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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2020 in Posts

  1. Alright things are moving right along now... I've got the touch screen margin/deadzone implemented and a nice little settings preference for it. The display margin will not happen until later, if at all. That's much more difficult to implement and intrusive to the system (it will likely require a reboot to take effect). I'll be adding a keyboard layout setting (qwerty/qwertz) next. Then I'll see what I can do with the fingerprint reader mitigations.
    6 points
  2. Yes it would be nice with a formalised channel for this. Currently we have two threads: One for discussing and testing possible bugs and the like, and one that was supposed to have confirmed bugs... But they are not 'clean', so hard to find anything in them. There is an unofficial bug-list here that is more easy to read. But a more formalised system would certainly be to everyone's benefit....
    4 points
  3. As a preorderer I would easily pay 100ā‚¬ more for no accessories but the phone itself.
    4 points
  4. This is very interesting! Are you able to reproduce the issue? If you can then maybe Pro1 is rebooting in specific situation when there is no network or the network is changing. Reboots seems to happen during traveling. It is common that there are areas without network when you are driving between cities. Similar thing might happen when you put phone to metal locker which blocks network (like a Faraday cage).
    3 points
  5. No. 1: Full TWRP support No. 2: ExFAT support for large sdcards (generally 64gb+) No. 3: to take a time out @tdm after all that hard work/support šŸ™‚
    3 points
  6. I think it's safe to say that we're by-and-large the 'tinkering' types that enjoy spending time on an unrestricted/unlocked device even if it makes no rational sense. I like having something different. It makes me proud even if it's behind the times and absolutely flawed lol.
    3 points
  7. I suggest reading up on what Magisk does and why. With great power comes great responsibility and it doesn't sound like you exactly knew what you were doing. You can get by fine with rooting stock, but modifying the system partition for real will break delta updates as OTAs are, so even if they'd allow it, it would not be a great idea.
    3 points
  8. Poking around a bit in the touchscreen driver. Adding code for the side dead zones is trivial and it works here. Hooking it up to a sysfs node and adding a setting item in the settings app will be a bit more work, but very doable. Not sure about the fingerprint reader yet. I may implement two options: one to only activate the reader when the screen is not off and one to limit the amount of time between reads. I personally like the latter -- I love to be able to unlock the device without pressing any physical keys. But I'm not really sure exactly how to implement either of them
    3 points
  9. https://github.com/tdm/android_device_fxtec_pro1/issues/31
    2 points
  10. There is an add-on su package for Lineage. See the extras download page.
    2 points
  11. I've been working on that two weeks ago (didn't have time after that), I was still stuck at the building stage with caf sources. I'll try it this weekend without caf, maybe that's my issue.
    2 points
  12. The Tasker Profile "Edge Block" created by @elvissteinjr works really well to solve the problem with typing the top number row on the physical keyboard. You don't even have to really know how to use Tasker. Lol. I don't. Just import by tapping the Profile and scenes tabs and away you go. Has advantages over Edge Null as explained in the post, especially the not getting kicked out by Android.
    2 points
  13. For me, I have tried to check what bands my carriers support but it does not seem to be an easy task. It seems both of them currently support only B3, B7 and B20 for LTE. The provider which I don't use for data has B1 and B8 bands for 3G. The other service provider which I have 4G and mobile data, only supports B1 for 3G. Both of them have 2G as fallback (at 900/1800 MHz). Looking at coverage map, the carrier I use also for data has good coverage for 4G but fair coverage for 3G and practically full coverage at 2G. The other carrier has fair coverage for 4G but good coverage f
    2 points
  14. Now having caught up a bit šŸ˜„ "What is the maximum dead-zone that allows us to drag an icon from one screen to the next in various launchers? With Trebuchet you have to be really close before it moves over." The Microsoft launcher also has this problem of needing to be very close to the edge you have to be on the curve for it to trigger the other screen.
    2 points
  15. Erhmm did you read what we have been debating in this thread since yesterday? Just asking... šŸ˜‡
    2 points
  16. With this would it be possible to have the screen size generally reduced so the curved parts are not used for display at all?
    2 points
  17. My Pro1 restarts itself when I put it into a metal locker. WiFi connected, both SIMs inserted.
    2 points
  18. Did you mean that Night Sight is slow? The whole idea behind it is to take sevaral shots and combine them to one picture. There are some algorithms that can produce geat pictures in low light. It is the "magic" behind Gcam.
    2 points
  19. Agree with both of you. Funny in that I have never referred to my phones as sliders (although they have been, or pop-up, or flip and spin, lol). I just always referred to them as tactile, or physical, landscape keyboard phones. This was perfectly descriptive, and never became confusing in conversation. Speaking to someone who isn't familiar with a Pro1 they wouldn't have a clue what a clack phone, or a clacker is and I would be afraid it would just introduce more confusion.
    2 points
  20. I take it that he is referring to a traditional slider where the screen isn't angled, but is parallel with the keyboard (a good example is my Droid 4).
    2 points
  21. I'm not saying that it is a big issue, just some lost functionality, that might be missed. There might be other issues we do not know of. Say some app that requires an edge swipe to reach the very edge, or really close by. What is the maximum dead-zone that allows us to drag an icon from one screen to the next in various launchers? With Trebuchet you have to be really close before it moves over. So I like the software-bezel idea David mentioned with completely reducing the apparent display size. Optimally an option reducing either just touch or touch+display or perhaps even a
    2 points
  22. The other reason is for aesthetics, so someone who doesn't want to see content on a curved display can have a flat display. Related to that, would be square corners, not rounded. Aesthetics are probably way down on the priority list, but just mentioning for the future. I have no idea if you have control over things like this, but the pull down menu that has all the system shortcuts in it does not fit the screen when in landscape mode with the default settings for screen size and font size. The edit and settings buttons are off screen and can barely be accessed by tapping the
    2 points
  23. You can scroll with a vertical swipe anywhere on the screen for that. The scroll bar is just a visual indicator of your position in the list. I couldn't imagine requiring the user to hit that tiny scroll bar with their finger.
    2 points
  24. I don't use LOS yet, but just contributing ideas. With the dead zones, an option to change the physical resolution that is reported to apps would also be nice. That way, edge UI elements that a null solution would make inactive can be solved for. Another to add to the list is double tap on screen to wake it. I can't remember if that is already available.
    2 points
  25. Holy crap, I finally got a2dp working. That took waaaaaaay too long, but it's working now. Next build will have it, probably tomorrow since I am a bit busy today and there's some other stuff I want to fix/add also.
    2 points
  26. When I first saw there was going to be a tilt, not straight slider, I was concerned the angle would be annoying when holding the device. I've found that isn't the case, and the angle makes it better for reading when placed on a table (like while eating alone or something). I've got much better with opening than December, but I still feel this will remain an ongoing complaint by reviewers and new users. And if there were competition, and someone walked into a phone store w/o any prior experience and compared proĀ¹ to any other regular slider, they'd buy the regular slider, cuz proĀ¹ so d
    2 points
  27. I'm not quite ready to jump to Lineage yet waiting until it is nearer Official, but I did send tdm another couple of beers for his hard work again and plan to keep doing so. šŸŗ
    1 point
  28. I discovered I had no assistant app set, presumably a lineage default. In the choices, one was google assistant, but another was firefox. So now my F key (assigned as meta) opens a new firefox tab (whether firefox is open already or not). Kinda neat.
    1 point
  29. On the flip side, one nice thing about SwiftKey is that it interacts with the physical keyboard, giving you suggestions as you type that you can tap on and write faster. I guess kinda losing out either way...
    1 point
  30. "Pull Request", a convenient means of asking like "hey, take this particular change from my git repository and apply it to yours"
    1 point
  31. I have planned to try it anyway (I saw it in Tasker thread) but still not played with it.
    1 point
  32. You can check with CellMapper to which network you are currently connected. Also, I found little bit similar case from xda with Xperia M5 phone. In that case the root cause was probably a faulty battery. Perhaps some band causes peak to the power consumption when connection is weak or network changes which leads to a reboot? - https://forum.xda-developers.com/xperia-m5/help/xperia-m5-auto-shutdown-fix-temporary-t3356247 I need to drive 70km away from my home tomorrow so I am planning to put phone to wcdma only and check what happens.
    1 point
  33. What if It is in California now but grew up in Alaska, having experienced temperatures closer to absolute zero than those in Minnesota ever will?
    1 point
  34. I take back what I said about Open Camera and found it to not be suitable or smoothly functioning at all on my otherwise lean Pro 1. Went back to using Snapdragon until I find and install the right Google APK. The main thing in both was how slow it was to take a picture. Especially in low light, it would take as much as 4-5 seconds to shine for focus and then flash again for the actual photo. Daylight is OK but not very detailed or crisp. edit: Thank you AHunter I will try those as they will be quicker and easier to install than the Gcam APK.
    1 point
  35. Yeah, as you said, and others as well, I'm just drawing a distinction in the world of landscape keyboard phones between those that slide and those that have hinge mechanisms. My Relay 4G was a slider. The two halves slide on rails. The Pro1 has its hinge mechanism, where the top part pivots up and away from the bottom part. My T-Mobile G2 (HTC Desire Z) has hinges too, but it lies flat after it pivots up, instead of the angle of the Pro1. As I was playing with it just now, I realized that it is like a mini-Pro1 in that the sound is similar. It isn't quiet like the slider. It is easi
    1 point
  36. Indeed it is confusing that the Pro1 is called a slider, as it does not slide... But I guess no one have come up with a good descriptive word. The movement reminds me of a dolphin jumping out of the waterr. So my least bad suggestion is "Flipper", that both relates "flipping" it open and the famous film, but people also associate flipping with opening a clamshell, so not good.... I would love it if someone had a good descriptive word for it.
    1 point
  37. I'm not arguing with you here. This is my first keyboard phone so I have nothing to compare it to (and I don't mind the clack šŸ˜‰ . However I'm confused by your terminology. It sounds like you think the Pro 1 isn't a "slider." It may not be, what do I know, but I thought it was. Do you mean by "slider" a straight slider (I would call a keyboard tray slider as opposed to an angled slider)? Honestly, just curious, to better understand the communication.
    1 point
  38. Standard Android, see discussion in other threads. Just click The square, Click the icon of the app at the top, and select split (if the app supports it)
    1 point
  39. It would be a SUPER elegant solution if it after a failed attempt could ignore any touches until it has been untouched for say 2secs. This would mean that grabbing or holding it would only count as one single failed attempt....
    1 point
  40. Hey, are we wearing the same pull-over? šŸ˜„ Probably not. Mine's L.L. Bean.
    1 point
  41. Well, lucky you! šŸ˜ LOL. For me, the audible alerts are useless and I live off the notification LEDs. I would never daily drive a phone without one! My lack of audible alerts is due to various reasons, but mainly it's a big issue where I work (and my wife has enjoyed the quietness at home so much that she now has her ringers off all the time as well).
    1 point
  42. I use this app. It sends audible alerts. The notification LED is useless to me. I never look at my phone unless I need it for something so an audible notification works best for me. NEVER used the LED in all my years. It does allow control of the LED as well but I've never tried it.
    1 point
  43. I tried an app called shake light, and it doesnt work nearly as well as my moto zĀ²f. With the moto, i was taught "karate chop 2x" which always worked. With the app I had to shake like crazy b4 it comes on or turns off. Plus the app has persistent notication I havent figured out how to get rid of yet. May have to try tasker.
    1 point
  44. My touch screen laptop like to activate if there is wind around opening a door quickly and causing a draft will do it. Annoying when your trying to watch something! šŸ˜„
    1 point
  45. It only works in the fires of hell.
    1 point
  46. After using my Pro1 for a little bit, I wanted to share my Tasker profiles here. Tasker is that one app I've had bought just in case but never really used before. But on the Pro1 it turned out to be very useful to create workarounds for some of the software issues. That also means I'm pretty much a beginner when it comes to Tasker. This stuff does work on my phone, though. Not going to explain how to import these, nor do I have actually tried to import them back myself, but the files look like they contain everything needed. If problems arise, just ask. Force Landscape on Keyboard Out
    1 point
  47. Though this technically works, no 5) should be taken with more than a pinch of salt, as this comes at a cost&risk - that for some will be acceptable and for others not. 5a) Reduced functionality. Depending on the selected "Display size" & "Font size" (under normal Settings, Display, Advanced) you will have troubles accessing the standard vertical ellipsis top right menu selector in many apps, unless you reduce the border size - and reducing it obviously make the app less useful also. The scroll-bar slider in e.g. the Apps list or your browser will also be inaccessible,
    1 point
  48. Which one of these two theories is more likely to explain that one unit with the upside-down 3-key, I wonder.
    1 point
  49. Oh, so we don't need any writing on them. We can just get them with blank keys and write on them with some marker that wears off after a few weeks? :-) I still have to cheat for numbers sometimes or to make sure my fingers are on the right keys sometimes, and definitely for some of the punctuation characters that aren't used as often.
    1 point
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