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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/2019 in all areas

  1. Wow. Just wow. I have not lost any faith in F(x)tec as a result of this thread, but I have lost a lot of faith in humanity. Some of you sound like screaming toddlers whose parents didn't get them a cookie fast enough. Some others of you sound like very reasonable people trying to calm down the hyperventilating children, and I commend you, but I question whether you are the majority. I hope so. Wake up, children! This little company is attempting to fill a market segment that the mainstream phone companies have completely abandoned with a skeleton crew and very limited resources. Governmen
    15 points
  2. If history has taught us one thing, it's that equating people online to toddlers solves problems reliably!! If you don't understand people who paid money to a company that provides no updates or false updates for no reason at all are upset then you can get bent... as you recognized people are excited about the device so there was no reason to hype the batches being sent "within days" instead of telling the truth, that the first batch is very small and that the second large batch will follow in mid november. If your toddler pays you for a cookie, and you keep telling tomorrow but then
    8 points
  3. Or maybe not at all. We can't be sure if Fxtec will fulfill all orders looking at their history of dishonesty. No one got their tracking codes and phones were supposedly already shipped 5 days ago(and only in Asia). Also Fxtec said that case doesn't exist AFTER shipping deadline so I won't be surprised by anything at this point now. And these are only most recent things. I wouldn't be surprised if only few hundred people got their phones and the rest was refunded. Also, calling people toddlers shows how immature you are. For me the point now is not "I want the phone now" but I want honest
    6 points
  4. They are people too, and have feelings, and can be disheartened like anyone else. Encouragement makes the world better. If you're reading this, Mr. Chen, just know that most of us are grateful that you are doing this at all, and understand that setbacks happen, and eagerly but patiently await the final glory of a new portrait keyboard slider. :)
    5 points
  5. Not everyone is interested in knowing about your financial crisis or how grown up you are. Everyone has the right to their opinion
    5 points
  6. I like how you wanted to rise above the 'toddlers', but ended up name-calling and ranting about people needing their orders cancelled anyway. Thanks for the laugh! 😁 It's not like people are rioting in the streets. This is a discussion forum about FXtec or the Pro1, and people are airing their frustrations. This is literally what this place is for. Telling FXtec how you feel about the stream of unclear, incomplete, or (depending on your viewpoint), dishonest, communications; and about multiple delays - is totally reasonable. It's certainly more appropriate than just disparaging other comm
    5 points
  7. The point he's trying to make, even though I too think he didn't got that over quite clearly, is that we're all in the same boat here. I understand that you all, just as I, have paid for a product and you want it NOW because that's what was promised. But we're talking a small company which doesn't have the same heft as a Samsung. Sammy can probably push their contracted factory to work harder, plus that they can react way faster to changes that need to be made in the hardware in relation to the software. I want my phone as much as everyone here, even though I've been told that my view of a too
    4 points
  8. New twitter tweets by Liangchen are available. Basically: Devices are currently shipped to the warehouses. Good news are coming soon. It looks for me as there was bad luck lately. A lot was done upfront but not all could be foreseen. I am eagerly awaiting the first reviews of devices.
    3 points
  9. And more in accordance with reality, the same goes for "sorry something did not go as planned and the shipping has been delayed because X" It is more than likely that the delays are related to things outside their control.
    3 points
  10. What happened to the update thread? @Erik
    3 points
  11. A post "sorry we messed up and haven't shipped because X" literally takes 5 minutes AND will save a ton of hours from support. Where is the reasoning flaw now?
    3 points
  12. Yeah, call us names because we demand what we paid for, that is for sure really mature.
    3 points
  13. Hi guys, Tiny informal update before I split this thread to make the news easier to find. We are on track with the 1st batch as previously suggested. I have been told that customers from the 1st batch will soon receive a confirmation that stock has been assigned to their order. I expect it to be done by tomorrow. Obviously, this won't be sent to everyone who has an order, as the first batch is relatively small to the ones we expect to come shortly after. On a side note, please be aware that I do not represent the PR or communications team - I am a techie at Fxtec involved in de
    3 points
  14. I'm sure F(x)tec will come through soon too. I had forgotten about the Cosmo, but I had previously dismissed it because it's just too big to be practical as a phone IMO. In my world it's more of a UMPC. Also, have you looked at the unsubsidized price of an iPhone lately? :O Come on, Pro1 baby! :)
    2 points
  15. The LG enV3 was my favorite hardware keyboard phone that I've owned.
    2 points
  16. Well with a HUGE emphasize on "or similar" Cosmo is a folder, and this means you can not use it as a slab, but only as a 'mini laptop'. So similar when open, but very different when closed.....
    2 points
  17. I have learned, the hard way, that is always the best policy anyway. ☹️
    2 points
  18. ah ok, thx for the info, it may work then. But I would still be afraid that it would move to an edge and the knock somewhere. Reality will tell soon :)
    2 points
  19. So I may have been a little grumpy last night. Technically, I didn't call anyone a toddler; I merely observed that some of you sounded like screaming toddlers, a sentiment which was more-or-less seconded. I did address children at one point, but if you consider yourself not to be one, that shouldn't be upsetting, now, should it? :) I think my point stands. These people are trying to make a device we've all been wishing someone would make for years, and all some people here can do is criticise them for not making it fast enough. OK, they've had problems and missed dates. It feels like they
    2 points
  20. I like to pretend to be a girl online for attention if that counts at all...
    2 points
  21. Here I was thinking the forum was mostly girls conversing under male aliases. 😁 Signed, girl (who has an aging Samsung SGH-T699).
    2 points
  22. Here, Problem solved! Anyone want to place order? email me. I promise shipping will be in 2 days!
    2 points
  23. I think some people here don't appreciate how dependent F(x) Tec are on other people at this phase, how quickly things can change and, until you are an established company, you are low priority with all of them. They are not being dishonest. All they can give us is hopeful dates because a lot is not in their control. I guarantee you, they, especially Chen are even more frustrated than we are. What I see is a small group of people who have created a great product and are doing everything to get it to us as soon as possible. And I believe that will be soon. They can fix the communication
    1 point
  24. Thanks for pointing that out. I liked this one: So it looks like they are reading the forum and/or social media. If so, I'd want them to know - I personally don't think they've lied - just in their enthusiasm been less clear and open than ideal. Examples: making a big deal of the ship date of the 29th without clarifying that this wasn't shipping _to customers_. The late change of case to sleeve. No clarity around batch sizes and times that would give people an idea. All the noise here is because people want to know when they'll get the phone they're exc
    1 point
  25. Do we know if there is any patent ? On the hinge maybe ? Else even if this project fail due to bad pr we could still see it picked up by another company. I'm pretty sure anyone thinking of getting the phone and reading the forums 5 minutes run away sadly
    1 point
  26. Even if I move the Keyone, it cannot come to the edge. Moreover Pro1 will have tighter fit as it's more thick and should not move at all. Like you said, actual fitting will be seen whenever the Pro1 arrives! Anyway these are cheap cases and something is always better than nothing. Edit: Worst case I will have to keep the screen facing inside.
    1 point
  27. Actually the Pro1 has rounded edges and not so wide as the styrofoam sheet shown inside the case, I have taken pictures with my BB Keyone inside, to show how it looks. Though this is about 1.2mm narrower. So I don't think it should be a problem.
    1 point
  28. the second one you posted does not protect the edges 😕
    1 point
  29. Thank you for voicing your concerns politely, unlike some others. Where I think this line of reasoning goes wrong is that essentially you're asking them to take time and effort away from actually getting product out the door to give information that won't change anything in the end other than make a few people feel satisfied while everyone waits yet a little longer. Having worked in many a small operation, I know how crunch time goes; everyone does everything. I wouldn't be surprised if Adrian was doing assembly or moving boxes or driving a lorry (truck.) What information we have sounds like s
    1 point
  30. I think (I may be not true) they earlier thought they may ship phones from warehouses at 29th and later they did not want to announce another delay but blur the info a bit instead (or maybe they had internal misunderstanding earlier). It is an interesting thing anyway at PR-wise. If you say something was unsuccessful and have another delay, it may have a result of many unsatisfied people instantly. If you say everything is as expected and you can ship it in only a few days delay, it may be better - but if don't, it may be even worse. I am in a group who more satisfied if one say it is del
    1 point
  31. I don't particularly appreciate people calling critics crybabies and the like. I do think some people here are a bit more extreme in their reactions then me, and I won't cancel my pre-order for at least a couple of months, but people should be able to voice their concerns. And there are absolutely reasons for concerns. At this point I think it's pretty likely Fxtec lied about shipping on the 29th after slipping past shipping dates for months, and then there's stuff like no longer offering a case but instead offering a sleeve. I don't think it's pointless to voice concerns either. I'm not
    1 point
  32. They did several preparations (maybe a bit lately anyway), so I don't think they will stop now if there are no huge problems coming. ...as they sent units for certification, built up production and contracted with warehouses (which altogether cost high amount of money), they will definitively try to fulfill all orders and even later orders. Maybe almost two years ago, they have started something which they probably had no experience and finally built up a production system which result may appear soon. I understand if they are tired and thus make steps which are not good for community
    1 point
  33. This bad boy (HTC Desire Z) is still going strong. Well, it's going, anyway. I don't use it as a phone anymore - various areas of technology have moved on and left the poor Desire Z far behind. But it does still get used. It's had two new batteries and a new speaker over the years. Great little phone! And it is definitely a shame that the trackpad / click button is something phones have lost.
    1 point
  34. They already have some gimmicks up their sleeve here, But stuff like that I see as things that can be tuned with updates after it is on the street, as this is pure software/firmware, so no haste. In the most primitive variant I assume it could be put deep down in the hardware layer 'simply' presenting a lesser logical display to the OS. My personal favourite would be if we can have a lesser logical screen in Portrait than in landscape. But the elegant solution would be if Android allows for the use of the full screens in stuff using the entire screen (showing images/videos), and
    1 point
  35. Just to be clear, I don't really mind if the phone will be shipped on early November, mid-November or sometime in December. I know several things may happen and several problems can be faced. ...but if there are problems somewhere, I would like to know it may be delayed instead of repeating everything is on track till to the end. Few weeks aren't really matters in a distance of years now, but I would like to see real information and statements. The first time something broke in me was the lack of the ability to use two SIMs and uSD cards simultaneously and the last time was the prom
    1 point
  36. Why on earth does the sex of the phone-users matter? Just asking.... Except there will (statistically speaking) be a higher change for women to have so slim fingers then can use all ten for typing on the Pro1.
    1 point
  37. Hey guys i am thinking about another solution to all this. i have few nokia e7s lying around and also have galaxy note 8. why dont i just use super glue and stick Note 8 on top of E7 screen. Problem Solved!
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. wat. Comparing a 6700K to a 8700K (which has 2c/4t more and overclocks like hell because 14nm++) is comparing Wittgenstein in my avatar to a Cray-1: they're miles apart in performance!
    1 point
  40. @alexmarzulli I've not been on board quite so long as U .. but U've summed up my thoughts & frustrations exactly
    1 point
  41. Well I would not expect a startup to be aware of all the hiccups that can (and most likely will) occur. But I would expect that they adjusted their ETS (Estimated Time of Shipment) when they know it to not hold, and do so BEFORE the day of the previous ETS... Let me put it this way: If I should invite these guys home for dinner I would for sure not prepare a soufflé, but would wait to prepare the food to they had arrived.
    1 point
  42. You are defending them, maybe not regarding communication directly, but even right above you are defending them in the fact that they are stuck in customs, and implying people expect delivery straight to tem. People expect when a company gives a launch date they have bought about risks and built in buffers and have they papers in order to meet that date. If there's a delay let people know and either give a new date you are sure of, or wait until you are sure then give a new date. They have fail at this multiple times, and do not need defending, they need to improve. Nobod
    1 point
  43. Final version of the Pro1 case!
    1 point
  44. You guys need to seriously invest on some people who are good at communication. What a way to completely wreck any trust your customers might have, no matter how good the product actually is and how much of a good job you might be doing. Here's a list of the recent lies: "small batches will follow within days of each others" now it's half a month (mid november), W.T.F. Also now the first batch is infinitesimally small, too bad you omitted this information -_- "shipping to customers on the 29th" (now it's shipping to warehouses, what a loophole) "pre orders probably compl
    1 point
  45. @vlycop "I nolonger trust fxtec" I think that's the most damning, saddest thing I've read 😞 but I do understand all the same. For me, given the previously stated 4-5 hour production time per Pro1, my worry is what assurance can there possibly be for the accuracy of Eric's statement? & should this prove 2B another groundless, false hope, I guess pre-Christmas fulfilment of pre-orders is unlikely... I sure hope I am proved wrong, but only time will tell.
    1 point
  46. Snapdragon 835 was announced in January 2017 and released in March 2017.
    1 point
  47. Now I'm not sure if I understood You right. You have just told us, that beside the OFFICIAL information (which is considered by me as newsletter just and only), You don't know anything else from the departments. That would be correct, since on the 28th of October You said that everything is on track meaning that the deliveries to the customers from the fulfillment centers will take place on 29th. Then suddenly came an information that You meant only Asian customers. Now You can't tell the numbers how many devices were sent, but You still say that some were. Do You know what I mean here?
    1 point
  48. Don't take this personally, but this just makes following Your updates pointless... I'm really surprised how little Your supervisors care about PR and their customers. I hope that at least You're getting good money for doing this.
    1 point
  49. Let me get this straight, is the only information you get on this topic the public available ones?
    1 point
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