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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Aicp S-17.1 now available, though not really working (yet?).... See
  2. (on the wiring, the two shifts and the two ctrls are physically wired pairwise. so though we see 66 keys, there are only 64 distinct keys)
  3. Indeed and remember that some have preordered not perked for a Pro1X, and we have no knowledge on how these two lines are interwoven, but I guess they all come after the Pro1 orders, if things goes by chronology....
  4. (lineage-19.1-20220711-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on June 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_174313)
  5. (lineage-19.1-20220704-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on June 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_174313)
  6. Same here. It could be unfair, but I have the feeling of Magisk like a can of worms I avoid to install.
  7. The keyboard itself seems very close to identical to the Cosmo, and some have wrote about using that in here. If i recall correctly you can do thumb-typing. ADD: Here two report it in a non-positve way as too large for it
  8. Peronally I have long been advocating for one hand operability, and this means a limit around 65mm wide. BUT there are two drawbacks on that. One is lesser keys (or for me worse: fewer). Secondly the display would be lesser, and that again would mean less information (=a lot of scrolling) or the use of a font so small that it gets beyond what my aging eyes can handle without extra glasses. Also remember that the newer ugly material design wastes more screen space, so many apps are today designed for the oversized phablets and not phone-size (quite similar to a lot of apps working poorly i
  9. The principal difference keyboardwise (apart from the opening system) is that Pro1 got more but minor keys. So I expect what is the best for a specific person depends on if they need A-Z (almost) only, or have fingers that struggle with small keys, if so the larger keys are likely to be a plus. If you on the other hand want national letters and other keys in their standard positions the Pro1 is likely to be a better choice.
  10. would be great if the niche products could find ways to help each other, as they target different parts of the small keyboard segment. But the big question is if the visions are compatible?
  11. The second i've heard mentioned before. The first is new to me. Before the obvious suggestion of a factory reset, you might try to do a very long power-press, (about 10 sec) it seems to do a deeper reboot than just the ordinary 'restart'.
  12. Glad you found a workaround. but odd indeed.
  13. (If I do not recall incorrectly it has been quite a while siince Fxtex asked us to double-check the address - was actually surprised that Unihertz did not ask us to confirm our address but to reenter it...)
  14. well they (unihertz) just asked us for our addresses, so likely a close run....
  15. A, sorry, then please ignore the last part. A factory reset could still do wonders if a bad flash has messed up things.
  16. The big question here is if you can get the key-tops free of the elastic plate? The current is some combination of an elastic mat, and some harder material on top, that is then painted white (and for some keys a colured square top right, and finally the black layer of paint. And this combined plate can be freed by heat. I have no knowledge wether the tops can be separated by heat, Though I intuitively doubt it... So you might need to 3D-print the elastic base plate as well in e.g TPU On my spacebar the black is wearing off, all other keys are (still) intact. So the timing of soo
  17. (Smoothly installed aicp_pro1_r-16.1-WEEKLY-20220629.zip on June 5 security patch and open_gapps-arm64-11.0-pico-20220503.zip using adb sideload)
  18. (lineage-19.1-20220627-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on June 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_174313)
  19. @pebert I would advice to factory reset. But as @Hook suggested try with a flash first, and if that does not fix it go for the reset. You are mentioning Magisk, and If I understand correctly, some things are principal different in that aspect going from 18 to 19.
  20. Interesting! Killing AudioFx dos not do the trick here by it self. Disabling AudioFx and restarting, does not change anything either. (*) So it must be viper that does 'something' on yours.... (have not installed it) (*) ADB shell pm disable-user org.lineageos.audiofx ADB shell am force-stop org.lineageos.audiofx ADB shell pm clear org.lineageos.audiofx And after that did not work reenabled it with ADB shell pm enable org.lineageos.audiofx
  21. I can confirm, only the speaker near the usb-plug is active with LOS 19 on the Pro1.
  22. I have tried rigoursly to find a stable way to trigger it, without any luck. The bug is common for Lineage 18 and 19 as well as AICP R Unfortunately we do not have an Android 11 for the Pro1, so we can not tell if the bug is in Lineage or deeper. When the bug kicks in, the phone DO draw power from the charger, but only to sustain what ever the phone is doing, not to charge it, so the battery percentage remains at a (roughly) constant level for hours. There seem to be some system to prevent over-charging a constantly connected phone, my personal theory is that it is this system,
  23. Moving more into the guessing land, you must remember that they can not get a new Pro1, and that they (from what I seen users report in here) early on was unusually kind in just replacing phones on various errors. So they are likely to have a number of devices with some deffect they can potentially refurbish with a combination of new parts they can get, or used parts. But indeed doing so, the resulting devices ought to be thoroughly tested before sent as replacements.
  24. It does indeed sound odd. But guessing here it just MIGHT be that they have combined parts of multiple devices deemed dead-beyond-repair to create a replacement unit. But it certainly does not sound good that it then comes back with keys not working correctly.
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