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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2020 in all areas

  1. test22 is up. Changes: Fix connectivity issues and power drain (intervigil). Set display density to match stock (npjohnson). Increase statusbar height in landscape (npjohnson). Tweak camera button behavior (npjohnson). Customize fingerprint setup image (npjohnson). Various cleanup (npjohnson). Note the increased statusbar height was done mainly because Nolen's device is an early prototype and has touch sensitivity issues near the edges. This does not affect production devices AFAIK. However, it does also improve readability of the status
    7 points
  2. Hope your every word come true....โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ‘
    4 points
  3. Ethan believes that he has tracked down the problem (hopefully the only one). I'll build and test and hopefully have a test22 build on the morning (12 hours from now).
    4 points
  4. I'm not sure if either of those are broken. The first issue is you have to understand what TDM did with slant arrow (fn). It is not mapped as a key that gets thru to android or the keymap. But the keymaps works fine, most use Right_Alt as the modifier key, and that is assigned to the key marked as SYM. What he did with slant arrow he did at the driver level. And if you modify that map, you're changing what keys get sent to the layout. I could give examples to try to make it clear, but it takes a little bit to understand what he did with that. Needless to say, when right slant-
    3 points
  5. Yeah, sorry, we have to adhere to LineageOS's charter - and Wi-Fi dropouts definitely violate that - the good news here is that with our findings today, I'm confident we can ship ETA Soon^TM. And good to hear ๐Ÿ™‚ I tried like 10 different values and picked the one that was least intrusive to other users, and allowed those of us with early prototypes to interact with that area as well. Additionally, from a UX perspective - it doesn't warp test as badly on the curve now in landscape, so that's something. Untitled-1.psd OT: On the fingerprint image, if anyone has recomme
    3 points
  6. I do believe that there was an immediate visible change with the boot and redraws from 21 to 22, Will report back on the battery after some hours ๐Ÿ™‚
    3 points
  7. To me, this is an explicit statement we will not be receiving shipping information as soon as they are shipped. Like I stated earlier, this is also what happened when I received my replacement screen. So, all I can say for now is fingers crossed and hoping they're halfway tot the UK by now, or whatever location your area is serviced from. I assume we will be receiving shipping info as soon as they have reached the hubs and are sent from the hubs to the individual addresses.
    3 points
  8. For whatever reason I expected the statusbar change to involve some gigantic fonts - but it's just a few pixels bigger with no change to the font. Nah... totally reasonable modification. ๐Ÿ‘
    2 points
  9. I would not have noticed if you had not said it... So if it helps someone, then fine by me ๐Ÿ™‚
    2 points
  10. Test21: Something weird is definetly going on with the WLAN connectivity. I don't have a SIM card in my Pro1 yet, so I'm only connected via WLAN. I setup the phone on test20, then did some tests (all fine) including having the phone in standby for ~4 hours and waking it up again. All good. Now on test21, after having the phone in standby for 4 hours and waking it up again it was connected to an open WLAN that has a worse signal strength than my own and I have never been connected to that network. Once I opened WLAN settings I had to disconnect from that open WLAN and connect to my own. On
    2 points
  11. For me it is sticky for one character after pressing shift. I think this is perfect for reaching the character you want and it should stay like that. That's also how it has been with LineageOS on the Droid4
    2 points
  12. FYI ... for better/quicker battery drain info, look at this file: /sys/devices/soc/800f000.qcom,spmi/spmi-0/spmi0-02/800f000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pmi8998@2:qpnp,fg/power_supply/bms/charge_now_raw I'm not sure what the units are, but I'm charging my battery to 100% now to get an idea. It's roughly one million at 52% charge. You can check that value, do something to test (like leave the phone to sleep) for about 10 to 30 minutes, then check the value again. Divide by the seconds elapsed and you have a drain rate. You could even script it. Edit: the va
    2 points
  13. Got replacement screen today as well! So soon my phone will be in good condition again ๐Ÿ˜„
    2 points
  14. Well I just had to flash test22. So far all voice/SMS/data is working just like it should on Verizon. I'm not going to root or install many apps and see how it does.
    1 point
  15. I plan to test the first stable release and see how the first time installation instructions go. The fine folks here have flashed and reflashed their machines so much that I'm sure they are used to the process by now, but if I can help in this tiny way by reviewing first time user set up, I might as well.
    1 point
  16. Well, test22 has been up for over 4 hours and I haven't heard any complaints about connectivity or power usage yet. Does anyone have any show stopping issues on test22 that would prevent going official?
    1 point
  17. Tested muting, speaker, numpad tones - everything worked for me.
    1 point
  18. Anyone else notice that when F(x)Tec posts something to Instagram or Twitter showing the Pro1 taking a photo, the app that's shown is always some kind of GCam port, never the Snapdragon app? I wonder what port the F(x)Tec social media team uses. So far my queries to the social media accounts have gone unanswered...
    1 point
  19. Keeping it for spare, it is useable (but annoying).
    1 point
  20. Hi, Strange behaviour here with test21, connectivity is dropping out often for both network (like @Dev5994) I have see screen getting off sometime, (only hard reboot get the screen back) It worked fine with test20. Just say me if I can help in anything...
    1 point
  21. Well, I did what (I thought) you asked me to do so you might as well have the result. This is what was at the end of the file. Is this what you were looking for? VER_INFOTXT V|O|O "Image_Build_IDs": { "adsp": "ADSP.HT.3.0-00386-CB8998-3", "apps": "LA.UM.7.4.r1-05500-8x98.0-1", "boot": "BOOT.XF.1.2.2.c1-00046-M8998LZB-1", "btfm": "BTFM.CHE.2.1.1-00308-QCACHROMZ-1", "common": "MSM8998.LA.2.0.2-20042-STD.PROD-1", "cpev2": "CPE.TSF.2.0-00006-W9335AAAAAAAZQ-1", "glue": "GLUE.MSM8998_LA.2.0.1-00052-NOOP_TEST-1", "modem
    1 point
  22. My time with test21 was limited, but the radio power and wifi would switch off at the same time at least once a minute then come back on, even the "radio power" switch in the phone testing menu would switch to off on it's own. I was trying to do a 100GB transfer to put my stuff back on and noticed if it went to the 5ghz wifi band, it would only stay for a short time (even with excellent 5ghz signal) then drop back to 2.4ghz. Eventually it would go back to 5ghz but only for a short time. I probably wouldn't have noticed except my 2.4ghz is 4x slower than the 5ghz so it makes a big difference
    1 point
  23. I've been using test21 for a couple days now coming from stock, and I'm having problems with both WiFi and LTE. Connectivity is dropping out often for both networks, even when using LTE only the connection will drop out and then reconnect. With WiFi and LTE it seems to switch between them aggressively if both don't drop out completely. I wasn't having any issues with connectivity on stock.
    1 point
  24. @FlyingAnterodo you have experience with different versions of gCam? So far I tried F1MinimalMod2.1 and F1v9.6_6.2.030.apk, but I didn't see a lot of difference. 60 fps video recording doesn't work oin f1minimalmod2.1 and looks awful on F1v9.6_6.2.030.apk The latest version of MGC (7.4) has an option to disable OpenGL viewfinder, which fixes the nightsight viewfinder issue for that version.
    1 point
  25. Oh, I meant double shift as caps lock. I'll edit my post.
    1 point
  26. Sorry I have my hands full already.
    1 point
  27. I did, but I didn't really find a color that equals the greenish tint. What color code did you use? Also, could you provide some settings on how you have set up your own display (automatic brightness, filter set in and so on).
    1 point
  28. Despite the more aggressive power management, to my surprise the Test21 is substantially MORE power-hungry than Test20?!? see below from 3C All-in-one toolbox. (It looks similar on the rooted) - note also the x on the WiFi, Mobile data, the screen dump is taken shortly after unlocking with fingerprint. Roughly at ratio 7:4 or a factor 175% And no, there aren't additional stuff running. I checked with Greenify and Android Assistant and only a few user and system apps I explicitly have white-listed are running
    1 point
  29. I just wanted to inform you all that I received my refund just in this minute (realtime transfer). It took a while but they are definitely not scamming anybody.
    1 point
  30. Nice to hear you got it fixed! Good it is easy when you got it. My first contact with support was May 5, and I haven't got anything yet.
    1 point
  31. Well not exactly, it is based on WebView. For users: no. For developers: while I have not looked at it I seriously doubt it. Fulguris comes with a built-in ad-blocker.
    1 point
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