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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/2020 in Posts

  1. If someone need - i upload to google drive stock versions of boot.img, backuped by Magisk from all versions i had: - 20191028 - 20191111 - 20191129 - 20191210 - 20200106 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EHlG9ZWNMimAN55yKDvMUUE_ow-FDznG?usp=sharing
    9 points
  2. There is a way to root with Magisk and get OTA Updates. Follow this easy guide, worked for me when I tried. https://www.thecustomdroid.com/install-ota-update-rooted-android-device-guide/#How_to_Install_OTA_Updates_on_Rooted_Android_Devices
    7 points
  3. Just a quick update... I had two weeks off for the holidays and I am back this week. I've experimented with building a vendor image but that looks like it will take a fair amount of time. So next I looked at a method of overlaying changes over the vendor files instead of building the entire vendor image. This is easier and significantly reduces the amount of data transfer (both from github to me and from my website to you) so I will probably continue down that path for the official Lineage release. But for now, I'm pretty tired of playing with vendor files
    7 points
  4. I am pleased to announce a new member of the Pro1 ROM family: "Ungoogled Stock". What is it? This is the stock ROM as built from the BSP directly from IdeaLTE with the following changes, and only these changes: Removed AdUps OTA update code. Removed GMS (Google Apps). Where is it? The current version is: http://files.nwwn.com/android/pro1/QX1000-user-nogms-noadups-20191208.zip MD5: 01c90007a843328b869bb294c8f88330 SHA1: 3aff440c50ec2464437c5698bc1c7740ed827c34 Source synced to BSP as of Nov 29, 2019. How do I flash it
    5 points
  5. That, and reviews like the one by Steve Litchfield from the Phones Show are what are making me willing to persevere. And the fact that there are so many fans on this forum 🙂 Really hoping this is the real big batch of deliveries this time...
    5 points
  6. Well...... yes but not exactly. Lineage is built on the open source portion of Android (AOSP) and the portions of the Qualcomm code that are released as open source (the CodeAurora project, or CAF). The portions that Qualcomm does not release as open source are taken as binary blobs from the stock firmware and integrated into the Lineage build to make a complete package. Because this is a sort of legal gray area, these blobs are kept strictly partitioned from the Lineage project and made available under the github account TheMuppets (really!) The portions t
    5 points
  7. The original driver may indeed miss keypresses if you type fast, I tested similarly typing "fjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj" and similar sequences fast and it would give something the likes of "fjfjffjffjjfj". Currently all I can provide is a boot+vendor image that require a factory reset to be installed and break OTA but fix this issue (if you need it let me know, i haven't written proper instructions down as of yet and it's sorta confusing), but soon an OTA update should come that fixes this. [edit] Note that if I am not mistaken this happens in the relatively rare situation where the driver is still
    4 points
  8. What he was very politely hinting at, to which I, personally, am less inclined, is that if you don't come up with a better answer on "how else to explain it" yourself, you're either suffering from a severe lack of imagination, or you're absolutely intent on throwing mud at Fxtec even though you damn well know that there are more possible explanations.
    4 points
  9. That's a good idea Hook. Since I can't edit the first post myself, I'll start drafting it here then get Eske's help updating the first post. Step three should be updated to not include my patched image. Sounds like user will have to obtain the boot.img corresponding to their currently installed version, transfer it to phone, and patch it there, for magisk to be able to take OTAs, amiright? I wonder if alternatively there's a simpler way to transfer the unmodified boot.img's to magisk after the fact, for those that already rooted with my file? Additionally, maybe someone who ha
    4 points
  10. How about they are swamped trying to get folks their Pro1s and web work on the site is low priority. As always, I understand the frustration and disappointment. I don't understand personal attacks on folks who are clearly working hard to get out devices which, most who receive them agree, are what they promised to produce... a high quality horizontal keyboard slider.
    4 points
  11. Yes. All this files are clear stock images, not patched by Magisk. You need patch they in your own phone, then Magisk correctly create backups, and can after that restore stock boot.img for applying new OTA update - if you get magisk_patched.img from anywhere other source and flash by fastboot, "Restore images" button will not work.
    4 points
  12. Amen, and feel free to call out things as needed, I know I can be a bit heavy handed at times with some of my points. I just say what's on my mind, and with having a bit of experience professionally with this sort of thing, I know all too well exactly what Fxtec is going through, and I admit that can give my comments a sense of elitism. More on the topic, they're excited to deliver an amazing product they are clearly extremely passionate about, so a lot of what they've said and done makes sense when viewed in that manner. Who doesn't like sharing every bit of info they can when excited,
    4 points
  13. Yeah I cannot believe how people can be upset after being repeatedly baited for 6 months straight. Even worse, they dare to have some doubt about statements when others have not turned out to be true before! Shame on them! If we're having a patience contest here, I have a Pyra pre-pre-order from October 2015. It's all about how it's handled.
    4 points
  14. I have had confirmation, that is indeed the fallback plan. 😊
    4 points
  15. While I absolutely agree that the updates are a waaaaaaay better way of handling a product like that, some assumptions in this post are not certain. We do not know how many they started to produce, we do not know if they had to redo thousands of devices.
    4 points
  16. Sounds familiar! So now conspiracy theorists, in order to keep consistent, will have to say that not only Liangchen/Fxtec, but also the people behind Cosmo are pulling a stunt on all their backers, they are dishonest, and will leave all of their supporters to die in thirst of keyboard awesomeness while having a wild ride on backers' money. Right? Ah? And... the brave fine folks from Cosmo Communicator (I admire them as much as the people at Fxtec for the boldness of making such small-volume gadgets against all odds) have already launched an earlier product. Still, they are delayed even ha
    4 points
  17. We should just not forget that this is an insanely hard task to develop HW like this. And you are the bottom of the pond: 1. Prio: Chinese companies 2. Prio: Big companies 3. Prio: Small contracts which are ordered spontanious 4. Prio: These weird british startup So if something goes wrong like protests and stuff, you are fucked! P.S. I am sorry for you, hope you will get your Cosmo soon. But is is inferior to the all mighty prawn anyway 😄
    4 points
  18. Just to cheer you up - Cosmo Communicator did their IGG campaign in November 2018. First shipping was expected in May 2019, They actually started shipping at the end of November. I'm backer 4xx and still waiting. Meanwhile people ordered this December on their own site started receiving their orders around New Year. 🙂
    4 points
  19. I am sure decision is not only made by one of the directors but they have consultation about the current known state of production, financial state and possibilities. I think they had a decision to send packages weekly to be able to send as many phones as possible before Christmas or the end of the last year to have as much people as possible convenience... but last year has already passed so they made another decision which is financially better. So I mean things (decisions) can be changed as also the speed of manufacturing process may be improved which may be the source of changing
    4 points
  20. I honestly understand everybody who has lost trust and did cancel their order. I wouldn't have done that but I can understand it. But demanding stuff and demotivate the staff I can't understand. It will not help. Yes they are not the best with communications. Yes this whole project did not go down as planned. So place constructive critic no problem. Cancel your order no problem. But here a lot of people are thinking fxtec owns them some sort of personal account. You gave them 700 bucks and should be threaten with respect, but that is not enough to be allowed to let your aggression ou
    4 points
  21. That's one way to clean your device. Cleaning computer keyboards in the dishwasher also works surprisingly well (removing the keycaps helps further) but you need to let it dry for a couple of days before reconnecting it. But maybe we should just stick it in the dryer or oven!
    4 points
  22. Let me help you. I wish I remember where I read it, but the statement was made that additional personnel were hired at the factory to bang out these devices much more quickly when it became clear that what they had was not enough. This has already been done, and devices are now being made much more quickly. Your long-anticipated device is only a few weeks away now. Cancelling will come between you and that device, and even if you reorder it later, you will have introduced additional delays by bumping yourself out of the current queue and into a later one. The owner of the company is personally
    4 points
  23. Don't forget bags! And 53 pairs of shoes is not that much anyway 🙂
    3 points
  24. Uhhhmmmm, you do realize that the Copperhead team is rather antagonistic to Lineage, right? It's not surprising that they would slam Lineage as being insecure. They do raise some valid points (particularly about verified boot), but most are bogus and/or outdated. Verified boot requires a locked boot loader. You cannot run any custom software with it enabled, including this ROM. That may be fine at the time of release (though with a BSP that is already 4 months out of date, probably not). But as soon as the OEM stops updating, you have a choice of running with verified boot and
    3 points
  25. (Calm down, it's just a meme)
    3 points
  26. Given how this thread has gone, I think a bit of off-topic discussion might be the breath of fresh air it needs. Erik or possibly other mods can always edit the first post with updated information, which is generally the best practice to use for these sorts of posts anyhow.
    3 points
  27. If you indeed have Nougat, what a gifted Priv ended up in your hands. If true, my friend, time to share your ROM with the world 🤣
    3 points
  28. Sorry, I'm a bit slow on some of these things. If I want to proceed now to root my phone with (currently) the 06JAN2020 OTA, I would install Magisk Manager, reboot, go into Magisk Manager and install Magisk? And what do I ask it to do when it installs to created the modified boot image? Will it use the boot image already have and create a backup? The instructions for updating with new OTA and retaining root seem clear, but having previously used the instructions in the OP, I'm not clear on how to do the original rooting anymore. Most instructions I find out on the webs seem to assume
    3 points
  29. @Artemis-kun – I agree with virtually all of what you said (and appreciate your saying it) so far. Just two remarks to minor points: While that would surely help getting an understanding that could prevent most of the rants, it sounds a bit like "do not criticize if you can't do it better yourself", which wouldn't really be an acceptable argument... Oh, there are many other reasons for that. And I guess we shouldn't overestimate the importance and the potency of just a handful of complainants, even though they're particularly loud and persevering. And after all, it's like every
    3 points
  30. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely agree that everybody should doubt the statements. I just does not help to demanding stuff in that usual angry internet user tone. And yeah it is handled shitty. But we can talk about what is shitty we are grown ups. Well I know we already did and it did change nothing. But so will ranting. But it is a different thing to criticism the company than to suggest @Erik does say things which he doesn't think are true. I strongly believe @Erik does what he can and says what he knows and is allowed to share. The only thing we get from treating @Erik like a
    3 points
  31. The Priv is garbage because it's trapped on a garbage build of Android 6 made by a garbage company that should have quit the business long before selling out to China. I own one myself and have the expertise to be making these statements. My ASUS TF300T from 2012 running a properly optimized version of Android 4.4.4 still runs literal circles around my Priv to this day. As an aside, I guess it's a good thing we have this thread to collect all these nonsensical posts so that they're not littering the forums in general, but it's amazing how much anger people have towards a company ac
    3 points
  32. Yeah but there were not a lot updates at all 😄 So there could be a lot more issues we don't know of. If you follow other sources there are hints that this may be true. However we don't know. That is exactly the worst part of this project, we don't know anything at all!
    3 points
  33. And here is the core the "will do". If you replace it with "expect to do" / "hope to do" / "plan to do" / .... you will change from the paranoid version to reality. We all know they are really bad at communication, and should be much more clear in stating their predictions with these kind of conjunctives rather than stating future things as facts. As this so easily will be interpreted as promises, and thus as broken when things did not go as planned due to things out of their control. Do not get my wrong, I'm not saying that they will get things done before CNY either. Just that it i
    3 points
  34. Why should you not? For all we know they have been bad at ESTIMATING what will happen. Has there been any case where they told us something that was incorrect at the time? They might have done otherwise than they estimated/planned - for whatever reason. But that is certainly not the same as not telling the truth.
    3 points
  35. Yeah, you just forgot to include that it probably craps itself when watching HD videos and having a few tabs open in the browser (or multiple apps) and let's not even go into gaming. Even my literal brick Nokia from the 90's can send text messages... My PRIV from 2015 is utter garbage at this point with anything modern. It chugs along but it's a miserable experience. I am not saying the Pro1 is ancient but it lost from its life already while barely any people got to use it.
    3 points
  36. Really now? Most of us that stuck around have been almost waiting for near half a year now!!! And I paid in July! One's goodwill can only go so far...it's not infinite. We are not in Soviet times where you bought a car and only got it like 5 years later.
    3 points
  37. It continues to amaze me how much time people seem to have on their hands around this thread. I actually don't fault Fxtec for the radio silence; every time they give the slightest hint of info, the wolves come lurking. Maybe try your hand at designing and manufacturing yourselves, then come back and play.
    3 points
  38. The aim is to ship the stock to our EU and US (if we re-establish a US warehouse by then) warehouses, or directly to customers before the Chinese New Year, as after that both the factory and the 1st logistics hub in HK will be off for a while. The Chinese New Year starts on the 25th of January, so some of you will have their devices before the end of January. Others, perhaps those in Europe, will have their stock assignment before the end of January only, and delivery by 1-3 February, at least to my projection.
    3 points
  39. Mid-February, as the current pre-orders will ship by the end of this month.
    3 points
  40. Turns out I misremembered. However, my point still stands that I have had zero stability issues with it, even with the bloat running. I suspect yours has a bad RAM chip that occasionally spits garbage at the CPU and crashes it.
    2 points
  41. Not being able to press certain buttons at the same time is a known limitation of the keyboard driver which has already been corrected by @netman who has provided the solution for us to apply manually and also provided it to F(x)tec to include in an update, which he believes they will do soon. As for the other, I read the whole forum and I haven't heard of this either. I don't need a video to believe that it's really happening though. LOL I have heard of this issue on other devices, including Windows PCs, under certain circumstances.
    2 points
  42. I don't know about that.....my Droid 4(2012) running 7.1 thanks to Lineage OS is a little doggy, but still plays videos in the browser and VideoLAN player just fine. My PRIV is light years faster and perfectly stable. I accidentally discovered why the PRIV is a little doggy and has terrible battery life out-of-the-box: a lot of the built-in software. I disable as much as possible in favor of third-party or not having the "feature" and mine now has excellent performance AND excellent battery life. I'd use it as my daily driver if it didn't have the keyboard the wrong direction. 😉 @EskeRahn
    2 points
  43. The soft button is the least bad option available for me too. Personally I would wish Android made a "Late auto-rotate". That is you would have to tilt it to say 90+30 degrees before it tilted 90 (and you tilt it back to 90). This way you could lie down on a sofa with the device without triggering the auto rotate, and only get the rotate when you actually want/need it, and more inuitivly than pressing the soft button.
    2 points
  44. If I understand Eric correctly they use the same workers for logistics and production. So instead of shifting the workforce around multiple times and loosing valuable time in the process, they will leave them on production until all units are finished. After that all units will be shipped together.
    2 points
  45. I try, and on uninstall magisk says " backup is missing". Device is rooted by flashing patched boot.img with adb, following guide from first post in this topic. UPD: had restored stock firmware to 20191028 from here - after all updates can't root. UPD2: had restored stock 20191028 again, trying to start OTA with Magisk rooted from this version. For doing "Restore images" you need patch stock boot.img by Magisk on your own phone, and not load already patched magisk_patched.img from anywhere, how i do by guide form first post. Sucessfully install first OTA update with
    2 points
  46. You could indeed dismantle the endangered parts in order to prevent water to get in. That's absolutely no problem with usb ports or aux sockets. The buttons would be more difficult since you'd need a very thin layer around the contacts. As a manufacturer I'd seal the boards instead of trying too hard to get the phone waterproof. That way, damage should be prevented in most cases. I hope that this was just a really bad coincidence (snow) and that we won't hear about dead phones due to water soon again...
    2 points
  47. I am well aware :). Chen is in the factory right now, and he expects them to produce all of the pre-orders before the Chinese New Year. The meant to be "big batch" has already been produced, but this time we'll be shipping all of the pre-orders together, not parts of them. Small batches keep our customers happy, but they take longer to get around as it would mean allocating more workforce to the delivery side, multiple times, while right now the priority is to produce all of the pre-orders and ship them all at once. Therefore, the advised deadline "by the end of January" is still very much in
    2 points
  48. I'll be the mean guy. No, no one have, and if you read anything here it will only be wild guest. Fxtec them-self didn't meet a single deadline they setted themself, and they are the one with the more up to date data. I have cancelled my order mid November and i'm waiting of official same day shipping before trying again. If you don't need your money, and are OK waiting until it arrive (i should be before April, but be ready to wait until July just in case), you are free to Order now But else, please don't. This forum really don't need another poor guy waiting patie
    2 points
  49. If F(x)tec is able to ship all pre-orders before Chinese New Year (holidays commonly between January 25th and February 8th) F(x)tec might be able to ship "normal" orders during March. It looks like that production and logistic issues are solved now so manufacturing and sending new units should be faster than previously. However, this is just an educated guess and I might be wrong.
    2 points
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