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  1. Some pages ago during December I requested a refund for preorder, and decided to wait till FxTec could actually deliver. Everything has been processed in a friendly and timely manner :-). What I can also tell is that I bought a Pro1 from a friend who had a preorder with IGG. He received the phone last week and found it to large as his daily driver. So since yesterday evening I am now the owner of a Pro1! I can tell you all it is worth the wait. Yes the phone has pro's and cons which I will describe later in the "Independent reviews" topic. For all who are curious, S/N is 000211.
    13 points
  2. Today i got the headphones accompanying my very early delivery from November. I am very satisfied with the build quality. The cables are soft but sturdy enough to not knot easily. There is no plastic smell, all components feel worthy. Compared to quiet neutral Sennheiser, the the mids and bass are nicely emphasized. No distortion in the heights even at unbearable 100%. They sit very comfy and yet tight. My expectations are met, Thank you at F(x)tec.
    12 points
  3. As a former computer security professional, I want to emphasize that everything tdm has said is correct. But any serious discussion about security needs to be very concrete about the threat model, or it becomes very difficult to determine what the effects of any change might be. Google has produced a detailed white paper describing the security model of Android, and it lists 15 different threats in section 2.3. Only the first two critically depend upon secure boot, i.e. the cases where, "Adversaries can get physical access to Android devices," and the primary attack vector involves modifying t
    6 points
  4. Hi everyone, Exciting update today. Liangchen is visiting the factory in China at the minute and he expects all of the pre-orders will be produced by the 18th of January, so in less than 5 days now. We have already produced a very significant number of pre-order devices, which are waiting for the full list to complete by the 18th. As you are all well aware by now, once the devices are all produced on the 18th, the stock will be rotated between our warehouses, so there will be, I'd say, 1 more week after complete production before you receive your tracking. Just so I don't overpromise
    6 points
  5. I'm no photo expert, but I think it might come out better if you open the window before taking the photo.
    4 points
  6. Remember only a director can approve so depends on there availability.
    3 points
  7. I didn't even realize they were only usb 2 😞 but since I mainly use network to transfer files, and don't even have usb 3.0 ports on my laptop it won't be much of an issue for me right now. But I wouldn't have bought these cables if I realized it. Since I got a three pack, I got three of each type adapter; I only own three usb-c devices (Moto Z²Force, Pro¹, and a hub I just bought) so put those in. Put two of the micro usb-adapters on the tablets my kids got for Christmas so they can charge with same cable and will decide where to put the other shortly. No apple devices for the lightnin
    3 points
  8. Oh my... That is obviously a statement coming from a boy. Who would match their shoes to their cases? Shoes should match purses. And I have more than 53 of those too (shows AND purses).
    3 points
  9. So I've spent the better part of a day trying to figure out what's wrong with voice calls. I can't see anything wrong. I've got reports from several people that voice calls work fine on Lineage. The one person that reported an issue on github says that it doesn't work on either stock or Lineage, so that's not a Lineage specific issue. My experience is that I can get SMS and data, but no voice calls, both on Lineage and on stock. I have to assume this has something to do with my carrier and the IMEI, because there really isn't anything else that I can see that would
    3 points
  10. A new feature request. Disable Fingerprint Sensor when Display Off This would mean you'd have to push power button before using fingerprint sensor. This could be a toggle in case some people prefer current implementation, but in my experience it gets triggered so often that it's rarely useful as is.
    3 points
  11. I always imagined him with a whip making sure they worked hard 😄
    2 points
  12. Hmmmm.... 1 hour drive to crossing, then half hour to 'HK Dispatch Center". Wikipedia says the crossing is open 24 hours, but dunno if they actually close for holiday or something. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lok_Ma_Chau_Control_Point If what Chen predicted comes true and they finish making them this week, they've got all next week to get them to HK and send to ppl... seems doable... and if they miss that, HK doesn't have quite as long as holiday as PRC, only a few days... so shipping by end of the month is possible (which is the last business day of the week commencing on the
    2 points
  13. First I have also thought they are the same link - these two links are very similar. 🙂
    2 points
  14. I would like to recommend two camera apps that I have used on many phones before. Just installed it on my Pro1 and everything works flawlessly, even capturing in RAW format works like a charm: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.flavionet.android.camera.pro // for photocamera usage https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.flavionet.android.cinema.pro // for filming Both Camera FV-5 and Cinema FV-5 work and the photo quality seems very nice. RAW/JPG format is too large to add here, but i added a shot with resized JPG output, pixel size is 3000x4000px on th
    2 points
  15. And we know Chen is in China at the factory, and I would guess Adrian is representing them at CES... So that is likely to delay approvals.
    2 points
  16. I will order them with the phone just because they look cool 🙂
    2 points
  17. Yes they do. Was thinking about telling support I don't need them but now I'll will keep them. 🙂
    2 points
  18. Edge Null does draw over other apps. With a dead zone on the whole right and left. This does on one side mean that it is running constantly and also draining a bit of battery. The bigger problem for me is, that drawing over other apps is a potential security risk. To be clear I am not aware how android currently implements the draw over app function. But it at least was a thing that some apps were drawing over the whole screen record all your input and dispatch the input down to the underlying apps. So it was easy to get hold of passwords etc. After all the app has full network acce
    2 points
  19. Mine just arrived.. look good... similar to hooks pics but not touching flat surface at all... lots of adapters came with em, micro-usb and apple... https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07TT1CFNG
    2 points
  20. So just a quick update regarding Secure Boot. I had considered posting a new thread about this but I'm not sure it's warranted. So I'll just drop this here... I spoke with FxTec and they confirmed that they disabled Secure Boot intentionally. The rationale was that it makes the device more developer friendly, especially for non-Android OS's. I'm not sure I agree with this conclusion, but that is/was the decision. The one thing that disabling Secure Boot allows is building a custom abl (boot loader). I have yet to see anything that requires a custom abl. But it does leave the
    2 points
  21. Just an update. Today I received the in-ear´s. No I don't have test it 🙂 The cable is "black transparent". [Pre-Order | IGG | QWERTZ]
    2 points
  22. Just wanna give an update as fast as possible. I just received a confirmation email of my refund a few minutes ago. Sorry to make a scene guys
    2 points
  23. I would like that as an option too. But let the user choose. It is not an issue if the Pro1 is in a flip case, with the flip on the button side, but it is an issue if used without. For the unit in a plain shell type case (and I would guess the same with a flip to the other side) it only very rarely happens, so here it is a matter of taste if you would want the option On or Off..
    2 points
  24. While milk can also become a thick product quite easily.
    1 point
  25. Both thick products and milk. Also simply a matter of more compact waste, so you don't fill the bag as quickly, but we are getting terribly off topic here *LOL*
    1 point
  26. It really is a shame that apps don't draw relative to the logical size, or give the users the option to have them work against logical or physical. Agreed that this would be best done by fxtec. And it does seem appropriate, since the curved screen is part of the phone design and does cause some people issues (whether functional or visual). And by that, I mean not just replicating the edge null functionality, but also re-setting the physical display size so that we can have the display end before the curves (user configurable, of course).
    1 point
  27. Usually that's the main reason for a director to go to the factory 😉 If everything going perfect, director stays home.
    1 point
  28. Maybe that would require a special outdoor licence. 😇😋
    1 point
  29. Can you set the border solid black, so you don't see the rounded corners?
    1 point
  30. In what other company do the directors go to the factory and make product because they want their customers to get their devices sooner? I love these people!
    1 point
  31. FTP over wifi is probably faster and more reliable than anything you get over that shoddy MTP over USB to be honest. If you had mass storage mode, that would be a different story of course.
    1 point
  32. @EskeRahn I just read about your case mods, you did a great job on the docu. regarding all aspects of the device + case. Last night I dreamt that I got my pro1 aka the Sexy Klickboard. In that same dream I also got the headphones and case that Fx included for preorders in 02/2019. I have this wet dream way too often, but last night was the first time I saw the case. I swear it looked identical to your prototypes ( precision fabricated ). Once all the devices are delivered I hope fx will design the case to help fight off water or impact. However, I stumbled across this entry on your blo
    1 point
  33. Usually customer services here have an automatic warning message that they will record the conversation for the purpose of "quality assurance" and usually they also provide a reference number. There is no option to refuse it just to hung up the call. However, as far as I know, one should only record the call legally here if the other party has accepted the recording somehow...
    1 point
  34. +1 for this feature, most of the times I grab my phone it shows "too many attempts" and I still have to manually unlock. Just grabbing the phone from my pocket or holding it in my right hand makes my palm touch the sensor and fail the attempts. Enable after the display is On would be the perfect fix for me.
    1 point
  35. I would recommend finding a flip case you like the look of, then. Do bear in mind that if you want to change the phone's positioning so that you don't end up with the flap toward yourself, you will use the flip case upside down, and that may degrade the aesthetics. Personally, I went for the case I've attached to this message. Looks good in theory, but since I am going to do the upside down thing, I'll have to cut open a little slit that will end up on the compass pattern (I think the hole for the notification led won't be, though). In addition, the little closing flap will end up being o
    1 point
  36. I honestly don't know how many pairs of shoes I have, what I do know is that I need to buy a new shoe cabinet 😄
    1 point
  37. That looks exactly like mine. also USB 2, but don't care for the same reason @Craig doesn't care. Large file transfers are pretty rare for me, so even the 2,0 speeds are fine with me.
    1 point
  38. Clearly a bunch of amateurs 🤪
    1 point
  39. Shipped with a small "Jiffy bag".
    1 point
  40. ...I do not think I break any secrets by saying that something similar to edge null is already active in the hardware driver. The outer most pixels are not touch sensitive. The whole display was active on the early builds, where the problems was much more pronounced.
    1 point
  41. The only problem with edge null, is that it is touch only, so interaction along the edges are no longer possible. If you open e.g. the apps list, you can not pull the scroll bar slider. But it is for sure a big help for those having issues.
    1 point
  42. There are build tools available natively under Sailfish too, and I'm pretty sure QT is fully supported. I'm not a developer, but for fun I tried to build mupen64plus (N64 emulator) from 2.5.9 source pack on Pro¹, and was able to do it. I noted every package I installed to get the make to work, and other than one of the video plugins saying it didnt support aarch64, make worked fine, and the output runs. zypper install SDL2 SDL2-devel libpng libpng-devel freetype freetype-devel zlib zlib-devel gcc make nasm gcc-c++ libhybris-libGLESv2-devel boost-devel Point being, if that worked so e
    1 point
  43. @Doktor Oswaldo @Zamasu Let's chill. This isn't fun for anyone watching people bicker (whether it be you two or anyone else, as many people have). I understand this specific thread has gotten completely off its original goal but I can assure you nobody cares to watch an internet fight go on here. We all want the same result, and many of us are frustrated; were cut from the same cloth here. If you have problems: congratulations, you're not alone. If you want to defend fxtec to the your dying minute, happy to hear it. But either way, stop arguing on something that has no value added one way or a
    1 point
  44. We use our own production units for sales meetings :).
    1 point
  45. Thanks for pointing out before the mass panic :). Corrected to January as it was meant.
    1 point
  46. Glad to hear his positive tone, but it was really too bad the software wasn't working as smoothly as the production units do. Not just the bad screen orientation behavior, but the screen keyboard popping up in landscape ( that has never happened to me). Someone seeing only this video might get scared away.
    1 point
  47. Bluetooth keyboards are THIS:
    1 point
  48. I finally pulled myself togethher and updated the above with the flip case for a Huawei p20 Pro
    1 point
  49. I'll start writing one tonight 😄
    1 point
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