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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/2020 in all areas

  1. Today i got the headphones accompanying my very early delivery from November. I am very satisfied with the build quality. The cables are soft but sturdy enough to not knot easily. There is no plastic smell, all components feel worthy. Compared to quiet neutral Sennheiser, the the mids and bass are nicely emphasized. No distortion in the heights even at unbearable 100%. They sit very comfy and yet tight. My expectations are met, Thank you at F(x)tec.
    3 points
  2. That is the story of all of Europe. But big parties should not forget 80% did NOT vote for a nazist party, so going more in that direction has the chance to scare of 80% of people to the other side...
    3 points
  3. What are we defining as large file transfers, exactly? At 480mbps, copying 1GB takes 20-30 seconds depending on your USB controller--no, they're not created equal! I can move tons of junk in a few minutes. Makes me think of this: https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1995/08/17
    3 points
  4. @Swond Regarding phone automation, look for Situations in the google play store. There was a "Nokia Situations" back in "the good 'ol days" and this android version was created (and still maintained) by the same people behind the original. It does exactly what you are looking for...if this condition (wifi, bluetooth, location, time...etc), then do xxxx. I use it to switch ringtones, volume (like an old symbian profile) automatically when I'm at work. It works like a champ; solid. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pastillilabs.situations2 https://pastillilabs.com/
    3 points
  5. It has an option to draw visual borders (shades) but you can turn visualization off.
    3 points
  6. Hi everyone, Exciting update today. Liangchen is visiting the factory in China at the minute and he expects all of the pre-orders will be produced by the 18th of January, so in less than 5 days now. We have already produced a very significant number of pre-order devices, which are waiting for the full list to complete by the 18th. As you are all well aware by now, once the devices are all produced on the 18th, the stock will be rotated between our warehouses, so there will be, I'd say, 1 more week after complete production before you receive your tracking. Just so I don't overpromise
    3 points
  7. In general, yes. But companies might not want to advertise an option that makes criminals out of naive users who just don't know the laws about recording calls, which I guess might be a large percentage of the people in those states where the laws demand two-party consent.
    2 points
  8. Sorry some communication mixup, cuz that's what I thought I suggested in the first place.
    2 points
  9. I know that @Craig had to input an APN for his AT&T MNVO. You might check their web site or ask customer service what apn you should use in your area.
    2 points
  10. On my Relay 4G, my SD card is faster than my internal storage. I use an app called Link2SD (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.buak.Link2SD&hl=en_US) to allow me to run apps and have them store their data on the SD card (in a special partition). I was worried about that slowing them down, but before I went through that transformation, I tested the storage speeds with another app and was pleasantly surprised that the SD card was faster. I'm sure that isn't the case in newer phones, but in older phones it can apparently be true. After utilizing Link2SD, not only did I
    2 points
  11. I'm guessing you are talking about non-fast charging chargers or Qualcomm Quick Charge chargers. Those are all typically Type-A connectors. Quick Charge is Qualcomm's proprietary standard. Power Delivery is another fast charge standard that newer phones use. It is an open standard created by the group that handles all the USB standards. Apple's phones use it. Google's phones use it. And some number of other, newer Android's phone use it. It supports delivering more power than Quick Charge. Quick Charge tops out at 18 watts. Power Delivery tops out at 100 watts. But you typically
    2 points
  12. Except that I don't think I want to get every last drop of it out of the carton when that happens! :-)
    2 points
  13. While milk can also become a thick product quite easily.
    2 points
  14. Some pages ago during December I requested a refund for preorder, and decided to wait till FxTec could actually deliver. Everything has been processed in a friendly and timely manner :-). What I can also tell is that I bought a Pro1 from a friend who had a preorder with IGG. He received the phone last week and found it to large as his daily driver. So since yesterday evening I am now the owner of a Pro1! I can tell you all it is worth the wait. Yes the phone has pro's and cons which I will describe later in the "Independent reviews" topic. For all who are curious, S/N is 000211.
    2 points
  15. I honestly don't know how many pairs of shoes I have, what I do know is that I need to buy a new shoe cabinet ๐Ÿ˜„
    2 points
  16. As a former computer security professional, I want to emphasize that everything tdm has said is correct. But any serious discussion about security needs to be very concrete about the threat model, or it becomes very difficult to determine what the effects of any change might be. Google has produced a detailed white paper describing the security model of Android, and it lists 15 different threats in section 2.3. Only the first two critically depend upon secure boot, i.e. the cases where, "Adversaries can get physical access to Android devices," and the primary attack vector involves modifying t
    2 points
  17. So just a quick update regarding Secure Boot. I had considered posting a new thread about this but I'm not sure it's warranted. So I'll just drop this here... I spoke with FxTec and they confirmed that they disabled Secure Boot intentionally. The rationale was that it makes the device more developer friendly, especially for non-Android OS's. I'm not sure I agree with this conclusion, but that is/was the decision. The one thing that disabling Secure Boot allows is building a custom abl (boot loader). I have yet to see anything that requires a custom abl. But it does leave the
    2 points
  18. Much. :) I installed the SafeStrap version of TWRP, then LineageOS (Android 7.1) and I also switch it from ZRAM (RAM compression via swap protocol) to true swap on the SD card at bootup. This can be automated but I haven't bothered.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. None of that was a factor in my decision-making process. I am aware of limited write cycles on SD, which is why I chose it; if I'm going to wear out a storage device, I'd rather it be the one that is easy to replace. :) I am aware that some people swap on internal storage, but I would never even consider that because of write durability. I do move the swap file around from time to time on the card to try not to burn out all the cells. Ultimately it's not a big deal to me either way. SD is relatively cheap.
    1 point
  21. I would be a bit worried on using SD for SWAP, as an SD card got a limited number of writes. Not an extremely low number, but if the swap is needed, it is likely to be quite active. At the least is should be something to be very aware of when choosing the particular SD-card model to use.
    1 point
  22. That is relevant info. But do you even realize the guy you're quoting is LOS developer? Did you notice the thread you're posting in?
    1 point
  23. I agree. "For most people." I think we need to differentiate between edge cases and the typical cases. I'm looking more at the edge cases. For the typical cases, a lot of solutions will work fine. When time allows, I might do some speed testing to show the difference between the various options, with different numbers of files and different amounts of data. That will be easier for people to relate to and pick from based on their use case. In the meantime, at least we're giving people options.
    1 point
  24. To follow up, on a side note, on something I wrote in a now-closed thread about that "PrinCube" Indiegogo campaign where even I was already close to suspecting fraud after the communication had been even worse than here, the first few devices (after all deliveries were promised to be fulfilled before Christmas) have actually been delivered. So, no fraud there, either, although I suspect I won't get my item before March, maybe April. The biggest problem for communication to backers seems to be that the people who started the campaign don't get much feedback from the factory...
    1 point
  25. But are there really no root apps that can handle this? It wouldn't be too hard to change some parameters to the settings you like. With custom roms I expect this to be done (maybe possible in the settings, maybe with different downloads or a file exchange).
    1 point
  26. Other apps can do that, BUT the problem is that some apps seems to look at and draw relative to the physical display and others more benign relative to the logical remaining display. So to really work, it has to go deep enough to also modify the answer for the physical size. So I assume the best would be if it went into the hardware driver.
    1 point
  27. I never even thought about folding a mlik carton at all! Sure, I flatten things like that to make them take less space in the bin, but that's where the folding stops. Maybe cuz I mainly buy milk in 1 us gallon plastic jugs it never crossed my mind. (In US only 1/2 gallon and smaller available in cardboard.)
    1 point
  28. Usually that's the main reason for a director to go to the factory ๐Ÿ˜‰ If everything going perfect, director stays home.
    1 point
  29. Maybe that would require a special outdoor licence. ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‹
    1 point
  30. I always imagined him with a whip making sure they worked hard ๐Ÿ˜„
    1 point
  31. Ah safestrap, I'm glad the S4 I purchased was Loki patched, the people that didn't patch their S4 needed to use safe strap and could only flash TouchWiz ROMs, those poor souls!
    1 point
  32. I'm no photo expert, but I think it might come out better if you open the window before taking the photo.
    1 point
  33. It might be worth looking at the screws under the stickers on the back; maybe the loctite got rubbed off on one of em before they put it in and it came loose or something?
    1 point
  34. Regarding WiFi, I've had good luck using a WebDAV server on the phone and a WebDAV client on the pc, that allows me to map it as a drive letter. I then use a special file transfer application on the PC that is multithreaded and works well for higher latency connections. I can post the specifics if people are interested. I haven't tested the speed of that approach to FTP yet, but maybe I'll try that at some point. Not all WebDAV servers are created equal. I had some larger files at one point that other apps would fail on. I had almost given up, but then found a simple server app tha
    1 point
  35. In the United States, it is similar. You'll generally hear, "Your call may be monitored or recorded for quality and training purposes." In the United States, even though the laws use the term "consent", notification is deemed sufficient. I'm guessing they feel that if someone is notified and stays on the line, then they are consenting. The above is mainly used in business, since they want to be safe regarding calling across state lines, where the laws may be different. Most states are single party states, meaning that only one person in the phone call has to know it is being recorde
    1 point
  36. @EskeRahn I just read about your case mods, you did a great job on the docu. regarding all aspects of the device + case. Last night I dreamt that I got my pro1 aka the Sexy Klickboard. In that same dream I also got the headphones and case that Fx included for preorders in 02/2019. I have this wet dream way too often, but last night was the first time I saw the case. I swear it looked identical to your prototypes ( precision fabricated ). Once all the devices are delivered I hope fx will design the case to help fight off water or impact. However, I stumbled across this entry on your blo
    1 point
  37. Illegal in some countries. I doubt it is allowed in the EU. It is not allowed in Denmark. Often calling a company I get an automated message telling that they want to record "for educational purposes", and is then asked to press say 1 to allow or 2 to disallow before continuing.
    1 point
  38. I would recommend finding a flip case you like the look of, then. Do bear in mind that if you want to change the phone's positioning so that you don't end up with the flap toward yourself, you will use the flip case upside down, and that may degrade the aesthetics. Personally, I went for the case I've attached to this message. Looks good in theory, but since I am going to do the upside down thing, I'll have to cut open a little slit that will end up on the compass pattern (I think the hole for the notification led won't be, though). In addition, the little closing flap will end up being o
    1 point
  39. Clearly a bunch of amateurs ๐Ÿคช
    1 point
  40. So I've spent the better part of a day trying to figure out what's wrong with voice calls. I can't see anything wrong. I've got reports from several people that voice calls work fine on Lineage. The one person that reported an issue on github says that it doesn't work on either stock or Lineage, so that's not a Lineage specific issue. My experience is that I can get SMS and data, but no voice calls, both on Lineage and on stock. I have to assume this has something to do with my carrier and the IMEI, because there really isn't anything else that I can see that would
    1 point
  41. Sure, why not. Anyway, I would like to try Sailfish OS on it (after checked if it works correctly using stock firmware) after having some protection foils also on that device. I may also try other things but definitively not as much as if I were a beta tester as I would not like to worn out it's built-in flash too far as being my spare device to be used later in case my current Pro1 has problems.
    1 point
  42. This is news to me. I'm not terribly familiar with qcom devices on this level, but in the past when I was working at Cyanogen, I had a co-worker sign a new device with a freshly generated key. He told me that it was a one-time operation that could not be reversed or changed. I'd be interested in hearing more about this. But even if it is possible, I have strong doubts that any mainstream device would be setup to do this.
    1 point
  43. FxTec does not build anything. Chen only distributes what FxTec gets from IdeaLTE. EDIT: And further, I know that FxTec does not have the device signing keys. So if they did build something, it wouldn't boot with a locked boot loader.
    1 point
  44. What he was very politely hinting at, to which I, personally, am less inclined, is that if you don't come up with a better answer on "how else to explain it" yourself, you're either suffering from a severe lack of imagination, or you're absolutely intent on throwing mud at Fxtec even though you damn well know that there are more possible explanations.
    1 point
  45. I can certainly look into this. I also hate to waste 4gb of storage for no benefit to me (because I never use OTAs). But do understand that it's pretty low priority. Also note that it will require repartitioning the device, which makes most folks nervous. And I'll need to make a non-AB version of lineage. In other words it's a fair bit of work and will take some time.
    1 point
  46. I'm not quite sure what you are asking. No, this is not "plain" Android -- it is the full stock BSP build minus adups and gms. The sources are relatively stable at this point. I just did a sync a few minutes ago and there are a couple of recent changes: (1) a fix to the sensors config to avoid a crash when referencing the motion sensor, (2) a fix to the keyboard kernel driver to enable suspend/resume, and (3) a fix to allow storing camera pictures on the sdcard. I'll probably incorporate these into a new build at some point, but they are relatively minor.
    1 point
  47. Who is to say that they didn't pre-order these devices before yours?
    1 point
  48. I tried key mapper from f-droid. I was able to map camera button longpress to open gcam or default cam (and change quite a few other things while i was at it) but dont see a way to make focus/shutter work.
    1 point
  49. Thanks for the replies everyone. I haven't tried this on a recent version of Android, so I wasn't aware of changes in newer versions that affect this. I've only tried this with LineageOS 14.1 (Android 7.1) on the Droid 4 and Android 8.0 on the Moto Z, and neither worked even though both phones are rooted. It's worked previously with unrooted ZTEs and Samsungs (but older Android, around 5.1), so I'm hoping it was just a Moto thing. Maybe with some phones, but I could never get it to work with the Droid 4. Tried installing different apps, adding Xposed modules and ALSA libs, still no
    1 point
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