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On the pre-production status

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....I see this as just another variant of what we have in the extremely long threads: Guesses and assumptions bordering conspiracy theories made on insufficient facts.

Could more facts have prevented people from entering this mess? Sure!

I have no idea why they have not given more info and quicker. My personal guess is that they simply are too few people too busy with getting the phones out to everyone, to really waste time attempting to countering conspiracy theories. But that is just a guess, And I know others in here have other guesses bordering conspiracy theories. I have not heard evil aliens from Mars mentioned as the reason (yet?) - but might just be me not reading all...

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I just had to create an account to chime in as a voice of reason here, because there is some seriously toxic entitlement going on in this thread. I, as I'm sure pretty much everyone else who actu

Thanks for pointing out before the mass panic :). Corrected to January as it was meant.

Some pages ago during December I requested a refund for preorder, and decided to wait till FxTec could actually deliver. Everything has been processed in a friendly and timely manner :-). What I can a

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So if they ship directly from China what about VAT and customs costs? Will I have to pay that yet AGAIN? Because if yes that will turn this 650 euro phone into a near 850 one for me...and I am not having that.


Also, still no assigment nor tracking number e-mail. I am getting really fed up and support was yet again heavily misinformed.

Edited by Tsunero
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1 hour ago, A Dude said:

not to be mean or anything - but seriously - if you are THAT short on money, you really should not waste it on an expensive phone. There is NOTHING a 200€ phone + 30€ BT-keyboard cannot do what the pro1 could. The only difference is convenience.

Really - using a credit to buy a phone is a very bad decision. You should ask for a refund, no matter the delivery time!


Though I agree in the principle, who are we to say what people should use their money for? Sure it is just convenience, But that convenience could be very valuable for some.

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26 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

Though I agree in the principle, who are we to say what people should use their money for? Sure it is just convenience, But that convenience could be very valuable for some.

Sure - I would never "tell [anyone] what to do". This was just intended as sincere advice. Yet, while convenience might be valueable, "having enough [money] to live" is more valuable to have, at least from an objective point of view. If you are short on money (and the need of a credit to buy a phone is a good definition for that state), you are not in a position to think about spending money for convenience, as this might get you into a very inconvenient situation. 😉

(Think: You have basically no money, you take a credit for a phone -- one week later you drop it into a drain [a.k.a shit happens]. Now you have no money, a $600+ credit AND no phone. What now? Another credit? What if something else decides to screw the pooch? Like your washer? I'd argue, a working washing maschine is a lot more valuable than a working cell phone -- and you never know what gets in your way... But I'm getting to Mommy-finger-waving here... sorry ;))

My point: There are times [that do suck [most of us had 'em] ;)] where you simply cannot/should afford certain niceties, no matter how much you desire them.

Edited by A Dude
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3 minutes ago, A Dude said:

Sure - I would never "tell [anyone] what to do". This was just intended as sincere advice. Yet, while convenience might be valueable, "having enough [money] to live" is more valuable to have, at least from an objective point of view. If you are short on money (and the need of a credit to buy a phone is a good definition for that state), you are not in a position to think about spending money for convenience, as this might get you into a very inconvenient situation. 😉

(Think: You have basically no money, you take a credit for a phone -- one week later you drop it into a drain [a.k.a shit happens]. No you have no money, a $600+ credit AND no phone. What now? Another credit? What if something else decides to screw the pooch? Like your washer? I'd argue, a working washing maschine is a lot more valuable than a working cell phone -- and you never know what gets in your way... But I'm getting to Mommy-finger-waving here... sorry ;))

My point: There are times [that do suck [most of us had 'em] ;)] where you simply cannot/should afford certain niceties, no matter how much you desire them.

I'm not to judge. For some what you and I see as convenience, might give their business an increased productivity, and/or a more professional profile, than some flimsy BT solution that technically can do the same, so lending the money could make good sense. Without knowing the finer details, what is meant as a kind advice from you could be taken as an insult. Just saying...

Just guessing here. But if you pull out a Pro1, flip it open and starts typing the customers stuff during a meeting, it sure looks a lot more proffesional, than if you pull a plastic BT keyboard from one pocket and a budget phone from the other. It is just like going to a meeting well dressed. It has no technical meaning, but it sure matters for how your customer experience your business.

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1 hour ago, EskeRahn said:

....I see this as just another variant of what we have in the extremely long threads: Guesses and assumptions bordering conspiracy theories made on insufficient facts.

Could more facts have prevented people from entering this mess? Sure!

I have no idea why they have not given more info and quicker. My personal guess is that they simply are too few people too busy with getting the phones out to everyone, to really waste time attempting to countering conspiracy theories. But that is just a guess, And I know others in here have other guesses bordering conspiracy theories. I have not heard evil aliens from Mars mentioned as the reason (yet?) - but might just be me not reading all...

Well this kind of conspiracy's would at least be entertaining :D.
However I see like the same discussions every two weeks now.

What buggers me the most, is that we all know the problem is that @EskeRahn has ordered 250 devices himself.

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8 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

if you pull a plastic BT keyboard from one pocket and a budget phone from the other

Also it's not always possible to pull both keyboard and a phone.

I've worked on client's servers while being on the bus to airport, there is no way that I would manage to perform it with bluetooth keyboard.

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9 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

[...] might give their business an increased productivity [...]

True - but if your business need to take a credit to buy a single cell phone, it's bankrupt already and should be closed. 😉

11 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

what is meant as a kind advice from you could be taken as an insult.

Also correct - but OTOH, kinda everything one says WILL be taken as an insult by SOMEONE. 😉

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2 minutes ago, ddark-il said:

I've worked on client's servers while being on the bus to airport, there is no way that I would manage to perform it with bluetooth keyboard.

Yes, there is 😉


Ok - maybe not when you're standing.. But this would already be a MacGuyver situation - Hanging with your arm on the vertical handrail in a bus, it slamming around the corners and you holding tight on your phone and vim-ing through /etc.. 😄

(I like that...)

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1 minute ago, A Dude said:

True - but if your business need to take a credit to buy a single cell phone, it's bankrupt already and should be closed. 😉

What arrogance... You might find that funny, but a lot of small business around the world would not... Not all live by the same living standards as most of us in the "rich countries" do.

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5 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

What arrogance... You might find that funny, but a lot of small business around the world would not... Not all live by the same living standards as most of us in the "rich countries" do.

I cannot see any arrogance in this point. A company cannot afford a cell phone? How does it pay its employees? Srsly, this it not a realistic scenario.

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1 minute ago, A Dude said:

I cannot see any arrogance in this point. A comany cannot afford a cell phone? How does it pay its employees? Srsly, this it not a realistic scenario.

This is getting absurd... What bubble do you live in?

First of the 'company' do not need to have any employees, it could be a one-man business. Secondly, A lot of companies work close to the red line. Hopefully for them temporarily. Some work on loans systematically. Say building a whole house not seeing any income before it is finished.... There are many farmers around the globe that are in the red almost the whole year, until the harvest is sold....

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12 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

This is getting absurd... What bubble do you live in?

I guess in that bubble, where

12 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

Say building a whole house not seeing any income before it is finished...

buying a cell phone does not really up the total costs of that house. 😉

12 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

There are many farmers around the globe that are in the red almost the whole year, until the harvest is sold....

And I do not believe those are in urgent need of a slider phone!

This is nit-picking! NO ONE *needs* a slider phone. No, that will not "up your business". The whole notion of a cell phone being 'important' is just outrageously rediculous! How did we survive 20 years ago were all "that stuff" did not yet exist?

(No - new business models are no excuse here - because THOSE business models, where you really do benefit from a phone in that form factor, are non-existing in those poor corners of the world where the price of a cell phone would be an important factor [for a business].)

(plus: no serious business would put money on a coming-to-market cell phone in the first place -- FMEA anyone?)

So please do not be upset on behalf of other people. 😉

Edited by A Dude
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3 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

....I see this as just another variant of what we have in the extremely long threads: Guesses and assumptions bordering conspiracy theories made on insufficient facts.

Well, until we all started commenting on the data, it was actually one of the only "just the facts" threads.  Granted the OP injected a tainted comment, but, past that, it was just about the data.  Maybe if we go back to that format (meaning keeping all the commentary in other threads) we can avoid all the whining, complaining, and conspiracy theories in  this one!


3 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

I have no idea why they have not given more info and quicker. My personal guess is that they simply are too few people too busy with getting the phones out to everyone, to really waste time attempting to countering conspiracy theories. But that is just a guess, And I know others in here have other guesses bordering conspiracy theories. I have not heard evil aliens from Mars mentioned as the reason (yet?) - but might just be me not reading all...

None of us have any idea why.  I, for one, don't have any conspiracy theories about any of the concepts floated in this or any other thread.  I simply see the situation as: they are a small startup with manufacturing in a different country, and attempting global distribution of a highly technical product so these kinds of delays are common, and should be expected.  However, I also believe that there isn't any excuse, busy or not, for not keeping those of us who have their back (as we all did, at least originally, by paying and trusting) informed as to what's transpiring, and also expressing gratitude for everyone being there for them and helping them launch.  What has transpired hasn't worked; instead, it continues to build resentment and distrust, and I just don't see it as a wise course of action.

Edited by Polaris
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1 minute ago, pistikem said:

me too, i need one too - my n900 is dying...

mine is still fine - but too slow and too little RAM 😞

otherwise - to date: by FAR the best smartphone ever! Touch, Pen, Keyboard, TV out, FM receiver AND sender, SDslot, headphone jack, stereo speakers, camera cover, built-in stand,... list goes on and on and on... Damn you, Stephen Elop!



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- Order date: 3/20/2019

- Order number: 10183

- IGG coupon: Yes.

- Model: QWERTY

- Location: US

- Day of payment: 8/1/2019

- Stock assigned mail (Yes, or No): Yes, both the first batch that got sent back to HK and the second batch

- Tranking number received Date: 12/5/2019

- Phone received: YES! 12/11/2019

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i fully agree, Dude.   plus, i like to add this item to your list :

uname -a
Linux Nokia-N900-42-11 2.6.28-omap1 #1 PREEMPT Fri Aug 6 v71 unknown

guess why i 'love' that other company so much ?  it's a rather visceral cramp when i just think about them...

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Hehhehe, silly argument back there.  Many companies run negative for years then become profitable later.  If they decided not to buy phones for those who needed them to help their business, they would indeed have filed bankrupcy!    Amazon comes to mind.... Tesla...  not to mention many small businesses start with a small business loan...  so how do they pay their employees and still buy them phones?  Debt & optimism.

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