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Everything posted by Hook

  1. Your link sent me looking for something like it in the US. I found this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/2-4A-Magnetic-Type-C-Micro-USB-Charging-Cable-Charger-Adapter-for-Samsung-S8-LG/311833912361?var=611236730636 It is excellent and, yes it is pricier. But seems to be reliably available as a common stock item from this seller with good ratings in Brooklyn, NY. Very well made, fits snugly in the port with completely rounded edges. It's exactly the same size as the one I posted earlier but it fit's more snugly, leaving a little less neck exposed, and all edges are rounded and smooth. St
  2. How about they are swamped trying to get folks their Pro1s and web work on the site is low priority. As always, I understand the frustration and disappointment. I don't understand personal attacks on folks who are clearly working hard to get out devices which, most who receive them agree, are what they promised to produce... a high quality horizontal keyboard slider.
  3. Sorry, I'm a bit slow on some of these things. If I want to proceed now to root my phone with (currently) the 06JAN2020 OTA, I would install Magisk Manager, reboot, go into Magisk Manager and install Magisk? And what do I ask it to do when it installs to created the modified boot image? Will it use the boot image already have and create a backup? The instructions for updating with new OTA and retaining root seem clear, but having previously used the instructions in the OP, I'm not clear on how to do the original rooting anymore. Most instructions I find out on the webs seem to assume
  4. Agree very much with @Artemis-kun on Power Amp, Connectbot and Nova Launcher (Nova Launcher was discussed at length in the good landscape/physicalkeyboard apps thread).
  5. That shaped into what I would have expected, a nice left skewed distro. Lol. I may not be the oldest one in the forum, but I'm apparently the oldest one willing to take this poll. 😄
  6. You can always download the latest version here. https://github.com/anssih/finqwerty/releases
  7. In my recent adventure resulting in my having to start from scratch, this didn't work, but I can't be sure that, in mucking around, I ended up doing something myself to mke this procedure not work. However, I tried unrooting by flashing the original boot.img andthe OTA failed. I then flashed the original system.img and it still didn't take the OTA. What's more, when I tried to return to root by flashing the modified boot.img, Magisk acted like it wasn't installed. So I wasn't rooted and I couldn't take OTAs. So I finally restored the original boot.img and system.img and erased userdata.
  8. So the story gets weirder. I have a story to tell about nearly bricking my Pro1 3 times... that's a story for another thread and would tell you more about the user than the Pro 1, but I finally ended up just reflashing the original image that Chen posted and taking all four updates including yesterday's. Lol, I forgot how much I put into getting this phone set up the first time. But at least my SMS is working again. I knew how to set up Verizon again and it just worked. Will it fail again at some point or did I do something different in the setup? Did the January update do something?
  9. Back on magnetic cables, this arrived yesterday. https://amazon.com/gp/product/B07WRPXXNW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It is the thinnest adapter I could find in terms of how far it extends past the back of the phone. Here are some quick shots with a not great camera (apologies for quality). The hardest one to make out is my attempt to get a level shot over the back of the Pro 1 to see there is just the tiniest bump poking up. The straight on shot from the bottom almost makes it look like it is even with the back and it may be even with the highest elevation
  10. @Polaris Yes, AAMoF. I didn't realize that was still working.
  11. It's not critical to me. Mostly just nice to have. I do have some Titanium backups on my SD card now if I do anything requiring a wipe. I'm mostly waiting for LOS and TWRP to be ready for prime time.
  12. I checked my wife's phone and it has the same number as mine, so I suspect it's the right number. But thanks for the suggestion.
  13. The trouble is, I have no idea what correct is. It's got a number there...
  14. The problem (as I understand it-- and I may not) is that Magisk requires a patched boot image. I can flash the old boot.image and then take the OTA, but there might be changes to the boot image in the OTA. If so, I can't reroot until there is new patched version of the boot.img. For now, I'm going to stay rooted and watch reports on the OTA and let some smarter folks sort this out. 😉
  15. So, new OTA update today and installation fails. Lol. I sort of knew the fastest way to get an OTA published was for me to root. Now I have to figure out what I need to do. I suspect I have to flash old boot.img. Probably need to uninstall Magisk first. @Craig @netman or anyone else, any advice?
  16. So this is strange and I can't figure out what to do about it. I can receive text messages but I can't send or reply. I don't send many texts, so my last text sent was Dec 14th which was the same day I discovered Verizon "worked." It appears to have been a test of send on Verizon, so I think it was working. I have been receiving texts just fine. Phone calls are good also, making and receiving. If there is a setting that affects this, I can't find it. I tested another SMS app (I use Google messages) but no change. I tested my Wife's Pixel 2XL which is also Verizon prepay and it worke
  17. Actually, just holding the power button will get you a reboot.
  18. I just wanted to note that I am suddenly starting to see this bug with much more frequency. Getting close to once a day. No, it's not terrible, an easy reboot, but I am concerned about the possibility of losing data if I am working on a document when it happens. Also, @EskeRahn can this thread be pinned so people don't have to hunt it down?
  19. 4 posts. That'll show him. 🤣 The change resolution drop down is nice. In Gallery Pro, that is on the main menu, not the editor and, yes, you have to type in numbers. I still don't trust Cheater Mobile. Or maybe I don't trust my firewalling skills. 😉 And I'm happy with Gallery Pro, but yes, I *was* very happy with QuickPic.
  20. It's strange that Aquamail doesn't do PGP since I believe it was adapted from K-9. You might want to take a look at FairEmail (both F-Droid and Play Store). I haven't used it, but looks interesting and have been thinking I may try it. I don't use PGP and am pretty happy with Aquamail, but this has tempted me to think about open source more.
  21. Doh! Apparently I have the Pro version. So long ago, I didn't remember and it only identifies itself as Pro on the about screen. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.simplemobiletools.gallery.pro Lol. In fact, reading through the description for the non-Pro version, but apparently they are now only supporting and updating the Pro version. Of course, I can't see the price since I have it installed. I just know I've been very happy with it and I tend to buy Pro versions if I really like an app. Sorry, Sir.
  22. A lot of the apps that are my go to apps are apps I have been using forever. I can't very well say they are the greatest apps, just that they have always worked well enough for me that I haven't been tempted to go looking for replacements. Also, I'm not an IT person. I am a writer (not published but something I've taken on in earnest as I approached retirement and a phone with a hardware keyboard fits well in my scalable write/edit anywhere plans. Otherwise, my phone is mainly a PDA My key go-to apps: DropBox - Really, this is the thumb drive in the sky that lets me keep all
  23. Odd. Not what I get. I get a sliding bar of aspect ratios, a rotation arrow that does the 4 standard rotations and a finger slider that lets me to make any rotation I want.
  24. If I'm understanding what you are describing, Simple Mobile Gallery does that as well-- Hit edit pencil, tap transform. It is pretty close to a free QuickPic knockoff without ads. Not trying to get you to change, just info for others. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.simplemobiletools.gallery&hl=en_US
  25. I would stay away from QuickPic. I used to swear by it, but it is now owned by Cheetah Mobile a notorious spyware publisher. I replaced it with Gallery Pro by Simple Mobile for which your description is appropriate. If you are using an old pre-Cheater Mobile apk, then you are ok, but folks should be careful.
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