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  1. I could check into it. Shouldn't be hard.
    4 points
  2. SailfishOS 3.4 for the Pro1 Its here at last, SailfishOS 3.4 for the Pro1! NOTE: DO NOT OTA UPDATE FROM 3.3 YOU MUST REFLASH This update is exciting as it brings full home folder encryption to you device, just like official devices, improving your privacy, along with all the other features of SailfishOS 3.4. Becuase of the device encryption, it is nescessary to flash, and the method of flashing is different that before (but easier). To install this release, download it from: https://gitlab.com/sailfishos-porters-ci/t5-ci/-/jobs Prerequisites: *A linux machine
    2 points
  3. PSA Updating to Sailfish 3.4 The update to Sailfish 3.4 on the Pro1 is much anticipated. Not only will it bring the great features in 3.4, but it also bring encrypted home partition for added security of your data. While this is a great feature, it is also not straight forward to implement, requiring a completely different style of installation to previous releases. Because of this, it is not possible to upgrade an existing 3.3 release to 3.4. The 3.4 release must be flashed onto the phone, after which it will be possible to restore any backups taken. Trying to force an upgr
    2 points
  4. @netman and @internationaltraitor not to be a spoil sport but you are not only out f topic of the thread, more like out of topic of the forum *LOL*
    2 points
  5. I was very much let down by the announcement of the 2nd generation phone before all issues were patched an addressed in this one, and before everyone even received them. Seems they are jumping ship. Not a good look.
    2 points
  6. Hi, Has anyone tried the Microsoft Launcher which now works in landscape mode? I was happy with Nova but some of its advanced stuff, like a scrolling dock doesn't play very nicely with the new Lineage 17 (Android 10) gestures so might try another one until this gets fixed. Nova say the issue is with Google and that hey can't help.
    1 point
  7. I ordered mine on January 28 2020; still waiting.
    1 point
  8. Greenify caught my eye (maybe because it's highlighted 🙂)... haven't used that app since Android 6/7 or so! Does it actually have any benefits on these recent versions of Android? I thought the "native" power management had made it quite obsolete by now...
    1 point
  9. (lineage-17.1-20201123-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on November security patch installed smoothly using sideload) There are a LOT of changes this week according to this.....
    1 point
  10. Guessing here, but would not at all be surprised if FxTec themselves was unaware of the the short refund limit Indiegogo has in their policy. And thus has to fiddle with the refunds themselves. And @flx they said in a comment in indiegogo that you can change the requested layout withou having to cancel and select a new perk. Though they seem to have a rather long queue of handling mails, sending a mail at the last minutes might be a bit risky. So would be great if the actual azerty was published soon. Or at the least the limit for changing layouts will be well after the publication.
    1 point
  11. I don't know about the microphone but there was thread about ear speaker. Also, you can find couple teardowns from here.
    1 point
  12. will post in a separate thread about how the phone screen looks... before and after.. but if i had the spare screen with assembly from fxtec, i would be more confident to change it myself.
    1 point
  13. I agree with some comments above, when we backed on Indiegogo it said we can cancel until December 11. And I'm sure we are numerous to have pulled the trigger because we knew we had some time to think after. I don't want to cancel my order but in the mean time I have discovered the secret perk and even at some point the 599$ perk returned available (probably from a cancellation). I should have been able to cancel immediately my first perk and take another. If it was not mentioned the possibility to cancel on Indiegogo I will have made more researches before to pull the trigger and ho
    1 point
  14. Its getting a lot better. 3.4 updates the engine to esr52, and the next release updates again to esr60
    1 point
  15. when they go silent and no shipments is when i start to worry.
    1 point
  16. I wish there was some correlation to the order numbers and they wouldn't post 10-12 weeks on their website.. At this rate I wonder which I will get first, my pro-1 or pro-x 🤷‍♂️
    1 point
  17. Well it was an attempt in a more polite way to question your accusation:
    1 point
  18. The order numbers are not sequential. It was discussed earlier on another thread. I tried to evaluate the total number of manufactured units based on different data sources. F(x)tec has said that they have shipped thousands units during the last 12 months (note, not ten thousands units). That means probably 2500-3000 units. Ordered units can't be much higher.
    1 point
  19. It does sound like you could use some spare screens with such habits 😅. I haven't always treated my phones nicely but much like my n900 back when, I'm very careful and gentle with my Pro1 because I like it a lot.
    1 point
  20. got drunk and slammed my phone against the concrete, on its screen side, not once, not twice, but three times. phone works great !
    1 point
  21. My phone is now at Fxtec's hands. Let see if they can locate the problem.
    1 point
  22. Would really be nice if they told us when they cannot stick up to the 12 weeks they promised on their homepage
    1 point
  23. Same, Jan 2020 qwerty ... still waiting
    1 point
  24. Nice may actually give that a try before 17
    1 point
  25. January 2020 qwerty one, still waiting too.
    1 point
  26. I think the Tech Bundle is aimed at non-warranty repairs-- battery reaching EOL and breaking the screen, neither of which would be covered under warranty, not screen repairs for faulty QC or defect, which would be covered under warranty and they would supply the replacement screen.
    1 point
  27. ordered in February still waiting .
    1 point
  28. I hope you get some news soon, posting to keep this thread up in the list.
    1 point
  29. @Erik Can you update Bob on the status of his order?
    1 point
  30. Figured out the issue with the keyboard backlight. Lineage decided they wanted to add the keyboard backlight logic into the Android core (frameworks/base) and delete the keyboard backlight logic from the lights HAL. This is Lineage specific -- neither AOSP nor AICP have it. I made a brief attempt to add the Lineage code into AICP's frameworks/base but it didn't go smoothly. So I'm just going to revert the change and move on. I hope to have a new build within a few hours.
    1 point
  31. I'm no touching it till I find out got multi factor security software I need to login to work 😄
    1 point
  32. I split the discussion on shifted/standard qwerty over to this old thread (with a revised title)
    1 point
  33. You are right, I over-interpreted from what I read elsewhere. They only claim this: Google Play System Updates, launched last year, lets us expedite updates of core OS components to devices in the Android ecosystem. In Android 11, we more than doubled the number of updatable modules, and those 12 new modules will help improve privacy, security, and consistency for users and developers. And though that obviously is an improvement it is not including everything. 😥
    1 point
  34. I can not thank you guys enough for the work done. But the number of hours i bet you guys have used on this versus the price of the two devices would still leave room for quite some donations without anyone could reasonably consider you greedy...
    1 point
  35. Thanks for the thought. It's mostly just me and @npjohnson but I'm not sure about his feelings on donations. We have both received devices for development, which I personally consider due reward in itself.
    1 point
  36. I really wish FxTec was more communicative. It's super sad to see all the reading between the lines, guessing, and tossing information together because nobody is told what is actually happening or not. I'm not officially authorized to say anything about OTAs, but I will just say don't hold your breath for stock Q or R. But of course Lineage should have Q in probably a couple weeks and then R pretty much as soon as all the other devices.
    1 point
  37. Following your post I thought I would try it again. Then I realized I already tried it and gave up on it cause the setup was indeed such a pain. I tried to set it up again as I was sitting on the train anyway then quickly decided it was not worth the effort 😁
    1 point
  38. Almost a year later and it seems the audio crackle issue is still a thing, I tried running Pokemon Explorers of Darkness under RetroArch on my Pro1, it's slow and has audio issues. Wat do?
    0 points
  39. If the Azerty layout does not satisfy me I would not want to change layout, I would want to cancel. (I'm not that hard to satisfy and will not cancel only because it's not perfect, I just want direct-access/printed accentuated letters.)
    0 points
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