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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2020 in all areas

  1. Might be that I understand you wrong, but Erik already wrote that 70% will be fulfilled with this batch, not that 70% (more) are covered with his batch. So there's still 30% of preorders left until this day, although they seem to be working to get a few devices more done before the Chinese New Year begins.
    3 points
  2. The review I wrote for the Pro1, I never write reviews and it's in Dutch so be aware 🙂 : https://tweakers.net/productreview/228910/f(x)tec-pro1.html
    3 points
  3. This thing is intended to screw onto a standard tripod mount which is how I use it, you could use any normal tripod with it. I don't have any recommendations for those. Also note that the actual clamp part has a separate thread for placing that on a tripod directly, which seems to be much more stable than using the swivel thing that comes with it.
    2 points
  4. Even though the kernel accepts an 8-bit value, sending it a '1' seems to result in the same brightness as sending it '255'. I don't think the keyboard backlight hardware supports variable brightness.
    2 points
  5. I think the last we heard about that (this was a couple of months ago I think), any order before general availability is a pre-order. So technically the numbers could still shift dramatically if a lot of people pre-ordered today. I'd assume it was 70% of all pre-orders at the time they posted, and not some time last year.
    2 points
  6. We can go back to talking about the weather.
    2 points
  7. ...and now in when streaming videos starts on HEVC codec - less data more quality. i must say that 3g/h is enough for me too...but only problem is with coverage in my country...and now is better coverage for LTE than for 3G. So now is for me better LTE...not for speed but for coverage of usable data connection 🙂
    2 points
  8. Personally I care nothing for 5G. I see absolutely no reason why we need to have 5 bazillion gigabits per nanosecond streaming OTA. 3G is plenty for me, and 4G is far overkill. In what use case scenario is 25mbps per device not enough? It's like processor power......we reached the limits of what is useful to most people a long time ago.
    2 points
  9. Yes, what will we all do when March comes and all the pre-orders are filled? Will we keep this around for discussing regular orders? :-)
    2 points
  10. Well the calculus is slightly wrong, If the new is six times bigger than the previous, and the total will reach 70%, then the previous was 70% * 1/(1+6) = 10%, and the new 60%. Hence the total is ten times bigger than what has already been sent. I do not know if all previous sent from factory has been delivered to the end users though, or some is still on their way. So what number we should multiply with 10 is not that clear.
    2 points
  11. The next batch will bring the total shipped orders to 70%. The next batch is 6 times bigger than previous batches combined. This is all information from Erik. 1/6th of 70% would be what has already been fulfilled then, which is 11 and 2/3rd percent of all pre-orders, or about 12% since no doubt these numbers aren't that accurate. And this upcoming batch would be 58 and 1/3rd percent of all pre-orders (to bring the total to 70%). EDIT: I got that a bit wrong, see below. Thanks @EskeRahn
    2 points
  12. @tdm Lineage OS is a must have for me. The pro1 would be worthless without Lineage OS for me. Can you estimate the release date of the official Lineage OS on https://www.lineageoslog.com/build/scheduler ? My plan is to order the pro1 six weeks before the official LOS release in order to get the device just in time. Thanks for all your work you have already done!!!
    1 point
  13. ive gor samsung evo 512 gb. pretty good speed with read and write. and 512gb is pretty decent memory
    1 point
  14. Now that you mention it I tried and indeed they do not press the buttons unless you crank down on it. It holds quite securely though so no issues to hold it to the side of the buttons which is how I've used it.
    1 point
  15. I will let you know how it works if @Anssi Hannula updated the version which is coming from the play store... :)
    1 point
  16. Yeah, my mistake. It's 32Gb. There's a PQI app to allow access via a built in file browser, doesn't need to go through a Wi-Fi network, which makes it ideal for on the move. Transferring files is also possible through the app.
    1 point
  17. I've had this one since some time, which is capable of holding the Pro1 and pretty much any other phone I tried. Quality is mediocre but it gets the job done. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32868370597.html Edit: just realized the listing shows several items, it's this one:
    1 point
  18. I think a better solution would be to only turn on the backlight in the event of slider opening or any key pressed. That way if keyboard remains open, one may need to press a key to light up the keyboard (maybe it needs the modification of the low level driver). The best solution would be if a counter would exists (initial value is ideally set by user) and any keystroke would reset that counter. That way keyboard light would be turned off after a certain time and is able to be turned on also if slider remained open when the phone went to standby. Also, it seems the system keeps l
    1 point
  19. I guess it was in November that I've been told here in the forums that every order before general availability, which, as I seem to understand, still isn't there yet, qualified as a pre-order with regard to the still-ongoing processing of manufacturing and shipping, including mine, which is #36xxx, submitted on September 20, and was already filed as 'order', not 'pre-order'. I would guess, though, that a device ordered today wouldn't really qualify as a pre-order anymore, or would it? So they would have had to draw a line somewhere between September and January for what is a pre-order and what
    1 point
  20. This is inconvenient and doesn't work on stock, but it is better than nothing. Wait... does that mean that you can change the brightness setting of your keyboard backlight? Or is it an on/off setting despite the name "brightness"?
    1 point
  21. I wouldn't be worried about missing 5G yet. 5G became available to Finland last year but there are couple issues with it: 1. Coverage is very limited (small dots inside few city centre in big cities) 2. Data plans for 5G are expensive (unlimited 50€/month (5G) vs 20€/month (4G)) 3. Most of the 5G phones are using chipsets where the 5G modem is not integrated to it so the battery consumption is high (about +20-30% compared to 4G) 4. Currently 5G is used only for download, not for upload. At least in Finland, operators have said that it still takes 5 years that 5G will b
    1 point
  22. Any particular reason? Or is that just IdeaLTE's hacky solution getting in the way? Any signs of Fx being interested into bringing these improvements to the stock rom yet? Not even sure if it still sounds reasonable at this point, but I'd kind of prefer to just run stock on my device once I have it. Seems like I'd be missing out on more and more by doing so, however. I appreciate the work you're putting into this either way. Thank you!
    1 point
  23. While we're on the subject of storage. This is something I bought a few years ago in a closing down sale for £5. It's basically a portable drive that has a 64Gb SD Card inside and connects to supported devices via Wi-Fi. I now have it connected to the Pro1 and was playing 1080p videos from it last night without any issues at all.
    1 point
  24. @Sean McCreary I believe tying the keyboard and screen backlight together is exactly what LOS did in the build I'm using on my D4. I consider it a perfectly acceptable solution.
    1 point
  25. That is what can be done using ffmpeg at command line (also graphical fontend may exist)... ...but it would be good to not have such limitations...
    1 point
  26. I am used to LineageOS (using it to post this) and as such am unused to some of the limitations in stock. As for concatenating videos, AVIdemux is free, easy, and seamless. Open the first file, drop the others in afterward in order, then save them all in one file. I have done it many times. It is a useful tool for a lot of things, and I'm pretty sure it is also available for Linux. Just set everything to copy and the output has no quality loss and no issues.
    1 point
  27. I have added a new lights HAL to the patched vendor.img that forces the keyboard backlight to follow the display backlight state. Whenever the screen is on, the keyboard backlight is on as well. This isn't ideal, but it works well enough that I felt it was worth an update. I also updated the kcm to include VaZso's patch, so shift/fn + arrow keys will send PGUP/PGDOWN/HOME/END, and fn + backspace sends BACK while fn + Del sends FORWARD. The download directory now includes a brief changelog file, with notes about what was changed on each date. The changes are cumulative, so the latest date
    1 point
  28. Ah. Tbh I would have bought this phone with any camera above say Galaxy S5 quality or so.. I really don't care how good the camera is - it works good enough.
    1 point
  29. I'm not sure if you are asking about a new phone or a change to the Pro1. It would require a whole new chipset. At a minimum, it would require a 765 chipset in the 7xx line or an 855 in the 8xx line, assuming off-the-shelf chips from Qualcomm. For those who don't care about 5G, it isn't just a matter of true 5G connections. The 4G connections will often be faster too, as long as the vendors have taken advantage of the added 4G capabilities of the 5G modems. It will also mean the possibility of more 4G bands being supported.
    1 point
  30. Now if only this thread came to an end... 🤣
    1 point
  31. Well 1+6=7..... Hence 10 respectively 60% totalling 70%....
    1 point
  32. Or free options: https://www.howtogeek.com/112888/3-ways-to-access-your-linux-partitions-from-windows/
    1 point
  33. Is the 12 minute limit in 4k a real world issue? Ignoring that the video quality ain't all that great to justify recording in 4k, if the next file is written without a hitch or interruption, stringing the files together without re-encoding on a PC is a pretty simple. Or keep some internal space free and record to there once it's supported in the future, I guess. I won't believe if you're gonna tell me you want to juggle around these large recordings without any further processing done on them later on.
    1 point
  34. Indeed; it's just a matter of installing it (and buying it; it is $19.95): https://www.paragon-software.com/home/linuxfs-windows/#overview – supports ext2/3/4 with read/write access and btrfs and xfs with read access.
    1 point
  35. Yes, the key there is that you are using LineageOS. I don't know of a way to do it with stock android. Someone would need to compile a custom kernel for us, I believe.
    1 point
  36. I've always used linage with a ext4 sdcard as external storage and never had permissions issues. (I needed to set the correct owner (media_rw) of the root-fs though ).
    1 point
  37. That is because the lower level APIs won't support files larger than 4GB. When google fixes this (in Android 11), if the applications support the fix, then they'll need to be smart about filesystem limitations, which will still be present on any phones that don't support filesystems that allow for larger than 4GB files and present on any phones where the user has elected to use FAT32 for their card. What method do you propose to allow Pro1 phones on the stock android to use EXT3/4 for the external SD and get around the mounting and permission issues of those filesystems? My under
    1 point
  38. Which is unfortunate, because we can add scratch protection to the screen. We can't easily add drop protection. *cough*pro2 hint*cough*flat, bezel screen*cough*
    1 point
  39. So this thread has ended up with a simple math equation coming from the real life.
    1 point
  40. My PC reads ext4 very well anyway (as it runs Linux). If it was the only reason, they may put an option to set it in developer options. Also, if someone is able to format the card to a specific filesystem and put it in the phone, the system _should_ not threat it as a corrupt card and _should_ not force the user to format it... that would be a minimum from a correct operating system. Anyway, the reason is the same (shame) that Android basically does not allow root access (which would be essential for your _own_ hardware) and Windows 10 forces its updates even if user working in som
    1 point
  41. I am now very concerned...
    1 point
  42. Hi everyone, Mostly good news today, as always gathered personally. The logistics team is currently drafting the shipping lists for the big batch that will ship in a few days. This batch is 6x bigger than the previous batches combined. Most of you will be left very happy, and those in the list will receive a stock assignment notice either this weekend or early next week. There is nothing left to prioritise on the Indiegogo side, as that will be fully covered by this coming batch. Those with Indiegogo deals can start getting excited as they are the first known customers that will
    1 point
  43. I really think XFCE is the desktop solution that works if you want it. OpenOffice works great. Ubuntu has huge repo of software. And, correcting my earlier post, etr works great! https://twitter.com/enigma9o7/status/1217272071178215424 And here's some random screenshots (not actually random, made them to show someone else how I did my scaling settings)
    1 point
  44. There are build tools available natively under Sailfish too, and I'm pretty sure QT is fully supported. I'm not a developer, but for fun I tried to build mupen64plus (N64 emulator) from 2.5.9 source pack on Pro¹, and was able to do it. I noted every package I installed to get the make to work, and other than one of the video plugins saying it didnt support aarch64, make worked fine, and the output runs. zypper install SDL2 SDL2-devel libpng libpng-devel freetype freetype-devel zlib zlib-devel gcc make nasm gcc-c++ libhybris-libGLESv2-devel boost-devel Point being, if that worked so e
    1 point
  45. In a pinch you can always try to enable the keyboard backlight manually with the command: This is inconvenient and doesn't work on stock, but it is better than nothing.
    1 point
  46. I think the assumption is slightly wrong. @Erik said "70% of all preorders," which in my reading, all preorders includes those already fulfilled, so I'd say this will probably put fulfillment at 90-95% of all preorders. Unfortunately, it means that I won't likely get mine for another month or so, as I didn't pay until nearly the end of November. Oh well. Droid 4 still working. Posting with it, as usual. :) I'm glad Verizonk chickened out on pulling the plug at the end of the year though, because then I'd have had to switch to the potty.....er, PRIV. ;)
    0 points
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