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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2020 in Posts

  1. People should remember that F(x)tec is a really small company that has brought something unique to the market. They have tried their best and I have to give credit to them. Sure, F(x)tec could do things better. Pro1 is not a perfect device and it has its issues. But in the end of the day what other options do you have if you want smartphone with keyboard? There are some alternatives but no other company has a QWERTY slider available. (Astro Slide 5G is coming of course). If you can live without keyboard then you have plenty of choices and you can skip Pro1-X. If keyboard is s must then yo
    6 points
  2. F(x)tec is using the Pro¹X as a way to introduce new keyboard layouts, but I noticed the latest proposal on IGG doesn't address the biggest issue with the original Pro¹ shifted qwerty layout (missing slash/question-mark key and the problems that causes and workarounds it necessitates), so I hope Fxtec uses this opportunity to not only un-shift but to also improve functionality, especially as alternate OS's like Linux are targeted. I would like to propose two minor changes that will make it much better and more functional: Function is key, right? Put /? and \| in standard US QW
    5 points
  3. I have quite the opposite experience with my phone. I got used to the most of the stuff that bugged me. I am quite happy with the phone. Yes if the keyboard isn't a big thing for you, you will not be able to overlook the shortcomings. But after nearly a year, I am quite used to have a keyboard again. I use it all the time as soon as I have to write more than 4 or 5 words. Yes you pay a lot for a phone which is thick heavy, has a shitty fingerprint reader and some bugs! But you get a keyboard phone which is really durable (trust me on that, I have lost it through a car window while it
    4 points
  4. That keyboard editor you linked is pretty cool... for fun I put US Intl (without shift) on so people would know what AltGr is for with that layout. But of course different layouts will result in different things so I dunno if it would be a good idea or bad idea to print us international, but I wouldn't be opposed.
    4 points
  5. I forgot to post it here because I was no longer following the forum discussions, but I guess now is a good time to show that LXC containers on SFOS made the whole desktop experience even smoother: https://youtu.be/8PnDZtKzsSc I use a tiling window manager but Xfce would work fine too, I just prefer using the keyboard over having to tap on tiny buttons. Works pretty well for a mobile device with small screen. I like the UI this way, but DPI can be adjusted for those who would want UI and fonts bigger; same in Xfce. Apologies to those who've seen it already, but I didn't take the
    4 points
  6. I think f(x)tec should offer you one phone for free, considering the time and effort you have dedicated to this forum 👍 I'm sure that many users would have lost motivation about the Pro1 project if you were not present here 🙄
    4 points
  7. Oh I certainly agree on that to an extent where it is close to being tautology. I mean this should go for ANYTHING we buy in my book. Do we need it? If so, is the benefits worth the price? Else do not buy! An individual assessment. It is very much a matter of what you want to use the device for. If you primarily do stuff tapping and swiping in the apps you use, you are unlikely to gain anything/much. If you on the other hand enters a lot of text, it is a different matter.... Also SOME apps/games can benefit from hardware keys, also for non-textual input. I'm certainly not claiming
    3 points
  8. We could use a 'neutral' label like the yellow arrow symbol, and then it could be used as Fn or AltGr depending on the layout.
    3 points
  9. You and everyone who like your must be extremely naive. How releasing new device where fxtec screams "get lineage or ubuntu!!" can fix current Android? You can't be that naive! It looks more like they are abandoning current Android 9 so users has to rely on community made systems and regular users will be just left with faulty device. I also don't care about Pro2. I bougth Pro1 because I wanted keyboard phone, not because I wanted to fund some startup. If I wanted to fund someone I definetly wouldn't buy a smartphone to do it. Covid did not break anything, you can fix software workin
    3 points
  10. We don't, but users of international layouts do. Even tho I only use it occasionally é or ¹, i do understand people who use it regularly want that same key on both sides, which really does make sense for a thumb keyboard without sticky right_alt - which doesnt seem like we're ever gunna get so dealing the best with what we have. But yeah for my personal use I dont care either way, but for the benefit of all earth, I see the reason for it to be available on both sides. Remember, one main target for Pro¹-X is linux, and linux layouts (just like default Android layouts) use right_alt as th
    3 points
  11. Many of the software improvements made for the P1X will be applicable to the P1 as well, and presumably be implemented on both platforms as they're developed. I think the P1X is an exciting new product that addresses many of the complaints about the P1, and will give those who were disappointed with the P1 a real chance of having a device that makes them happy. Also, ever onward and upward. Grow or die is how it works. I'm glad to see what looks like growth after a very rough year thanks to CONTROL-19.
    3 points
  12. I agree with 1.5 of Craig's suggestions. :P I think only the right slant arrow should be right alt; the left one should stay available for accented characters in an INTL layout. Fx should be used for \| instead of SYM, which is used occasionally, and yes, by me. Also, the right CTRL and ALT should be swapped; they'd be backwards compared to a PC keyboard as proposed. MORE EDIT: Now I read @matf's comment and agree with him so a big bah humbug to me LOL
    3 points
  13. Compare the QWERTY layout of Pro1: ...and the QWERTY layout for Pro1-X linked in Indiegogo page: Start at the location of Q, A and Z letters. Originally, Pro1 was designed with a shifted QWERTY layout which may be good for English but not really good for international use while the QWERTY layouf of Pro1-X is a non-shifted QWERTY which can be used similarly as a standard layout and easier to use it for standard placement of international characters. I know it's confusing as on IGG page, photos were taken using a shifted QWERTY layout (also that is why I haven't not
    3 points
  14. I wonder if we could get retrofit kits for the original Pro1, it would be great.
    3 points
  15. Since i got my Pro1, the proximity sensor (light sensor) is one of my biggest sources of irritation. Both on the original Android and on LOS, it prevents me from making phone calls without inadvertently hanging up or changing the screen brightness. The proximity sensor does not always register my ear pressed to the loudspeaker, the screen switches on, and the touchscreen registers touches from my earlobe and cheek. This happens with the phone app as well as with the Signal messenger, but it might be worse with Signal. With the app DevCheck, I found that the proximity sensor (TXC PA22A) on
    2 points
  16. After further discussion and consideration, there is a downside to that latest proposal, no convenient ctrl-shift-c ctrl-shift-v which are important for linux terminals. To me not worth the tradeoff just to get a dedicated right control and alt next to spacebar, even tho I realize it eliminates a potential modifier and I'd thought/hoped I'd come up with a solution without downsides, but unfortunately no, there's always tradeoffs. So I'm back to thinking just the three changes I originally proposed are the best way to go. But I do see why some might prefer the additional changes suggeste
    2 points
  17. Yes, default QWERTY layout will be changed and there are also new layouts.
    2 points
  18. But different keyboard layout, not an unimportant difference to some.
    2 points
  19. I don't know where we are talking about, but if the US, I'm not entirely sure this will fly. If the shipper determines that they delivered it to the correct address (as on the package) and that they were not required to collect a signature by the sender, that may be the end of it. Insurance, as far as I know, only covers what happens to it during transport, not once it is sitting on your front porch, including theft. Theft would only possibly matter if they were required to get a signature and they didn't. You'll need to get a record of the signature to make sure it wasn't faked by the carri
    2 points
  20. I knew the two ctrl's and two shift's were wired together when I started, and somehow in that late-night revision ignored that. So that makes it impossible, and I have reverted that change and gone back to the the original but swapped slant arrow and ctrl keys from current (updated first post). (edit: and swapped them back, now first post has both versions) The main purpose of this is to get /? printed as a dedicated key and off the P/L so standard layouts work. Whether slant arrow is printed as AltGr (like intl pc keyboards) or Sym (like android) it's actual function should be Right_A
    2 points
  21. just file a claim with the shipper, get the details from fxtec : tracking number and shipper , and file a claim. the insurance from the shipper will issue money either to you or to fxtec and you can get another one. just say you never got it and you are still waiting for it to ship. and you found out it was shipped and you never got it, someone probably stole it from my doorstep.
    2 points
  22. So the email account I use to log in and manage my account is still the same. I check spam filter quite often on that email because miscellaneous stuff gets caught in it for my business. Also hotmail is AWFUL at spam filtering. The parcel did not require a signature and was just dropped off at the location. My issue here is simply that I was not given a notification of the phone being shipped out, everything else I can say is my fault for not updating my shipping address, even if the device was received a year later, it's still my responsibility. I normally have things like this
    2 points
  23. Because it is the same hardware and the more phones they sell the more reason to invest further also in software development. Moreover, not necessarily stock Android is the best choice (also for existing users) but Lineage OS itself which can be installed both on "old" Pro1 and Pro1-X. I don't know how can they solve NFC-based payments using Lineage OS (if it can be solved at all), but if that is possible in a correct way, the best option would be Lineage OS... It depends (on how the company - I mean IdeaLTE - was prepared for working at home). I find it strange. I
    2 points
  24. Okay, that's useful information, thanks. They both are associated to the same keycode (108) in xev, but that may be set at kernel level instead of hardware limitation. I would still keep all three modifiers paired (Ctrl, Shift, ???) and would prefer other keys to be placed differently as described in above posts.
    2 points
  25. I must say that @Wasmachineman_NL does have a valid point here. I doubt that ANYONE would disagree in principle. Anyone rarely using the keyboard would just get extra thickness and weight at a higher price than without. For those I suggest go buy one of the 986876 other available phone/phablet models out there...
    2 points
  26. I've had the screen unlocking during phone calls just a couple times. Then again I don't do traditional phone calls so much. It's been mostly working fine for me. However the sensor is indeed slow to respond and I'm pretty sure that's a software issue. Maybe you need to get close to the sensor without touching the screen for a few seconds before resting your face on it. Pro1 indeed needs much improvement when it comes to call quality. Well let's face it call quality is shit compared to most big brand Android these days. Tricky proximity sensor, mic issues in speakerphone mode and in call
    2 points
  27. haven't voted, but does the letter "v" on my keyboard permanently shadowed (doesn't light up) count ?? 😄
    2 points
  28. you gonna have to file a claim with the shipper, whether it is usps or fedex or ups etc.
    2 points
  29. I agree with @Doktor Oswaldo, but I'm a us-intl user so I'm not 100% neutral. No one is. I don't see the point in having duplicated Fn keys, since all functions seem to be on the right of the keyboard or used only occasionally, not for typing (F1-12, provided those can be triggered with Fn on Android; not sure). Removing one AltGr would mean having two Fn keys, given that those are electrically wired, and this doesn't make more sense than two AltGr visually, but on top of that is not really fulfilling a need like duplicated AltGr do. The Fx key could be used as Fn in my opinion, sinc
    2 points
  30. I'm getting dizzy reading this *LOL* Maybe we should have the thread split in TWO. One for the ideal keyboard for a Pro2, and one for what can be done with the print only for The Pro1 & Pro1x. Most of this thread has ended on the former not the later As they only seem to have changed the memory/storage chip I find it highly unlikely they would go with changing the electrical layout for the keyboard. So I think the natural simple thing to do with the Pro1 hardware would be to change the two independent Fn arrows to Alt and AltGr, and make the current Alt (or Sym) the new Fn. But we c
    2 points
  31. Half asleep meant to quote the original poster 😄
    2 points
  32. No, Both AltGr are needed, just because FinQWERTY switches them with FN, still means that there are two Alt-Gr keys. One FN is enough
    2 points
  33. sure, but it is pretty common to get a mail when the delivery leaves, or to get the packet resent to another address.
    2 points
  34. Uh a lot has happened here since last I read. But a quick note: Remember that there hardware-wise seems to be 64 keys (8 by 8 grid internally), though physically 66 keys, so we can not get the suggested uncoupling of the modifier pairs...
    2 points
  35. **EDIT: THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE DUE TO EXISTING HARDWARE CONSTRAINTS ANYWAY.** Feel free to ignore this proposal completely. First post is current proposal. Damnit, there's always one more thing to consider. That is very good point, cept made me think of it for us-intl, when you want shift-altgr for like ¡ or capitol ÁÅÉ etc. Then I thought the next most likely would be for ctrl-alt-f4, i remember testing that under dosbox with lineage etc to make sure it worked, and was awkward. So, with that considered, I made this.... the one's I posted before I'm more certain
    2 points
  36. International layouts all use AltGr/RightAlt as the modifier - left Alt is reserved for application use. On PC you only have that on the right, but this is to benefit people using Pro¹ thumb keyboard so they want it on the left too. No need to do any remapping of Fn key, it will work default out of the box with default android and linux layouts.
    2 points
  37. Hi! I'm sharing my results, I got a SLA 3D printer, and printed front and rear, On the front cover, the thin band didn't survived the printing support removal but even without them it hold pretty well and as a safety I added 4 little point of slim double face tape so it wont fly away when using the keyboard. For the rear part it nearly hold in place but not enough for me, following your idea I wraped the back side and again used small piece of double face tape. It all ended with something I really do like, I started thinking to remove it and shooting the exterior part of th
    2 points
  38. Somewhere there was a dragon picture linked recently which was in an old thread. It can be noticed if you look at that picture while modifying the brightness - so you may see it in some photos and you may not notice it in others. Edit: Here it is
    2 points
  39. When the brightness of display panel is decreased, the colors are shifted a bit which is noticeable especially in the lowest part of the scale. (So in that part there it is not really modifies the brightness but do some change in colour balance which may apply perfectly well for another display but not the one used in Pro1 units.) The background is the OLED panel itself and the properties of any LEDs. So its LEDs are not producing the exact same light for the exact same driving current, so they should be calibrated in relation to each other. A different kind of panel may have differ
    2 points
  40. I was very much let down by the announcement of the 2nd generation phone before all issues were patched an addressed in this one, and before everyone even received them. Seems they are jumping ship. Not a good look.
    2 points
  41. Hi there @silversolver Yes, Kitty is a big fan. I am even having an fxtec shirt made for her. I have spent the past couple days chatting back and forth with the guys at fxtec. So glad they are doing well and safe and partly working from home. For all those people who complain about customer service, I have to ask you - How often do you contact fxtec when you do NOT need something or something isn't wrong? Do you ever just send them a note to say hi and that you are thinking about them? I do, because I am. They are good guys and they gave us this marvelous tool. Yeah it sucks t
    2 points
  42. According to the PRO¹-x FAQ Why does LOS come with an unlocked bootloader without locked bootloader option? From the documentation I read, it's up to the ORM to decide on what img can be used to lock the bootloader. Given that F(x)tec is the OEM, you should be able to ship with a locked bootloader and LOS which can allow having root capabilities and a locked bootloader at the same time.... Which can allow full freedom and SafetyNet attestation to pass (if the user installs SafetyNet by himself, ofc)! Am I missing something here? Sources: https://source.android.com/d
    1 point
  43. Hey, A couple of things with the keyboard on the phone: 1. The backlight on the physical keys doesn't work - Is there a fix for this? 2. When I click the slider switch option to hide the on screen key board while the physical keyboard is open, the onscreen keyboard doesn't go away. Is there a fix for this? Thanks, John.
    1 point
  44. Thanks for the reminder. I'll update my layout proposals on the AZERTY threads to take this into account.
    1 point
  45. That is not to point I am making. Of course it is his/her fault. Of course FXTec needs to be informed. But the initial post suggest that this was not successful until now. I am just stating, that this is a normal thing to happen and should be possible to handle!
    1 point
  46. You need to speak with FXTec they will have the shipping information and will be able to track the parcel from there. I am sure it had to be signed for? (Can't remember now if I did!)
    1 point
  47. Plasti-dip, its damn great.
    1 point
  48. Well I'm French currently living in Germany. Most my keyboards are AZERTY except my Pro1. Most every compact keyboards out there have one including most laptops. Except that it's behaviour is usually hardcoded by the manufacturer. Thankfully on Android it does not have to be and can be fully customised through layouts. We already have Alts on both sides. We don't need a side with two Alts. They could use Fn all the same either by actually using it or remapping it to Alt if they so wish.
    1 point
  49. @LIMA thanks for the work you have done. So far your work seems to be the closest to a working custom case that's not a hack job of something off the shelf. I will try ordering a print of the "fxtecpro1bumper_notch_v10" version. Any thoughts on the differing "infill" amounts? As a non 3d printing enthusiast (I've been avoiding it as I could see myself wasting a lot of money), my understanding is that infill percentage is how much you fill the gaps/voids in the design. However, with this being a phone case molded to the phone, I can't see there begin much void space. So maybe the infi
    1 point
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