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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2019 in Posts

  1. Hello Liangchen here. We have been pushing for the delivery and shipping confirmation from our EU fulfilment centre since yesterday. We didn't want to find excuses, but please bear in mind that it's not us who does the shipping, but our partners. What Erik wrote is what we thought, hoped, pushed. But there are certain things out of our expectation, like sometimes some extra documents required from factory and due to time difference it often became a day delay. It is the first complete shipping for us and our partners along the whole logistics chain, it's the first time eve
    29 points
  2. As users will start receiving devices now, we want to give some update about the bugs and features we found / currently working. Shipping software version: QX1000_EEA_20191028191835 Known bugs: - Under a rare circumstance, touch of screen can be lost (touch function unresponsive) A reboot will fix. If that happens, hold power key to give the reboot menu, then open the slider and press tab key, and select restart, Press Enter. It will go back after booting. This happens on a very rare case, and team is working on a fix for the next version - We have heard from some users wit
    22 points
  3. I GOT A TRACKING NUMBER!!!! 🤩 Email came though 2 hours ago but I just saw it now. According to Fedex tracking, it's shipping from HK and should arrive 20/11. Only problem is I've been procrastinating about buying a screen protector, I guess I'd better hurry up 😀 EDIT: APAC QWERTY with IGG coupon
    19 points
  4. It will be mid-next week. The next batch will be bigger in quantity as the production process will also get smoother. Also hopefully with the experience we learned from the first batch shipping, we can also reduce time on the road.
    18 points
  5. Today we are experiencing a small hiccup on US custom declaration. Our shipping carrier (It's a well known US shipping carrier) is dealing with it and we will share update via email once we are clear of the status. It was a complicated scenario according to the carrier, and they are still working with the US custom, will share updates as soon as we have any. This will also be a good learn to all the parties involved and we will certainly improve for the next time.
    16 points
  6. [Behind the scene story] We did designed a hard case for the bottom part of the phone (keyboard part) and we paid for the moulding and we adjusted the moulding for quite a few times. There were 2 major issues which leaded to cancellation / production-held of the case: 1. The case enlarges the gap of the two parts. We worked hard on engineering of the product to minimise the gap in the middle and we achieved some great result. However with a case holding on the back and have certain bits goes to the middle, if it's firmly installed, it will increase the middle part and "separate
    14 points
  7. I confirm some people have received their tracking, more to follow by the end of this week :).
    14 points
  8. Once shipping has been fulfilled I will spend more time with the team to improve the design of the case. The current issue 2 is more difficult, because of the screen curve it's getting much harder to open the slider with the case on it. Anyone who tried the case feels the same. Hopefully we can find a way to overcome this one.
    10 points
  9. did someone say... hype? Hype? HYPE! ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN!!! CHOO CHOO M*THERF*'S!!! 🚄
    8 points
  10. Hi everyone, A small informal update for you. As you should be aware by now, my updates do not represent what PR might have to say, but I'll give you the latest and best to my knowledge. As per the last time you received a director's update, there's nothing significantly new - our team is still working really hard to meet our own deadlines to fulfil all pre-orders and launch before the festive season. While stock rotations between warehouses (factory > Hong Kong hub > US & UK/EU) took slightly longer than initially predicted, due to the customs and weekends off, the first b
    7 points
  11. I'm sure that's much more than one. 🙂 I am also put my finger crossed for the next bits to EU, it will happen and I really can't wait for the user to unbox it.
    7 points
  12. Thank you for the Update! It's good to see you here. I hope to see you here more often to talk about the pro1, not just for updates 🙂
    7 points
  13. Stock assigned, IGG Coupon, US, [mod, copied from comment:] November 4th, first batch.
    6 points
  14. Would be hilarious if those first tracking numbers are for the accessories xDD
    6 points
  15. For all the QWERTZ users, please set-up the physical keyboard layout after the initial setup. (Only needs to do this once) ADD (EskeRahn): During the initial set-up use the touch keyboard to enter Wifi and account credentials, until the wizard suggests you to configure the physical keyboard at the end. If you skipped the set-up by the wizard then please go to hardware keyboard setting. This can go from drop down menu when after boot, or Setting - System - Languages and Input - Physical keyboard For QWERTZ user, please click "Setup Keyboard Layouts" and select German For QW
    5 points
  16. Thank you very very much for this update! This kind of updates should have been written the last weeks/months. Even if the news are about delays. No hard feeling. Just sincer. Thank you very very much!!! I am looking forward to write you a big thank you mail once I have a great qwertz-smartphone in my hands. 😀
    5 points
  17. Since time of release is really near, I am wondering if @Waxberry has noticed @Hyrum (creator of the Game Gripper) attempting to contact him? I'm sure there are quite a few people who would love a Game Gripper for the Pro1 :).
    5 points
  18. I'm in Australia, so yes it makes sense for delivery to be from HK rather than a Europe/US distribution centre.
    5 points
  19. As much as I can't wait for more (and hopefully smaller) keyboard phones to come out, I think it's more important that Fxtec first has a internal review of the past few months to see what they can adjust from a service/delivery/expectation management perspective (i.e a retro, for those of you familiar with Agile development). No doubt they'll still be flat out getting subsequent batches out the door, but I think rather than being more relaxed once they get the first couple batches out they'll actually have more on their plate, balancing shipping of remaining pre-orders and new orders with afte
    5 points
  20. I got the "Stock assigned" mail on nov 4. for the QWERTZ device I ordered with IGG coupon.
    5 points
  21. 4 points
  22. This ! This is what i wanted ! of course Custom are horible, Factory can be late and Delivery company can make mistake. Obviously paperwork to get approved and lisenced by company take a long time. But right there you did what wasn't been done for now, Raised a new issue to us right away, saying where and why. Doing this help a lot when it come to trust. and it's easyer to wait for something when you see it moving slowly, clearing issue after issue, than just wayting in the dark. Thankyou very much.
    4 points
  23. Same here. Just curious on when I should start vigorously checking my email and jumping for joy! 😄
    4 points
  24. I got the "Stock assigned" mail on nov 4. for the QWERTZ device I ordered with IGG coupon) Nov 15 13:24 CEST Got tracking code. UPS to Denmark 😎🥰 Nov 19. 13:15 CEST Delivered!
    4 points
  25. What if Apple had released a QWERTY slider?
    4 points
  26. Moderator: This is a thread intended to keep the "Known Bugs" thread more 'clean'. I split out the below comments from it. Also things that might be an issue but needs further testing could go here. Resolving bugs & issues and sharing tips & tricks maybe the best benefits from this forum. It's great to see the F(x)tec themselves coming out with the 1st known bug. Way to go! I am sure it will be a wonderful experience with Pro1. Thanks!
    3 points
  27. ...And you have likely already upset someone in a LGBTIQ+ segment trying to be political correct... 😜
    3 points
  28. Thanks for the information. It is appreciated. Just an idea, but for the Pro2, maybe you could put indents/slots in the 4 sides of the keyboard part of the phone. This way, a case could be made that has fingers that clip into those slots instead of needing to have fingers that wrap around the top of the keyboard and interfere with the opening mechanism (creating a gap and getting in the way of the user opening the phone). Secondly, it would be great if you could release the 3D models of the Pro1. This would allow 3rd party case makers to design cases and, probably more likey, woul
    3 points
  29. Yes, the current QWERTZ layout is different from a standard one (it was made by the community) So we currently put this layout under German. In the future we could expand it into other German-speaking nation settings
    3 points
  30. @Waxberry Just curious if there is any news on US hub? I'm fine if that will take longer, but I just noticed that it wasn't mentioned. Thanks.
    3 points
  31. 3 points
  32. Thank you for the open and clear update. It's much appreciated. Do you have any estimate when the next (second) batch will leave China?
    3 points
  33. Close enough! :) First tracking number on the forum, make sure to remember to post some pictures when You receive the phone :)
    3 points
  34. See the other thread about tracking number. 🙂
    3 points
  35. It's worked out the other way around for me. I *was* doing this, back in June and July. I was showing friends and colleagues the website, and enthusing about the phone and the potential return of hardware keyboards. Now those people look at me like I've fallen for a scam. And after the months of vague, misleading, or dishonest-by-omission, communications from FXtec I'm almost ready to agree with them. If I ever get the phone, and if it turns out to be as good as we all hope, then I'll happily evangelise for them, but right now I'll keep telling people "it's a nice idea for a phone, but no
    3 points
  36. Just a thought on how to make the wait less unbearable, while going through tens of posts in the production status thread is just too much for me. Post here IF, AND ONLY IF You've got anything concrete from FXtec, like: 1) The Pro1 - pictures or video links more than welcome :) 2) a tracking number that can be tracked online 3) a "stock assigned" email message @ moderators - please remove any posts from this thread that do not fall into either of the above three categories. If it's possible and appropriate, may be worth making this thread sticky too.
    2 points
  37. Totally agree. Fxtec could probably learn a few things from Detroit: https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/wait-wait-tell-me/
    2 points
  38. Okay...a new technique to get *someone* on the couch! That should cover it! 😄
    2 points
  39. A new technique to get the ladies on the couch! 😄 (Or to get the men on the couch, for you ladies out there!)
    2 points
  40. I remember the Iphone 6-, it was close to impossible to hold without a case of better material, it was slippery as a piece of soap. When I got it and showed it to some friend, I always made sure they sat in a sofa, and they all (but one) dropped it while playing around with it the first time!! And we had a good laugh afterwards when I told that it was exactly why I was so keen on them sitting in the sofa when I showed it to them, as I did the same thing when I got it. *LOL*
    2 points
  41. And you should make sure to never have the sleeve with the opening upwards in your pocket, or you will be left with a sleeve in the pocket, and the phone on the ground, as the friction between the pocket and the sleeve is likely to be bigger than between the sleeve and the phone.... Unless it is so tight that it is hard to get out of the sleeve - and that would be a daily nuisance... In my experience most drops is in/out of pocket OR when a kid or dog 'bumps' into you while using the device. A jumping playful dog that wants to get your attention can cause havoc....
    2 points
  42. It would be good to have an option to define custom layouts as well. I have not even tried to locate appropriate files under Android but I hope the system can be easily modified to achieve this (however, I strongly think root access will be required), so I mean a somewhat similar way what worked under my N900. For me, I would be happy if I could easily use national (Hungarian) characters with the help of Pro1's modifier keys. (I mean characters like áéíóöőúüű / ÁÉÍÓÖŐÚÜŰ) On my N900, I could write very fast using my redefined layout and the modifier key. Pro1 should be mu
    2 points
  43. I don't know about cases, but as mentioned some time ago I asked @Panzerglass.com about the possibility of a tempered glass screen protector, and they told me that they'd need an order of 500-1000 units for a tailor-made production.
    2 points
  44. Although it seems to be only speculation, this is very credible. I for one always thought of the process of a startup manufacturing anything, to be similar to what you described. It gets (like so many other things in life) to sort of a paradoxical point where exactly the moment the startup needs most of all that orders continue trickling in, is when they start losing the supporters' trust in them because of the (very possible, real and quite normal) delays. I haven't been posting here too much because it is easy for our words to become (justly or unjustly, I'm not judging) impatient/unsat
    2 points
  45. I'm in the first batch and in the APAC region. I am surprised that it hasn't shipped yet (I haven't gotten a shipping reference), given that stock has already arrived in the UK according to this tweet, and I was under the impression APAC orders would be shipped from HK which is much closer to the factory. 😕 I can only guess that there's an issue between China/HK customs due to the issues in HK right now. If it's not that then I don't know. (Update: An email with a tracking number came through an hour before I posted this) I see that the Fxtec twitter account has been more active
    2 points
  46. No offence, but the mechanism You're describing here is very very similar to a Ponzi scheme :)
    2 points
  47. There are several hands-on reviews of the final product out there, while of course technically the devices were preproduction samples. Everything I read was positive, by the way, even though they came out of preproduction. There were even reports on German IT news sites like Golem.
    2 points
  48. Also, it was clear in the email of July 31st telling us that it was time to pay that the above was no longer in force. "We are beginning the manufacturing in the next few weeks with estimated first shipping to pre-order customers during the 2nd week of September." Thus, before you paid you were told it would be at least 6 weeks and that was only an estimate.
    2 points
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