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Everything posted by VaZso

  1. You are right, however, this industry is moving too fast, so 662 will also be obsolete in a few years (but it is currently relatively new), so better support is very likely in a long run, but this too short production time of the SoC definitively results in a poor software support later. 😞 I don't like how fast these replacement process is while technology should be good enough for years, so it is not driven by development but simply to sell newer units making old ones waste... It is not about F(x)tec, it's about the phone industry itself. Right, also looking at correct alig
  2. Wow, just looked at the photo thinking in a thread of phones with keyboard attachment and thought what a good looking phone attached to a good separate keyboard in a flip case... 😄
  3. Sorry. Anyway, when I read @Hook's reply, I thought to make a photo of me holding my Pro1 showing the other one holding this compact phone in a same way looking the very same position. So I confirm he should have a really small hand...
  4. Right. That is a software written by Google and it is dependent on their own services. However, I would not blame F(x)tec for not being able to invest a plenty of money to make the sensor more usable if the pure sensor (made by Sony) does not provide data good enough for regular use by its own. It may happen there are better options than the sensor which they chose, but who may think a Sony sensor which is basically known as a good sensor is not as good without further fine-tunings which the manufacturer does not provide or may request money for improved functionality (I don't know w
  5. I am satisfied with its camera but only with a GCam port...
  6. If it is possible for you, I would try to temporarily install stock OS and test the camera there. That would give a real answer if it is a hardware failure or not. It was not clear for me if camera quality is generally good under LineageOS or not and if it isn't, GCam port helps or not...
  7. Please also post your later foundings about this issue. It has not helped in my case, but it may happen you only had this connection issue. It may also happen it will start the same problem again. That is the connector of the screen itself anyway.
  8. Maybe I haven't found the right software for fine tuning notification LED. I can set a colour, but not a custom one (more green, less blue, etc).
  9. I have also done this together with my last screen replacement. It seems to be much better anyway, but it is not too much chance trying it under stock OS, I don't know if it is better under LOS. (I mean notification LEDs are not fine-adjustable under stock.)
  10. Does it mean it seems we will have an official 18.1 release for the Pro1 very soon? (I currently see nightly builds only but the announce is relatively new which I hope is not an April fool 🙂 ) Just because stock Android started to have soft-reboot issues again for me several weeks ago and I don't want to set the OS up again and again, so I would go for LineageOS, but it would be good to start with 18.1. 😄 Anyway, are there any problems exist with LineageOS 18 which would cause issues as a daily driver? Thank you your reply in advance. 🙂
  11. It is definitively not just "a small matter of coding". I think (but unsure) it is all about a specific private key and if I rememben well, not even F(x)tec has that key, but their partner. I don't know if there is a workaround however.
  12. Just a notice... if someone wants to remove a sticker, it helps a lot to heat it up a bit. For example, I mean using a heat gun at lowest temperature (around 100 degree Celsius) and keeping some distance, so it may not melt the base material but makes much easier to remove the sticker.
  13. @dreamflasher, have you tried leaving the phone for example on charger for a few hours? I am experiencing a reboot loop after each reboot (now also after each charger connections). This is the second time I have this problem, it used to be solved after factory reset. So for me, it looks like the phone was started. PIN request comes up, lock screen comes up, but not all applications are exists. Software keyboard is the default instead of "Hacker's keyboard" I use, saved WLAN connections are unavailable, SD-Card is absent, etc. So there are unavailable applications where not even
  14. I have also bought that perk anyway. At first just to send some money, but I was also curious what those discussion and project updates mean. ...at some point they have completely removed that option and I still don't know if they wanted to share some additional information...
  15. Interesting... I don't even have this ghost option: However, one of my carriers has VoLTE (and VoWiFi) support and it is turned on (however, I don't know if they have a whitelist), the other one still does not support it.
  16. The same applies for me... I hope my current Pro1 will last for a long time anyway. Also, if it will have a "UFS flash chip issue", I may find a way to replace that chip (potentially with a 256 GB version) if a Pro2 will not come up by that time... and I may also do it if I will buy a Pro2 anyway. 🙂 I am mostly afraid about two potential hardware issues with Pro1: - Screen breakage without a potential replacement - Flash worn out issue (which is normal for long-term usage but a very bad problem to have)
  17. I don't kow if it is related to VoLTE but that is not available for me (however, the service provider supports it). Anyway, I have to turn speaker volume to lowest level and I still feel it is sometimes too loud - however, when speaker volume is higher, it can even have distorted audio because it is too loud also for the speaker (and overdriving the speaker it is generally not a good thing at all). Otherwise, there are solutions which are louder while others are relatively quiet. ...like when I have tested my Pinephone for the first time, its output (at other party) was extremely loud
  18. VaZso

    Spare Parts

    I doubt. Plastic would soften long before solder itself. It should have a melting point much above 100 degree Celsius. (It is around 183 degree Celsius for lead-based soldering which is prohibited to use for mass-production of consumer electronics and above 200 degree Celsius for lead-free solders...) Right, USB connector may be replaced with another one, but it has a lot of connections. Also, if the connector breaks ("comes off"), then PCB traces are potentially insured so replacing the connector is not easy...
  19. Slow change does not seem to be a problem (it should be usually static) and it is specific to E-ink panels generally. However, it would have the advantage of having practically any kind (also custom) prints for every users. I hope this solution is not patented anyway...
  20. Generally I feel much better to have a physical keyboard (I mean a moving keyboard instead of a screen). However, I saw (maybe here) an idea which used E-Ink on top of physical keys, which would be very handy. 🙂
  21. I have also ran into a similar issue. One of the microcontrollers I use was unavailable in the factory (at PCB assembling company) and it was also unavailable at Farnell but I could order it from Mouser ...so I had to solder it by hand (TQFP-144 package). Currently, it is available also at Farnell and Mouser, but another microcontroller is still unavailable till April or May (pending order). Also there is a power-related IC I could only backorder (it was unavailable at PCBA company and at suppliers above), then it became unavailable again and currently there is a pending order whic
  22. Mine also does this, however, I am satisfied how it works. It does not rattle in closed position and although it rattles a bit in open position, I feel it is absolutely okay. However, I have a second Pro1 which is practically unused (never used by me other than a few times turned on which is much less than 10). It is because I feel it rattles really too much in closed position which frustrates me to a point which caused me to not use it although I wanted to use it for testing alternative OSes. However, it is not rattling in opened position. So, that one does not do this movement l
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