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Everything posted by claude0001

  1. OK ... this does not seem to go well. According to the past updates, almost all units should have been sitting at "their" warehouse (really Expansys', I understand) already for four (4) months. Given that Expansys are obviously able to ship their own Pro1-X's without any problems, I think F(x)tec should stop blaming "logistical issues" in "China and Hong Kong" for everything ... they must have at least some part in this mess and I think people would appreciate if they admitted that. However, the most disappointing part about the last few updates is how alternative OS development is i
  2. Another month, another update of good-ol' LineageOS 16.0! Head to https://findus.zwergenschaenke.net/~puma/linux.html#lineagepro1 and fetch the ROM dated "20221214". It includes backported ASB fixes up to patchlevel "5 December 2022". The warning about lack of upstream code-review still applies (see above). All I know is that the ROM seems to work fine on my own device. Also, as I wrote last month, my modded keyboard driver no longer reports every key-press to the kernel log. Send me a PM if you prefer a build with this debugging info enabled. As usual, a tarball of all mod
  3. I believe @TechLvr is using my (LOS16) rom. Therein, the respective section under "System > Languages & Input" is indeed called "Input assistance". In my case, the spell-checker panel looks like this: Where I have several "System languages" selected under "Languages & input": During typing one can then switch between those on-the-fly using the "globe" icon on the on-screen keyboard, or using "FxTec+Space" on the HW keyboard. Did you install any alternative keyboard apps?
  4. While I believe this problem is real, it has almost certainly nothing to do with the Pro1X's CPU or GPU performance.
  5. All I can say up to now is that the raw GPU performance of the Pro1-X is indeed much lower than the Pro1's. In Super Tux Kart (love that game!) the X reaches somewhat less than half the frame rate, given identical graphics settings (top: Pro1, bottom: Pro1-X): While this is unfortunately quite noticeable in a fast-paced game like that, it of course does not matter much in normal phone use. In many cases the Pro1-X actually feels faster than the Pro1, e.g. when launching apps, as if the disk-IO was faster. However, that may also be related to Android 11 (on the Pro1-X) being bet
  6. I have updated LineageOS 16.0 to include backported security fixes up to ASB patchlevel "5 November 2022". At http://findus.zwergenschaenke.net/~puma/linux.html#lineagepro1 grab the ROM dated 20221117. Remember that this is for the original SD835 Pro1 only. The note about lacking upstream code-review from previous months still applies. All I can say is that the build seems to run without issues on my own prawn. Note that, with this release, I have added a compile-time option that disables most of the kernel messages generated by the keyboard driver. I always disliked how e
  7. So, the speaker issue is definitely improving. With the battery fully charged (and /sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_now >~ 4100000 µV), the tapping sound reappeared sometimes while changing the volume of a playing youtube video, though not to the extend to make the video unwatchable. Now, with the battery charge at 72% (/sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_now ~ 4000000 µV), I'm back to "cannot reproduce" ... I am now quite confident that this problem will quickly go away with ageing of the battery, as others have observed, and I regret opening the Pro1-X for this (
  8. Replying to my own question: Seems like it doesn't look very good for HDMI-out on the Pro1X, at least when it comes to alternative OS's. Unsurprisingly, I can confirm that my all-in-one UGREEN USB-C dock, which works flawlessly with the Pro1, does nothing regarding HDMI when connected to the Pro1X (also Ethernet does not work with the X btw ...). After a bit of reading, I wonder whether the solution that was presented during development of the Pro1X is actually using any native "HDMI-out" features of the SoC. Rather, it seems to implement an MHL interface and needs a proprietary APK
  9. So I started playing around with my Pro1-X again. After the device being shelved for ~1.5 weeks, the battery is now at 61% and /sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_now never exceeds 3870000 µV. In this state, I cannot reproduce the speaker issue! So, maybe, it indeed occurs only on brand-new devices (and batteries) where the voltage exceeds 4.1 V significantly after charge ... ? This might explain why the problem goes away after some time of using the Pro1-X. edit: Re-charging the Pro1-X now, to check whether the problem comes back with battery full.
  10. Without knowing how well they are prepared for handling mixed tickets, my gut feeling is it is probably better not mix. The tapping-sound problem with the bottom speaker has been reported by several users (including myself) in another thread and there are hints this may be a firmware/software problem they are working on. @Casey promised to take home our reports and come back to us once more is known.
  11. 2.1.5-GMS-less also here. And the problem is definitely there. So whatever fix they prepare, it's not in that ROM.
  12. Well, let's say they are not "apparent" during normal usage. But @Rob. S. is specifically using advanced tools to monitor the charging process. I guess, otherwise he would also not notice this. Might be somethign else in the end, but especially the fact that the current decreases towards the end of the charge is pretty normal, I think. I see that also when charging my Pro1 using my solar-panel charger (which includes a built-in current gauge).
  13. As far as I know, there is a switch from current-control (i.e. constant charging current) to voltage-control (constant charging voltage) at some point during the charge, which leads to a decreasing current as the charge reaches its maximum value. I thought that was standard for any Li-ion battery.
  14. There is an unofficial website that keeps track of all LOS versions no longer available at lineageos.org: https://lineageosroms.com/pro1/ Haven't used it and don't know how reliable they are. But if the code is signed ...
  15. Before we tear our phones apart any further it would be good to know whether F(x)tec are indeed aware of this problem and are planning a fix via firmware update. The (initial) October update can be interpreted in that way, but the wording is quite vague ...
  16. I use my Pro1 as daily driver with my self-built LineageOS 16.0 and a Debian 10 (actually Devuan 3) desktop GNU/Linux system running permanently in a chroot. For me this is the optimal combination of an Android(-like) environment with the option to do serious (desktop) work from the GNU chroot. Of course, running a more native GNU/Linux system (if we agree on calling libhybris-based hacks "native" 😉 ) like UbuntuTouch, Sailfish, or Droidian is tempting, but -- realistically -- I cannot make it through the day without some Android apps I would not know how to replace (Firefox, Zoom, Öffi,
  17. @IMD seems to be absolutely right. The speaker failures occur only when /sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_now exceeds approx. 4100000 µV. This explains naturally why the phenomenon is more apparent when connected to a charger. The question remains whether F(x)tec will indeed be able to fix this by a firmware update, or not ... 😞
  18. So I did open the phone yesterday and could not fix the issue using @spam71's recipe. I fiddled a lot with the spring contacts to the speaker, even while playing music through it: The problem seems to be independent of the electrical contact. The popping does seem to come and go also in my case. Sometimes the speaker works at all volume levels, sometimes only at highest gain. I will test if there is a correlation with the level of the battery charge. Thanks for the hint @IMD.
  19. Consider that, concerning non-working sensors, the recommendation to do a full backup of the original Android system is largely obsoleted by the latest edit of the OP of this thread: Concerning your connection troubles, I can only recommend to try different (USB) hardware. I ended up doing all my adb/fastboot business from a Raspberry Pi3 as my Thinkpads are seemingly to "advanced" for the purpose ...
  20. I think it is unlikely you damaged anything. As you probably know, the A and B slots are a kind of safety net that (among others) allows the device to keep the previously running OS "in reserve" whenever an update is installed. The active slot basically flips between A and B everytime a new ROM is flashed. So whether A or B is the "right" one for installing Magisk simply depends on the number of previous flashings being even or odd.
  21. For the record: @Casey's instructions did work for me. It automagically flashed the right slot, which I think was "b" in my case.
  22. Well, the OP wonders why, obviously, the PSU and the Pro1 cannot agree on any charging protocol, which is strange indeed. Depending on the power source, my Pro1 seems to distinguish between three different charging modes: "charging slowly", "charging", and "charging rapidly". The last is probably chosen only if the PSU explicitly supports Qualcomm QC. Electrically, one of the lower two modes should always be possible. I've been charging my Pro1 with solar panels ... 😎
  23. If you look again at the OP of this thread, the behaviour you observe is exactly as described for a screen having not reveived the "Stock-firmware-magic": The outer ~7 mm are insensitive to tapping but still correctly register dragging your finger form the central area outwards. I had understood stock Android 9 does its touch-calibration thing only on first boot. So just connecting the screen to an already-installed stock-Pro1 might not be enough. I would try to facory-reset the "calibrating" device first.
  24. I guess @Tommi69preordered an original Pro1 via the f(x)tec website and was later "upgraded" to a Pro1X. As such he is eligible for refund while IGG backers are not.
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