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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/2020 in Posts

  1. Order #14*** from May 2019 (QWERTZ), paid on August 2, 2019. Also received a tracking number today, delivery scheduled for the May 5.
    4 points
  2. Order #80**; March 6, 2019 (QWERTZ); payed on August 1, 2019; stock assigned on April 23, 2020 I also got the tracking number today.
    4 points
  3. Got FedEx tracking number, 20 min ago via sms, scheduled for 5/5/2020
    4 points
  4. HA! No. Good to know there are more of us in the world 😄
    3 points
  5. Got my FedEx tracking number via mail and an extra notice via text. Also scheduled for a delivery next tuesday.
    3 points
  6. The diodes are the only thing missing, but your belief is not fully correct. The limitation with having no diodes is that if you press 3 keys that are in a rectangle on the matrix for example something like this: Where A B C are the rows and 1 2 3 are the columns of the matrix and the red dots are pressed buttons, where the row and column are connected together by the switch. Then C and 1 are also connected together because row C is connected to column 2 which is connected to row A which connects to row 1. From only having GPIOs connected to each row and column it's impossible to tel
    3 points
  7. Okay, point taken. 😉
    2 points
  8. Normally I would totally agree but Ctrl+Shift is still a two fingers shortcut on Pro1.
    2 points
  9. Noone ever said otherwise. My "estimation" was not about what they might want to do, it was about what I expect they can do.
    2 points
  10. I agree, I am sure they want to fulfill demand as soon as possible and I hope the best. Anyway, I don't find postal service really fast these days - usually they are really slow here and now I feel they work extremely slowly at lowest imaginable limits (even when the package is in the country). Other couriers like DHL seems to be working well anyway (and Pro1 shipments used higher-grade couriers), however, shipping through these couriers seem to be more expensive now. At my side, I use a Pro1 as my daily driver and I would still say it worth my money. So I know closely how usa
    2 points
  11. Waited this long, I can keep waiting. I would wager it's in the company's best interests to pump these out as fast as they can and fulfill the demand.
    2 points
  12. netman, really great work, and I do apologize for not being more well-informed. This makes complete sense in both respects... I probably didn't reboot after the 3/6 update and just got pissed off too quickly when it improved only slightly, and I just put it back in the box. (I do adore this hardware now, with several exceptions I may post elsewhere, but I was pretty thrown by the fact that the second slider since 2012 was seriously flawed, so I had little patience at the time). And yes, if the keyboard matrix and firmware isn't arranged properly for more than 2 key presses in hardwar
    2 points
  13. Camera PX There are no downsides to this app. It's idiot proof, great resolution, shutter sound... Even the selfie camera takes beautiful HDR+ images with built in stabilization. POint and click - no flash https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZBMapTnfqU1PGdbZ8 Selfie camera https://photos.app.goo.gl/5tVxEohyarddUzET8
    1 point
  14. Yes, I had a tracking number and also had to fill a form for Customs and tick "DDP parity" - it went through so I did not have to pay customs fee but F(x)tec payed it. It was in January, I don't know if something has changed since then, F(x)tec told me to do it this way. I think the current shipments go the same way. I had to fill several information on the paper but I also wrote there what amount of VAT was included in original purchase (in Euro). Also purchase info of F(x)tec website and payment receipt were attached (as requested). I have called Customs by phone and they tol
    1 point
  15. @VaZso Thanks for the info. Did you end up getting a tracking number in the end?
    1 point
  16. I thought FedEx delivered something to me in Hungary earlier but it seems I have mixed it up with UPS (it was a big black car, so there is a high chance for that)... 🙂 When I have received my Pro1, it was tendered to another courier for local delivery, but I am not sure which courier... but... hmm, if I remember well, DPD was the final courier - driver called me and told courier's name but then he called me back a bit later to tell he called me by mistake as he will come from the other side of the city, so he will come somewhere in the afternoon -, so I would have been waited a bit in the
    1 point
  17. In my case it's a bit weird, no tracking number yet but I got an "Your F(x)tec order is now complete" e-mail. Well we have no FedEx in Hungary so I have no idea which supplier will be used..hopefully GLS or FoxPost because the rest are not really good.
    1 point
  18. It is clearly a software bug somehow. Note how the icon appears (but quickly disappears again) when you plug in. So I would say that it is extremely likely that a factory restore would fix it. BUT before walking that route, you might want to see if there could be any app installed that somehow could be affiliated, that it might be worth trying to uninstall (temporarily). Making a backup of everything can be quite tedious, and restoring everything might reintroduce the bug, as we have no clue where it is... I tried googling to see if someone has the similar problem on other hardware,
    1 point
  19. Works for me. edit: although that does mean you gotta tap it twice if the address bar is already on screen, cuz the first time will toggle it away And I agree ctrl-shift is not difficult left thumb, if necessary. But for tabs ctrl-tab is good anyway, no?
    1 point
  20. I like them to be similar to desktop firefox cuz that's what I'm already used to. So ctrl-tab to see open tabs (and go thru them) and alt-b for bookmarks. (I know you don't want to use alt tho). But avoid 3-key chords if you can, no matter what you choose.
    1 point
  21. Yeah, given how I use a browser on a phone, Bookmarks aren't such a big deal despite my earlier post. I keep things in tabs that I go to regularly and then search for any new needs. For tabs, best if it were a two key shortcut rather than three keys, so I would prefer Ctrl-L
    1 point
  22. I was wondering if a new shortcut is needed at all. In fact we already have F11 to toggle address bar, maybe that one should also focus it.
    1 point
  23. So a gent on the github tracker pinged me and gave a suggestion to try a differenet keyboard layout. Sure enough, I switched it to the FinQwerty FxTec Pro1 US for physical US qwerty layout, the behavior has been fixed. Now, instead of long presses, I can hold down the "sym" key and get accented characters similar to how the option key works accenting characters on OSX. I expect this to break in an update since it the layouts don't operate as expected. I also don't get the repeating key issue anymore. YMMV, but worth a shot to see if it works.
    1 point
  24. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you get a device this year and I get my money back. :)
    1 point
  25. I realize that. That's why the price was reasonable six months ago with the delivery promise. I read about FXTec every week, and they give us lapidary excuses. No own admission of guilt, no idea of compensation for the damages incurred on the customer side. I wish all of you that you will not have to wait much longer. For me the matter is now over. Thanks.
    1 point
  26. Well those that do not find a hardware keyboard essential (or at the least very important), would never even dream of looking at this, so comparing it with things without a real keyboard really does not make much sense. This is a niche product. For a mass product selling in the millions the development cost distributed per unit is negligible, but for a niche product it is a totally different story. We know from other threads (custom declarations) that the raw hardware price per unit produced is around $300 (Again: low quantities gives high prices), and that is BEFORE adding the heavy
    1 point
  27. 1450€? Did you buy two? Look, get your refund if you think it's a phone you won't want. They will give it to you, based on all previous interactions. There's no need to keep whining. While I understand the frustration. there are people who have been waiting a lot longer than you.
    1 point
  28. This. No matter how niche this phone is there is undeniable demand. I am glad I waited for stock allocation despite months of delays. I really hope Fxtec doesn't flop as a company but even if they do, they existed, there are some phones out there. Since the bootloader is unlocked the community can keep it alive for quite long, turning it into a pretty "rare" collectors item in the worst case scenario. People say how outdated it is but I digress, there are still Blackberries sold for obscene prices (looking at you K series) and the Pro1 tops them in every single aspect. Note these phones a
    1 point
  29. Good luck with that, some time ago one has been sold on ebay for almost twice the regular price is.
    1 point
  30. Nope, corona did. Not true, far from it. I understand your frustration though.
    1 point
  31. Naa, I don't waste precious anger on phones. I have much more pressing issues in my life right now, we all have. Admittedly, I could really, really use this phone ATM, so it would be really, really great if it finally shipped. But I'm not angry. Bit sad though.
    1 point
  32. I love accent on longpress. I hate that it keeps popping up WITHOUT longpress. It happens almost every day. Thats the real problem.
    1 point
  33. Pre-ordered and had my payment in September 10... I know the world is a crazy place but I'm just so tired of waiting. That being said, I'm still not in this batch, so I guess nothing changes. Stay safe keyboard friends.
    1 point
  34. You're talking about N-Key rollover, which many desktops don't even support. My advice -- as a fellow musician and fast-typist -- would be to play with the Pro1 in its present state and see what everyday problems you encounter. I haven't had problems with the keyboard since the OTA upgrade in early March. The only typos come from my own mistakes.
    1 point
  35. My Pro1 has been sitting in the box since I got it in January, hoping, praying that the horrible multi-key keyboard issue gets fixed. After about another 6 weeks, I took it out tonight, and there is still no software update that fixes it. I'm a virtuoso musician and lightning-fast typist that simply can't use this device as it is because it doesn't respond correctly if the last key doesn't get released before the next key is pressed, which is an absolutely unacceptable problem. Try this... Hold the letter A and then quickly press every other key and see if it got the next letter correctly. Th
    1 point
  36. Well that's good. You mighta been stuck using a hardware keyboard! Nobody around here likes those...
    1 point
  37. Thanks everyone for your replies. Just to clarify, I've recorded a video with three different headphones (including the AKG headphones shipped with the Galaxy Note 8 ) all suffering from this issue: It's good that this seems something more specific to my device's software or (shudders) hardware, not a generic issue that affects everyone. Any suggestions on how to debug it, other than factory reset? I was trying to avoid needing to redo my entire setup just for this issue 😕
    0 points
  38. I paid in August and I even stopped getting the "update" emails.
    0 points
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