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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Maybe most of us got tired of saying the same thing over and over to the same people: This is a startup, with a lot of things out of their control, doing a device of a type no one has offered for many years. Why is it that people do not find it odd that a company as huge and experienced as Samsung could announce their foldable device to come "next year" for five years, and when it finally was announced it took half a year for it to become available, after cancelling all their pre-orders. And on the other hand expects Fxtec, to predict every obstacle, and work smoothly by the plan?
  2. They could have widened the whole thing BUT if so, they would need to keep the lower corners without keys (Similar to what BB did on the Priv), as corner would for most people be causing issues when they reach for the middle and, corner keys would also be hard to fold the thumb to reach. I HOPE (though doubt) that this will become such a huge success, so they can make a Pro2- and Pro2+ with identical logical specs, and scaled down with about 10% respectively up by 5-10%. (The same way SonyEricsson did many years ago with their keyboard-less variants of the Xperia (Neo) Pro, that is the Ra
  3. Oh this reminds me, many years ago I was suggested, that if I ever wrote my memoirs, to call it "How to make easy things complicated - volume one to eleven". 😇
  4. Certainly. You might consider reading all the way down to the line below starting with "On the other hand some threads ...." 😜
  5. Though I would love it if the Pro1 would sell in the multi milions like Nokia did in the hay days, I find it highly unlikely. So dedicated tools are hardly in play here, more than perhaps some moulds - but honestly I think it more likely that it is programable machines that cut things than moulds.
  6. I think the forum is getting messy with people making new threads that are slight variations over existing threads. If I was less lazy, I guess I ought to merge more not less... On the other hand some threads are getting messy because things go off topic, so these ought to be split - and some of the splits from different threads merged.... But it's complex, especially if (as is often the case) the comment that starts a thread to go 'off topic', also includes something that is ON topic, so it is the comment in itself that ought to be split first, and that is not a simple task to do th
  7. I think the word "neglegible" he used might be not that well chosen, but his point stands that no one should depend that much on a particular device. Let's think of alternatives. For the user that is on a tight budget but still wants/needs a real keyboard, a BT-keyboard and a simple smartphone is a cheaper alternative. Sure it is by far as convenient to carry around and use - but the functionality is there. So from that perspective what we are buying is the convenience. Thus we are (primarily) talking those willing to spend the extra money on convenience - sure there are those that will
  8. I have it exactly he same way, And I have (until now in vain) tried to persuade them to make a firmware/software fix for that. In the simplest form, simply have a logical lesser size with 'dead' edges of user selectable size. I can not imagine that it would be hard to do, and would make both user groups happy. It would be best if they did not have to be the same in portrait and landscape, but even if the same. Let us say we choose 4mm dead zones at both edges, that would leave us with a flat LOGICAL screen of 136x60mm that is a 5.85" 20.4 : 9 with the odd 2160x952. In the advanced v
  9. Well at the least all the whining seems (almost) limited to this thread, so it is better than having it cluttering all over other threads (IMHO)
  10. We have seen people in here wanting it even huger before. As well as smaller. I think FxTec have done a long deliberation on the size before settling on the 6" 2:1. Already people are calling the whole real keyboard thing an attempt to return to the past, and we would have had more of that if the screen was smaller. Personally I would have preferred it smaller, but I think that would have limited their market even more to the segments of old dinosaurs (like my self). Try to think of it in a different aspect: Will the huger size wheel in more young people than loosing old dinosau
  11. The Priv is 147 x 77.2 x 9.4 mm The Pro1 is 154 x 73.6 x 13.98 mm So really not that much bigger. It is actually substantially less wide, making it less bad for one hand operation - though still too big for my hands. On the other hand you get a full keyboard in the right direction. The price for that, the solid metal build, and the 15% larger display is that the Priv is 20% less heavy.,.
  12. TP=Touch panel. I do not know if you can get the TP and Display as separate units, or they come integrated from BOE, But the whole thing is available for less than $100, ( BF060Y8M-AJ0-7702 ), so if either function should fail, it is an affordable thing to change both.
  13. Also remember that not all in this very long thread that have been talking about refunds actually have an order. Like any other site here are trolls too.
  14. One spare part we know is already available: The Display and TP unit, as it is from Boe and is the same also used for the "Elephone U Pro" , see above also.
  15. As you will find out, it is really hard to operate the PRO1 while it is in a pocket of some pants.... so a pocket is an alternative to a sleeve, not a case. And on the coffee thing, just eat the beans and drink the water, much simpler 😜
  16. When the Post Master will deliver them 😉
  17. You should consider some of the Huawei/Honor alternatives also, as the camera holes on the back matches better.
  18. Don't get me wrong here, I'm primarily looking at feasibility. As they dismissed the hard case as a hopeless project, I want to see how good we can get it with standard components. I mean I'm not going to use say £2-300 on a custom designed leather case, that then proves to be so useless in real usage, that it ends in the bottom of a drawer. But if we can get something good DIY, then we know for sure a professional custom made could be good too. The first attempt works reasonable, but until I get some tape or the like not on the fingerprint.
  19. One thing that people in here tend to forget is that many individual components, are not just something you send an email, and have the good two days later. So if they estimated too low, they can not just say, "oh well lets make the next batch ten times larger" (And not even mentioning the economics in that)
  20. Yup, how many years was the galaxy fold to be launched "next year"? Five?
  21. Would be nice. Until they do, feel free to ask, and I will try to measure. But as things are curved/smoothed it can be hard to reduce to a few relevant measurements.
  22. Perfectly balanced, see almost at the bottom here
  23. So you are (now) saying that OTHER people would buy, not that MORE would buy, or?
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