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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. ...Actually for all we know it could be a rough 8½ oz, that was converted, as this is about 240.97g, rounded to 241g indicating a lot higher precision ...,
  2. Well sometimes mine is, as my scale is just an ordinary kitchen weight with limited accuracy. I doubt that he weighed it on jeweller quality scale though - and anyway it was before real production, It was posted back in August here With the accuracy of your scale, it even matters if you in- or ex-cluded the sim, an sd-card. the screen protector, and/or the SN sticker.
  3. There are a lot of cheap(er) cables available if you need charge only. But if you want data too, it is more limited. Also note that most extends quite a bit, actually adding a risk for the USB-port when not charging. Especially if used without a case. (A case also protects the protruding plug somewhat) I have not found any very tight either. @kashif has reported here that some that protrudes less are available in Australia.
  4. You forgot to search this forum. 😉
  5. Oh I totally agree that the board is the most complex for them, BUT if they can do it in a way where they do not need to redo all the certifications, and they could reuse the whole 'production chain', they could save a lot of wait and uncertainty, as a much larger portion of this will be within their own control.
  6. I have seen similar issues too with sms/mms after fiddling in the test-menu, or band-selection. A simple restart fixed it though. I guess some stuff does not get 'notified' when things gets changed, so a restart is required to straighten things out.
  7. ....And other entities have been active voting, so now we are rather far away from the popular vote....
  8. I certainly hope for that too. But even if they pursue other forms for future devices, and do not see enough market to create a completely new keyboard device. I have a vague hope that they in say 2024 will offer us a plug-compatible upgraded main board, with the newest chipset they are allowed to buy. They could both sell this as a an upgraded device AND offer it as an upgrade that a service partner, or we ourselves can do. Yes sure the lack of 5G(/6G?) antennas might be an issue then. Time will tell. But I assume it could save them a lot of development cost not needing to create new antenna
  9. Do we know how much current this phone can accept if 5V only? I mean if it can pull 3A (or more) the 15W(+) would make it quick charging though not Quick Charging. Is is slightly odd that a device offering as much as 87W PD does not also support QC 3.0 - but it could be license issues.
  10. Interesting, All the round ones I tried were unsuited for the Pro1, being too large so it goes below the underside of the device.
  11. I think there is a deeper worry beneath this: The fear of this being the last real slider keyboard phone, perhaps forever, and not unlikely for many many years. And If so, the newer the specs at launch, the less outdated it will be in say 10 years. Many of us are replacing really old phones with the Pro1.
  12. Thanks for the offer. Bought a bunch of different ones on ebay, and some are still in the mail somewhere. So let's await what arrives. Perhaps I will return to your offer 🙂
  13. I use the fingerprint-reader, as it also wakes the screen. (And Off I just press the power button from the display side at/after close) The case I used is 15.8mm. Is the one you used slightly larger, or has you found a cable with a more compact connector? And if so, does it do data too? And if so in both directions? (Some of the magnetic cables I tried are charge only, and some are not reversible used for data)
  14. Looks nice. You should consider to add a small hole (or extend the large one) on the back, for the secondary microphone. And also to punch a hole for the notification LED. The one you used seems slightly better for use with magnetic USB, The least bad of the ones I tried extends a tiny bit beyond the case I used. (And I can not imagine that it will harm the display in any way)
  15. @Anssi Hannula is currently testing a variant with changes about / ? as can be sneak-viewed here, but that should not affect the "US For physical qwertZ". But are you seeing the same issues @Zvonimir was reporting?
  16. Something as rare as an app that seems to work in landscape only 🙂 And indeed reacts nicely to navigation with arrows, enter, BS and escape
  17. It sounds to me like you might have selected a layout language. There are a lot of android layouts that comes with the phone, they work poorly and should be ignored(!) You got three options selecting the keyboard layout for the hardware 1) For US letter-shifted QWERTY deselect all tick boxes, do NOT select US (Yes I know it is odd....) 2) For German standard QWERTZ select German, do NOT select another qwertz based layout 3) Install FinQWERTY that supports several languages for the Pro1 for both hardware layouts, and you can use more than one, I use Danish+US+Swedish
  18. Well depending on the case you choose, and the way you turn it you will need to modify more or less for the camera. But nothing complex. The most complex was for a flip case to punch a few holes for earpiece, secondary mic and notification LED. But the whole thing takes a few minutes only (and of course more if you for aesthetic reason, want it done more accurate. To me part of the point folding it that way is that the flap when closed protects the buttons & fingerprint reader. And I deliberately cut in the INNER part only for the camera, so the lens is protected when closed. But the
  19. Just ordered this too https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/303235791812
  20. A thermometer or a pill dispenser at the least might be somewhat useful. But loosing to the wowcube, that seems like a totally useless toy.... Ouch
  21. And even on that we have fallen behind....
  22. Well "clearly" might be pushing it, but they did not try to hide the rather odd process.
  23. Nah. they clearly said so, we are talking the POPULAR vote ....But that said having a finalist that only had 8 (EIGHT!) user votes, does not indicate impartiality.
  24. It could sit just fine closed in portrait. However it could be an issue NOT having it pressing one of the keys... It would require 'jaws' with large clearance (about 7-8cm) to grip symmetric around the device and above the volume rockers. If asymmetric it needs some 5cm clearance to get across the power and volume rocker.
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