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Rob. S.

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Everything posted by Rob. S.

  1. @zundappchef, I agree with @netman that you should still receive the first one. My impression from following this forum is that there are just a few extremely unlucky people left who ordered last year and still don't have it. I'm one of them, too, having ordered in September 2019. Now, after a few e-mails in which I was given the offer to change my order from QWERTZ keyboard (which still seems to be out of stock) to QWERTY, I've been told to expect tracking details from Hong Kong within a few more days, and I'm just as excited because the Moto Z3 Play which I bought as a stopgap last year alre
  2. Interesting, thanks! Now that Multi/Dual Boot seems to be coming to the Pro1 after all, giving Sailfish a serious try might actually become an option for me. By the way, I was just told that I should be getting the tracking number for my QWERTY Pro1 within the next few days 🙂
  3. VISA worked for me, too (DE). That said, a few days ago my subcription renewal at LWN.net by VISA failed with a simple "charge was declined" note. My bank offered no explanation upon my support request except "we checked the card, it's ok and should work" and "please try again", which I did, and then it worked. Never had any problems with it before...
  4. I guess not being able to crack the bootloader is the only "security" feature left on that phone with its outdated, unsafe, unsupported stock Android – a device that used to be marketed as "the world's most secure Android device"... Security updates stopped just a few weeks after I bought mine. Anyway, as much as I liked the phone, I never liked the portrait-orientation keyboard...
  5. I've just received and agreed to another chance to have delivery expedited somewhat by changing my September 2019 QWERTZ order to QWERTY in following up to support request 6870 (which I declined the first time, after I wrote above quote)... As the offer now came with a hint that there might be a limited timeframe, and with all the mail Fxtec seems to be getting now that the Pro¹ X campaign is running, I thought it might be ok to reference @Erik here to increase the likeliness that this will work out?
  6. It's one of the "features" Indiegogo offers manufacturers... It lets the manufacturer pass all the usual risks on to the customer. After this stupid year, I suspect Fxtec needs to absolutely minimize their risks for this next "big" production round. I don't like it, either, but if this helps Fxtec to stay in business and make a Pro² at some point, I'd say it's worth it.
  7. I remember that, also a long time ago, some jurisdictions (Germany in any case) explicitly legalised circumventing such copy protections if that was necessary to properly use the item in question, specifically software with copy-protected floppy disks, CDs or hardware dongles (before USB, they even made parallel-port dongles), so the case you mention might even have been legal, not just morally legitimate. All of that of course was before the content industry established laws which forbid even private copies of copy-protected material which would have been legal under usual fair-use clau
  8. Just to let you know, there once was a note that said support tickets get bounced back to the end of the list with every new request on the same ticket, and they also said they'd have huge loads of mail to go through now with the Indiegogo campaign for the Pro¹ X going on. (Me, I've ordered my Pro¹ in September 2019 and I'm still waiting as it didn't make it into the latest batch of QWERTZ devices which were shipped this September and so I have to be patient for some more weeks...)
  9. If they'll finally get around to officially sell spare parts, something they had been planning, and a short conversation I had with London recently gave me the impression that the plan is still alive, I guess they might at some point. At least as long as they didn't change something inside the Pro¹ X that would somehow make it incompatible, but then again I would find that improbable since it would make servicing both devices more complicated than necessary for them...
  10. Well. Google Pay is going to be a thing for me again, now that my bank has finally issued me an NFC-fitted debit card the contactless payment feature of which still requires entering the PIN for transactions above €50 – and also for "random" trasactions below €50 the randomness of which so far amount to "nearly all". The stupid thing is completely useless – if I want contactless payment, and that's what I want since the outbreak of COVID-19 and all the more now that new-infection figures are exploding here in Germany, I need a phone with Google Pay. Thinking about it again, I might rather
  11. https://www.golem.de/news/mit-lineage-os-xda-developers-bringen-eigenes-smartphone-2010-151780.html (German)
  12. Anyone want to bet whether it's the QWERTZ Pro¹ ordered in September 2019 or the QWERTZ Pro¹ X ordered right now that will arrive first?
  13. https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2020/10/fxtec-pro1-x-sliding-keyboard-phone
  14. I guess you can always use "US International" software layout with dead keys (software) on your QWERTY hardware layout...
  15. Looks like I've just been the first one to have claimed it. 🙂 Now there are 48 of 50 Pro1 X Pre-Early Bird 256GB for $679/€575 left. 🙂
  16. September 2019 and still waiting. We both had the bad luck to be among the last few QWERTZ orderers who couldn't be served with the last batch of QWERTZ keyboards – since then, QWERTZ keyboards have been out of stock. Doesn't help either of us, but even considering the generally huge delivery times our case is still something of an outlier.
  17. To add to what @EskeRahn and @VaZso already said – the reality of economy, including what is necessary for a company to even just survive, can be something completely different than what customers feel they're entitled to. Even if they righteously and legitimately feel that way. For me, it's been over a year now that I ordered my Pro¹, and since QWERTZ keyboards are out of stock I expect it will be at least another one or two months. Still I guess we're all lucky. Because despite the catastrophic situation they've been in at least since the pandemic hit China, F(x)tec has still not
  18. Given that even the German keyboard seems to be unavailable right now, I wouldn't get my hopes up...
  19. Wow, thanks. I knew of FinQuerty, of course, but I didn't know it did that, too, including the necessary 'dead keys'. So that would be a good option for stock. Searching again, I find evidence that there is something like that in Lineage, too: I guess that should also include Umlauts? (I'm not decided yet whether I'll use LineageOS or rather stick to stock, but I guess I'll try Lineage first with the few critical apps that might check for SafetyNet and go back to stock only if I absolutely must...) In the end, the QWERTY layout might have a slight disadvantage for text, but an
  20. Sorry if I missed that somewhere (and I'm unable to find anything in these web forums, even in one I'm hosting myself); until now I didn't care for QWERTY because I ordered my device with QWERTZ. Now it seems I might get my Pro¹ sooner when I change the order to QWERTY, so I'd like to know if anyone is using the QWERTY layout to write text that includes special national characters like Umlauts, especially the German ones (ÄÖÜäöüß), like the "US International" keyboard on PCs does it (Which would be " follwed by A etc. for Umlauts and something like AltGr-S for ß...) ? Does that work? I ha
  21. Could you email your order ID to info@fxtec.com? I don't see one linking to this community account. So would you say those 12 months now count as an outlier? And I'd like to join the request – September 19, 2019, QWERTZ. If nothing else, this definitely has been a good training in patience! Maybe I've even become a bit more even-tempered overall along the way 😉 Most of us who are employees, "sellers" of their labour to the "customers" aka bosses, will know that principle quite well, if they think about it... 😉
  22. Can't remember whether we had that here already, but did anyone perhaps try "FiLMiC Pro" by any chance? It's 15€, though (which is why I didn't try it on my Motorola phone yet since I rarely ever shoot video, let alone with the phone), but it seems that it might be the most sophisticated video recording app available for Android so far.
  23. Not on mobile, no, sorry (while I'm also still waiting for my Pro¹)... Only using the Linux client now and then to help kinsfolk with their Windows machines 🙂
  24. I confess I rarely shoot video with phones, but I would expect such a noise suppression feature, if available, to be activated for voice calls, but never for video recording... There shouldn't anything at all be cancelled out... Edit: Tried it again with my Moto Z3 Play – unfortunately, it does it, too, although the cutoff level seems very low...
  25. Of course not. But we do not live in a world in which things tend to be what they are for good technical reasons (let alone for reasons of human needs), and Google, of all companies, can hardly be expected to change that... Renowned SF writer Cory Doctorow published a piece about the issue just a couple of days ago, it's titled "How to destroy Surveillance Capitalism" – but actually I think even he's still too optimistic.
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