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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/2020 in all areas

  1. This is a good idea. I will look into some Wiki platforms, and allow trusted community members to post :). I've just removed the time limit on post edits.
    7 points
  2. Hey, Do any of you know of a good (and free) platform to host a community wiki for the Pro1? The issue being that the forums are good for discussions, but not for providing information and guides (especially considering there is a time limit for editing posts). For example, if you were to discover this phone today, you'd have a hard time finding out which OSes are available for it and where the guide for each of them is. Basically, if you know to search for it, the forums will provide you the info you need, but there is no index, nor much separation between conversation and guides (n
    3 points
  3. Same here, since I installed LOS Test15, shutting down never happened again. And with LOS, I never had spontaneous reboots anymore. Thus, installing LOS has been a very fortunate decision!
    3 points
  4. Restart didn´t work. Going into the App details and deleting the stored data worked.
    3 points
  5. Please write in English here, generally we don't understand Czech language only by Google Translate... Anyway, I think you bought a QWERTZ device and selected Czech language. The basic keyboard of Pro1 is QWERTY which is shifted and that is why the shifted layout you experience. Download FinQwerty which also has Czech layout for QWERTZ version of Pro1 and set it as your layout. It is not an active program but it registers appropriate files and it will work the way as any stock layouts. So FinQwerty is what you need.
    3 points
  6. Will be interesting to hear from any with this if they are offered (or can fetch) the new 20200620 software just released for OTA.
    3 points
  7. Hi. Since installing the 20200620 update, I've noticed a Wireless Update notification (a plain circle) often popping up for a few seconds then disappearing. It seems to appear pretty much each time the Pro1 gets internet access - i.e. turning off and turning on Wi-Fi can trigger it. I've never had this behaviour in all previous updates. Wireless Update is set to check Daily. Has anyone else seen this too? Is it likely to be draining my battery unnecessarily? Any ideas how to stop this? EDIT: Not just Wireless Update.
    2 points
  8. Yeah, I suspect that wouldn't work for you. I have the luxury of not worrying about that. When I worked, I never used my personal phone at work. I made them give me a secure phone used only for work. Now that I'm retired, well... 😄 Frankly, I just don't understand why people would voluntarily use their personal phone for work.
    2 points
  9. The fixes to the keyboard (multikey press) were made in the previous update. The keyboard backlight was not addressed. It is sounding more and more like this update was just to get the properly signed security update out. I'm betting IdeaLTE hasn't been back to work that long and that F(x) Tec is not top prioroty. I'm just guessing. I can't test anything because I am happily on LOS.
    2 points
  10. Thank you for the confirmation that it is fixed. This means the actual DT2W configuration change fixed the issue and the I2C changes were not necessary. I'm mildly interested in the I2C changes, but I have no idea what is wired to i2c_7. I guess as long as it works, I'll just leave it.
    2 points
  11. For what it's worth, the shutting down which had been happening nearly daily, has not happened since I installed the new Lineage build. Thanks, tdm. 🙂 (Hoping this isn't famous last words 😄 ).
    2 points
  12. It is pretty common that OEMs deliver only security updates every now and then. However, it would have been nice If there was other fixes as well since the problems are identiefied (and even fixed by community) earlier. Even so, I am happy that there is a new security update available and SafetyNet is finally working again.
    2 points
  13. I'd like to add a bit unto the things @daniel.schaaaf and @tdm already said, with regards to how Google interprets "security". There is a paper by Google employees where they explain the Android security model, it might even be an official Google position (though I am not 100% sure of that): https://arxiv.org/pdf/1904.05572.pdf#section.3 That paper is quite interesting, they include a detailed threat model (which finally explained to me why Google considers a locked bootloader as a critical security feature for regular end-users) and it is not even that old, it refers to Android 9.0.
    2 points
  14. Just installed it and it looks like the certification issue is fixed cause I can now download disney+ 😁 It did not fix my touch screen issues, unsurprisingly...
    2 points
  15. I agree with you to a very large extent The nomenclature of "buying" or "owning" is not exactly describing things accurate. It is a bit like heavy carrier subsidised devices where people 'buy' it but is bound for some monthly rather expensive usage fee. So it is a bit muddy what is the real usage fee and what in an instalment plan purchase. It is indeed an interesting almost philosophic discourse. And obviously Google have no interest in us flashing say Sailfish or Ubunto On the ad-thing I just wish some clever people invented an alternative ad-broker model, where we as user cou
    1 point
  16. Thank you, now I think I have found it. ...however, "thankfully" they have translated it and I have two "Vezeték nélküli frissítés" apps. One with blue background and an Android-like logo and another one which have an arrow facing down... it would be good to know what it is as it looks strange anyway.
    1 point
  17. It's annoying cos it looks like a messaging app notification, and often appears when I check my phone to see, for example, if I have a message! I notice that it still appears if I set it to check for updates weekly or monthly. Also, the option to untick these notifications in Settings, Apps, etc. is greyed-out. I guess I could Force Stop the app, but would have to do so every time I rebooted, which would be a pain. The option to Disable the app is also greyed out 😞
    1 point
  18. In the above I think you forget a very important commercial aspect: Many (most?) apps are sold as 'free' by being infested with ads, and for some by stealing data. That model would not work if people had complete control and could easily remove/block the ads. E.g. by blocking or restricting network access. In that sentence you quote the app developers are the "content providers", so I don't think I forgot them in that part of the post? This is precisely why they have that veto right in the Android security model, so that they can retain control over their content, be it the App i
    1 point
  19. The Ellipsis are used all over on both Stock Android and and LineeageOS. In this context I was referring to to Settings ► Apps & Notifications ► See all ## apps ► Ellipsis ► Show System. I must admit that I find it quite unclear when they use Ellipses and when they Use Three bars. Some apps uses both...
    1 point
  20. Well I installed it couldn't resist 😄 just had a quick play but checked these Working Wifi (still poor like in android 😞 ) but works otherwise Bluetooth - finds devices but didn't have time to pair Cellular data Phone calls - quieter than android Screen Brightness (doesn't have a green tint from what I can see) Keyboard - shift acts like shift - the arrow (shift in android) does something at terminal brings up args - "Fx" key opens apps draw and uses number to open apps - Works in UK format fine (never tried that in android lol) Not
    1 point
  21. Guess I was never in a situation where work offered to pay for personal use. In fact, we had regular audits to insure work resources were not used for personal purposes. Still, I don't think I would. That work phone went onto a bag at 3pm and was ignored until it came out again at 6am. I like keeping work and life very separate. To each their own.
    1 point
  22. I'm the opposite. I just don't understand why people would voluntarily pay another bill if their company already was paying for it. When work gave me a cellphone, I ported my number to it so that I wouldn't have to have two phones. Why keep paying for my own service when I get it free from company? But the smartphones offered had no keyboard. And the SIM was AT&T. So i bought my own photon q, hardware mod to add sim slot (thx cornholio), trimmed my company-paid SIM and put it in. Best of both worlds. Personal phone but company SIM.
    1 point
  23. Is the security proper on that? I keep getting suggestions to use Lineage (which I'm OK with, my TouchPad runs Cyanogenmod anyways), but I do use my phone for work as BYOD so I can't really tamper with the security settings and boot loaders.
    1 point
  24. And piling it on: Bug with keyboard backlight not turning back on is still there. Seems to indicate there are no fixes to the keyboard applied.
    1 point
  25. Do you mean the settings of "Auto check when connected to" ...wifi/etc, check interval, auto download, SD card update, etc? Those settings still working for me (at least I can reach them).
    1 point
  26. Is this based on Ubuntu Touch GSI (Generic System Image) or is it made specially for Pro1? https://www.xda-developers.com/ubports-gsi-brings-ubuntu-touch-to-any-project-treble-supported-android-device/
    1 point
  27. @EskeRahn @Waxberry @Erik Could you guys organise to remove the time limit on posts edit? That would indeed enable people to write and maintain guides and articles here on the forums.
    1 point
  28. Signal strength to mobile grid seems fine to me. On par with my previous device (Moto G3). Internet is fine too. However, I get slightlx less signal with WiFi which leads to disconnecting for me. This is worse than the Moto G3 and on par with very old devices like the Droid series. I can´t tell yet if it may be a LineageOS problem, but I don´t believe so. The difference is not extreme but I really expected it to be better than a low budget phone like the Motorola G3.
    1 point
  29. Just checked it passes SafetyNet check now. 🙂
    1 point
  30. Yes, great idea, but please LineageOS first 😉
    1 point
  31. Great idea. We could definitely use a community wiki, in general.
    1 point
  32. I don't think it is reputation the manufacturers are concerned about. They care about money before anything else. Yes, reputation can affect sales (ever so slightly), but that is a secondary effect. A primary effect is customer support. And, it is sooooo easy to refuse support for a rooted device. Yes, there are half-wits who have no clue what they are doing and who break their devices ... but these will find a way to root and screw up anyways. On the other side, if the manufacturers and Google would not constantly screw up and give their users more choices/freedom, there would be fe
    1 point
  33. I think no. The seat belt is not limit the use of the car at all. It is more like the car manufacturer or authority would physically limit the maximum speed of the car (I mean by software, which as far as I remember they started to speaking about). Basically the idea is good but there are circumstances (for example to avoid an accident) where you may also need higher speed to escape from such a situation... and here come the exceptions anyway. ...or a better example is later, when self-driven cars are widely available, an authority will not allow you to drive your own car just the
    1 point
  34. Not exactly. Google may not make it easy but they have explicitly stated in the past that rooting (and unlocking the bootloader) does not void warranty on their branded devices and I believe this is still true with Pixel devices. They even provide factory images that can be flashed before warranty repair. They simply state that if you get into trouble by altering Android code in some way you shouldn't, flash the factory image before sending your device in. F(x) Tec is the same. They encourage unlocking and rooting and doing so won't void warranty.
    1 point
  35. ...but there is no official support of rooting, so Google is against rooting. Yes, it should have been implemented much better in Adroid and yes, Android used to work on much more limited hardware. However, the lack of proper user / permission handling is not caused by weak hardware, it is not a really hardware-consuming thing. Also, the main idea of using Dalvik VM was a much more hardware-consuming decision - it has its own reasons, for example the possibility of changing the Linux main layer later (which is also sometimes used by applications, so it is not as easy anyway).
    1 point
  36. I have not completely backed out the double-tap-to-wake (dt2w) changes from stock. That could be what you are seeing. I'll try to get that done for the next build.
    1 point
  37. Thought I'd have a quick go at turning off Wi-Fi and sure enough it pops up. It actually popped up a few times within 5secs.
    0 points
  38. just noticed it thinks I only have 240MB of storage in system settings received a warning as well. also system settings crashes trying to enter storage 😞 Here is df output Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev 2.7G 820K 2.7G 1% /dev tmpfs 570M 1.4M 568M 1% /run /dev/sda8 106G 2.9G 102G 3% /userdata /dev/loop0 2.0G 1.7G 112M 94% / /dev/loop1 589M 516M 61M 90% /android overlay 2.0G 1.7G 112M 94% /android/system tmpfs 2.8G 4.0K 2.8G 1% /etc/fstab none 4.0K 0 4.0K 0% /sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs 2.8G 532K 2.8G 1% /tmp none 5.0M 0 5.0M 0
    0 points
  39. There might be a new bug. Since the update I can't access the settings of the updater anymore.
    0 points
  40. Dobrý den mám dotaz na klávesnici mám posunuté znaky W = Q, E = W, R = E, S = A, D = S, F = D, X = X, C = X, V = C a dál to pokračuje jen horní numerická řada je správná i v českém nastavení, našel jsem tu možnost nastavení FinQwerty F (x) tec Pro 1, česky pro fyziku, US QWERTY ale tu v nastavení nemám jen český android, jak mám problém vyřešit?
    0 points
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