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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/30/2020 in all areas

  1. I reproduced this issue on test-3. I am trying to figure out if it happens on stock, lineage, both, or neither. The fix should be relatively easy.
    5 points
  2. Yes it would be possible to ship LineageOS with a locked boot loader. This basically means that the boot loader would ensure that the boot partition (kernel and recovery, mostly) is bit-for-bit as shipped by the factory. It does not necessarily mean that the contents of any other partitions (system, vendor) would be locked. It could be configured to do so, but that requires other security measures -- most notably verity, which LineageOS disables to allow add-ons to be installed. Now, what would that gain you? I'm not exactly sure. I don't see how this improves security unless
    5 points
  3. There are many considerations to stock/factory software. Here is a (probably not complete) list from someone who has been relatively close to the process in the past but not directly involved: * The software must be cryptographically signed. IdeaLTE has the private device key and, as far as I know, FxTec does not have a copy. So FxTec has no way of generating valid software unless they get that key from IdeaLTE. * The software must be loaded at the factory. This means FxTec would need to provide software in the format that IdeaLTE requires, which is probably not a b
    5 points
  4. The number row are also the smallest keys. I don't thin it can get better than that.
    4 points
  5. Basically, there are components which also has the same packages but with improved / better version. The most common chips which have different versions in the same package are memory-like devices. For example, there are SOIC-8 (-wide) packages which has the same pinouts but they are either Flash, FRAM or maybe EEPROM. Some of them has compatible way of working, others may have further / faster options or basically similar read/write options but differently solved locking of their areas. (However, Flash / FRAM / EEPROM have their own usage area and different advantages / disadvantag
    4 points
  6. As said on Discord, I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what I think about it. Moving Del is a bold move, but the result with all alphanumeric keys located where they should (except `~ but it's close enough) is sexy. My concerns are: - What will new people think when they see the device for the first time? It's a silly thing, but we don't want people to think it's a flawed design just by looking at it when it actually isn't bad at all to move Del. - What are the risks of having Del next to modifiers, alpha keys and space bar? Discussed above, it's true that the risk is n
    4 points
  7. Google Pay might be an option. Indiegogo seems to support it and Google Pay supports PayPal in some countries. Though that's just an idea of mine, haven't tried so no idea if that really works.
    3 points
  8. Can you PM me your request ID or email address for the order by any chance? I checked your community registered email, but there are no orders matching against that one.
    3 points
  9. TL;DR... only thing I got out of that is that Google shot themselves in the foot by making the update process atrocious. Basically they caused the slow updates and fragmentation themselves, especially when manufacturers actually have an incentive to not update.
    3 points
  10. Well. Google Pay is going to be a thing for me again, now that my bank has finally issued me an NFC-fitted debit card the contactless payment feature of which still requires entering the PIN for transactions above €50 – and also for "random" trasactions below €50 the randomness of which so far amount to "nearly all". The stupid thing is completely useless – if I want contactless payment, and that's what I want since the outbreak of COVID-19 and all the more now that new-infection figures are exploding here in Germany, I need a phone with Google Pay. Thinking about it again, I might rather
    2 points
  11. https://www.golem.de/news/mit-lineage-os-xda-developers-bringen-eigenes-smartphone-2010-151780.html (German)
    2 points
  12. Sorry, Indiegogo does not accept PayPal, and PayPal is generally not a good idea for merchants only doing pre-orders. There is still the standard debit/credit card protection you get with VISA / MasterCard / AMEX when paid on our website or Indiegogo.
    2 points
  13. Apart from what @VaZsoalready said. These two components are most likely super easy to change in the production line, not having to do anything else than mount a logically different chip. More drastic changes are less easy, and would most likely require changes of drivers too (and worst case some new certifications). My guess would be that they do not need to change a single line of code for the memory&storage upgrades. Perhaps a config file, if the chip does not report the size itself.
    2 points
  14. What issues you think with microphone? If the handsfree mode is the question, it should be done in software. Also, what issue you found with the screen? There were some users who had problem, but I think the majority have not experienced problems.
    2 points
  15. Do they have security camera backup, so you could see it being delivered on the date (it's like a 9x9 inch square 3 inches depth) and perhaps who claimed it afterwards?
    2 points
  16. Thank you very much, Eske. Your language skills are not the issue and are far better than mine. I only speak English! The issue was not understanding what the disadvantages are with Lineage as an Android user without technical knowledge. I'm curious and want to explore other options. I've just posted on IndieGoGo with a similar question but I think I will just settle with Lineage and learn how to change to Android if needed. I was interested to hear Chen & Co on the video footage suggesting both OS can be added by way of partitioning. I'm not sure what this means IT-wise and assume th
    2 points
  17. New AZERTY layout proposal - that's the one we want: Yellow prints on common letter keys are accessed using Alt Gr, other yellow prints are accessed using Shifts. http://www.keyboard-layout-editor.com/#/gists/9aa155b55485e01a823b8ccd04d00fe7 Original AZERTY layout proposal - we don't want this one anymore: http://www.keyboard-layout-editor.com/#/gists/84c7007c45445b002871e157fdab8cb4 Here is the corresponding QWERTY US layout proposal: http://www.keyboard-layout-editor.com#/gists/c8cd79243e2f4470b949991786952262
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. It is my understanding that FXtec can and did work on multiple software problems, taking responsibility for proper functioning both before and after release. We collectively have no relation with IdeaLTE. That is up to FXtec's discretion as to what is delegated, but the responsibility has been and remains theirs.
    1 point
  20. Fxtec can only fix hardware problems. They can't fix software problems. It is through them but it's actually IdeaLTE who can fix software problems and they are not reacting at any sort of speed considered.... "Speedy"
    1 point
  21. Someone on discord brought up a bug with Lineage I didn't even notice, but I'm wondering if this might be the problem. Apparently if you touch the edge when edge protection for accidental touches is on, it will stop registering any touches. Easy to reproduce. As I say I don't run into it much, but I mostly use it with the keyboard out. https://discord.com/channels/604479731156385792/604551719724122152/771798771050348565
    1 point
  22. I believe the Pro1x would justify a special edition keyboard with blue instead of yellow, even for the logo since this is a limited edition. Your super is centered too (but will be replaced by the logo anyway).
    1 point
  23. Yes, I think that is pretty much what he said.
    1 point
  24. An issue to remember with alternatives to the layout. The keys are small. Except some rare cases with small symbols like for diacritics, generally more than two symbols on the key would just require the print to be so small that it could be more or less illegible, perhaps except for those with eagle eyes.
    1 point
  25. Yes as I understand it they are experimenting with "dual boot", allowing us to have more than one system on the device at a time. And with 256GB, splitting it should not be a problem for the majority. I personally hope for the ability to have a primary Lineage partition, and then a small one with Stock Android for any picky apps, that will not run on Lineage. (And for debugging if something do not run as expected under Lineage)
    1 point
  26. Yeah, I was thinking of the editing scenario. But your point is well taken that I have never had the symbol selection panel pop up when going to the space bar. It's just the writer's wariness of destructive keys 😄 So, go ahead and leave it.
    1 point
  27. Have you ever accidentally hit Sym while attempting spacebar now? (With aosp keyboard that'd pull up symbol menu....). Also when typing new text and preparing to hit spacebar, del wouldnt matter. (Of course it would matter if you were inserting/editing). I'm not sure if that is a significant concern, spacebar is pretty big and hard to miss. Other keys are a lot closer, how often do you miss those and hit an adjacent key? [Rhetorical questions mainly, just thoughts....] What if it and the Alt key were swapped, would this make it better? I was kinda thinking having it next to spacebar
    1 point
  28. I think it's dangerous to have delete next to the space bar. 😉
    1 point
  29. Like the idea. Though one could say that it would be more suited in a LineagOS forum, as it is not limited to the Pro1 / Pro1x. And perhaps it already exists there? And a new thread here with a post linking to the general forum would be a better option, benefiting more users.
    1 point
  30. Thanks. My suggestion would be then to open a thread / a file with a list of apps which do not work on Lineage, so customer can make a informed decision and avoid bad surprises? What does our forum moderator think?
    1 point
  31. So, a few things here: 1. There is a difference between certification and rooting. SafetyNet is supposed to determine if the device is certified. This means not just rooted, but running stock software that has been certified through Google. 2. There is no single way to detect a rooted device. Each app is coded differently because there is no API for this in Android. Some apps may just look for the presence of /system/xbin/su. Others have more extensive checks. 3. Apps are not limited to just detecting root. Some apps are known to look for things that m
    1 point
  32. No, it's simply an obstacle to using Lineage. The phone with unrooted stock Android will work fine with any bank app, guaranteed.
    1 point
  33. I think that was one of the take-aways of @FlyingAntero's post. Some will. Some may not. Not sure it can be predicted, or at least not guarateed. My bank app (Bank of America) works fine on Lineage with unlocked bootloader and rooted. It used to alert me with a warning about some aspect of that but worked anyway. Now it no longer even alerts me. But another bank app might refuse to work if it detects on of those situations. Lol. I did notice on fxTecs Indegogo page for the Pro1x that someone who is some muckamuck in UX for Bank of America has a Pro1, so maybe that's why my b
    1 point
  34. Apparently I got really really lucky with the amount of tension my bumper case resulted in. Not so tight that it's fidgeting off, not so loose that it's falling off. I wonder how we can dial in on what the differences are to make these less variable? Is it all a case of 3D printer calibration?
    1 point
  35. haven't voted, but does the letter "v" on my keyboard permanently shadowed (doesn't light up) count ?? 😄
    1 point
  36. There's no need to be sorry for sharing work, as community we can improve this together now :).
    1 point
  37. Thank you for the many compliments. I feel sorry and regret a little that I was only thinking of the ones who can print home and adjust offsets etc. by themselves. We don't have such a 3D printing service for personal use where I live... I should have tested well before I share it. I intentionally made this case tight-fit to hold the Pro1 body (it should be slightly tight). Unlike other smartphones, I can't wrap whole dimensions for Pro1's case because I need to open/close the keyboard. Inner sides need to be open for both front and rear parts. When I printed the case in larger dimensi
    1 point
  38. Anyone want to bet whether it's the QWERTZ Pro¹ ordered in September 2019 or the QWERTZ Pro¹ X ordered right now that will arrive first?
    1 point
  39. Thank you for the videos. I've had the phone for several months and still struggle to open it. I can't even open it, using two hands, without dropping it. It pains me to say this, but I've honestly given up on using the keyboard (which was the only reason I bought the phone). Having had a Motorola Droid 1, 2, 3, and 4 with a QWERTY, I was so excited to see this and preordered and waited, and waited, and waited! I just thought a keyboard was all I needed, I never thought about how I would get to the keyboard... Also, this thing is slick! Make sure you practice opening the phone o
    1 point
  40. It seems that a "Scandinavian Qwerty" layout is on the way. We can espect that other layouts will come soon after the official launch. But again, a "QwertY-US International" layout would have been a better option than QwertZ for a first product launch as it covers in a unique layout all common languages (based on latin characters) with all the accents/characters available only on some languages). I still prefer the "QwertY-FR" variant as described on http://marin.jb.free.fr/qwerty-fr/ because it just adds the missing french characters (and some others) on a standard Qwerty-US layout. (The d
    1 point
  41. Finally got around to making an account for this forum because my Pro1 (part of the first batch that made it through US customs, I got it in December 2019,) had the digitizer issues, ghost touches and dead spots, I got a replacement display from FxTec and installed it in July, and the new screen has just started to show the same broken behavior. Seems like I'm going to need a box of fresh displays to keep this thing working.
    0 points
  42. Fast forward five months and it seems that this phone never had a working USB-C video out. And just now I finished restoring my son's Pro1 back to stock using Unfortunately that did not help with reviving the rear camera. So I just put in for another support request. Just to sum it up: Phone A had a bad display (stopped working) and USB C video out not working. Phone B had a bad display (glue issue I presume) and the rear camera does not work. Hardware breaks down, I get that. But having to wait a minimum of four weeks just to get my phone inspected 🥴. So, my afternoon will be
    0 points
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