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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Great, then we can eliminate that as a possible reason, thanks.
  2. Oh indeed, but battery charging above 30°C should be avoided if possible. Oblivious it is not a sharp limit. from https://batteryuniversity.com/learn/article/how_to_prolong_lithium_based_batteries
  3. I have not had it reach the point of booting, but I certainly had it go way beyond 30°C. Both with an aPple S6-, a BB Priv, a Samsung S8- and the Pro1.
  4. Yes I never had wiped moving forwards between your test versions. Only when I tried to move backwards. 🙂
  5. Well please enlighten me on how I was supposed to know you knew what Giteki is? Did F(x)tec or BicCamera tell you when the phones in question were ordered? And the amount? For what I know, these could be old orders too. But sure they might not. I'm not taunting, but a little tired of accusations that seems to be based on assumptions in here.
  6. Well I can not answer the "why", but for all we know they could have had an old order too. And since they are already "Out of stock", it is not that it is in any way in general availability in the Japanese market either. When I checked their web-store on July 11, it was the same. Marked as "in stock", but browsing through the actual stores they were marked as coming at a later day. So if they really had just one for each store it must have sold as hot cakes, as there are none now. And unless I misunderstood something, Giteki is not a matter of a special version, but a mater of test
  7. If the Japanese market (one seller BicCamera) ever had it, how many did they get? 1?, 2?
  8. Sorry for being unclear. Indeed use plugged in. BUT charge the phone before starting the navigation. This way the battery is 'idle' at 100% during navigation, and thus any heating affects the battery less. Worst case is: Quick charge heating the device and battery Heavy usage of the phone, heating the device and battery (And if placed at a hot place it is even worse) LiIon batteries generally dislikes being charged while the temperature is above about 30 deg Celscius. It shortens the overall lifespan of the battery.
  9. Sometimes going back without wipe works. There was a similar issue when attempting going from 9 to 8 (if I recall correctly) but OFTEN it will work if changes were minor, but do not expect it in general unless they explicitly say so. And the changes 20 to 21 as well as 21 to 22 clearly was not minor. So stepping back without wipe is unlikely to work.
  10. Did you wipe user data between flashes? In general there are no compatibility going backwards only forwards. So you should not expect a stable system if you do not wipe your user data stepping backwards.... It is just as when you switch between Stock and Lineage (in either direction). You must wipe the user data.
  11. This COULD be a thermal issues. IF a device is quick charging while using GPS at the same time, the risk of overheating is quite high. (But sure the phone OUGHT to throttle down the charging rate if the temperature gets too high) In general if using a phone for car navigation I would strongly advise to charge it before the trip. So the battery is not charging while the device is hot. See e.g. this
  12. Battery stamina MUCH improved with 22. Here 20, 21 and 22 within the last few days;
  13. I do believe that there was an immediate visible change with the boot and redraws from 21 to 22, Will report back on the battery after some hours 🙂
  14. I would not have noticed if you had not said it... So if it helps someone, then fine by me 🙂
  15. There should be a charge_full_design and charge_full also, that might help the calibration. Found this googling https://dev.bettermobileapp.com/article/10435402/-+removed+-
  16. I saw no substantial differences going from 19 to 20, but did from 20 to 21.
  17. ....sorry for the random order it ended in. Note that GSAM has a bug, so any traffic through VPN is logged as WiFi, even if you turn off WiFi completely.
  18. I have no idea how to pull that info. At best I can give you what GSAM can tell...
  19. Well to give you some valid data I would have to flash a phone with Test20, without the VPN, wait a day or so, and then flash Test21, wait a day or so... So it will clearly be faster to see if someone else without VPN have a battery monitor installed, and see the same difference switching from Test20 to Test21.
  20. Well I have NetGuard active all the time, It will be a show stopper for Lineage for me if that no longer works.
  21. Despite the more aggressive power management, to my surprise the Test21 is substantially MORE power-hungry than Test20?!? see below from 3C All-in-one toolbox. (It looks similar on the rooted) - note also the x on the WiFi, Mobile data, the screen dump is taken shortly after unlocking with fingerprint. Roughly at ratio 7:4 or a factor 175% And no, there aren't additional stuff running. I checked with Greenify and Android Assistant and only a few user and system apps I explicitly have white-listed are running
  22. Test21 seems to be a little TOO aggressive on the power save, When left idle it decouples the WiFi so check for mail and the like is not performed. When unlocking you can see that the WiFi icon is not there, and only appears after a short while. If you immediately after unlock open something that uses the net (say Android Market) it reports "No internet", but clicking retry and it will work once it has reconnected. This aggressive option can be very nice for special use cases, like when the battery is close to depletion, or when you need an extra long stamina for say a trip. But
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