in order for them to be currently held there. So as promised, they are currently being shipped. If Erik didn't update us on this out of their hands minor delay, people would be complaining that there is no communication. Looks to me like they are doing everything they can to get these orders out and keeping us in the loop...period
    4 points
  10. 100% agreed. FxTec produces the phone I always wanted since my old HTC Desire Z died. I am thankfull for that and I will wait patiently until it arrives. Why all the hate in here? It seems to me like some of the users in here act like kindergarteners who do not get their new toy fast enough.... If you are unhappy with the situation, you can always cancel your preorder, or just calm down and be patient. We will get the phone soon 😊
    4 points
  11. I will add my voice to those who were not at all pleased with this update. If it should be read like Hook did, then it should be re-written. To me, it sounds like more excuses and broken promises. They were supposed to be shipping from the final locations on the 29th. That means shipped to customers. And that means they should have been in those final shipping locations by now. It seems like they are claiming success with Asian customers, but we don't know how may of those there are, or if they will truly be shipping them to anyone. If @rejujacob is a legitimate Asian customer, th
    4 points
  12. Yep, I know resources are scarce (Or I suppose it is so). But for a project like this a weekly Update would have been nice (May have a look at the Cosmo, they did great). Sure it is not a crowdfunded Project and I think people forget that sometimes. It was totally fine for the first part of the project. But since you had a delay after we paid, it would have been reasonable to do something like a weekly update. Could only be 3 Sentences.
    4 points
  13. I guess it's time to spam my F5 key on the order page again πŸ™‚
    4 points
  14. Investing just a few minutes, I recomputed ... Taking your estimations of package size and a standard 20-ft-container, around 18000 packages should fit. I hope they don't load them that way, because the lower ones might arrive slightly crumpled... But the ship on the picture is a CSCL Globe-Class vessel with a capacity of thrilling 19000 TEU, resulting in a potential freight of whooping 3.4 x 10^8, should be 342 Billion Pro1s. Enough for all of us, even taking into account Eske buying around 50 of them...
    4 points
  15. you always can, but not for pro1 tomorrow
    3 points
  16. I think it's a bit pretentious to mock people asking about where the product they paid for months ago is. I can hold out and there are no sliding alternatives, but sugarcoating the situation doesn't help either. It's been promised to be just around the corner many times now.
    3 points
  17. Lol impatient millennials are funny to watch.
    3 points
  18. I honestly don't see any reason to be disappointed or upset. They said they start shipping the first batch on the 29th. They already started shipping. I don't know why people are saying there's a delay.
    3 points
  19. Finally enough phones to play agent and just step on your phone after finishing a call. A dream comes true. P.S. I think it would be easier to just give eske a container full. Logistics are less complicated that way.
    3 points
  20. We regret having to announce a further delay, but the pictures of the delivering ship were mixed up. The ship loaded with the Pro1s was actually this one... Optionally you can benefit from our special self-dry offer...
    3 points
  21. Yes indeed, you're about to reach a great milestone, the first production unit shipped to a paying customer. Congratulations and keep em coming!
    2 points
  22. go on, there are plenty you can c&p
    2 points
  23. Actually we do... it is the icon usually used for Find right of the Size drop down. (The mouse over says Preview)
    2 points
  24. But since they noticed we are all getting impatient...
    2 points
  25. Chromium babes browser? πŸ‘€ Sign me up lol
    2 points
  26. I know I probably should have waited and neither got a preorder price nor possibly any goodies, but I ordered the phone for its regular price and just hope I'll get it as soon as it's possible, because it's really the only phone I want, because I am tired of these stupid on screen keyboards without any precise feedback. Just do your best, guys!
    2 points
  27. I think the issue is there is little trust left for a lot of people. When most companies say "shipping on 29th" people think shipping worldwide and at a decent pace Here it might mean sending 100 phones to some Asian countries, then when other phones arrive in EU and US days/weeks later they will start shipping there in small batches. This might not be what is happening, but there is not a lot of hope for a best case scenario it seems. Always better to just be transparent and and say when you are sure of a delay for most people to give that information. If the had said
    2 points
  28. I unpacked Erik's message a little differently (doesn't mean I'm right): First he said: " we are on track to begin shipping tomorrow, on the 29th. Some of you will receive their dispatch notice tomorrow, with everyone from the first batch following by the end of this week. " That to me means all who would have qualified for the first batch, which we've never known, but I assume the minimum to be IGG coupon holders, but possibly pre-orders beyond that Then he said: " We are currently waiting on stock to arrive at our warehouse in Hong Kong, which will dispatch orders directly to
    2 points
  29. I'll be honest, this little update came with a minimal disappointed. Everything is "on track" to start shipping to customers tomorrow. Except it's suddenly just the ones outside EU and US at first, while you made it sound like the phones would've been at the warehouses there by tomorrow already before. Let alone that before it also seemed like you weren't fully sure how to handle those "rest of world" order shipping at first, but now they're the first to ship. This all makes sense logistically, but I don't want to lie and say I'm feeling extremely happy about this update. I'm being very ni
    2 points
  30. ....Why do I suddenly recall the Moto-Z Mods..... Sorry for cursing... πŸ˜‡
    2 points
  31. The discussion just makes me imagine the Pro1 with changeable Keys. Maybe a magnetic flip- on, the sensory on the static part, changeable layouts, something RFID-like to tell the device which layout is being used, somewhat like Jolla tried with The Other Half. Gamecontroller also possible, or anything else one might imagine for special puposes. Maybe that's an idea for the Pro2 (imgagining...)
    2 points
  32. I am also little bit concerned if I am able to reach the middle buttons easily. The length of the phone is 154 mm so it is not that easy to press the buttons in the middle. This thing was discussed during Moto Mod campaign so I believe F(X)tec team has think about it. One option?
    2 points
  33. You may not have the time to waste, but I do and can say that I'm very impressed that you were within 23 containers of being dead on.
    2 points
  34. If you exclude Netman's one that fell off, I estimate based on package dimensions of 20x13x8 cm, you could fit 32,343 per container, and I count 1432 containers, so that means 4,534,575 pro ones. I do like the keyboard layout tho... <spoiler>I know it may seem like I have lots of time to waste, and I actually considered doing that for real, but in reality, I just made up all those numbers</spoiler>
    2 points
  35. Last time I used something like this was for my Nokia E72. But maybe I should think about that again :)
    2 points
  36. I had so much fun making game grippers ~10years ago. I'd be open to making some for the pro1. One problem is I live in the USA and this seems to be primarily an EU phone. I'd probably need to track down my old EU partner or even better if fxtec would distribute them. I tried connecting with those guys on LinkedIn about the pro1 but no reply. For a little history, the game gripper came before we had decent Bluetooth game pads. Once they stopped making high end phones with slide out keyboards the game gripper stopped selling and I went back to work. -Hyrum
    2 points
  37. Don't do this to me. Or I will write a lengthy post in this forum why I feel mistreated!
    1 point
  38. Thank you for this helpfull post, i liked that! πŸ˜‰
    1 point
  39. Just a proposal for discussion: D'you think a part of the forum only accessible for registered users for some conversation not visible to the whole Internet might be useful?
    1 point
  40. I had a DIY QWERTY phone in the past. The length of the device was 138.1 mm. It was made of iPhone 6 bluetooth keyboard case and Xiaomi Mi 4C. I think that 140 mm was very close to max that I was able to handle comfortable. But I need to test Pro1 before I can make my final judgment. Here is a short video of my DIY QWERTY phone. Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/Pbvpo
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. You can skip the email if you send me a shipping confirmation instead at this point. The 29th is almost there and you still sounded confident so far... though to be honest you sounded confident each time we had a delay, but things look good so far. I'd prefer if you'd just drop the PR layer in-between (you are dropping some info on the forums here at least) but I guess you have your reasons.
    1 point
  43. Soon available in the store, a calendar with all the inpirational tweets :).
    1 point
  44. I think only those also on the Discord fully understand this last one xD.
    1 point
  45. Even with BlueTooth gamepads existing I can see a lot of merit in having a passive purely mechanical solution, since it needs no batteries and attaches very nicely to the phone. Also it looks pretty sturdy compared to rigid electronical controllers, like you could toss it in a bag without worrying about it πŸ™‚.
    1 point
  46. I can think of a couple reasons. The game gripper is cheap and rugged, don't have to be careful with it in your backpack or jacket pocket, it doesn't need batteries or charging, etc. Also, when you're playing in mobile environment, you can still hold onto your phone, dont have to find somewhere to put it so you can hold a bluetooth controller.
    1 point
  47. I dont't think Brexit will happen anytime soon, but not UK would make sense at the moment.
    1 point
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