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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/2019 in Posts

  1. I am no expert in logistics, but the US has specific requirements when a foreign importer as ourselves imports a mass shipment into a US warehouse for general sale. It's not as simple as sending something with Fedex and it landing at your door the next day. Not when we haven't traded in the US before. I will try to get a response from one of our directors in charge of US logistics. The issue has been resolved already for our new batches.
    9 points
  2. I'd like to reassure you the device has actually passed the Google certification, which it wouldn't have if any of the suspicions mentioned here were correct. Adups, in this scenario is simply the name of our OTA provider - http://www.adups.com/index.php?lang=en, not the virus conveniently named "com.adups.fota.MyApplication" and others, neither of which match the files used for running our OTA software. I believe that particular virus known as "com.adups.fota.MyApplication" was only named this way to mimic a legitimate system app. com.adups.fota is flagged perfectly clean on
    6 points
  3. Hi everyone, A small update for you today. As some of you know our US shipment from the first batch has still not reached our US customers due to strict US customs regulations. According to the latest, the first US batch is being returned to our Hong Kong hub, but it's currently being queued in a customs office's sorting facility. We know the stock will arrive back, but by the time that happens, our next batches from the factory will be ready for shipping. Consequently, we will be bumping up the numbers of units in the next batches to accommodate for the customers designated from the firs
    6 points
  4. 5 points
  5. Only one way to be safe.
    4 points
  6. Well if people got a broken device, and the alternative is to buy an intermediate device, for use while waiting only, well then an overprice could make sense. But personally I would not even sell it for $2000. If one added a digit in front, I would consider it....
    4 points
  7. Overreactions like this don't really help the discussion. I posted this late last night, and on reflection I wondered if I should have quietly emailed support instead. In the end I still feel justified raising it in the forum, but let's be sensible. I'm not surprised @Waxberry took offense to this. Please don't get me wrong; I don't think for a second that F(x)tec is doing something untoward or can't be trusted. I totally support this company's products and everyone's hard work. @Waxberry your passion for KB phones is very evident from your posts on TMO and the old IGG comments,
    4 points
  8. What you also seem to forget is that the people who are in first batch are also the people who REALLY want this phone, so what I would think is that if any of those people would be willing to sell it is merely to give their device up now and to get to the back of the 'queue' to get the product again. But, if they have to re-order now to get the device again they pay the price you are offering now... It's not really a good deal if you think of it. Also, most people who are on this forum are in second batch, if you look at the forum-post on sharing either TN or that they received phone not
    4 points
  9. If that is the case, you're not offering anything any better than what the next guy is offering. Starting a business and launching a new product are difficult, and things happen. When your product is leaps and bounds better than anything else available, people will be more patient with difficulties. That said, yes, consumers are demanding whiny brats who have tantrums when they don't get their candy on time. Let's not forget that we're discussing a luxury item here, not our daily bread.
    4 points
  10. As OEM perspective, there is different way working with FOTA suppliers and there is an option paying for no tracking and tracing. Adups has changed their service since last year and there should not be things under the table. If anyone has found any we will definitely raise the issue to them as this is not what we intended and not as on agreement.
    4 points
  11. When someone impugns your honor and the integrity of the project into which you've poured your life for years, it's upsetting. Certainly it wasn't the nicest response, but very understandable.
    3 points
  12. No offense intended. I certainly don't know anything more about the auction, just speculating. But you did mention paying $3k earlier.
    3 points
  13. I'm guessing Sherilee changed her (?) mind about selling it. There were still 0 bids when pulled and while a side offer could have been made, I'm skeptical. In her last couple of posts she seemed to be reconsidering (it was a choice between the Pro 1 and staying with a Key2). They didn't seem that focused on how much money they would likely be offered by the end of the bidding. Of course, I'm just guessing here.
    3 points
  14. Unless you saw a different listing, the one on ebay was an auction with like 65$ shipping and a starting price of $700, plus a make an offer. The auction woulda ended tomorrow, and most people don't even start bidding til the last day.... I'd imagine it'd be well over $1000 by the end if the auction had of come, but it appears they took someones offer already, maybe someone like kashif who offered $3k previously and now $2k.
    3 points
  15. Thank you! There's been enough complaining on that topic, and honestly, the OP resorted to casting aspersions in his second post too. I find it amusing that someone with such negative ideas about this whole thing would even wish to own a Pro1.....or is s/he just trying to negativize us so s/he can perhaps get a device from someone who becomes disillusioned with the device they received due to badmouthing? Not terribly likely to work in that case, for the reasons everyone has already stated.
    3 points
  16. Please do not try to here repeat the extremely long thread on their communication of estimates that did not hold.
    3 points
  17. I'm sure kashif would go for $02000.
    3 points
  18. Try adding more digits... 🤪🤣
    3 points
  19. I did, but they are not interested
    3 points
  20. You'd be better off offering F(x)Tec more more for a "Priority" order. If you offer enough they might hand deliver it themselves gift wrapped.
    3 points
  21. I'm not even trying to defend them, but rather check on my own what I can regarding this. Let's see, though... "com.adups.fota, com.adups.fota.sysoper, com.data.acquisition, com.fw.upgrade, and com.fw.upgrade.sysoper (bolded apps execute as the system user)" I can only work with the fastboot images as I don't have a device to check for real, but those images only contain com.adups.fota and none of the other apps. There's no trace of AnalyticsReceiver either except surrounding text that appears to be related the Google Analytics API. dc_app_flow doesn't appear anywhere either, nor does co
    3 points
  22. Jesus man, my kids are browsing this forum. Please spoiler 18+ comments!
    3 points
  23. HDMI out being tested with the new firmware due to be pushed over the air shortly. Should work with any USB-C to HDMI adapter. * The blurring is because we were scrolling at the time. Image is crystal clear in person.
    2 points
  24. This is actually the first plausible argument I've heard as to why a locked bootloader could benefit the user (as opposed to only the HW vendor): If you have an attacker who gains physical access to your phone, with an unlocked bootloader they could dump the encrypted content from the phone and then either brute-force the key (if you used a PIN or a weak password), or (if you used a strong password) repace the OS with a version that logs the encryption password and sends it to the attacker, who then decrypts the previously gained dump when you unlock your phone the next time. With a locked boo
    2 points
  25. Damn fedex and US customs. Thanks to Erik for the updates. I wasn't part of the first batch but those import issues were making me uncomfortable so its good to hear they have a plan to solve it.
    2 points
  26. These issues have reasons though. One wouldn't want criminals (i.e. isis or so) transfer huge amounts of money and get recognized too late. It's bad for companies, but after one or two authentification and reasoning steps, it should work out fine. The delivery time is a bigger issue in my mind, but as a customer I'm very happy to have this security (I got scammed once due to a missing paypal option). As so often said: next time will be better in many ways.
    2 points
  27. Godly news indeed, praise the almighty Pro1! 🙏🙏
    2 points
  28. I can completely understand if someone is willing to offer 2k or more to get the pro1 immediately. The wait is killing me. 😖 But neither do I have so much money nor would I sell my Pro1 when I finally get it. Not even for 20k. I think we are all in the same boat here, we want our pro1 and we want it now. But at the moment it feels like fate is not in favor of the company. 😑
    2 points
  29. 2 points
  30. of course there for swinging 😂
    2 points
  31. The bad policy is that they have a habit of freezing any account that pulls in a significant amount of money and being very difficult about unfreezing it. It's hardly usable unless you are either so big you have the leverage to not be screwed over by paypal, or so small that they do not care.
    2 points
  32. It wasn't too bad from my experience. I got one reply just now asking if I was sure since devices are now shipping, and: "The second batch due to arrive by the end of this month will include your order." (I've given up trying to decipher such statements from FXtec.) But once I confirmed, they processed the refund straight away.
    2 points
  33. my old place just used yy.mm.buildnumber 😄
    2 points
  34. Exactly since 03.03.2017, backer no. 30 🙂
    2 points
  35. sry, had to do this. I will behave myself now... i swear
    2 points
  36. Please read the thread.... They can not use Paypal before they can guarantee to ship to consumer within 20 days. PayPal policy
    2 points
  37. Next pics android 10 with desktop mode 😄
    2 points
  38. So how are LineageOS and SailfishOS coming along? :) Any known ETAs on these being ready to work on a "daily driver" device?
    2 points
  39. Well I offer to pay $2000 plus the shipping cost. Message me if anyone is interested in selling
    2 points
  40. Ooh, now I really need to explore this LOL. But why would community versions apparently be available anywhere, whereas the official version with aliendalvik is not? I strongly suspect software patents are the issue here.
    2 points
  41. Yep......betting no one who already has one will part with it for less than 1K before general availability hits.
    2 points
  42. I hope not, don't want the Canadians (or anyone for that matter) having to suffer because of our shitty customs.
    2 points
  43. I wondered about that too, and have forwarded it to the staff, and hope they can get that detail fixed.
    2 points
  44. But one made it into the US somehow, still unexplained how; merely a curiosity as knowing won't help get devices any sooner, but a curiosity nonetheless.
    2 points
  45. Frustration/anger is the natural healthy reaction to being told something is 'just around the corner' time and time again.
    2 points
  46. Fair point. However, I was under the impression that SFOS devs had Pro1 devices for quite some time now, same as the Lineage people, based on twitter comments and such. As for UbuntuTouch the issue wouldn't be solved by having a Pro1, they have to update their code to support Android 9 and newer. For whatever reason they are stuck in 2016.
    1 point
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