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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. If you (for whatever reason) got some severe issues, here a small guide. 1) The simplest one is to do a factory reset (Settings, System, Advanced. Reset option, Erase all data ), Make sure to save anything you need first!! 2) You might be in need of providing it with a clean new firmware image You can restore to a well known state, see e.g. this https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2466-guide-restore-to-stock-firmware-using-fastboot-method/ or https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2559-factory-restore-tool/?tab=comments#comment-37626 The first of these start at a r
  2. I am utterly impressed 😇 ....But assume it is a typo. (But I do agree that it is frustration how the production again and again get delayed)
  3. Thanks for the quote. Moved it to the 'locked' thread, so it will be easier to find for others.
  4. Indeed odd, but could make some sort of sense as APN is related to mobile data. I wonder if this is a general Android Pie bug/feature, or specific to the Pro1?
  5. Well as it is not hardware detection that is the issue it must be software that is somehow messed up. And as no others have chimed in with the issue it will be hard to guess what it could be, but you could try to uninstall/disable/stop various stuff and hope you can find it - but I guess you easily will use even more time trying that.... That the keyboard backlight does not turn on, also indicates something is rotten, of course in theory it could be two independent failures, but seems unlikely. (I take it for granted that you in the Settings, Slider have Turn On Backlight set to on)
  6. Then my best guess is a factory reset...
  7. Yes, as you can see in the other thread the other one is for detecting e.g. a flip case, You can trigger that one with a strategically placed magnet, but it has nothing to do with the keyboard, So as the sensor works it seems like some software issue. What is the firmware installed on it? 2020-07-07?
  8. Try the factory test described in this thread, The magnetic hal sensor is number six from the bottom, just above "OTG"
  9. Just for info and off topic this is not LineageOS only, the same goes for Stock. Below an example from July 19th, with very little usage, where it dropped 10% in 20½h (red line)
  10. That is interesting. I use password or fingerprints for unlock, and does not see it on unlock. I wonder if it is a general issue when used 'unprotected' or it's some software you have installed that triggers the issue? We have had people reporting random boots most likely related to when a WiFi signal is seen as very weak. I wonder if what you see could be a milder version of that? Could you try to temporarily stop WiFi, and see if this has any effect on the bug.
  11. Is this a temporary hiccup where it continues by it self, or does it hang so you need to force a restart by long holding the power button?
  12. Something is clearly wrong if it reached close to 60°C. I would suggest to hear what Support has to say in the matter.
  13. The odd thing is that if I in Stock settings search start to type "wi-fi-calling" it knows where the setting is supposed to be - it just do not display (It displays correctly on LineageOS) Stock: LineageOS
  14. The one I currently use is this one. Do not get confused on the "2.1A" print it only delivers 1A - and this is exactly what I want from it *LOL*
  15. Try something like adb shell settings put global sms_outgoing_check_max_count 99999 adb shell settings put global sms_outgoing_check_interval_ms 9000 It is a silly default set way too low IMHO.... Note that is is counting the INDIVIDUAL SMSes that is roughly each 157 char for plain A-Z type, and 67 chars if at the least one unicode char is used. So a lengthy SMS sent to a several friends (bulk not chat) can easily hit the default ceiling,
  16. Unfortunately QC chargers does not come with a simple switch to select normal or quick charge (I have not found one yet). BUT you can easily find QC 3.0 chargers with two or more slots, where only one is QC. This is a very handy thing. Use the normal slots normally and only the QC3.0 one when you are really in need of it. See also this I use one found on ebay that provides 5W in two slots and 20W QC3 in the last one. it is 2.5cm thick, and 5x5cm excluding plug (85mm including EU plug) so not much bigger than other chargers.
  17. He he. Well If you got more that one phone in play, one may be idle for a while. And I deliberately left it (almost) idle to have a better estimate of the idle consumption than my previous claim that it was about 1%/h, it really is only about 0.5%/h I would recommend to install something like 3C Battery Manager (the image is from that) or GSAM, and be sure to give them a little extra privileges (see this), and use that to help spot the culprit(s) eating your battery
  18. Note that the battery consumption of LineageOS is quite lean by it self. So what you experience could be some apps eating the battery in the background, or you are using it actively a lot (Displays are always eating a lot, especially if set bright, and oddly for amoled especially blue). Try to note the battery consumption while you are asleep it should not be above roughly ½% per hour. Have a look at the below, where it was (almost) idle for slightly over 4 days (99h) between 5th and 9th of August, and used 46%
  19. This does not seem to work at all, says no signals are available even when connected - perhaps it is intended for older Android? Last updated over two years ago. Another one (open source) works, and displays at the least 5 and at the worst 15db worse results on a Pro1 placed at the same place as a Samsung S8-. So in 'mean' that is half the signal.
  20. @tdm are providing builds faster than you can test them 🤣
  21. There is a principal difference in paying a bill and making a refund... It could be their specific bank's requirement or some general rule - I do not know. We would need someone with detailed knowledge on how UK banks do stuff to give an exact answer. I just reposted what they have stated earlier.
  22. Just a check, before sending back. As I understand it some units were sent out with incorrect firmware, Can you confirm that you are on the 2020707 version? And if you did not do it already, try a factory reset wiping everything. Just to make sure that it is a hardware failure and not because it has been delivered with wrong firmware/software.
  23. This is a very small start-up and I think they use as much power as they can to push the waiting pre-orders out. I do not know the size of their support 'stack'.
  24. The point is that it is NOT sliding - I do not have a good word for the motion though. It flips up like a dolphin jumping the water. If you do an even horizontal push it will 'lock'. See this thread.
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