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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2019 in all areas

  1. Further to this, we wanted to ship the small batch today, but it did not arrive earlier this week as we expected. The courier bringing the stock to the UK confirmed it will arrive sometime today, which means tracking for the next small batch will be provided to you on Monday. The big batch is also on the way for January - that one will notify of stock assignment.
    12 points
  2. Just a brief summary from me, I may do better review once I used it for some longer time. But I wanted to give a short update so people see that the phone is not as bad as some people here say: I am using the phone for 4 days now and can say I am happy. Build quality is great, it feels premium! I expected it to be more bulky. I still need some time to get used to the keyboard but I love it. However, Finqwerty is a must for me to remap the layout. Fxtec tried to much on that one. The only HW thing that really sucks is the pfingerprint reader. Especially its position. I always loc
    10 points
  3. You are the hero with the golden pen who is saving F(x)tec from a mass exodus of disgruntled CRUSTYmers. Thank you for all you do! I trust you had a merry Christmas and will have an amazing new year. Whenever my clack arrives, it will be Christmas! Thank you for encouraging news that it might be soon!
    8 points
  4. I can agree on that. By all critic I have at the communication of fxtec, @Erik prevents a total black out. The CEO's should be really thankful!
    5 points
  5. Well written and thorough. You're making the wait harder. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    5 points
  6. Agreed. So, on the bright side, Fxtec will bring us an extra Christmas in January. ๐Ÿ˜
    3 points
  7. Why do you think it is a terrible phone? A lot of people, me included, do not agree with this opinion. So it would help to explain a little further, we may even be able to help you over some issues.
    3 points
  8. Yeah I feel there's a lot of repackaging information so that it sounds better. "We're sending a big batch lol haha we're so random and productive!" Vs. "Those 2 previous batches weren't sent out lol oops but now they are. Sorry."
    3 points
  9. I always make sure to have some popcorn at hand when I check out this forum. The intensity of whiny children is warming my heart. And the conspiracy theories are better than lizard people, and god forbid - a spherical earth. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    3 points
  10. This is just a review I posted at another site. I am not a professional reviewer nor can I claim to be independent. ๐Ÿ˜‰ http://forum.brighthand.com/threads/review-of-the-f-x-tec-pro1-keyboard-slider-smartphone-2019.293542/#post-1916292 My perspective is from a less-technical user and a writer. This is a site with a lot of folks who go way back, to PDAs.
    3 points
  11. At this point, it would really be nice to have signatures on our posts. Maybe text only, to keep things from going over the top. But it would be nice to know if the poster has a Pro 1, what they are running on it, carrier, case or other accessories, maybe even key software, just to provide some instant context. Not a big deal and certainly not worth distracting from getting folks their clacks, but nice if it's easy.
    2 points
  12. Given that Verizon is shutting off their lesser networks in about a year (unless they change their minds again) this is likely to be a moot point when the time comes. If memory serves, they won't actually be retiring the frequencies, just rolling them into LTE so it all works the same way, meaning if true, in theory, we should have the same level of voice and lower-level data access without IMEI. I could be wrong, of course.
    2 points
  13. I posted this same response in the general carrier compatibility thread, but then realized it probably belongs in this thread instead.... I was able to activate mine on verizon with VoLTE, using my existing droid 4 sim on a pay-as-you-go plan. I just punched the sim down from the micro sizes in my droid 4 down to a the nano size that the pro1 needs, ran the *#*#4636#*#* trick, and it worked. That said - if you are looking for a provider to use with the phone, so far I would not recommend verizon. Due to the fact that it is _only_ on LTE, the performance of the
    2 points
  14. I'm not sure how much you can squeeze into the "Member title"...
    1 point
  15. That'll work, but does require an extra step. I'm lazy. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Perhaps change the text under the user picture from "member" to "pro1 owner" โ€ฆ or something like that?
    1 point
  18. Any SIM can be punched down... there's a hole punch type tool one can buy (I bought one years ago for sim-mod PQ) or carefully with a razor...
    1 point
  19. Please no. I really dislike signiatures. They are almost always spam. I like your idea of knowing if a poster has a pro1, but that could be accomplished with some kind of checkmark field.
    1 point
  20. Another possible scenario would be that those are the devices that were held in the US for a while, and that they got sent to those retailers.
    1 point
  21. Yes I believe you are correct - the key here is that I already had a modern sim as a result of the plan change last year. I am not sure of the exact timeline, but nanosims have been available since late 2012 so it is possible that late droid 4's came with them. VoLTE has been available form verizon sine late 2014, so it in general is possible that someone has a nano sim but a phone that predates VoLTE. The S5 I have is from the first batch of VoLTE phones (also late 2014) and despite having been on the verizon network on and off for 5 years now (both on my current pay-as-you-go and
    1 point
  22. Thanks for the update, it's very helpful. The key here is that your SIM was only about a year old and spent time in a VoLTE phone. I have tried multiple old (as in original from when I originally got my D4s) SIMs from Droid 4s, and not one was able to be provisioned for VoLTE; instead, all of them required replacement. Edit: In thinking about it further, I don't believe any of my original SIMs, as provided by Verizon, were anything but micro SIMs, they couldn't be 'punched down' to a nano SIM.
    1 point
  23. I was able to activate mine on Verizon with VoLTE, using my existing droid 4 sim on a pay-as-you-go plan. I just punched the sim down from the micro sizes in my droid 4 down to a the nano size that the pro1 needs, ran the *#*#4636#*#* trick, and it worked. That said - if you are looking for a provider to use with the phone, so far I would not recommend verizon. Due to the fact that it is _only_ on LTE, the performance of the phone in marginal coverage areas is... poor... since it cannot drop back down to 3g or lesser networks. Fingers crossed that fxtec gets off their butts and gets
    1 point
  24. You may very well have just saved weeks of head scratching trying to identify this issue! Thank you for sharing this!
    1 point
  25. You'll find these features in alternate launchers, Although I've never used it, I know Nova has a setting to allow widgets to overlap (I don't use a lot of widgets myself). The trouble is going to be that widget placement suffers the most in switching from Portrait to Landscape. You might look at what widget management Total Launcher has as it allows unique layouts for portrait and landscape rather than reapportioning one layout. I don't know if it allows overlap.
    1 point
  26. I use 2 fingers, one under each corner. Lift then push while bringing the 2 fingers towards you so they catch the hinge. I find this method reduces how much the phone jumps when the screen snaps open.
    1 point
  27. I actually find the Pro1 one is quite conservative during use. I've been comparing it with my Sailfish Sony XperiaX. The Pro1 doesn't drain as quick during prolonged use online.
    1 point
  28. If I do not recall wrong he wrote that it would cover about 3/10 of the pre orders.
    1 point
  29. That seems like a different issue then. You already have a rough approximation, but you don't trust their word and the approximation. You don't want more information, you want more accurate/truthful information. Which seems even more hopeless to get if you're just asking for more information, and I see no reason for them to change their course now.
    1 point
  30. My Christmas present to all the new(er) names I see posting recently, realism: 1st, by his own admission, @Erik updates are unofficial, so pls. do not think of this as a promise; either for batch shipping, or your personal order: this is only another 'expected'. 2nd, no matter how useful we customers might think they would be, F(x) never tell us the size of batches. So don't expect a reply, or anything helpful like that. And for the record, I have so completely lost faith in anything F(x) say, official or otherwise, that, sadly, I have formally requested a refund ๐Ÿ˜ž. Selling t
    1 point
  31. To put it more politely than Eske ๐Ÿ˜‰ โ€“ "representative" is not about the size of the sample, it is about the selection of the sample. A random subset is never representative and therefore does not allow to extrapolate observations onto the whole...
    1 point
  32. I set a hard deadline that if my phone would not be shipped by christmas I would cancel my pre-order. Sadly this has become reality and I have just send out my cancellation (hey, thats 1 phone closer in queue for someone else on the list๐Ÿ˜„). With the newly stated delivery date (end of January), utter lack of transparency from Fxtec concerning delays, order priority and a true number on how many phones have been produced by now, I can no longer put my trust in them. I wish the company all the best and hope they manage to get everything sorted out eventually. Hopefully they will learn that t
    1 point
  33. You know... that are pages not posts ..... ...As if this thread was not too long already... ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿคฃ
    1 point
  34. Thank you, to you too. Up to the moment I am totally happy. I got used to the hinge in minutes and fixed the keyboard layout with finqwerty. It feels great but I have to build some muscle memory again to reach tipping speeds!
    1 point
  35. It did work for applying immersive mode. But I don't think I'll be experimenting with any any more untested tweaks. What I did particularly that caused the crash was set it to only display 1 quicklaunch icon. My actual goal was zero, but saw that setting and decided to try just to see what it did... oops!
    1 point
  36. At one point, they did mention having to rework an entire batch due to yield loss (or something). So maybe, this one got it's serial number sticker, and then they realized there was light bleed and re-inspected all the outgoing units - found your unit had light bleed - then had to wait for next batch of screens to arrive after the whole new 3rd party inspection process - which appearntly took week(s) - before it got a new screen then shipped out - with the same back cover/serial. Just a random plausible theory.
    1 point
  37. Ubu chroot on Proยน running SFOS: Thanks Preflex and TheKit!
    1 point
  38. Yes, I see what @Gon009 is describing, although i don't often lower my brightness. And how bad the effect is varies-- not as noticeable with photographs (though still there). What it seems to be (and I'm not technical enough to describe this in terms of what the pixels are doing) is that, as brightness lowers, there is a gray-green wash over everything. I'm thinking it could be that the brightness slider is yoked with contrast adjustment so that rather than losing just brightness, you are lowering contrast as well. And/or saturation. Hopefully this is software rather than hardware.
    1 point
  39. The display on the MotoZ begins to flicker when you turn the brightness too low. I prefer not so great colours over (bad) PWM.
    1 point
  40. Don't use SystemUI tuner.
    1 point
  41. Ran into the non-responding keyboard. Restart solved it. I'm only bringing it up to point out that, having been spending a week putting the Pro 1 through it's paces and hitting this only once makes it a *very* infrequent issue, which means it's going to be damn hard to figure out. Have I mentioned what an amazing, premium phone this is. Nothing wrong with an 835 SOC, that's for sure!
    1 point
  42. Just be aware those instructions for enabling Unknown Sources don't apply anymore. Just download the apk. It will ask you to enable Unknown Sources for the specific app doing the installation. It is no longer a global setting. ๐Ÿ™‚
    1 point
  43. Probably what happened, is the first time you use virtual keyboard, it popped up and asks you. You can then chose one, or make it default choice for next time, depending where you click. I have never set a default, so every time I use virtual keyboard it asks me if I want google voice typing or gboard. But anyways you could have just cleared or reset your default virtual keyboard instead of factory reset...
    1 point
  44. I tried key mapper from f-droid. I was able to map camera button longpress to open gcam or default cam (and change quite a few other things while i was at it) but dont see a way to make focus/shutter work.
    1 point
  45. Based on your description it seems that Snapdragon camera is hardcoded to the camera button. I think this is a bug, as it should launch the default camera.
    1 point
  46. gcam port doesn't even start when I push the camera button, so I cannot test it that way. Like the stock snapdragon app, it does show thumbnail link to gallery when launched from the icon. I checked every setting in the gcam app I could find, the only two about buttons are to make the volume control act as shutter or zoom. I looked in all the phones settings and dont recall seeing anything (unlike CM/LOS settings where there was a toggle to launch camera app with longpress). What I've read about gcam ports is that it's trial and error until you find what works best for our device,
    1 point
  47. Well it is quite useful if you use a password manager (and you should). Typing in your 20+ master pw could be time consuming. However I plan to try it without the fingerprint reader now that I get a keyboard.
    1 point
  48. TBH I don't want sticky modifiers I use 2 hands on hardware keyboard phones
    1 point
  49. First of all, all of you guys saying the sidekick had the best slider keyboard are _wrong_. The droid 4 had *and still has* the best slider keyboard ever. ๐Ÿ˜ Second of all, the ebay phone arrived today in one piece! Getting it to work on verizon was a piece of cake, see the verizon thread for more details Finally - congrats to fxtec to producing a product and shipping it, even if they did produce a very mediocre product and shipped it months after they said they did. That said, I certainly won't recommend the pro1 to anyone but those sufficiently attached to a keyboard
    0 points
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