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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. If that is your approach to analogies, you better never try to read the Bible. 🤣
  2. The ONLY one that make sense to select is the German one, the rest are stock android (well all the ones I tried....), not fitting the hardware (Neither the qwertZ nor the letter shifted qwertY) properly. The two 'lists' of screen-dumps are NOT related, so the big question is where all these named language layouts are actually defined, when not in the .kl and .kcm? Note that the ones from FinQwerty on the selection list is not part of stock, and should be ignored in this context.
  3. I would put it otherwise. for those that has not already pre ordered, the benefit of ordering now rather than when F(x)tec got it in stock for 'next-day-send' will be limited to getting it a few days faster, unless the demand will be so massive that they will have trouble with keeping up the supply with he demand.
  4. Yes and a couple of them exploded in an exponential way in the last couple of days. Honestly I don't think that any of the items (including the Pro1) has even 500 fair votes....
  5. Personally my last real slider was the Xperia (Neo) Pro from 2011, but it also has a bit of compromise about it, the top was non-tilted, had large bezels and low resolution. And the space was quite limited, so things needed to be moved to an SD almost from day one. So it feels like waiting more than 10 years though it strictly was not.
  6. Actually I think that one would be fairly easy, as it is a 'mat' and not individual keys.
  7. ...And the phone got all these hardware keyboard layout (skipped most of the FinQwerty ones not relevant here) They must be defined in one or more files somewhere, but I've been unable to guess what to look for, scanned the device for .kl and .kcm files, and only found in the two subdirectories above, so most likely they are called something else. Also looked for .idc noticed that most, except the Japanese, have the app name "Android keyboard" under it so maybe they are buried in an APK?
  8. There are, but they are not relevant. Opened each of them.... here a few dumps. Note the size, most are way to small to have anything substantial, as they all start with some blah blah. (046Dh is Logitech BTW)
  9. EskeRahn


    There are several matching the name ExternalKeyboard in the Android Market it seems. Can you please tell us the manufacturer?
  10. If you take a multiple pictures it sometimes(!) changes the colour of the virtual shutter 'button' for an image. So actually it DOES have (a very subtle) feedback, but I can not see a clear pattern in when it does it. First time it was the first, when I tried again it was the third.... I must admit it is the first time I tested this button since very early on. So this should be fixed to be there every time, and preferable a little less subtle please.... And off course the lacking Audible-feedback must be fixed, if turned on, as this noise is a legal requirement in some countries. At
  11. Nope, that says "Key character map for Google Pixel C keyboard" in a comment line - I had the same thought... (And the content does not match the remap)
  12. I primarily meant the language layout. Where is the 'un-shift' of the keys for "German" defined? I would have expected that it was just another .kcm , but I can not find it anywhere.
  13. Strawman??? What are you talking about? I was talking about what sounded like suggested misuse of the creditcard company guarantee before even requesting a refund, try to read what I replied to.... If you on the other hand have contacted a company and asked for a refund and they refused (or ignored) the request THEN you can use the CC guarantee, With the Pro1 you could just cancel, and buy at full price when available. YOUR choice. THEY are not to blame for your wanting Pro1 with the discount, without paying in advance.
  14. It is a principal issue with this mechanism, as it was on the Nokias, that it is NOT intuitive to use. BUT the gain once learned is the tilted display and a mechanism less prone to pocket lint, dog hairs or the like messing the rails up. AND that we are not required to use two thumbs to provide an even push, as the mechanism is a more stable and simple construction mechanically.
  15. Well the faking publi votes public oting stopped yesterday. Things should be make public tomorrow - and I doubt the Pro1 will be even mentioned... 😥
  16. a PS to the Above. IMHO F(x)tec SHOULD have done a better job telling that it is NOT an intuitive push that opens the device. Some drawings in the small user guide, and/or links to videos of better quality than mine.
  17. ...If you are an old Nokia user that still got the muscle memory you just open it, without even knowing that you did something complex.
  18. Yes I'm biased, as I have waiting for this for years. And wish them all the luck they can get to increase the chance of a successor. The opening is quite simlar to the old Nokias with the same mechanism. N97, N97Mini, E7, N950 and others. But it is NOT the same plain slide as the various SE Xperia Pros nor the Moto Droids. So what matters is what you have used before. On the reach. I can ALMOST but not completely reach fully with one hand and secure grip on e.g. a Samsung S8- or a Iphone S6-, Yet I have zero problems reaching well beyond half the keyboard with either thumb. It is muc
  19. I repeat myself here, it is like riding a bike. Difficult at first, but once your body got it, you can not understand how you ever found it complicated. See this.
  20. The job of your local fire brigade is to extinguish fires. Yet you will be wasting their time if you ask them to extinguish a candle, that you could easily blow out yourself.
  21. This is a very minor update fixing a keyboard issue, so highly doubt it affects anything that deep. I Was wrong, @zurvan2 checked.
  22. Nokia have made many odd things, but nothing THAT useless to my knowledge...
  23. Usually he has some test-versions before releasing a new version, but there could be a delay between what he releases and what you see on the Android Market. I have had several cases where the same app is not available at the same time on two or more devices on search for updates. Even the same model on the same net. Usually levels out in hours.
  24. I do not know where the LANGUAGE definitions are though?? Anyone that can supply any input here? Especially the "German" that should be used for the qwertZ print. (If FinQwerty is not used)
  25. EskeRahn


    Yes, and please note if not using FinQwerty but the default driver for the qwertY layout, you should NOT select "US", but DE-select all tick-boxes. A bit counter-intuitive, I know. And this also means the symbols on the digits needs Fn (i.e. yellow arrow) rather than shift - and that is counter-intuitive too. ADD: Notice the slightly odd "None" offered by FinQwerty, the purpose of that is to offer the exact same thing as no tick-boxes selected. BUT this can be combined if you use more than one language.
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