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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/2019 in Posts

  1. Got another stock assigned email today (US, IGG, first batch). It suggested tracking numbers coming within the next week.
    7 points
  2. I joined the backing for the f(X)tec pro1 shortly after backing the "Cosmo communicator" https://store.planetcom.co.uk/products/cosmo-communicator This phone is available now for me and I received mine a day or so back! Here is a brief first impressions write up: The keyboard is really nice to type on on a desk, however as a result this device is cumbersome to use as a phone. (Pasted from a different thread - updates afterwards) It's weird how much it bothers me that there is no large front display, because I've previously owned loads of clamshells (pretty much a
    4 points
  3. ๐Ÿ˜‰ In that I think you are likely in the majority on here! But I think you are probably in good company with many at F(x) too, so I think we all have to make allowances for odd phraseology, language construction, spelling, etc...!
    4 points
  4. I'm still lurking these forums because I'm genuinely interested in the Pro1 and I do want it to succeed. But seeing the same game playing out of the vague words of the last official communications being picked apart, and guesses being made and re-made... I can't tell you how much better I feel having cancelled. Seriously, I remember the wonderings of the last few months and I'm very relieved to no longer feel like that. I can be 100% certain about whether or not I'll be getting a Pro1 this year, and that feels strangely ok.
    4 points
  5. Yesterdays update QXW1000_EEA_05500.19Q401_20191111-1505 fixed the following bugs: - touch screen freeze issue (double tap to wake temporarily removed) - 3G issue - HDMI Output - Camera vignette effect - setting item display issues with test OTA package Remaining bugs for me after first update are: - missing/mismapped chars on QWERTZ \ ยต ~ โ‚ฌ ยฐ ' ? - Checking all sensors with AIDA64 shows updating results for 2 seconds than crashes the whole device to reboot. - Battery capacity still reported at 1000mAh (in e.g. Ampere Meter Pro) - No shutter sound in Snapdragon Camera app
    4 points
  6. Realistically i dont think most of remaining pre orders will be shipped before xmas, unless FX does something extraordinary, Dont know why we are circling around batches where no one really know which batch we are in. It would be much better if we were just been given a que number and the updates would rather be where upto the que is shipping this week or next.
    4 points
  7. Since Android 5, devices ALWAYS get encrypted on first boot, or come in an already encrypted state. There is no opt-out. Full-disk-encryption happens (similar to PGP/GPG) in a two-stage setting. Your have your PIN/password and then there is the encryption key (which you do not know). This encryption key is randomly generated and applied and then itself encrypted with "DefaultPassword" and stored onto your storage. If you do not set a passphrase for "on boot", this key will sit there and the Android bootloader just knows that the default password is "DefaultPassword", decrypt your enc
    4 points
  8. I am pleased to announce test builds for LineageOS 16.0. Please note this thread is for test builds. These builds are not necessarily stable or suitable for daily use. You can find the build(s) and detailed installation instructions here: Lineage on FxTec Pro1 Test Builds Please report any issues here and I will do my best to fix them. Thanks!
    3 points
  9. There's a reason I bought Pro1 not Cosmo, even though I did know about it. If I were a world traveler who needed a UMPC, and I could afford two devices, I definitely would. As it is, the Pro1 is plenty for my usage (I assume, based on the fact that my Droid 4 is.)
    3 points
  10. I would like to say that i no longer worry about when will my pro 1 will be shipped. its been too long and i dont see any point to ask because whatever reply i get from fx tec never turned out to be the case. i have been promised several times a date and it passed. i guess there are reasons and problems they are facing that has caused delay. after all fx tec is doing business and their best interest is to ship and sell. but i wish they could be more open about it. and i dont see the point anymore to discuss it in this forum because its not helpful either. i will just say i dont expec
    3 points
  11. Do you got any other pictures? I'm a bit surprised if this is all bleeding, especially at the end (green arrow) it looks more like reflections, being quite far from the display area. But at the sides (red arrow) it could be. Have tried to look for similar on mine, but found none. The screen protector I added (not unexpectedly) acts somewhat like a mate disc, and thus can 'light up' at the the edges, but that is the screen protector and not the screen. Here a few of how the screen-protector looks (bubbles and all)
    3 points
  12. Been meaning to do this for a while... Really only one good HW keyboard phone I've had (1st pic)... And I used it to take the 2nd pic. - the set-up I'm using now ๐Ÿ˜‰ Prior to my N97 (not mini), it was an N82; & before that the N3250 (my 1st 'smart' phone, WiFi, etc). Once the browser got too limited on the N97 (๐Ÿ˜ช) I've been stuck with 'slabs'. But at least the BT KB (2nd pic) makes my Lumia 950 much easier to use...
    3 points
  13. @glumreaper even though a lot of us wonder and have fun picking all words apart, I guess only a small group is actually un-relaxed about this situation. Sure, I am curious how this will all play out and whether I'll get my Pro1 before Christmas, but nevertheless am I absolutely relaxed about the whole matter, as this was not intended to be a Christmas gift of any form to anyone. (Truth be told, on ordering I had expected to be in possession of mine since weeks at this point ;)) So I for one actually enjoy the feeling, that there "might be something coming to play with" sooner or lat
    3 points
  14. You may be right about three batches ... but I'm not so sure about knowing? My reading of "reproduced this batch from scratch." is that these units were a production batch; found in QA checks PRIOR to shipping. They might have shipped as part of: "Another batch of devices has left the factory on Wednesday "; they might still be in China? We don't know... All we do KNOW is a "batch ... left the factory on Wednesday "; no way to be sure: how many; where they are; who they're for; how long transport will take; when any more might follow... All this is, as it always has been, a guessing ga
    3 points
  15. I just don't know anymore. Assuming the shipping will take as long as previously (not that wild of an idea), then the chance is very low, they'd need to ship them Tuesday. However, reading Craig's post in the "Got Your Pro1, Tracking Number or "Stock Assigned" message? POST HERE!" thread suggests that the theory of same shipping times wouldn't hold. Tracking numbers next week would be faster than the previous shipment. And then there's also the first batch that's returning from the US which might get re-assigned to people in the third batch, so maybe that batch will ship sooner.
    3 points
  16. I am in the same boat with you (order number 11xxx, IGG coupon, QWERTZ EU, paid 1st of August). I still haven't received stock assigned email but I am thinking that F(x)tec just has not sent every email yet. I am looking forward that I will receice email little bit later.
    3 points
  17. Yes it's cumbersome! Good choice of description. It's weird how much it bothers me that there is no large front display, because I've previously owned loads of clamshells (pretty much all the good Nokia clamshells 9000, 9110, 9210, 9500, 9300i, E90). Their front display was more functional, and most were smaller and lighter. I think as soon as I got the n97 onwards (n900, n950, galaxy s relay) I started to grow used to some non-keyboard use. Maps and camera, glancing at incoming messages, recently input without a keyboard using voice. The Cosmo is inconceivably heavy, it doesn't
    3 points
  18. It works for me. Is anyone else having issues? files.nwwn.com should have address I switched servers in the last few days but DNS should have been updated some time ago. EDIT: reproduced the issue, investigating. EDIT: the issue seems to be IPv6. EDIT: fixed, new IPv6 address should propagate within an hour.
    3 points
  19. On the forum here and a few other sources I learned that the Pro1 uses "system-as-root" for the stock rom which seems partly self explanatory to a linux guy and a quick search does tell me approximately what it means. There's also talk of it being an "A/B device" which also appears to be about the partition table (and not really the device since we can run different operating systems :-), and that appears to be needed for seamless updates. But I am still left wondering what does it all mean exactly and why it is chosen to be so? System-as-root seems to have a downside being that we can no
    2 points
  20. I saw Cosmo Communicator earlier and I would have been bought (I mean pre-order) it if the idea of Pro1 would not existed... ...but I find Pro1 much more suitable for me (as a nearly perfect device). I saw earlier advertisements of Cosmo and found it a bit too large - it is an interesting project anyway, but it seems to be somewhere between a phone and a laptop and its use case for me is missing. Maybe if I would travel a lot by plane or other transports then it may be relatively convenient but I think it is also true of Pro1 especially if a power bank is nearby. Another interestin
    2 points
  21. That Droid 4 was seeing an E7 or N950 when N900 wasn't home...
    2 points
  22. Pro1 is far more powerful in almost all ways, the style of keyboard is just different, Pro1 is for thumbs where cosmo is for fingerpoking really... There's also the Unihertz Titan phone if anyone cares for it, HUGE and waterproof copycat of blackberry passport basically.
    2 points
  23. We are talking about how to test new screens that we buy in order to have them available to us for if/when our original screens fail or break.
    2 points
  24. I simply don't get why they did not give it a double hinge, so it could 'bend over' Yoga-style, as more serious laptops do now. They could then ditch the secondary screen, and save size and weight. Had they done that, I most likely would have been interested.
    2 points
  25. I think i would be hard pressed to live with the cosmo as a daily driver phone and @damion's comments solidify that thought for me. That said, if the linux support improves I will likely pick one up as a pocketable laptop.
    2 points
  26. Or could be that something on the assembly has to be done extremely careful not to trigger it - I have no idea. But that could mean that they could not pre-test the displays. On the Elephone U Pro replacement screens some reports green lines, again we do not know it this is due to assembly. A wild guess could be an extremely sensitive cable.
    2 points
  27. Just FYI because it took me > 2 minutest to find anything on this: The A/B issue with gapps is described here -> https://lineageos.org/Changelog-19/
    2 points
  28. Nice, thanks. As a compare the Pro1 (AFAIK) only got on/off for backlight. Not even a setting relating it to the ambient light. I have not yet found a situation where I found it too bright, nor one where it was too little.
    2 points
  29. The sad thing about that is that most people in this forum write much better than most of my colleagues in the US, an English-speaking country. It seems that in at least some places where it is not the native language, people take the time to learn it with some accuracy, rather than just repeat whatever sludge they heard from Uncle Whacko.....
    2 points
  30. So we know for sure that not all pre-orders are produced, yet (i.e. assembly has not even started on at least some of them). This leaves us at roughly one week to produce and assemble all remaining pre-orders to be able to get them at customer's door steps before Christmas. Not impossible, but unlikely IMHO. I whish them (and us ;)) all the best! ๐Ÿ™‚ Yeah, does seem like they need a Christmas miracle. ๐Ÿ˜‡ But on your "Not even started" I see no base for that in the quoted, strictly the quote could go for anywhere from 0% to 99% finished, we would be guessing. To me
    2 points
  31. Indeed we sure would like to know MORE than we know. And yes, just sent from factory, so will take some time before they reach the consumers. And yes I might have assumed too much from the word "Another", assuming it was referring to the lines above. It COULD also be interpreted as "another" compared to the first batch. Though I'm (unfortunately obviously) not a native English speaker, it would seem a bit odd in the context.
    2 points
  32. What confuses me is the following: We know that the first batch was rather small. Then this was split up to EU and US. The US-part bounced at customs and now they write: Where is this large batch coming from? That was supposed to be a part of an already small batch. Looks to me like an attept to excuse further delays and make production look bigger as it actually is right now. I understand this as follows: First (small / 120pcs) batch was sent to HK, split to EU (where received) and US (where bounced). This could mean "before shipping from production to HK" or "before
    2 points
  33. I don't like those shutter sounds anyway, I may feel the lack of it as a feature instead of bug. Is it really necessary? (However, there may be regulations which say it is necessary, just I feel that sound is a noise.)
    2 points
  34. In the "Pro1 shipping update" from Adrian and Chen.
    2 points
  35. Even though my mail came, I still don't trust them. As Eske suggested, I'm not expecting anything until I get my tracking number. FxTec is lying (sorry, can't find a different word than that) all the time, that's nothing new. I would suggest to just accept the fact like I did, don't listen what they say and wait until You get the tracking number ๐Ÿ™‚
    2 points
  36. I wanted this phone and I'm glad that they are trying to fix a hardware problem they found for you guys. But I can't continue to trust what they say. One day everything is on track two days later there is something that will cause another delay. For the most part the problems don't sound like things that fxtec didn't know about when they sent the previous message. Other messages are at best intentionally vague. On a different thread someone openly admits they didn't pay till Oct and they have their stock assignment email. That's definitely not how I interpreted the email they sent prior to the
    2 points
  37. Got my "stock assigned" mail today. Couldn't believe my eyes (order 12xxx, paid on 10.08 so quite a bit later than others), but it really came.
    2 points
  38. "Good news! We have now assigned the stock for your Pro1 order." :-D. It's happening guys! I'm shaky from excitement, so happy.
    2 points
  39. Did everyone get the "Pro1 shipping update" mail? Also the ones who got their "stock assigned" mail yesterday? Are the "stock assigned" mails for batch #2 now all sent out or are there still some coming next week?
    1 point
  40. Please give me 1$ discount and ship one "scrapped" light bleeding device immedialy. (quertz, #11xxx, IGG Backer, no "stock assigned" e-Mail)
    1 point
  41. Ehm, where did you read "so we have reproduced this batch from scratch"? This was not part of the sent out update, only the took care of the problem with some additional steps. Also IGG with QWERTZ here and no assignment. Of course time of assignments (even in the same batch) could differ according to layout and place of living.
    1 point
  42. As @anonim001 wrote she/he payed after a few days, I assume a lower order number with faster payment may be also in second batch if everything are going as expected. As of me, I have payed two minutes after receiving payment request. Also, one of my friends has an order number below 5000 and he pre-ordered because I showed it to him (still no stock assignment mail for him). Also, I would have also pre-ordered it earlier if they have not told us to wait for our voucher as we will all have priority. I have a bad feeling I may have been in the range of 3-4000 or even lower if I would have
    1 point
  43. I think, if anonim001 with order number of 12xxx without IGG voucher is in the second batch, then all the remaining IGG backers are in the second batch and if there is no mistake somewhere, then you, with order number of 62xx should be also in the second batch if you were not payed it extremely late. That is only my opinion, but I think it may be a real expectation. Maybe QWERTY / QWERTZ difference can mix this a little bit, especially if anonim001 has a QWERTZ order and you have a QWERTY one. (Earlier they said as QWERTZ orders are much fewer, they may arrive a bit faster for thei
    1 point
  44. Damn that's pretty bright then, my S7E was the brightest torch I'd used on a phone to date. Thank you Eske!
    1 point
  45. Nice!. I think it could be difficult to make a hard shell with a good grip, due to the slightly conic shape, and very very little space for it to grip on the top, without affecting the slider. The best fit I found (yet) is an elastic shell for "Huawei P20 Pro", but "Samsung Note7" is also quite close, (of course with the need for modified cut-outs). See links earlier. You might buy one or more of those (they are cheap from about ยฃ1-2) to measure and experiment with. One thing that ought to be changed for a better fit is to shape it handling that the base of the Pro1 is slightly cur
    1 point
  46. I think no but there may be a toller who is holding the light at the end of the tunnel... or there are... trolls everywhere. ๐Ÿ˜„
    1 point
  47. Great now my Pro1 is in a tunnel somewhere. Is there additional customs checks in this tunnel?
    1 point
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