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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2019 in Posts

  1. So I guess this is my official "I'm and Idiot" post. I talked to a friend of mine who got the Pro1 and he was able to address almost all of my issues. Talk about Seller's remorse. I know you all told me, and I have to live with the fact that I had it in hand and didn't give it a chance. So it's back on the list I go, along with 7 other people I got to sign up for one. Please forgive me.
    8 points
  2. Hi I'm from Germany, after I had received the stock assignment mail at the 29th of November, I got a UPS tracking number today, with a estimated arrival date of the 19th of December. Backed the moto mod and preordered the Pro1 very early as I thought, but my order number was already >11000... Greetings
    7 points
  3. The bluetooth that had to pair it, remove it, and repair it. Stupidest thing ever. And the wi-fi calling was a custom T-Mobile push that they turned on the feature - apparently it needs to be done for the phone, not just the number.
    5 points
  4. I do have my Pro 1, so these answers are for it. 1) Same as above, I don't want to remove the fingerprints, etc. I assume it's the same as the next case. 2) short press: nothing long press: opens the camera app. Does not take a picture. Does not allow access to any pictures, whether those taken in the current session or a previous session. I have not found any way to customize which app opens when you press the camera button. 3) (long press) launches the camera. No access to earlier photos. 4) it's a multi-stage button. half-press: focuses. full press: takes a pic
    5 points
  5. Also scheduled tomorrow here, and I am in luck as far as strikes go :).
    5 points
  6. Well if not even fxtec has a phone we are fucked 😄 Hope you get your device soon, it seems that production is rolling now
    5 points
  7. Remains to be seen. I feel so much better now that I ordered another one. I don't care what the wait its. Today I went into a T-Mobile store with my husband's okay to get whatever I wanted with no regards to cost. I left the store almost in tears because nothing would do. I guess maybe I needed to learn this lesson to know what I really wanted. And I missed all you guys ❤️
    4 points
  8. No, please be amused. Please laugh your ass off - my husband is. I definitely want this little puppy to grow. I learned my lesson. Now if my Nexus 5 KitKat can just nag on a little bit longer... hopefully this time it won't take a year to receive.
    4 points
  9. Tha is both sad (for you) and encouraging (for the Pro1); and also, forgive me, a bit amusing. Before you get mad at me let me explain: I read the whole thread from the beginning just now so it seems the change of heart was almost instant. On the bright side, thank you for spreading the word about the Pro1 and bringing new buyers aboard! By selling it to someone else you have actually expanded the circle of influence that will be reached by your former Pro1, this can only be good for business and we all want Fxtec to succed, don't we?
    4 points
  10. I added a few votes from a few computers at different IPs that I can access...even though I can't vouch for the phone yet since I'm waiting, waiting some more...
    4 points
  11. Picked up today in UK by UPS, delivery in France scheduled for tomorrow. 😱 😱 However, tomorrow will be a massive strike day in France, not sure I'll get it. Can't wait anyway, it's moving, and it's moving fast!
    4 points
  12. I have i tracking number! 🙂 It's from UPS, so far just says label created, so UPS has no day scheduled yet but from experience that will be early next week. Can't wait to check out the phone in person!! Very good job to all working on getting the phones out :-).
    4 points
  13. That's how it works on the Moto Z with the default camera app.
    3 points
  14. Pro1 is currently 7th and top 10 is allowed to present product live onstage at the Last Gadget Standing finals at CES in Las Vegas. However, it is a quite tight race between 3rd - 10th. Pro1 only needs about 80 votes to 3rd place.
    3 points
  15. I don't have Pro1 (yet) but I have Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact running Android 9.0 Pie with physical camera button. I believe that the action of the button is pretty much the same (on the Android level) but of course the camera app itself might be working differently. 1) With the phone screen off, but no screen lock enabled, when the button is pressed, what happens? - I am too lazy to test since I would have to delete fingerprint from the phone... 2) With the phone screen off, but with screen lock enabled, when the button is pressed what happens? - Single press: nothing happe
    3 points
  16. I've just checked. Order id #40 on IGG. I think that I'm the #26 backer, but some in front of me bought more than one. I remember #26 or #2X because I counted sometime ago, when it could be done. Frustration? 😄 You could add that I bought an Moto Z2 Force, which sits brand new in some drawer and my daily Relay 4G is dying. IF, either being #26 or #40 IGG backer, I have NO stock assigned so far of the 1-2-3 batches, the question is: how may phones were actually made and sent?!? 20? 25? 39? Like I've said earlier, maybe can someone explain to me like I'm a 4 year old...
    3 points
  17. If you want to get technical, it's a present day t-rex, but close enough!
    3 points
  18. I know some orders were shipped to EU today, with more to follow on Monday. Let’s see if it included anyone on the forums 🙂
    3 points
  19. [Sarcasm] No way, no how! There is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE for this and everyone responsible, in even the slightest way, should be shot! [/Sarcasm] Your kidding right? Nothing to apologize for, the missing r could have just been a typo. It's amazing to me how well those from non-English as their first language countries write in English (which is far from easy!). Heck, English is my first language and, due to lack of sleep, I didn't even spell the word "hear" correctly the other day! Separately, Google SafetyNet means absolutely nothing to me either. Nonetheles
    2 points
  20. Now you're going to get FxTec disqualified and won't get their free press at CES! You should edit and remove that, I haven't read the rules, but I mean common sense, don't post publicly that you cheated!
    2 points
  21. Thank you for letting us know at the risk of being laughed with, glad to see you are back on board and I sincerely hope it won't take too long before you receive one again :).
    2 points
  22. You got F(x)tec 7 new CLACK-stomers? ALL SINS FORGIVEN! :) Also, we'll likely get ours around the same time. I didn't order until November.
    2 points
  23. You are clearly not an engineer. This is a common "problem" of engineers (note: I'm myself one), you always pursue of perfection without accounting costs or other stuff. Probably this is even "worse" if you are a startup, because your first product will mostly define your way if your survive or not. But honestly why do people buy a 650€ phone if you don't have the money in your pocket? This is a dangerous ride for just a phone (even if it is with a keyboard)
    2 points
  24. I won't be a huge help. - Orderdate Mid-september - Ordernumber 38xxx - IGG coupon: no - Model: QWERTZ - Location: Germany - Day of payment: Start of october (first payment came back to me) - Stock assigned mail: LOL - Trankingnumber? LOL² - Phoine received Trololol
    2 points
  25. The way it worked on the Z2 was that you could only see the pictures you took in the current "session" without unlocking. Seeing earlier pictures required unlocking the phone.
    2 points
  26. 01.01.1970 would be easier for everyone... then you would have waited ~1576512595 seconds which is a loooong time 🙂 I feel with you bro!
    2 points
  27. Mine is in transit (picked up today), scheduled for delivery tomorrow. I'm not in the same country as the warehouse, so that's pretty darn fast.
    2 points
  28. About 30 votes in few hours! Not bad at all. 3rd place is totally achievable. Let's do this!
    2 points
  29. Are you sure you paid on June 23? I'm pretty sure payment emails didn't go out until 1st August.
    2 points
  30. I did try TWRP, but it has very little functionality at the moment. It did not prompt for a password, for example. I am *not* stuck at the moment. I bit the bullet and completely wiped. I was also able to root -> use phone -> unroot -> Apply OTA -> root again without losing data, which is what I really wanted. I am not likely to experiment further while that is still true. The process of getting everything working just takes too long.
    2 points
  31. Well, I thought it was clear I just meant with a light tone that this thread is not the right place to argue on lawyer terms either. I guess I'll stick to the real core topic, it would be a shame to dilute the dense and non-speculative production information being posted since 87 pages.
    2 points
  32. My crystal ball appears to be up and running. It's showing that all of us who are on this forum, and who don't cancel, should have a phone by the end of July 2020.
    2 points
  33. I didn't scream, but could you explain to me, like I am a 4 year old, why the promise that the first batches will be for the IGG backers has been broken? I wrote to support and they told me that it was an error. C'moon. I understood that there were manufacturing and shipping delays, I undestand if they send first to some testers or people like EskeRahn who can give tech feedback and helped the company with the forum, but I don't understand why they didn't respect such a simple promise. BTW, if I'm not mistaken, I'm #26 IGG backer (+/- 1-2). No stock assignet yet. #26!
    2 points
  34. That would be true of any provider where not all the bands are supported and a person only has unsupported bands in their location. We are talking about a specific issue of T-Mobile in Chicago, IL. But to attempt to get T-Mobile working at all, it seems that the APN needs to be added manually. The APN to add has been provided in another thread, but here it is again: https://support.t-mobile.com/docs/DOC-2090
    2 points
  35. I got my tracking number (EU, second batch). Thanks F(x)tec!
    2 points
  36. I've been using Nova a couple days, and seems to be fairly good with keyboard and landscape, except two things I've noticed. Some settings menus don't fit on the screen but nova doesn't offer a way to scroll down. For example, I was trying to change my app drawer background color.... finally figured it out when I switched to portrait (and fyi - the black in their pallete isn't true black, gotta turn everything down). Also, if you use wm in adb shell to add overscan, it affects the text under launcher icons (even if they're not in the overscan area).
    1 point
  37. We're a compassionate bunch generally. The only forum member I know who is a bit mean-spirited doesn't come around that often.
    1 point
  38. If I could bring one more thing to your attention, the Pro1 will need a codename. My Droid 4 is Maserati. Pro1 should be "Clack" since that's what half of us call it anyway. :)
    1 point
  39. Which I don't understand is the third batch had to be already sent to UK warehouse and they told us stock assignment e-mails will arrive soon. Now, if I understand well, they will also ship these devices directly from China to EU. So, does mentioned third batch exists or parctically no shipments happened since the last e-mail mentioning the light leak issue? In other words, is there any chance for Pro1 to arrive this year for those who still not received stock assignment e-mails yet? However, I think no - and last deadline is end of January...
    1 point
  40. 1). I removed fingerprints and lock screens. Still no thumbnail to gallery. Most everything else should be the same as Zurvan, however I had only launched the camera using the camera button, never the app icon, until I discovered yesterday that using the icon gets me the link to gallery. I'm used to dedicated photo button from PQ and every camera I've ever used in my life, in fact I'd always thought pushing the screen to take photo was bad idea cuz I jiggle camera that way. I haven't taken enough photos to judge the button, but it is indeed mushy. Also, no shutter sound (even whe
    1 point
  41. From the "2019/12/12" date written on the stickers in the picture with the boxes, I'd say those are on time to be batch four, but are more likely batch three that left the factory one week/batch late (if they've left already). Edit: From replies I've gotten on the Discord: BOE are screens, so those boxes do not contain Pro1s.
    1 point
  42. Done Kiitos hyvästä ajatuksesta
    1 point
  43. I'd like to have root access on the Pro1, but I don't want to install an alternative OS like LineageOS or SailfishOS. Is there currently a way to accomplish this?
    1 point
  44. What it comes down to - for perhaps the other half of us - is: Having absolutely no idea of how 'little' the longer might be? So, @eric posted a couple of interesting pictures; sorry, but that doesn't tell us anything definite or realistic about shipping time. I, too, have been in email contact directly with support. The only genuinely believable thing they replied with was, "We don't know the exact shipping date for each order as batches are coming in varying sizes" So after weeks upon months of production, & multiple different excuses for delay after delay - it's getting to the point,
    1 point
  45. No... If or when the production and delivery issues are sorted, I'm likely to buy then. The reason I sent the message to support is to give them the option to fix the issue or issue a refund before I have to request a chargeback... I'd much rather have the phone, but, on 31DEC, 153 days of my 180 day chargeback time will have passed. I'm not willing to let that protection go... I've run my own IT business since the 90's. Built custom hardware and I've never repeatedly blown deadlines like this. I will admit I've never done mass production overseas, however, I have contracte
    1 point
  46. That's my biggest issue with what you're saying. You're implying there's no way they'll not deliver, which just isn't 100% confirmed. You can argue about how likely it is, but you can't argue that a startup has no chance of going bankrupt. Again, that information is unreliable at best. Might as well do the math and just make some numbers up in my opinion. There are definitely broken promises here yeah, which probably feel very similar as lies to the people on the receiving end. Personally I also don't really believe they truly believed some of the things they have said (like on
    1 point
  47. I now also have one as above, for reference my order number is #11XXX, IGG backer, UK QWERTY, paid 1 August 2019. Feeling relieved that it is finally on its way, and happy that F(x)Tec seem to be getting a bit better with communication, but that is still an area for improvement for sure.
    1 point
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