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  1. Interesting story, I am curious what you will notice in the coming days. Anyway, when I have replaced my screen bought at Aliexpress, the problem was disappeared without any modification in software. However, when I have opened the phone and separated the display of its frame, I have noticed at one of the top/bottom edges (I mean at sorter side), maybe near the place where ghost inputs became better after I touched it - I am unsure if it was the opposite side or the bottom what helped when I pressed it... ...so I have noticed some (relatively high amount of) pocket dirt-like dir
    2 points
  2. Investing in startups is like taking a bet, sometimes you lose. However, so far FxTec customers overall are on the winning side. That's coming from the guy who wrote "I own two broken Pro1s" and "Unboxing my thrid Pro1" ๐Ÿ˜ Being a regular on those forums I'm confident there are hundreds if not thousands of happy Pro1 users who never had an issue with their device. I've been using Pro1 as my daily driver for almost a year, only had to change the screen once after the touch panel broke down. Thankfully I was lucky to buy on short notice a spare device from a gentleman on those forums so
    2 points
  3. This. I am a FOSS enthusiast. But unlike many, I do not think that the security advantage of FOSS stems primarily from technical superiority. The main problem with non-free as-in-'freedom' platforms is that -- sooner-or-later -- they end up being also non-free as-in-'beer'. Then, some class of users, who are more willing to download any SPOSยน off the Internet than to pay their 5 bucks for an official copy, reach a critical mass. The rest is history. ๐Ÿ™‚ ยน steaming pile of sh*t
    2 points
  4. Okay I figured out the problem with yesterday's build. I did not clean out my build tree from last time, and the Lineage guys changed the location of a file so I had two copies in the zip. I've done a clean build and verified that it flashes and boots okay this time. New build, same link: 2b0478469b9f756f613f20549cee6b9f Dec 7, 2020 ... and please test exfat, my "big" sdcard is currently formatted ext4 so I haven't tried it yet.
    2 points
  5. Right also for me - except the rattling on my "second" device -, all of the problems should be software-related... like the handsfree mode drives the wrong side of the speakers and I hope too loud speaker in normal mode also could be repaired in software (but it may be also a wrong gain issue at the amplifier which should be solved easily but in hardware like changing the resistor(s) which sets the gain), so in software, it should be possible I think but the background noise may be a bit high as a result. Also uncalibrated screen temperature (varying with screen brightness) could be also
    2 points
  6. I think you're mostly right. I don't think you should consider this a "normal" pre-order or even order, there are huge red flags that indicate to me that you might not get your product or your money back. It's not a malicious company or anything though, I fully believe F(x)tec wants to supply these products and refund the people that want refunds (though they probably want you to enjoy the product instead), this just seems to be a fact of a pretty small company trying to do something very ambitious. There's a risk that's normally not present when buying products, however if you approach it fro
    2 points
  7. Sooo... back on topic (but AICP is still going to come up)... As I had indicated above, things kept getting worse and worse. I referred to them as demon possessions because the touches would end up firing off in bunches, launching apps, pulling down the notification shade, launching things from there, etc. It went from happening after 2 hours of using my Pro1 to 1 hour after to 5-20 minutes of use with only turning off the phone for a while worked. It was essentially unusable. I contacted Chen and her had me open the phone up and check all the connections (man, is this phone easy to open up
    1 point
  8. Worked fine for me too (USA), but had to answer a text from my Bank assuring them I made that transaction (at which point they slapped an additional foreign transaction fee on me ๐Ÿ˜„ ).
    1 point
  9. Visa worked fine for me (DK)
    1 point
  10. There's probably nothing the support can do. I needed to call my bank. For buying the Pro1 (no X)
    1 point
  11. I really, really want a Pro1. I like everything that it offers, and if I upgraded to it the only thing I would miss is water resistance. But I am stopped by the wild uncertainty of when, or if, I would actually get it, and what the support would be. You can browse these forums and see threads from people that paid over a year ago and still haven't received their phone, while others reply that they got theirs within weeks. The Pro1 X was announced despite those outstanding orders, and it was launched on IndieGoGo where it's policy that receiving a product for your money is optional. And pe
    1 point
  12. Really! Ho dear! Hard to believe they recovered from that.
    1 point
  13. I'm using this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Y6F74F1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_VmSZFbVN4KMV9 and it works great. I'm really happy that FX Tec is supporting this kind of standard thing.
    1 point
  14. This is one possibility: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pro1-x-smartphone-functionality-choice-control/x/16576339 though they do not expect to ship before March. Note that the campaign ends in less than a week!
    1 point
  15. Indeed. I'm guessing here but they could have a person with rather limited tech-knowledge scanning mails versus an internal FAQ list with predefined answers, thus speeding up response times and also freeing up more knowledgeable staff for more complex tasks.
    1 point
  16. Or you pay 5$ to support the devs who did an awesome job...
    1 point
  17. I'm on test printing some flex case, somehow I'm getting interesting results
    1 point
  18. Formatting the card in a pc to exFAT, and it works fine it seems. If I choose to to reformat it in the phone, it is formatted back to fat16 (not FAT32). Though formatting to FAT32 on a pc, that is supported too.
    1 point
  19. I tested with a 128GB SDXC used in my laptop which reported itself as exFAT and the Pro1 read it fine and wrote all it's default folders onto it. ๐Ÿ˜„ So I think it's good.
    1 point
  20. Official lineage will never do incremental updates. It apparently takes too much storage on the back end. Don't ask me why they can't buy more drives when storage is so cheap today... the lineage directors just don't seem to care enough about users to make this experience better.
    1 point
  21. It seems they are faster to answer some kind of questions than others...
    1 point
  22. After almost half year there is some glimps of hope: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/dualboot-android-boot-manager.4195929/ Will my dream come true to have Ubuntu Touch on my Pro1 AND being able to boot into LineageOS for apps that dont exist for Linux , like bike and car sharing etc? Lets keep fingers crossed!
    1 point
  23. Latest news that I have seen but I don't know the details.
    1 point
  24. Well for my part that is what I feel. The issues I experience are all pure software. (though I have improved it with a few strategically places tiny self-adhesive rubber stickers) But sure as many have stated there are faulty units (would have been a miracle otherwise), but the handling of those certainly seem like it could have been better. And the same goes for the software bugs. But as they are a dedicated team I do still believe the later will be ironed out. Also remember that a forum like this will always present a disproportional amount of bugs, as people (for obvious reasons
    1 point
  25. Another thing I'd consider is that you're almost bound to require help from support at some point in time. The QA seems awful (my fingerprint sensor literally never worked!), there's no official case for no reason (why not just mass print the 3d layout already created by some nice folk and put a price tag on it) and the hardware has known issues. So honestly I don't understand the "hardware is great" comments. No, the hardware isn't great. The assembly quality is honestly akin to lottery, some of the parts are almost guaranteed to develop issues on their own (hello ghost touch display) and t
    1 point
  26. I would recommend to wait. If you buy now, the support you expect just isn't there. It may improve down the road, keep checking back
    1 point
  27. I have a bit of a unique perspective as a developer that was given a device and also privileged to some extra chats with FxTec. FxTec is a good company with good people and good intentions. They have worked very hard to deliver even though covid killed their ODM and almost killed them. They will do their best to get all orders filled, I'm sure of that. That said, FxTec has awful communication practices. I truly feel for folks that pay good money and don't get any updates for weeks or months. And for folks that send their device in for repair then don't get any ETA or u
    1 point
  28. I really believe that everyone will get their phone and things will speed up over time, even though fxtec has struggled to get things done in a timely manner so far. Bringing a phone to market as a startup is no easy feat. Your concerns are legit though, I'd only advice taking the dive if you are willing to wait.
    1 point
  29. But it is still very relevant as I bet that quite a number of (potential) pro1 owners have (had) a Priv too. I for one bought the Priv back then as the least bad available keyboard slider - despite its keyboard being in the wrong direction.
    1 point
  30. I'm using Satechi ST-CMAM, working very well.
    1 point
  31. Hi Ive got a usb hub that has hdmi and a usb. yes it changes while outputting to hdmi.
    1 point
  32. I have tried it earlier and it worked for me. However, "quick charge" feature did not work through it, but the phone has gained charge so it is clearly not depleted (battery percent was increasing) while I was playing Youtube videos on it. Currently it is not easy for me to take a photo, but I feel it is visible well and there is no problem with angle. In a dark room, it could have been much darker anyway. One thing to mention, when there is an indication which transforms from on to off state of the LED and back (so tries to change its brightness), it behaves like if it tries
    1 point
  33. As I said, Gecko 52 ESR may be a big improvement over the engine in SFOS 3.3, but they are still failing to catch up. Gecko 52esr was released in 2017, since then we've had 60esr, 68esr and 78esr. 91esr will probably have been released (scheduled for July 2021) by the time Jolla adopts 60esr. The technical reason for this seemingly lost race is that SFOS's build environment (gcc, libc, Qt and all that) lags behind the average Linux distribution, so that recent versions of some programs (like Gecko) cannot be built (easily). Do not get me wrong -- I like the fact that SailfishOS
    1 point
  34. @netman and @internationaltraitor not to be a spoil sport but you are not only out f topic of the thread, more like out of topic of the forum *LOL*
    1 point
  35. here's a list of apps i've gathered from these two posts (this one and the landscape post) 98% of these apps come from F-Droid, the other two you have to download the APK, not from google play store. Silence SMS app - i tried textra, mentioned here, i liked it. then i saw the trackers for it and quickly uninstalled. Briar secure messaging app - kind of high tech, but secure. and you need to get your friends to install it (replaces whatsapp) (search internets for their repository for F-Droid) Element.io matrix Slack, IRC or XMPP messaging app - replaces whatsapp
    1 point
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