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Everything posted by netman

  1. Firefox, mainly because of ublock origin but also this magnificent addon that makes youtube in the browser excellent, so I can get ad-free youtube with picture-in-picture or just audio background (the PIP is activated by going fullscreen and then navigating away).
  2. Checking again by eye with a bright lamp I can also see this on mine, I am sorry for any confusion caused. The top side I can't seem to capture on photo any good.
  3. Mine does not have this cleft. It does on the other side than pictured but it's hard to see and even harder to get on photo.
  4. To get news about the WoA port early you may want to join this Telegram group if you haven't yet: https://t.me/fxtecwoa :)
  5. In the interest of fairness here a result on the other site:
  6. There's another thread about this I posted in before but since this is the first one i found... Here's where I got after practicing deliberately on the Pro1 for a bit, that took quite a few attempts though 😅 (with the test here https://typing-speed-test.aoeu.eu/?lang=en ) Note that the other page with the octopus n all calculates WPM differently so only the CPM value is really comparable. I can't cope well with the way it scrolls text.
  7. Why would you want a locked bootloader with Lineage though? To me it sounds like more trouble than it's worth, although I think it'd be possible if you sign the images with your own keys.
  8. But different keyboard layout, not an unimportant difference to some.
  9. There's no need to be sorry for sharing work, as community we can improve this together now :).
  10. I'm sorry @Erik but since you are our local hero and solver of problems, I'm tagging you here.
  11. This sounds like the hall sensor refusing to work... Have you tried rebooting? Try holding a magnet at the corner where the camera button is and see if open/closed state changes (there's a magnet around that area on the screen side - use small steel item to find that, and on the keyboard side it comes near a hall sensor when closed, that's how it knows when keyboard is open). Also maybe worth asking if not there are any magnets near like a case with magnetic closure?
  12. Felt the same, go to IGG and click the "Enthusiast Pro1-X bundle" (and probably others), then more info appears!
  13. I actually prefer phones built mostly out of plastic, at least for the outside parts, as long as it's good quality and well designed (I guess plastic cases tend to have to be made a bit thicker). Plastic tends to look better when worn a bit, and absorbs impacts better, etc. The main downside of course is higher thermal resistance.
  14. Are the audio files for them on the SD card perchance?
  15. I believe this is correct. I don't think this is the case, I think it just takes the other one instead unless it has type set to OVERLAY. With one big caveat, you can't have duplicate entries in the file, so you'd have to watch out for those. (say you have 'key A {' in the file one place, you aren't allowed to put a second one hoping it'll override the previous one). This may be useful: https://source.android.com/devices/input/validate-keymaps
  16. The way I did is just edit the one that is there, that did work for me.
  17. I am confused but intrigued, please tell more! :)
  18. I think there's enough people using bluetooth keyboards, oddball devices like android TV with keys on the remote and the likes to prevent us from falling into that dystopia. And let us not forget that no matter how small, all of us here are also making a difference too :). If we were to end up in a future where Android doesn't inherently have keyboard support, the only possible solution would probably be to use another OS as troublesome as that'd be.
  19. Pro1 is system-as-root so you simply `mount -o remount,rw /`.
  20. I forgot to answer this question properly, Finqwerty tells Android it has keyboard layouts and where they are by responding to this message https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/input/InputManager#ACTION_QUERY_KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS
  21. The .kl file is a Key Layout file that maps physical scan-codes (which the keyboard driver spits out) to Androids key-codes, the .kcm is a Key Character Map which maps those key-codes to characters or actions (and allows you to have different binding for combinations of modifiers (ctrl, alt, shift, fn) and keys). The .kcm can also remap scan-codes to different key-codes, so I'd recommend leaving the .kl alone unless there's a good reason to edit that one. In the kcm file you can map a scan-code to a key-code by a statement like: map key 158 ESCAPE And a key-code to a character like:
  22. if you have root, yes /system/usr/keychars/Vendor_181d_Product_5018_Version_0001.kcm if not mistaken is the default (when no keymaps selected) alternatively unzip finqwerty or fx-qwerty (apk files are just zips) and edit one of the keymaps in the res/raw/ directory (or add one and edit the xml file in res/xml/ that that tells where the .kcm files are) then zip it again and use and then use jarsigner to sign it and then zipalign, or first zipalign then apksign (java sdk and android sdk provide these things) to sign and align them so android is happy and you can use that (either search google
  23. A lot of it is down to quality I think... I've found some A to C cables that have aluminium instead of copper. I've had fairly good luck with cables from orico and ugreen aliexpress, but i don't even own a single C to C cable, there might be more ways to make those badly.
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