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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. It matters what "English" you selected. I can not find it in neither proper English nor US. But if you de-select all (yes silly) Alt+U works. and if you select the "international style" it is the three key combo.
  2. Thanks. So anyone know how we can have that link added here https://download.lineageos.org/pro1/changes/ ?
  3. see earlier... ☺️ ...In no layout is selected. On the us-international it is the combo Shift and Sym+' followed by the base letter
  4. I noticed that the list of changes page is completely blank (less the cosmetic layout stuff) https://download.lineageos.org/pro1/changes/ Anyone with any info on the extra 50.29 MB? Not that the size matters in it self, I'm just curious what has been added? (Last time we had a substantial jump in the package size it was the gapps that were accidentally included, And I wonder if something similar is the case this time too)
  5. AFAIK not all pre-orders have been handled yet. So neither layout is in stock.
  6. Still: Alt-U, followed by the wanted base later. but could be language layout dependent. I will remove the posts in the other thread to avoid confusion πŸ™‚
  7. Your provider MIGHT have to explicitly enable VoWiFi for your sim - assuming you have not just moved the sim over. Try asking their support πŸ™‚
  8. Do you mean "Prioritise update process" in preferences? I have set that too.
  9. Indeed, but the keyboard drivers of the Pro1 are not part of stock AOSP. So @tdm is not messing with the Android stuff here. On the contrary he is trying to make the Pro1 hardware to work better with the hardware-keyboard support present in native android. AND doing this in a way so what is printed on the keys are still respected when US Qwerty is selected. And this also allows for selecting any of the other native android key-layouts. SURE there might be custom layouts that does a better job for a specific language than what the default android offers in LOS. But on the contrary to what Stoc
  10. Obviously more users are using Stock, so it is either to have two set of code, or to argue that the two Android-branches should work equally. And personally I hope that stock will look at LineageOS more than the other way round. As you say the model of DE-selecting all layouts is an odd idea. With Stock FinQWERTY is a must, but it is a MUCH more clever solution to make the base standard, so all the existing stock language layouts give something reasonable. It will still allow anyone to make their custom layouts. Yes indeed this 'steals' the yellow arrow to fixup the keyboard to standard.
  11. A very major reason for using LineageOS currently is that it fixes a lot of what is broken in the Stock Android implementation.... One could even says that @tdm's take on the Yellow arrow is ALSO in "fixing what is broken", as it allows for the few billion users not using English as their primary language to better use the device... As it standardise the qwerty, so standard 'language packs' can be used on top. So it might not be a bad idea at all to include that too in a future Stock OTA....
  12. Just been offered a new official OTA. I will attempt to let it do it OTA on one of them..... (it has gone up a substantial 50MB, so would be interesting to know what has been added) ADD I: Download and manual flashing worked fine. ADD II: OTA download&update took an hour, but it got through this time.
  13. I have tried to split the discussion on the the Yellow arrow key usage into a different thread:
  14. The thread is going far astray from display into keyboard land.... I wonder if it should be split, or these post merged into a different thread. Any good suggestions of a destination thread? Anyway I think that @Hook has the main point in this. The shifted Qwerty is not an optimal starting point, and that is what @tdm have found a quite clever way to work around so the keyboard acts like a (shifted) standard keyboard, that then can use standard language layouts on top. But I personally find that using qwertY on the qwertZ keyboard as done by FinQWERTY is a better starting point. Incl
  15. ...And can be combined with shift for marking. (You have to press shift before Ctrl)
  16. Interesting. Here I with stock see GPS+Glonass+Gallileo+Beidou, With Lineage 'only' GPS+Glonass
  17. I can get a fix too, but it is clearly worse than stock,placed side by side in the middle of the garden. BUT the fix the very first time gps is used is always VERY slow (minutes), and this goes for LinieageOS too. I have a suspicion that Lineage does not use all the non-US sats. Stock claims that 39 satellites could be in view, where Lineage claims 12. On stock I might have 3m accuracy and on Lineage 50m (And yes I have checked the settings of GPS test, and no filters active)
  18. ...Just ordered a new SIM from a provider I'm certain offers VoLTE, so will know in a few days if it works on Lineage (and stock), selecting LTE only as band. πŸ™‚
  19. https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/Qualcomm_Snapdragon_835_(MSM8998)#:~:text=MSM8998 (or Snapdragon 835) is,towards the end of 2018. Real-time clock (RTC) The RTC module found on the PM8998 PMIC block works with CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PM8XXX enabled. It can be easily tested from userspace like so: # cd /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/ # echo $((`cat since_epoch`+120)) > wakealarm After running that and fully powering down the device it should power on by itself soon afterwards (2 minutes later to be exact).
  20. I would really wish for some more user friendly flexible solutions. So you could easily use fast charging when you need it, and avoid it in daily usage. Sure you can just use different chargers, but the average user is not going to mess with that. It would be better if you only had one fast charger, and when connecting we would get a pop up with some objective message like "Fast charging shortens the overall battery life. Do you need the charging to be fast this time Yes/No" And perhaps with some estimates helping people to decide related to the actual situation.
  21. Well we are in the guessing game here. It might just as well be the delivery of parts to the assembling factory that have delayed things, and if so we can hardly blame the assembling factory.
  22. @DieBruine Thanks. πŸ™‚ I took the liberty and moved your post to the more official (but locked) thread here:
  23. The carrier should support VoLTE, but I have no idea if it is active on Lineage.
  24. On mine it is opposite, they are greyed on stock.
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