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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2019 in Posts

  1. This is what Chen replied on Twitter when somebody asked about 2nd batch: "They are leaving end of this week! Will send out fulfillment mails later :)" https://mobile.twitter.com/chenliangchen/status/1197500492848549896
    7 points
  2. I have experienced those as well... , when we designed the internal I made USB board separately from main board. It's on a mini PCB so replacing it would be cheap as you don't need to change CPU, memory etc...
    7 points
  3. The edges of the OLED are rounded, so It's a Hardware thing. One could only shrink the display size via software to fit the screen inside of a rectangle.
    6 points
  4. It's because you have to bake all the hardware drivers into the image. Desktop OSes tend to have a bazillion drivers for common hardware baked into the image, but storage on mobile is much more limited, and this waste of space is more noticeable. On top of that, generic handles for things like video and storage to make something work without hardware-specific drivers are nearly universal on x86 machines (although servers can be fiddly), but ARM devices need the specific drivers for the hardware to even work in most cases. edit: lots of great answers to this question from others.
    5 points
  5. Give me a device and time. I'm sure I'd have an answer for you whether I wanted one or not...
    5 points
  6. Just a suggestion - could one of the moderators keep a concise list of known issues/bugs in the first post? That's typical approach on xda developer forums, and it really helps get a quick overview. On a related sidenote - is any of the problems found so far a complete dealbreaker for daily use? I'm thinking sensor-poking apps crashing isn't ideal, but it's not something one needs every day. Headset pairing is a bit of a bummer from what I see. Anything else?
    4 points
  7. I don't think (however, I don't know "today" means which time zone, it is 19:44 here). So, I should be in the second batch as an IGG preorderer and still not received e-mail about it. Also, I think "Will send out fulfillment mails later" statement doesn't mean later in today but maybe later next week. Also they said most of the preorderers they wanted to be in second batch, so there is a high chance you may also. šŸ™‚
    3 points
  8. I just received this email: "I just wanted give you a quick update with regards to your headphones. They are being sent shortly, so you should receive them by middle to end of next week depending on postage times from london" YES!
    3 points
  9. A modification. The soft shell case type for "Huawei P20 Pro" is actually a better fit than the "Samsung Note 7" soft shell case. As the existing cut outs is closer to the Pro1. So IF we can find a RIGHT SIDE hinged flip case, it would be close to a full match. Oddly I have not been able to find those, though it is the obvious way for two handed usage for right handed people to hold it in your left and operate it with your right hand fingers... I found a LOT of different LEFT SIDED hinged (This goes for the Note 7 cases too), those would have the best fit used up side down on the P
    3 points
  10. I think you misunderstood something. 2nd and 3rd batch weren't on their way by then (maybe the second batch has left the factory by now), but they were talking about those all the time. So yeah, there will be a second batch much bigger than the first one and (from their view) hopefully covering all preorders. General availability should be there in mid-december so all devices will (according to their plan) be shipped by then.
    3 points
  11. Because every phone is different. šŸ™‚ I mean any of them use a specific SoC (like SDM835 in this case), but different solutions in hardware. Different sensors are connected to different ports (other IĀ²C or SPI), the CS pin of an SPI device may be connected to different outputs, enable signal for specific power supplies may be connected to different outputs, after hardware switches on it may have a "self-powering" technique which has to be driven, uSD can be connected to different port (if there are more), displays are different (resolution, driving method / driver IC, mirroring, etc), tou
    3 points
  12. Yeah - except the Linux kernel itself already includes a lot of drivers to a point where on the x86 architecture every imagineable driver is already included. And the entire thing barely reaches 90 MB of space. Driver size isn't the issue. As others mentioned, ARM doesn't have a BIOS equivalent (which I didn't knew.) and a lot of propiertary drivers (why companies do that is beyond me.) @netman thank you for that explanation Also: Apparently Ubuntu Touch can be compiled if one has the kernel sources of the phone available. I think Waxberry once said they would put those
    3 points
  13. As soon as I get my device šŸ™‚ I'm not in first batch, so it's gonna take some time.
    3 points
  14. Sounds to me like Fxtec better sets up a bug tracker before too many devices are delivered, so stuff gets collected in an ordered manner.
    3 points
  15. Why? They're creating what we've desired for years but the big phone companies were too busy making what they thought we should desire instead. Helping them help us is how we get what we really wished we could have! :) I'll be lucky to have mine by Christmas (couldn't keep my preorder, had to place a regular order) but hey, when it comes, it's Christmas again. :) EDIT: I'm still using a Droid 4, for crying out loud. :P I am indeed that committed to having a physical keyboard. I'm using it to post this!
    3 points
  16. Always be sure to have those replacement pcbs around when you go on holidays. I don't know why, but they always brake when you are far away from home! (good thing that you can build a temporary connection with some plastic and a cut open usb cable. But don't burn your hotel down with that...)
    3 points
  17. Did someone say general availability before christmas?
    3 points
  18. I've seen a few photos now since there are some Pro1s in the wild, and the corners of the display image strike me every time. Personally I find it quite annoying. Is there an option to disable the rounding on the corners of the display? Or is it in hardware?
    2 points
  19. Just tried, and Autorotate, well the function is there, but as they seem to assume the same icon grid, rotating the icons in the grid, and stretching the grid, When it looks OK in Portrait, in landscape extremely spaced in one direction, and cramped together in the other (Or vice versa) - but not unusable. All the functionality is there, and with Ctrl+Arrow you can jump around the screens. An oddity with keyboard navigation is that you have to leave one of the the left most column spaces free as arrow-navigating there in landscape BOTH marks that empty space and the icon in the launch-bar
    2 points
  20. adb shell wm overscan 16,20,16,20 Matches the curves AND reduces the risk of accidental edge-touches. Note that "wallpaper" or "background" might be displayed beyond these boundaries. BUT not all programs handle it correctly. Various odd issues. e.g. the Danish National Broadcast DR.DK TV-app, gets confused, and adds additional borders when attempting full screen.... Problems like that typically occur if people coding are not consistent in working with the size of the physical or the logical display. Fiddling with the density also, can fix some, but can make it worse f
    2 points
  21. I have 2 of them new in their boxes. and 3 of them with the original battery and working flawlessly. I upgraded 1 of the N900 with great speakers and the sound is soooo great.
    2 points
  22. Thanks. I'm not bothered about the missing pixels, I just think a rounded rectangle display on a rectangular phone looks weird. I'm sure I'll get used to it!
    2 points
  23. Just to be clear, Android is aware of the rounded corners and lets software know about them via "display cutouts". Good developers can work around them or have their apps "shrink" to avoid them. The option to shrink your display at an OS level is something some versions of Android support, but I don't think the stock Pro1 has such a feature. You may need to install a different OS.
    2 points
  24. They just need a public issue tracker šŸ˜‰
    2 points
  25. @VaZso yeah, I'm now clear on the reasons. All the hardware com stuff - I didn't know about that since I assumed that there would be some kind of BIOS that handles that for the operating system - similiar to x86. All good now in the sense that I got the message ;).
    2 points
  26. Yet... Let's be hopeful, to get sailfish etc there is also a want to get hybris working on the device and that code can be shared i believe šŸ™‚. Because there is no standards for bootloader, how to tell the OS what devices are connected where, drivers, etc. The image has to be built to know where and what about the hardware. It's a regrettable fact of life, but shows you how good we have it with modern PC/laptop hardware. It's almost the same way it was back before when IBM PC type stuff took over, and instead of the BIOS abstracting the hardware for the OS there was only a manual tellin
    2 points
  27. Also for many devices. I have had a number of Droid devices which would reboot instead of power off when plugged in, and also would not boot (even enough to charge!) if the battery was below a certain level and the power cord didn't give it what it needed.
    2 points
  28. Considering the community worked together on the Pro1 QWERTZ layout back in March and QWERTZ being planned even for the Moto Mod, I'd disagree on that. It was late to be actually added to the order process, though. That aside however, it's not like all EU orders are QWERTZ. There have been QWERTY phones shipped as well, just outside the US. This has nothing to do with the layouts.
    2 points
  29. Yes I copied the boot.img from the factory restore thread to my SD card, then did the "Patch file" install from Magisk Manager. It created magisk_patched.img. I copied that back to the pc, and ran "fastboot flash boot magisk_patched.img". There was no need for TWRP to be installed. It is a shame because I would have liked an unrooted and rooted stock backup for easy restore.
    2 points
  30. I think you were replying to the wrong comment *LOL*. But the charging while off issue seems to be for any source, including PC-data connection.
    2 points
  31. Pro1 came in the mail, man what a device! Really need to get used to it. Guess i'll keep using my N900 for writing stuff though. EDIT: Why would I keep using my N900 for writing stuff? osso-notes is perfect, plus I don't want Google to know about the weird (and wonderful) shit I write.
    2 points
  32. There are many batches in this world, _DW_, and none of them should be used lightly! šŸ˜Ø
    1 point
  33. Y'know what happens when you assume...
    1 point
  34. They've only sent out fulfillment emails to first batch. When someone gets one from second batch, I'm sure they'll post in the thread for it, but if I had to guess that won't be til next week, but that's just a guess. So if you haven't gotten a stock allocated email by now, you're not in the first batch. That's the only conclusion you can draw. And first batch delivery is already in progress this week.
    1 point
  35. Previously there was speculation it may have to do with a paypal policy that for goods they have to be delivered within certain amount of time (cant remember how long, like a month or 6 weeks or something), so can't really be used for pre-orders. Maybe they'll offer it when they get call caught up tho....
    1 point
  36. We had a discussion about this topic some time ago, you are not alone in thinking that these curved screens and corners are a little strange:
    1 point
  37. Well the alternative would have been a smaller display, so I'm a fan of the rounded corners!
    1 point
  38. I also would love to be able to remap the Fx key like Shortcutd on the N900: short press to go back to the launcher, long press to goto the app list.
    1 point
  39. I went back 3 pages and found no such claims...
    1 point
  40. So the article mcdinner linked a page back says that the patched boot image method "allows you to easily take OTA updates on your rooted Android device" while other sources said you should uninstall Magisk before OTA updates or else you'd softbrick your device. Which is it now? I welcome any volunteers for testing this. šŸ™ƒ
    1 point
  41. I think that I might be that wizard...?
    1 point
  42. @mcdinner may have just found the reason we are not having any luck, and it's my fault xD. (edit: we were chatting about it in discord, feel free to join us https://discordapp.com/invite/k4NtAGy ) https://forum.xda-developers.com/pro1/development/custom-roms-lineage-t3981821 Specifically the lines "A working TWRP exists, but keep in mind system-as-root limitations." and "System-as-root means that /system is mounted as /, but it also means that recovery is a part of boot image, so flashing it as the whole boot partition won't let you boot the system. There'll be a need for TWRP installer sc
    1 point
  43. Well not really as it is mounted on something, and I do not want to remove it from that until I one day might want to use it. The combined thing feels stiff, but I have no idea if it is a thick protector with a paper thin adhesive protection, or a thin film on a piece of 'cardboard'. So Better ask one of those that has applied it.
    1 point
  44. On my device, OpenSL ES (Androidā€™s low-level sound API) seems to have issues. Iā€™ve tried using SunVox (paid app, sorry, but itā€™s worth it if youā€™re interested in making music) and get all sorts of pops and crackling, even when disabling visualizations (logo on the top left, Preferences, Modules, disable ā€œShow oscilloscopeā€ and ā€œShow level meterā€) or increasing sample buffer (in Preferences, Audio, set Buffer to a high value). Sounds to me as if the audio samples donā€™t get to the DAC fast enough or thereā€™s too little buffer somewhere else down the line. Caustic (free demo) works when using the
    1 point
  45. The pro1 has good support behind the screen, as can be seen from the teardown pics http://matland.be/fxqa/img/teardown.jpg so that would definitely help evenly distribute forces and have no stuff pressing it sharply from the back. For example in the nokia 5 where I clumsily destroyed a screen (and had another one arrive DOA with such lines actually) there was nothing there and the IC on the ribbon of the screen itself did not have enough clearance and pressed the screen to death, in the Pro1 there's not that possibility as the ribbon goes in a separate compartment instead of being tucked under
    1 point
  46. USB Port will be on a seperate PCB, no soldering required. Flex-Cable connecting the two halves will be seperately replaceable (compareable to HTC vision), their durability tests went through several manufacturers and different kinds of materials, the current used flex cable survived longer than the connector on the board (they changed the manufacturer after that). They plan to make spare parts available through sellers compareable to ifixit.
    1 point
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