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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. The short story: the keyboard layouts seem to need a factory reset after upgrade to 18.1 For the long story, see the error report linked above...
  2. Well the hardware is just fine. The default app is a bit so-so, but a LOT of camera apps can access the camera using the Camera2 API. As long as you stay away from HDR (there is an odd bug in the implementation of the API for the Pro1, that add odd shadows when the app try to stitch the two together. HDR in the the Stock app works though.
  3. The short story: the keyboard layouts seem to need a factory reset after upgrade to 18.1 For the long story, see the error report linked above...
  4. Something odd seems to be wrong with the keyboard handling on 18.1 (I added an error report on it here)
  5. Gambling is a good analogy. Investments always are like that. If we want to be sure we should do (pre)orders rather than taking IGG perks. More expensive, sure. but it gives us a lot of buyers rights.
  6. A little more on the default keyboard layout: Alt and Sym seems to work identical as modifiers. Sym+S gives the 'Beta'. Sym+E followed by the base letter gives á, ć, é ...etc. Sym+U followed by the base letter gives ä, ë, ...etc. Sym+I followed by the base letter gives â, ê, ...etc. Sym+N followed by the base letter gives ã, ñ, ...etc. Sym in combination with `(left of Q) gives à, è, ...etc Sym+C gives ç So if that is enough for your usage, you are in luck. 🙂
  7. Indeed the corners and edges are always the high risk zones, But it is not hard to think up scenarios where a flat might help: Say if it is hit by something hard face on. E.g. bumping into a corner of a table while in a pocket or lands on a stone on the ground dropping it face down. (not to mention scratches) So a flat one is definitely better than nothing, though far from ideal.
  8. No updates... 😥 As soon as they switch they forget about supporting the stable version.... 🤐 See this: https://www.lineageoslog.com/17.1/pro1 from this by @claude0001
  9. Well yes and no. There ARE tempered glass protectors BUT I have only found flat ones, thus not fully covering.... What we would like would be similar to the ones for e.g. the BB Priv, or Samsung S8(+/-) & S9(+/-) that are flat in the long direction and curved in the short. (Technically MUCH simpler to make than doubled-curved ones)
  10. That was my point. The more commonly used the tweaks you use are, the less likely they are to be affected by (minor) upgrades. But there still is a risk. And you certainly got a point on WinX being in "rolling release".
  11. (lineage-18.1-20210412-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on April 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-11.0.0-arm64-20210328_143848 ) (Ctrl+Space still does not rotate between selected layouts, and expicitly selecting one only works for some layouts)
  12. That the tweaks you are using have nor been affected, does not prove anything, sorry. What the developers might consider a small bugfix, might be just enough to affect a tweak. Obviously the risk is higher on a major update than a minor, and the more broadly used the tweak is, the more likely it is that their tests would have cought that a change had negative side effects I have seen more than once on Windows 10 that some tweak just stopped working with no warning after a minor update. So not limited to Android/LOS
  13. As I saw it the point was that was that results are really hard to predict on any system, if you go to the 'edges', Most likely it is much easier to simply try it out, and fiddle until it works. So that would certainly need backups, as you might need to reset everything in the process. And even when things DO work, an upgrade may break it, as you walk on untested ice. I'm not saying that people should not tweak, But on the other hand, a robust result can hardly be expected, so the tweaks are likely to need adjustments from version to version. So a heavily tweaked system is not suitable as a st
  14. No, it is the same BOE display unit so the protector will fit exactly as good/bad on one or the other.
  15. Or perhaps "lack of interest" is too kind. "dis-interest" i guess would be more appropriate!
  16. You could say that it is due to the fundamental lack of interest in users privacy at Google that it isn't....
  17. I would prefer if it was settings the user could select/deselect (without the need of rooting and messing with system files)
  18. On the OTA. AFAIK they still only do Total downloads, not deltas. The flip side of that is large packages has to be fetched, the positive side is that they do not need to push the same strict restrictions of a known position, as handling a delta parcel does.
  19. Important point, thanks! We have had no information on wether all the Pro1X will be in one initial large batch, or spread out over some us unknown period. My personal guess would be that it will be spread out, and given the previous experiences over a not insubstantial period. (I'm guessing months rather than days)
  20. Tried to extend the opengapps table with MindTheGapps: The last two I THINK could be included as obligatory in say "Google System Base" for OpenGapps. (I got them on AICP Q + OpenGapps 10 Pico also)
  21. Note that one is a preorder, the other a indiegogo perk. That is the first is a conventional buy with the buyer rights that offer. The second is an investment without the same rights. Or said otherwise on the first FxTec have the risk, on the second you have. That is the reason for the pricedifference. But you should be able to cancel the preorder anytime, and take the IGG perk instead if you wish to - but you can not cancel a perk (except some days after picking it) I would suggest sending a mail to [email protected]
  22. We have the camera discussions in several other threads, not much point in repeating it here, just because I made a joke from a picture.... e.g. this is active:
  23. The size (200M) seems pretty close to the opengapps nano, the pico is about half the size. I have not checked what is actually included. ADD When we find a list we can compare it with this ADD II, this is the APKs in the ZIP: product\app\GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter\GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk product\app\GoogleContactsSyncAdapter\GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk product\app\GoogleTTS\GoogleTTS.apk product\app\MarkupGoogle\MarkupGoogle.apk product\app\PrebuiltExchange3Google\PrebuiltExchange3Google.apk product\app\talkback\talkback.apk product\priv-app\AndroidAutoStubPrebuilt\Android
  24. Being a bit evil, following the link the second image seems to tell us that we would better ALSO have a real camera... 👼😈
  25. I certainly hope he will 🙂 The issue as @claude0001 pointed out is that LOS is great when it stabilised, but pretty crazy that they immediately remove the older version as supported. A few months overlap - with security updates would be nice. Even what in the broad perspective can be seen as minor bugs, can be crucial for others, so some overlap where people can jump back waiting for a fix (even if it requires a wipe) would be nice. Or simply be hesitant in upgrading until those of us not dependant on it has stumbled on the bugs, and can report if&when they are fixed. I can fully u
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