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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2020 in all areas

  1. I just wanted to inform you all that I received my refund just in this minute (realtime transfer). It took a while but they are definitely not scamming anybody.
    8 points
  2. test21 is up. Changes: * Update blobs and string to stock 2020-07-07. * Switch back to custom livedisplay implementation. * Import changes from Ethan Chen (thanks to Nolen for doing this). Note the changes from Ethan are too extensive to enumerate in a few lines. There are some cool performance improvements along with lots of under-the-covers cleanup.
    7 points
  3. I haven't seen it hang on bootanim in months. Nolen did commit a couple of changes since test21 was cut, maybe those are causing it? I noticed the adb thing also. Ethan's init stuff must have caused it. Very frustrating for tracking down issues. I'll have to fix it soon.
    3 points
  4. @Hook and @bmccrary .. just spoke with @npjohnson and he's going to try VoLTE on TMO when he gets his device (Thursday).
    3 points
  5. I've mostly already shared this with @tdm, but for whatever reason, when I got my sim back, Verizon just doesn't work. I tried with both test20 and test21. Everything seems to be set right and the phone knows it has a Verizon sim, but when I try to call it fails to find the network. Assuming there are no real hardware differences between tdm's Pro 1 and mine, I have to assume there is another variable at work here and not a problem with what tdm did to set up Lineage. With Verizon shutting down CDMA and expanding LTE at different rates in different places, maybe tdm's network is different
    3 points
  6. Sorry I don't really do binary apk hacking. I only work with source code.
    3 points
  7. ...Forgot to say that Test21 installed smoothly both with and without root here too. (I did noticed that it in both cases after boot was somewhat slower redrawing the home screen, especially the clock widget. We are talking perhaps ยฝ-1 second or something equally ignorable. Just reporting it as a noticed difference, Later redraws works just fine)
    3 points
  8. There are two mics on Pro1. First is next to the charging port and second is next to the camera module. Make sure that you have not covered mics during filming. If you are using a case check that the mic next to the camera is not covered.
    3 points
  9. It's fair to assume they allocate some stock for replacement or repair.
    3 points
  10. I can't say much about stereo recording, because I'm not really into that. But I can say the software is .. well .. let's just say rather unpolished and leave it at that. But the hardware is generally very good. I highly recommend giving Lineage a try. It makes the software experience much better, in my (biased) opinion.
    3 points
  11. Okay so FYI ... I have sent off my spare Pro1 to Nolen. I had been keeping it on stock software for the purposes of downloading new stock updates and doing side-by-side testing. So now that it's gone, I'm going to rely on someone to tell me when there's a new stock release. And, unless someone wants to volunteer [hi @EskeRahn! ๐Ÿ˜€], I'll "get" to backup, wipe, reinstall, copy off the bits, and restore for each update.
    3 points
  12. Same update procedure as always. Once you have Lineage, you don't need to bother with the boot img. Reboot into recovery. Sideload the update. Reboot recovery (to switch slots). Sideload gapps, su, etc. Reboot to Lineage. And as soon as this goes official (later this week?) the OTA system will do the updates for you, just like stock. And it keeps all your addons (gapps, su) through the updates.
    3 points
  13. Right. A lot of us have already received their order - including me - and they are still sending out units. I hope they can fulfill all of their current orders soon. This is a really good phone, so I hope others will also have this piece of rare style but very useful phone with a great keyboard (especially the non-shifted QWERTZ variant but this is only my own opinion as never used the shifted QWERTY one).
    2 points
  14. I am pretty sure that building does not automatically clean files. So you should probably delete your out/target/product/pro1/{root,system,vendor} first. Then sync up again .. I think I neglected to update my lineage-16.0 branch yesterday. But it's definitely up to date now.
    2 points
  15. Sounds like the livedisplay manifest issue. Make sure you sync to test21 and you don't have a framework_manifest.xml file in your device tree. EDIT: Yup, looking through your log... 07-14 11:07:49.126 601 601 W hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry [email protected]::IAdaptiveBacklight/default in either framework or device manifest. 07-14 11:07:49.126 601 601 W hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry [email protected]::IColorEnhancement/default in either framework or device manifest. 07-14 11:07:49.127 601
    2 points
  16. Mine looks fine too if it's on LTE/CDMA, until you actually try to make/receive a call. It shows the phone network as "1x RTT" but I'm quite sure Verizon never authorized the phone to work on CDMA at all so I guess that's why it then fails. I always have had to run mine in "LTE Only" on the stock ROM to make it work correctly. On the stock ROM, as soon as I flip the VoLTE switch the voice goes to "In service." I tried disabling the persist in the Lineage ROM so the switch was flippable, but toggling it didn't make a difference. @tdmI can still send you a Verizon SIM you can have if yo
    2 points
  17. I just put the factory image back on and paid attention to the fact the original 20191028 image behaves exactly the same as Lineage, however updating to the 20191111 build fixes the problem. I just wonder if something needs to be added from that build to Lineage, although I know it has way more updated vendor and modem images.
    2 points
  18. Indeed. They can be rightfully accused for many things, but they are not scammers.
    2 points
  19. I am aware of that but so far everything is working great. I will move it a bit if I face issues. PS. Actually, the case is not made by me. It was made by previous owner of this Pro1.
    2 points
  20. Note that your image indicates you placed the magnet a bit away from the sensor, so if if you experience problems, you might want to try to move it a bit. See the image I added here
    2 points
  21. I am using a PURO 1-in-2 magnet flip case for Huawei P30 Pro with my Pro1. See the pictures below. https://imgur.com/a/a8A7iZT I am not using the separate hard case so the Pro1 is attached to leather flip case with double sided tape. Also, a small magnet is added under the leather where you normally place a credit card so flip case can be used with Fx Service. I think that the end result is pretty neat. Later on, I might try to create a magnet hard case that can by used with my flip case. However, I am not sure if the thickness is enough for separate hard case.
    2 points
  22. Sure, just tell me what you need me to do ๐Ÿ™‚
    2 points
  23. I have found several Gcam versions where viewfinder is not upside down in Night Sight mode but none of those provides same quality than Pocophone F1 port. However, there are Gcam versions (like PMGC_7.0.009_HDR_Version_V13) where you are able to flip viewfinder from advanced settings menu. It will fix the issue on Pro1 even so the fix is meant for front camera. I am wondering If it possible to add that feature to Pocophone F1 port? Is there any app developer who would be able to help? @tdm @Slion ? Also, I tried to tune parametres with config-file on F1MinimalMod2.0_Moded_by_jairo_r
    2 points
  24. Okay so I got all the code cleaned up reasonably well and all my tests checked out. So Nolen is currently importing everything into Lineage as I write this. It should be done shortly, and then I will add the pro1 to the list of official Lineage 16.0 builds. I'm not sure exactly which day the first official build will roll out. After all of that is done, I should probably create a discussion thread for official Lineage 16.0, and of course I'll be immediately starting work on 17.1. That should hopefully only take a few days, and then I can do a short testing period before switchi
    1 point
  25. Sorry, maybe you should wait for things to settle. I just finished finalizing the trees and Nolen is importing them to Lineage now.
    1 point
  26. Sorry all, it has been sold.
    1 point
  27. just for conclusion, I replaced the screen and it's working again now ๐Ÿ™‚ Just a hint: don't forget pulling of the plastic sheet at the back of the screen at the speaker/camera, realized it after it was glued in...
    1 point
  28. Ok, well I'm going to do a full make clean and try again. This time, I didnt accidentally flash the broken zip to both slots so I was able to change my active slot to the other and get right back up. I'm going to try this one last time but it will be about 1.5hrs with the make clean and all.
    1 point
  29. As a small update for those who got the "stock assigned" email last week (I am amongst you), below are emails I received from Support when I had a question related to my shipping address: Monday, July 13: ...We have had a minor delay, so you should receive your shipping details in the next couple of days. Tuesday, July 14: ...We've now updated the shipping address as per your request, and it should be shipped by the end of this week. Take from that what you will, but I thought I would share.
    1 point
  30. Mine was recieved on the 15th of June and also still nothing. So it might still take longer for you.
    1 point
  31. The display size change would be from this commit. See, I told you Ethan was good. ๐Ÿ˜„
    1 point
  32. The msm8998 is definitely capable of stereo recording. But I don't know how the Pro1 has it wired up. You would probably have to ask @Waxberry.
    1 point
  33. Maemo-Leste! with a functional Rockbox port please, and add osso-notes too while we're at it!
    1 point
  34. test21 installed fine. Had to readjust display size down two notches since the "default" is now bigger. Trebuchet was also now 4x4 instead of 5x5. Now that everything is back looking like before, I can start looking for not so obvious differences ๐Ÿ˜‰
    1 point
  35. The mic placement is clearly intended for noise-reduction. And I have no idea if the mics are handled as individual mics and the noise-reduction are done software-wise, OR if it is some chipset function using two physical mics, but only giving one mono stream of input to the system. I would not be surprised if the second was the case. Anyone knows? @tdm ?
    1 point
  36. If my memory do not fail me, they explicitly told they would do exactly that. ๐Ÿ™‚ ADD: By afterthought it is actually encouraging to know that they thus initially have allocated more than they have needed. That is the ratio of units that had needed replacement so far has been so much lower than what they expected so they still got some of the initial ones available to send to you eight months later. ๐Ÿ‘
    1 point
  37. It certainly is an older unit (260 days since last full charge). What it's been doing all the time is the real question (combined with the fact they could only now send it). Condition-wise it looked like it had never been touched before. Same goes for the accessories. Not that it bothers me. Just found it interesting.
    1 point
  38. I would have first said Windows or Linux for usability and compatibility between different programs and OS. However, I am on the go most of the time and I don't know how displayed time and such stuff would scale with Windows. Apart from that, I would love to have a trackpoint on or next to the keyboard (like in the middle of the space key for thumb usage) which would allow the usage of cursors. Currently I'm very happy with LineageOS in landscape mode, especially combined with the Kiwi Browser and desktop extensions. Standard desktop mode and uMatrix really saves me a lot of time and anger
    1 point
  39. Apparently Ethan Chen[*] has a Pro1 and he's been hacking on it lately. So Nolen and I are going to be massaging the device code to incorporate his changes. Nolen says that Ethan has incorporated a lot of cool stuff to make the device perform better. [*] Who is Ethan Chen? He is arguably the best active Lineage device maintainer out there. I worked with him at Cyanogen, and he is truly a whiz at doing device stuff.
    1 point
  40. If we're talking about a dream os for me ... it would be a Windows Mobile/Windows Phone. Which ever you wanna call it these days. It'll bring me right back to the days of my HTC Touch Pro. I MISS WINDOWS MOBILE 6.5 ๐Ÿ˜ญ
    1 point
  41. For me, an up-to-date Maemo with Android app support...
    1 point
  42. Bank account transfers are more complicated. Our bank here in the UK requires a director to physically visit a bank branch just to add a new payee to the account. I will chase someone.
    1 point
  43. Thought it worth mentioning, if someone wants a non google alternative to stock camera, I assume opencamera would work without google services .https://f-droid.org/en/packages/net.sourceforge.opencamera/
    1 point
  44. https://imgur.com/gallery/fYWqIsG So, another two cents' worth: As mentioned, get the card tray out first. I realized that the one screw that gave both gelraen and myself trouble is under tension, which is probably the issue. I unfortunately happened to leave that one for last, it should probably be done first, while the screen support is being held by the other two screws. Also as mentioned, the F(x)tec .pdf describes the required screwdriver as PH0. That will not work, they are either PH00 or PH0000. I was able to reuse the little black stickers. Just peel them carefu
    1 point
  45. @tdm Still b0rked after a make clean. ๐Ÿ˜ข Which commit should checkout on the device tree?
    0 points
  46. Already started that by the time you replied as I had a feeling it had to be something with that with all the changes from last night. Forced another sync just in case, rebuilt and installed, now it hangs on the linage boot animation, adb not connecting at this point either. Grrr...
    0 points
  47. @tdm Synced, rebuilt and installed again. However, after the first sleep/screen off it would not come back on. After another reboot, I'm now stuck at "Phone is starting....". I've attached a logcat from the second boot. I'm currently reinstalling the build from yesterday for now....or so I thought. Apparently, I cannot downgrade as Lineage Recovery sees it has an older timestamp and wont let me. I'm going to manually flash the system and vendor images from bootloader now. Update: that's not working either, I can't get a good looking vendor.img extracted from the payload.bin. Revert
    0 points
  48. I've been off of here forever, mainly due to the fact it was depressing seeing all of the cool Lineage stuff and knowing I never could use it. However, I really wanted my keyboard fixed, and decided to upgrade from the January firmware which required a complete wipe in my case, and was amazed to see Verizon was working!! ๐Ÿคฉ So I flashed the test21 last night to try it out. I'm sorry to say my results haven't been as good. While it did work the first boot, as it always did in the past, it seems after a good full power off it doesn't work anymore. I did install the addonsu and used Titanium
    0 points
  49. Another two weeks have passed. Still no refund or any notice that the refund was made. I really do not want to go to my bank and ask them for forcing the refund but I am waiting six weeks now and I'm getting impatient (also I do need the money for other things too). Edit: They reacted in less than twelve hours (see below).
    0 points
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