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Everything posted by Hook

  1. I'm not arguing with you here. This is my first keyboard phone so I have nothing to compare it to (and I don't mind the clack 😉 . However I'm confused by your terminology. It sounds like you think the Pro 1 isn't a "slider." It may not be, what do I know, but I thought it was. Do you mean by "slider" a straight slider (I would call a keyboard tray slider as opposed to an angled slider)? Honestly, just curious, to better understand the communication.
  2. If you lift from the back and guide the front with your thumb, the Pro 1 opens very quietly. You don't even have to do it slowly. You just don't let it fly into place on it's own.
  3. Hey, are we wearing the same pull-over? 😄 Probably not. Mine's L.L. Bean.
  4. What I really enjoy is reading with the keyboard open and the book forced to portrait. This might only be a pleasure for right-handers, but wrapping my left hand around the keyboard gives me a very firm, comfortable grip while my right index finger turns pages, or my right hand grabs my coffee. My hand doesn't get tired holding it this way. It's perfect for reading.
  5. Hook

    Displaying Black

    @Adrienspawn I don't have a good enough camera to get a decent picture off a smartphone screen and, obviously, a screenshot doesn't work as it shows the picture without any effects of the screen showing the picture. However, in the case of the dragon picture at 11% (I gave up trying to get the slider to land on 10% 😉 ), there is still a grey green wash. What threw me off is I don't get it at all on David's black square, and I don't get it on the wall paper I use on Nova Launcher, which is also solid black. So apparently, it does not affect solid black, just shades of gray. Sorry I got off
  6. One of my advantages, I suspect, is that, other than work assigned Blackberries, this is the first physical keyboard phone I have ever used, so I am just training my motor skills to this keyboard. All other keyboard phones tempted me, but they were too small, making them very difficult to use when I tried them in stores. I only reluctantly used my BBs with their hopelessly cramped keyboards, and usually only to say "k, email later." I most often just phoned people if I wanted to reply. So I really find this phone the first phone really made for my hands. With the Pro 1 I will snap out the
  7. I love Explorer (and Root Explorer). It isn't like most file managers and on first glance appears overly simple, but once you learn it's use of tabs and using hold everywhere to get options, it turns out to be very powerful. I usually have 3 tabs open, one for internal storage, one for external and one for Dropbox which looks just like another drive.
  8. I assume you are using default launcher? Does the app drawer not let you scroll by simply using your finger in the middle of the screen? Nova has a side scroll bar for the app drawer, but you can use your finger anywhere to scroll. Of course, now I am using launch time which makes all of these concerns irrelevant. Might be why I love Edge Null so much. 😉 My display size is small, my Edge null setting is 30. I encounter no rel problems (occasionally something right at the edge requires a couple of taps to get right, but not very often).
  9. Hook

    Displaying Black

    I bricked my phone, so in fact I followed the directions Chen Posted to reflash both the A and B partitions via ADB, and then retook all OTAs. However, I suspect factory reset might be enough, if anything here is working and it isn't just some weird alignment of the planets for David and myself. Lol.
  10. Speaking of helping, I was going to mention I would be happy to be a US supplier of black dots to folks who need them. I'll set aside what I need and then dole out to others as needed. There will be no cost to those I dole out to. 🙂 I count 7 black dots. Anyone know if that's correct or are there ones under the keyboard I can't see?
  11. I really love the work you are doing here, but for me, the big issue that keeps me with FinQwerty is the intuitive functioning of the shift keys to get the symbols over the number keys, even at the cost of displacing the "/" and the "?". By the way, where is "?" on your layout-- I'm assuming it's still on th eL key, but just was accidentally left off your print. What I'd really love is for shift to work and "/?" to be moved to the right yellow arrow key, but not sure that is doable or I think FinQwerty would have. Most of your red layer I don't really care much about, but does your
  12. That is always the risk of having many apps (lol, more than 3 I sometimes think). I remember back when I was using Palm PDAs. When things went screwy, the best, but most painful, approach was to hard reset and then install one app (they were called programs back then 😉), test, install another app, test and so forth until you found the culprit.
  13. I tried the stock pouch when I got it, but I don't like pouches and never used it. I tried it just now. As far as I can tell, the skin makes no difference. It was just as hard to slide the phone in and out before. Really. I'm pretty sure it makes no difference. The skin provides texture, not resistance. I don't know how to explain that so it makes sense. Like how much easier it is to type on a keyboard where keys give you feedback than when they don't, even if it's the same keyboard.
  14. Yup, worked out the same for me. Lol. Alex must be wondering about these stickerorders. 😄
  15. Yes, it works with your gallery app. When I cleared the default on my app, the next time I tapped a photo in Exploer it gave me the dialog to chose an app. I chose yours (if the app isn't top of the list, it doesn't let you choose once or always). I closed your gallery app and tapped a photo in explorer again. The dialog came up again with Gallery Go at the top and I tapped "Always". After that, tapping on a photo in explorer always launches the Gallery Go app.
  16. This is the gallery app I use: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.simplemobiletools.gallery.pro I don't use any of your file managers. I mostly use Explorer (The non-root version of Root Explorer, which I use whn I'm rooted). If a file exploer has it's own internal viewer operating as a gallery, it may not make the external call to Android.
  17. 1600? Lol. how many Pro 1s do you have? 😄 I'll order the 1000 quantity offered.
  18. Not dismissing your frustration or criticizing your venting (we're here for you, pal), but for anyone new and curious about the Pro 1, this is NOT my experience with my Pro 1. 😉 I'm impressed. I'm not sure I could (strength-wise) rip my Pro 1 in two, though I won't make the experiment.
  19. Sorry, couldn't resist the thread title. 😉 I posted this in the protective cases thread, but this isn't really about directly protecting the Pro1 but increasing the grip on the back of the Pro 1 which is quite slippery. I don't like putting cases on my phones (a bumper might be nice), but even if you are using a pouch or a case, if you ever use the phone outside the case, this could be relevant. I love how the naked Pro 1 feels in my hands, but I worried about the slickness of the back, especially when drawing it out of my pocket. A number of folks have used different non-case sol
  20. I can't find the source, but I'm pretty sure I saw somewhere that that wasn't the case here, but I don't remember the specifics of why. In the back of my mind, something about not having the setup for remote access to servers. My guess would be security protocols (Intellectual property security) not being implemented for remote access, but I don't know. Anyway, for whatever reason, IdeaLTE has been out of action as well as the factories.
  21. Can you tell me how? I can't seem to find this exact size anywhere else (they are listed on US Ebay but still say won't ship to US). Or sell me some of yours. 😄
  22. I'm able to set a default app-- that is, after I selected always for my gallery app, tapping any photo in my file manager launched the photo in the gallery app without asking again. You are right, photo app doesn't appear in the list of default apps, but if you go to my photo app under settings app, it is listed as the photo app that opens by default and I can revoke the default status there.
  23. Hook

    Displaying Black

    Are you sure you have the January update installed. Because, while I clearly saw what you describe in December, when I have the Dragon Pic on my phone now, it no longer does that. I don't know what other explanation there could be unless something happened differently when I reflashed my phone in january, starting with the October factory image provided by Chen. It's weird. My phone seems to be fine now at all brightness levels.
  24. It's not clear, but if you want an official answer, you need to email [email protected]. Before the phone came out they projected security updates would come within 90 days of being released. Since we currently have the September update, that clearly hasn't happened. I would expect the upcoming OTA from IdeaLTE (their software developer) to bring us more up to date, but it too has been delayed by the Coronavirus. I hope not much longer. This may all go much smoother once they are caught up and phones are in general availability. Again, none of this is official, just guesses.
  25. My point of view as well, I'm afraid. 😉 I only have a "lockscreen" to keep from accidentally launching icons when pulling my phone from my pocket and it opens with just a swipe. I didn't keep a padlock on my old physical datebook with a lot of personal information. Why do I need to lock my phone? (I know how people would answer that question-- but I really don't like being inconvenienced 😀). Still, on principle, if there is a fingerprint reader on the phone, it should be made to work properly.
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