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Everything posted by Craig

  1. Think of it this way. If you lived in a state with no sales tax (Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, Oregon), fxtec didn't collect anything to refund. But you now will have to pay import duty, a completely new cost.
  2. You're both missing the point. The sales tax they collected was in addition to the base price, and only collected for US orders. They are refunding that, but that isn't their money anyway, that's the states money. The post suggests we now have to pay import duty, something fxtec was going to pay for before. It's unrelated to the sales tax. They didn't imply they're going to refund us for the import duty, but if that's the case, then what I'm saying is a non-issue (although still would have been easier for the customer if fxtec had shipped it duty prepaid).
  3. I just read the update that US orders are being sent internationally with duty unpaid. My understanding from the beginning is that fxtec planned to pay the duty, by importing them into the US in batches, then shipping to customers domestically. Is this a mistake in Erik's post, were they actually sent duty prepaid? I really hope so. Or are Americans now expected to pay an additional cost? (I realize the sales tax is being refunded, but that is irrelevant, that money would have gone to the state (not fxtec) and we are still legally required (at least in California) to submit the
  4. Agreed. I don't think there's much chance of yours making it this year; the late preorders werent even claimed to be there that quickly, and with recent info saying 10-20%/shipping per week, you won't have yours in time. If you're going on a trip for a couple weeks, it'll probably arrive after your return. If you're relocating, then you'll want fxtec to ship to new location.
  5. Sixaxis, unfortunately, their estimates on delivery have not proven to be accurate, no matter where they come from, website, email, video, forum post, etc. The latest news said the latest preorders are not likely to make it before Christmas, and you are one of the later ones. Some of us have been waiting years, since first backing the project that started this in 2017. So if you need a phone by Dec 24, you may wish to reconsider. It seems like you might be Russian, so in that case, since Christmas comes later for you anyway, you could still possibly maybe have a chance of getting it in t
  6. I think netflix uses something else.... but any app (I think) is allowed to use safetynet, thats up to the app developer if they want to check that with google and use it for something.
  7. Dunno how they do it in Canada, but when I lived in Alaska, mail carriers don't even get out of their right-hand drive jeeps; mailboxes have to be accessible from the street.
  8. Got mine too - fedex 1224703xxxxx Seems they're shipping US orders direct from HK too.... mine's still at the airport over there according to tracking. email:
  9. I can't imagine a situation where you wouldn't be allowed to use it under lineage on the same device tho, even if other use is somehow restricted....
  10. Bringing this back up. Is it possible to use the stock launcher under lineage? Is the source available, or an apk somewhere?
  11. Ah you're right. Its listed but not recommended. Didn't realize that when I posted but see it now.
  12. It's already on the list. https://androidenterprisepartners.withgoogle.com/device/#!/lxFC2xORT5VGOQd1DUYS
  13. Leave him cookies and beer, he'll be back to your house first next year!!
  14. Ok so if I interpret right, #1 is first batch who already got their device. #2 is second batch, people assigned stock and waiting for tracking. # 3 is for US people assigned stock twice and waiting for tracking (previous first batch now part of second batch)
  15. Not saying you aren't right, but has this been posted by anyone official yet, or still just speculation? Last thing official I read is they're still trying to ship all pre-orders before Christmas... not just IGG backers...
  16. Have noticed some new users active on the forum, figured it was time to bump this. 36 users online and 104 offline right now. There is a chat room that welcomes random chat on any topic (including pro1), plus other rooms dedicated to just pro1 topics. Occasionally a useful or interesting message is 'pinned' in these rooms, so others can see what they might have missed. You can run it straight from a web browser, or get a dedicated app/client for many OS/devices.
  17. I can think of one reason I certainly wouldn't mind deep flash; if it involved the installation of a multi-boot bootloader. It would be great to have stock, LOS, SFOS, and whatever porters/devs come up with next, all on the same device.
  18. Yes. Any OTG adapter/hub should work for USB mouse; bluetooth mouse also works.
  19. I think you need to buy/make a cable too... https://www.ebay.com/itm/EDL-2-IN-1-CABLE-USB-MICRO-TYPE-C-DEEP-FLASH-MODE-Z3X-INFINITY-FALCON-NCK/223514622704
  20. maybe someone who uses a smartwatch and bluetooth headset and keeps it in a backback/briefcase/purse, for the occasional time they need a terminal/computer when they didn't expect it but happy to have it? It seems cool, but I don't want one myself, I prefer a decent sized laptop (17" w/full-size keyboard) and a small keyboard smartphone (5.25-5.5" Pro²).
  21. Got another stock assigned email today (US, IGG, first batch). It suggested tracking numbers coming within the next week.
  22. No offense intended. I certainly don't know anything more about the auction, just speculating. But you did mention paying $3k earlier.
  23. Unless you saw a different listing, the one on ebay was an auction with like 65$ shipping and a starting price of $700, plus a make an offer. The auction woulda ended tomorrow, and most people don't even start bidding til the last day.... I'd imagine it'd be well over $1000 by the end if the auction had of come, but it appears they took someones offer already, maybe someone like kashif who offered $3k previously and now $2k.
  24. Any way to get them to update the marketing name to Pro¹ ? Not that it matters, but would look cooler in the play store device list.... I'm assuming that's the name that comes up when you install something from play store using pc and it asks which device...
  25. And someone skilled enough can intercept the OTA, unpack it and update the flashall, if fxtec doesn't do it for us.
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