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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Ah finally a keyboard phone.... sort of. 🙂
  2. Well given that the highest number reported in the hand of a user was 225, when we know that only about 10% were produced, I would guess you are not far off, though pessimistic, depending on whether larger numbers in the 10% exist but did not report. (We know that 275 is in the new batch, so less than that) And of course how sharp the number 10% we deduced actually is (as 70%/(1+6) where the 6 does not have to be 6.00 but could be anything between 5.5 and 6.5. And the 70% could be rough too, so the "10" could be roughly anything between 9 and 13, So summing up anywhere between 225/.1
  3. Yes, but if it is touch only, and not with physical keys that can be felt in the fingertips, it is far less interesting. Sure better than a slab, but....
  4. So I am crying and my husband is laughing his ass off. Hats off Man 😛 Sorry 😇. It is from Jojo Rabbit BTW.
  5. Hope it includes lost fingerprints...
  6. If your order says that the headset is included, I would say you got a good case demanding it, no matter what the home page said. But indeed if things are not changed synchronously it would be nice to courteously allow the customer the benefit of the doubt. The normal thing to do would be to warn beforehand when an offer that was initiated without a specified fixed date is about to expire.
  7. Yes they set a limit on that initial offered bonus gift. Just as they they changed the early bird price, and changed the mentioned bonus case to a sleeve. But they still consider all of them pre-orders AFAIK.
  8. It is surely a better way to do it than, stretching and squeezing. I will have to test that one more, Thanks!! Would be nice if there is an option somewhere so when you add an app or action for one direction, it was 'thrown in' in the other direction, so you just had to move it. I would claim that most would have the same set of apps in portrait and landscape. (Though off course some might want to rigorously put all their landscape apps (like video) in landscape only and others that do only do portrait in portrait only, so they turn the device before selecting the app to launch - but
  9. Well they have said previously that all orders until general availability are considered pre-orders. But I agree, the benefit of ordering today versus when they announce general availability (I would guess in about a month), is limited to if the demand is larger than what they expects and have ordered so they run out of stock, and you will have to wait for the next batch over. They might even be so pessimistic, that they don't really order (much) more than there are orders for in their pipeline.
  10. Nope, not here. And the standard IT-support question for almost anything: Have you tried rebooting? 😇😝
  11. Well they were told to have an expiration at end of July as far back as last spring. And actually back in February told us we could use two. Just go to the Indiegogo and scroll down to the confirmation on this question
  12. Well a transparent window in a flip case would obviously not cover the entire area, but might be enough for basic interaction like answer/reject call and read an incoming mail/sms. The touch interaction might not be totally fluent through a window - though the touch works perfectly if I put a clear case on a pro1 screen half (obviously too thick, but it technically works) It will be interesting to see if anyone can make a bumper for the top half that can coexist with a shell for the lower. We will see. I also see these flip-cases as temporary simple workaround, until a better solut
  13. Actually we were even allowed to use two vouchers for one phone!! We just had to contact them to do so. I'm in a similar situation, where something went wrong so I only got one subtracted, But have not pushed the case. And now I assume they are long expired...
  14. The way people are acting in other threads, I would expect it to be torn from his hands in seconds *LOL*
  15. I would suggest to contact support, and see if they are that large.
  16. Well You could do that (depending on how soft the case is), But it would be awkward at a table at the least, tilting the keyboard away. Also having it to the right prevents accidental key/fingerprint interaction. I think the optimal would be to find one like the one we just found, but with a full front window, so people could mount it either way as they please. (Still those that would like it to the right would have to make speaker holes) But the interesting is that by this we found a design that is cheap to make, and thus could be quite cheap to have produced specifically for the Pr
  17. It seems they did.... Just tested in Android. YouTube search "Stereo Test". Headphones are OK though. Hope they can swap them it in a software-driver...
  18. Note that for the Pro1, we would want the book to open to the right (Japan-style) to have the flap away to the back when using the keyboard. So the windows are going to be swapped, and the large top windows could be large enough for swiping up/down. We would still need to cut/punch holes for the earpiece, used up side down though.
  19. HOLD it, it is their search-function that show wrong results!!!!! So it is NOT for the Elephone U Pro 🙄😫 http://www.mycaseshop.de/epages/64909749.sf/de_DE/?ObjectPath=/Shops/64909749/Categories/Elephone/Elephone_U__U_Pro It is a generic case fitting many, and the images are misleading too... Hmm will try to find it somewhere else!! Just ordered one, and we will see if/how it fits....
  20. It is, after applying a red square and reducing to 40%. The Pro1 has 2:1 aspect ratio, and at least the uploaded image was 864x432. Here a fake one with a fill of the background (they use images from other phones in the listing...)
  21. Well that was what I meant. Might be interesting to play around with, but on the other hand not likely to be really useful unless it ends up supported. As they deliberately maims it without offering you the options to buy off the blocking...😥 It is a bit like selling a free app with limited functions, telling you that there are additional interesting things in the pro version - and then prevent you from buying the pro version....
  22. I doubt the window will fit, and especially not mounted up side down,,,, But could be wrong, If we are REALLY lucky then up side down small window will match the number, and the large one allow for a swipe up or down.... And the glue is supposed to be reusable, but for how many times I do not know. I also find the soft inner case approach more appealing, also giving better protection.
  23. ...And on the value part. Before people think that is a huge profit, remember this is the value of pure raw hardware out of the factory. The margin up to the sales price has to cover all the common base cost like he development costs, financing plus all other F(x)tec costs. And then licensing, delivery, customs and taxes are on top. For a low volume product as the Pro1, these base expenses makes a huge impact on each device (On a millions selling device they would be spread out to a few dollars each) A guessing calculation: Let us guess they are selling 20K devices, this would mean
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