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Everything posted by Craig

  1. I noticed this in sailfishOS but hadn't tested in Android to be sure...
  2. Right now, it's using software for some video decoding, so some games run slow. Ubuntu repos are full of stuff installable with apt or synaptic, but certainly not everything that x86 repos have..
  3. The last big company I worked for, our gross margin target was 42%. CEO's gotta make their millions somewhere.
  4. I didn't mean to turn you off playing around with it! While it is true Sailfish has a much more limited app selection than Android, most of the basics are available. Installing elros34's ubu_chroot package opens up the ability to run ubuntu apps, not limited to chromium and open libreoffice. Work is being done to improve basics too, at some point it wont be Alpha, but indeed it is rough around the edges now, but usable. It is fun to play with. And it does seem more like real gnu/linux. You can download source and compile on device and it works. You are not limited to what's availab
  5. I'm learning all this along with you, but yes, there are other things that work on paid vs that dont work on community version https://jolla.com/sailfishx/ Sailfish OS is not FOSS. It's mainly free and open source, except the lipstick user interface (which is in the community ports but closed source) and those additional features jolla sells as noted in table above.
  6. Craig


    Pound is on US-International but awkward... AltGr+Shift+4 £££££££££££££££££££££££££££
  7. When someone posts a twitter link and uses the default embedding whatever, it looks messy from my end, and I can't follow the link easily (or at all?), if I click on it it just hides the mess that was there in the first place.
  8. Craig


    I don't think FinQWERTY is really an application. It seems to just add a bunch of keyboard layouts. Apparently even tho F(x)tec is British company, they used American keys. And easiest solution for now is use US International layout. Dunno if they plan to do anything about £ in stock, but rumour has it no more software updates til after Chinese New Year.
  9. Thanks for the idea. I went nuts with the stuff on the back, but decided to preserve the Fxtec Logo.
  10. Maybe there is a chemical process that works better than scraping. Like remove the keyboard and soak it in (something) then they just wipe off with a towel...
  11. Photon Q used stickers by default, I didn't even realize until Cornholio pointed it out, they are very well done and very well adhered. It would certainly help with custom keyboard maps, for example finqwerty-us-intl on on qwertz cuz otherwise hard to remember where the non-letter keys are mapped to. It might also allow us to print 3rd level characters from us-intl on the keys to remember those symbols too. The problem I see is even if we get perfectly made stickers, putting them on straight on every single key will be a challenge and time consuming! That and the backlight issue
  12. You just need two mirrors. Then you can take a photo of Pro¹ with a Pro¹. (2nd mirror to prevent mirror image)
  13. There is no more real RAM available. You have 1GB of real ram no matter what. Using some of it as zram allows you to fit MORE into ram than you would without it (at the expense of cpu) as its basically compressing it on the fly and uncompressing it when you need it, but that is still way faster than using storage for swap. The only way not using zram is not faster is if you're not using all your ram. But with only 1GB and running Android 5 or later (which takes way more memory than 4), I find it very unlikely you can get away with running more than one or two apps in the leftover real
  14. Sorry some communication mixup, cuz that's what I thought I suggested in the first place.
  15. You can already disable it during initial setup, you are in fact asked if you want to setup the fingerprint sensor at that time. So a feature request to disable fingerprint sensor is not a feature request cuz it already exists as an option in current software.
  16. Something is not quite right about your terminology but I'm too... tired... to figure it out right now. But my guess is you're somewhere mxing up usb-a with micro-b (also called micro-usb). [usb-b is mainly on printers and old stuff]. I've never seen a charger with a usb-c port on it, other than those with built in cable ( of which I now I have two of I no longer need, one for AC and one for 12V cuz of these new magnetic cables I cant use em anymore)
  17. That is relevant info. But do you even realize the guy you're quoting is LOS developer? Did you notice the thread you're posting in?
  18. Yeah me too, I've given up on it; even if this feature is implemented I may not use it. But your suggestion is not a feature request that might improve initial impressions or out of the box experience, etc. I made this thread to come up with real feature requests they might implement.
  19. Hehhehhe. I do think I understand zram. So when something wants to swap, it can swap in your case to SD, or in default case to internal storage. But with zram, when it wants to swap, it first swaps to zram. zram comes from memory, so way way way faster than sd or internal storage... except some cpu stuff compresses it... so it takes less space in memory than it would on disk, although takes a little cpu, and of course taking some of your real ram to make zram. using swap on sdcard isnt faster than using swap on internal storage, in fact its slower.
  20. I'd actually love to see real numbers, I only imagine I know everything 🙂
  21. Most USB 3.0 thumb drives are faster than USB 2.0 thumb drives. In fact, they're fast even when plugged into USB 2.0 slot. There are always bottlenecks somewhere. Even tho I only have USB 2 ports on my old laptop, I only buy US3 thumb drives. But cmon, we're in the future, use wifi to transfer files between pc & phone. Cables take effort. Bluetooth/IR are slow. For most people, ftp is gunna be more than enough. No need to deal with complicated stuff.
  22. I really think XFCE is the desktop solution that works if you want it. OpenOffice works great. Ubuntu has huge repo of software. And, correcting my earlier post, etr works great! https://twitter.com/enigma9o7/status/1217272071178215424 And here's some random screenshots (not actually random, made them to show someone else how I did my scaling settings)
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