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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/2020 in all areas

  1. Hey, some very good news on twitter, finally looks like some software fixes coming: https://twitter.com/chenliangchen/status/1280900929273958402 I'm hoping that whatsapp thing means the audio-crackle, which is one of the major issues (and a 1 line code fix) that has been plaguing everyone still on stock OS. And glad they fixed Esc key. Hopefully they also enabled wake-on-keypresss (for every key) and keyboard backlight on keypress too while messing with Esc. Hopefully they made SYM key right-alt. Hopefully set keyboard to alpha. Etc. Hopefully this also means someon
    7 points
  2. Received tracking number for #54XXX, QWERTZ, paid May 7th 2020. Yay!* *Feeling confused? Just poking fun. This was a replacement order for my phone that got lost in transit to Fx for a repair back in February. They've been nice enough to let me skip the queue on it, but it still took a while as you can see.
    5 points
  3. [tease] A wild 17.1 branch appears... https://github.com/tdm/android_device_fxtec_pro1/tree/lineage-17.1 [/tease]
    3 points
  4. @tdm sorry, was a bit busy today, finally managed to flash the permissive image. For the record, I flashed the permissive image, did a factory reset, flashed the v18 .zip file, rebooted into recovery mode, flashed the GApps zip, rebooted and got into the wizard. I skipped the SIM question, because I don't have a SIM in the device, then connected to WiFi and as soon as the connection was established, the wizard started searching for updates and after that continued on as expected.
    2 points
  5. I've started the process of making this official. Someone took the time to actually review the device stuff, so I am fixing that now. Should have a mostly final build in the next day or two. I also need to create lineage wiki pages for the device which is always a couple hours of fun tracking down the device specs, finding a sample picture, writing instructions, etc.
    2 points
  6. Is the Wireless Update new since the 20200620 update? The app, com.adups.fota, does not just "shine" with frequent notifications, it also comes with a Google ads activity, Google app measurement and Firebase messaging. These are things I do not want to see in a critical system app! Btw., the app is listening to a connectivity change, boot complete, date change, power disconnection and media mounting. I guess that's why it is checking for updates way too often, and showing a notification in the process ... (You can check and control app services, receivers and activities with MyAndroi
    2 points
  7. My Pro1 battery usually can last a day of average use. However, too often I find it overheating and thus wasting battery power for no obvious reason. I've had issues early on and tracked it down to Gmail, disabling auto-sync or using Fx Service to schedule auto-sync usage mostly fixed the issue. However lately I found it overheating more often even when auto-sync was disabled. My workaround this time involves turning on Battery Saver and leaving it on all the time. I'm just getting started with this solution but so far it looks very promising. Now my concern is that even when t
    1 point
  8. Google has this to say... Use battery saver on a Pixel phone ... scroll down to "What changes when battery saver is on". And ignore the part about squeezing the phone to bring up the assistant, as that's obviously a hardware feature.
    1 point
  9. Services might get terminated more aggressively causing some apps to harass you less promptly with notifications I guess.
    1 point
  10. Battery Saver is just awesome: Is there any drawback for using it? I have not find any.
    1 point
  11. It's not secret. My factory restore tool should do the trick. But, as I recall, the problem @D1ggs had was that he locked his bootloader while on non-stock and the bootloader unlock flag was not set. This is a one-way trip and needs EDL to fix. My initial attempt at fixing this involved a custom executable, and we couldn't get that working easily. I've since helped another user successfully. I ended up making a very small package that can be flashed with the factory restore tool that manually sets the bootloader unlock flag.
    1 point
  12. Greenify is a reliable app as I am aware. It is nothing like Clean Master or other malicious cleaning/boosting apps. Clean Master part of ad scam? This is why you should not use anti-virus or phone cleaning apps on Android But if you are looking for open source you could check SuperFreezZ. SuperFreezZ is an open source alternative to Greenify that kills apps running in the background
    1 point
  13. @Craig Excellent! Thanks for the notice. I was already fearing that I might get my device too soon 😉
    1 point
  14. Lineage OS has an advanced battery saver menu where you are able to select different performance profiles. LineageOS Adding New Advanced Battery Saver Menu with Performance Profiles For stock firmware I would advise to use Greenify. Set Up Greenify Without Root & Save Battery Life on Any Android
    1 point
  15. I've always wished they had options like windows for power management. High Performance, Balanced, Power Saver. So a user can pick the profile to suite there needs at the time.
    1 point
  16. Looks exactly like mine, for me it started being quite infrequent but got more and more frequent. But recently the frequency has decreased some (think the region of the screen is completly dying). Support told me they would ship a replacement screen so I can change it myself but this far I have only got emails.
    1 point
  17. Correct, no hdmi out, to tv or anything else. But certainly usable for daily use - telephony, web, wifi all fine. Lotta people happily using it. Imo many apps such as the included browser are really not up to par with other modern mobile apps, but if that bothers you there are solutions. And if you're already a linux user, you'll like that it's more "linuxy" than Android, repos rpms and make and such.
    1 point
  18. And to add to that the sheer amount of said bugs are actually already fixed already on a third-party project (Lineage). They can only blame certification so much at this point.
    1 point
  19. That is correct @tdm The two important bits - I believe - of information here are that I have Google apps installed (the package you have linked on your site) and that I do not have a SIM card in the phone.
    1 point
  20. Great, thank you. So you are confirming that the WiFi in the setup wizard does not work in enforcing, but it does work in permissive. Is that correct?
    1 point
  21. So I'm wading through all the commits to bring 16.0 up to 17.1 and I found a bunch of VoLTE props that are missing in 16.0. I probably removed those before I realized that VZW folks actually used VoLTE (the other major carrier that uses it is in India, which is probably why I removed those props). I would find a VZW customer to work with to test VoLTE with these props set, but I should have a VZW SIM shortly anyway. Long story short, looks like VoLTE will probably be working Real Soon Now.
    1 point
  22. Well, if takes this amount of effort and time to fix bugs, I'd rather have them sort out the latest. And yes, I want dark mode...
    1 point
  23. Have a look at the workarounds section here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15uE12Yv5nMvIF42U33cY5FQoF6M66QIn00cC876uf7Y/edit#gid=907103536
    1 point
  24. thats good to hear. never wanted android to have my fingerprint anyways. but, basically, my question is, is the wonderful community port ready for daily use? telephony, web, wifi, etc? i use another phone for android apps. i was never able to use sailfish, since they didn't sell to US. and the phone was kinda outdated when i did find one on ebay. I assuming the hdmi out to TV doesn't work? is that what the hdmi thing is about ?
    1 point
  25. I gotta say I'm the opposite. I would be pretty annoyed if they push a new Android version for us without fixing the basics that shoulda been fixed before shipping to customers, and certainly after the first couple batches went out and all the issues were reported.
    1 point
  26. Yes, and there was no way for me to know what had to be done. Like someone stated on a link I mentioned in the post, I cannot disclose any more info at this point, so my advise is simple: don't waste your time, don't wait and contact support if you have this issue, wish I did that sooner.
    1 point
  27. The Ellipsis are used all over on both Stock Android and and LineeageOS. In this context I was referring to to Settings â–º Apps & Notifications â–º See all ## apps â–º Ellipsis â–º Show System. I must admit that I find it quite unclear when they use Ellipses and when they Use Three bars. Some apps uses both...
    1 point
  28. I bow to your powerful ebay sorcery magic. 😄
    1 point
  29. I started a doc to organize the bugs. Feel free to help: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15uE12Yv5nMvIF42U33cY5FQoF6M66QIn00cC876uf7Y/edit?usp=sharing @EskeRahn Can you please pin the doc somewhere?
    1 point
  30. This is why we need an issue tracker in addition to a forum...
    1 point
  31. In theory, after Jan 3rd update there should be no more issues with screen frozen and keyboard lost. We are working on the current issues and hopefully to deliver a build not too long after the Chinese New Year: - To fix the driver with keyboard that enables any two keys to press together (already fixed under Sailfish OS) - To fix the sound cracking issue with some music and whatsapp - To Re-map the esc key back to esc instead of back - reduce the sensitivity of double clicking power button so the camera short cut doesn't launch often And more fixes on the pipelin
    1 point
  32. Thanks Erik. Appreciate being told something at least. Bulging under the keyboard. Potentially the battery, but I didn't take it apart and fxtec haven't told me anything. They've had my device for about four months, so that should give a decent estimate for how long these things take.
    0 points
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