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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/2019 in Posts

  1. Maybe most of us got tired of saying the same thing over and over to the same people: This is a startup, with a lot of things out of their control, doing a device of a type no one has offered for many years. Why is it that people do not find it odd that a company as huge and experienced as Samsung could announce their foldable device to come "next year" for five years, and when it finally was announced it took half a year for it to become available, after cancelling all their pre-orders. And on the other hand expects Fxtec, to predict every obstacle, and work smoothly by the plan?
    8 points
  2. Hi, all. Great news! For all of you who are getting frustrated at not knowing when the Pro1 will be available, I have your problem solved! On the homepage there is the option to: Be the first to know. Sign up for updates.👏😀
    7 points
  3. And you're right how? Do you work for Fxtec? How are your posts any different from anyone else's regarding any sort of truth? All we know is the communication is anything but optimal and that at some point in time we will receive phones.
    7 points
  4. No one said they shouldn't be criticized. But the same people repeating the same criticisms over and over begins to border on Troll behavior. We got it the first time. 🙄 I'm still here. I'm still excited about my Pro 1. I don't feel betrayed, lied to, or even misled. I trust Chen to come through in the end. The communication is bad, but it isn't going to get fixed right now. And, oh, by the way, I find nothing weird or misleading about it taking a little over 2 weeks to get from shipping from a Chinese factory to getting a tracking number from a logistics hub since the tracking
    7 points
  5. Not to be a dick, but: you do better. I will buy the phone you and your friends make today if you have one. I know I don't and I can't do better. I would prefer a better communication, but I do not have a choice, do I? And in turn, I am sure they would prefer to have a PR team, logistics team, their own factory in my neighborhood and yours, have at least 5 different models for us to choose from, colors and personal engraving, keyboard layouts, you name it. But then reality check comes in, and suddenly: no one else is doing this; small team means everyone has to do everything, they so
    6 points
  6. Oh this reminds me, many years ago I was suggested, that if I ever wrote my memoirs, to call it "How to make easy things complicated - volume one to eleven". 😇
    6 points
  7. If something similar was existed in the past it does not mean it is easy to do it again or even adapt older concepts. A lot of things have changed. There are a lot of newer technologies, the number of supported frequency bands have greatly improved, the antenna system have to be highly different which may also affects other design considerations. Remember if a mechanic has a lot of metal parts, it is absolutely not trivial to put antennas to appropriate places where transmission and reception is also good even in open and closed condition of the phone. The whole process is a rather
    5 points
  8. I have permission to share this email from support: considering my preorder number is in the 6000s, I'm not exactly surprised I'm not in the first batch. it seems people in batches 2+ are going to recieve their phone around later this month or early/mid next month.
    5 points
  9. Apart from what @Doktor Oswaldo already replied, I'm absolutely sure that they believe their time line estimates to be realistic when they give them. The sooner stuff can get on the street the better for their total sales. Unfortunately for them it is beginning to look very tight to be able to offer new orders (after the pre-orders have been handled) to be available before Xmas, as certainly would be the best for their sales. And I'm sure they work as hard as possible to get to that point. I hope for them that batch three is large enough to not only cover the pre-orders, but also to
    5 points
  10. It could well be that Erik (unfortunately) just like I did, had interpreted it as that was the intention, but it might never have been so... Unfortunately we are guessing on how things are going to be distributed, see one elaborated guess from @VaZso from yesterday here. We do not KNOW.
    5 points
  11. And I thought I was crazy for pre-ordering a 650$ phone, but there are people who were pre-ordering a 3000$ phone xD
    5 points
  12. Again this thing. Yeah communication was really bad. Maybe they even lied knowingly (I don't think so, but it is possible). But why posting about that in user2user forum? They only thing you can do is order that damn thing or don't order it. That is all the vote you have. Yeah I understand that it can make someone angry when you want the device but don't like what the company does. That is the real world. You must decide if you will buy it anyway or not. Nothing will change if somebody post the same stuff every 3 days. There was more than enough constructive feedback, FxTec is aware that
    5 points
  13. Kinda funny, how "parallel" the Cosmo Communicator "forum" is 🙂
    5 points
  14. How do you come to the conclusion that a pre-order Product hast to be completed and finished? When they started accepting pre-orders it was totaly clear the only existing devices were pre-production and testing. You should be happy that the did pre-ordering with the (confirmed) option to cancel instead of the common practice of kickstarter and others to just rip off a huge percentage of the money for doing nothing and then give the rest to the backed company where you have no chance to get you money back. What made you expect that a small company with no existing production loine and smal
    4 points
  15. Don't forgot the Livermorium Moto-Mod keyboard. Only a few actually made it to customers before project cancelled.
    4 points
  16. I understand that really well (and it doesn't sound like complaining). But things like that have been asked for a long time. FxTec somehow does not seem to either can't give us these information or just don't want to (they may be business reasons for that). Most likely the only official thing you will get is the Tracking Number in a Mail (hopefully soon).
    4 points
  17. Yet, I guess, Erik is as official as it gets. (Plus I am way too lazy to annoy their support with nonsense like delivery time speculation.)
    4 points
  18. F(x)tec has previously said that they are working on Android 10 update. Also there are apps that can do it for you even without Android 10 (like Sentio Desktop).
    4 points
  19. You're right. I really hope dates in Chen's last message are correct and we will see the light at end of the tunnel then. Anyway, I also know someone who has pre-ordered Pro1 and still waits patiently - without even reading this forum. (I usually forward important changes but that's all.)
    3 points
  20. If someone is angry that I criticize Fxtec all the time it's because we still get ignored by Fxtec. They don't write here, they don't admit their mistakes, they don't explain what is happening. They pee on you and you are happy. I actually give up. Fxtec prefer to pee on anyone wanting them to be honest. See how little amount of people are there on forums. Most of these left are white knights who will defend Fxtec even if Fxtec send bricks instead of phones and they would still adore Fxtec for that. Other people just give up and it seems that there is no other way because Fxtec just does
    3 points
  21. So, there is just no difference you can tell here. This forum is just full of speculations, because of the lack of information. yes, still took a long time for a plastc toy with buttons. working phone prototype is not FCC approved and cannot be sold on free market. You need to do that first, so everything takes more time.
    3 points
  22. Finding better things to do than constantly complain about existing issues we know won't be fixed anytime soon. 😒
    3 points
  23. It's good that support have given you that relatively comprehensive response. Not wishing to jump straight on the negative, but last week they told me that the second batch is following 'mid November', not 'by the end of November'. It may be that the support person is referring to a different stage of what people here have clearly identified as a complex, multi-stage, shipping process. I wish they'd get their terminology correct in that case. I, and I know many others, don't really care when the devices leave the factory. I just want to know when mine will be with me.
    3 points
  24. What we are really seeing is that its not the wait that is killing us but its the lack of info when it comes to delivery. I am not gonna sit here and say I'm cool with the wait as I do really want this phone and had to do a second job to make sure I had the money to purchase. Realistically I would love a real email to go out giving a realistic time line and also suggesting which order numbers will get a phone within each batch so we are not all sat speculating. Do not get me wrong I am becoming a fiend to my emails looking for FxTec (even going to the junk folder in case). Complaining wil
    3 points
  25. Actually, Galaxy Fold pre-orders were cancelled two times. First in May and then in September second time. Best Buy cancels all Galaxy Fold pre-orders, Samsung still doesn't have a release date Samsung cancels all Galaxy Fold pre-orders in the US ahead of re-release
    3 points
  26. Maybe we all should stop guessing and just wait a little.... You don't know how many canceled, gon does not know and I don't either... Few people here whining do not represent the masses this is not specially meant for you, for all here. For the climate of this forum we should just stop and kill this thread, it is toxic....
    2 points
  27. Well, you're wrong then. There are definite legal differences. could you pleas show me ? I'm really interested in that. Again, you're wrong then. I fully expected them to slip dates. I just expected more openness about this, and not this many slips. 1 large slip would make more sense even. Communication, which is indeed really bad, was not the main issue of your post. Because they generally still need to design the device. Even the Pro1 had a working prototype at the point of ordering. most of them have prototypes in the first pla
    2 points
  28. I don't remember the specifics, but I remember somewhere the distinction being made that this wasn't a crowdfund. Finished may have been the wrong words specifically, I more meant the difference between a crowdfund and pre-order. One to me seems they only have a concept really, while the other has most things figured out, with gradations between them obviously. I don't think there is a defined difference between preorder and crowdfound, It's just another way of collection money. This is another fallacy. yea, right. You should feel whatever you feel about that :)
    2 points
  29. And the "just" is the issue here, as this simple and natural question is so hard to answer, as so many things can affect it.... I mean if I send a postcard to my neighbourgh in a reasonable organised country like Denmark it could be anything from one to seven days... And the whole travel of the Pro1 from the factory to our doorsteps involves so many unpredictable factors that could influence it. Including - but not limited to - customs.
    2 points
  30. Given there track record I expect their end of the month date is when things will leave the factory and it will still be 2-3 weeks from peoples hands. So we are still a month away which is what we've been told for how many months?
    2 points
  31. @EskeRahn I am 100% with you in the hopes that they get a chance to get them on retail before Xmas. The way I see it is the better they do means the phone will continue to be supported and have fixes, upgrades etc. I am sure they have the pressure not just of consumers but also from investors and that is also why I said before they really do not want to deliver a phone full of bugs which breaks easy. I'm just excited for it to be delivered soon.
    2 points
  32. I am not sure but I think that Samsung also cancelled pre-orders. I did not pre-order Galaxy Fold so I do not know for sure what happened. Samsung is canceling pre-orders of the $2,000 Galaxy Fold if it doesn't ship by the end of May Anyway, even big companies like Samsung can have huge delivery issues. I am fine if F(x)tec is able to ship all pre-orders before the end of this year. Even better if I can receive my unit during this month.
    2 points
  33. Ok but what about the units that allegedly shipped to asian backers on the 29th? How is there not even a twitter mention? Did the units get lost in transit? Were the lucky asian people suddenly kidnapped? Or did they not ship? How in the world do you classify that as "not stellar". It's becoming hard to not see it as a straight up lie.
    2 points
  34. If I were in their shoes, I also would focus very very heavily on delivering all these devices so that I would be able to start selling to the general customer. Because at this point, all these unfulfilled orders have already "paid" and are they aren't making any money unless they sell and deliver for general availability. I'm unaware what their "break even" point is but hopefully its not too high a bar where they can continue to make devices like Pro2 or even a Pro3. My other guess is they aren't big enough to produce high capacities and don't have enough demand to do so either. Higher p
    2 points
  35. Liangchen Chen is the man behind both projects, I do not know if there are other people in (or behind) FxTec that was associated with the Moto Mod Keyboard.
    1 point
  36. They are separately registered I think, but same people yeah. At least they handled the failure very well, they refunded and compensated despite no obligations to it. And the problems that they had with modomod are much less of a risk this time around :).
    1 point
  37. I am from Hong Kong. I know that FX has decided to setup a warehouse in Hong Kong. However, here is very dangerous and unstable. The Hong Kong Police Force has made lots of mass and kill many people. Tear gas and bullets are everywhere. They attacked Masjid (the church of Islam) and are now invading the college and shooting the students :"(. I don't know when (whether) it will stop. Therefore, if FX is deciding to setup a warehouse in Hong Kong and arrange such distribution, I don't know whether the countries near Hong Kong can receive the phone in 2019. So sad and so sorry for that. I don't
    1 point
  38. On the other hand, the same keyboard designs and mechanisms could most likely be reused over many generations of interiors. Though of course say a next gen GSM could require design changes for different antennas.
    1 point
  39. Back when the guy made this concept, e-ink was way too niche to even consider, let alone colored. Nowadays, for that kind of screen it would work wonders yeah...
    1 point
  40. You mean the Cosmo? Yeah, as I usually say to people that want to buy a laptop today, I find it hard to argue for a device hinge-folding in 2019 that can not fold all the way (that is with a double hinge). If you buy a laptop today, it ought to be similar to e.g. the many Lenovos Yoga-models. The Cosmo would have been much more interesting that way, and they could ditch the external screen.
    1 point
  41. @B.X I guess it really depends on your hand size to get the correct fit. Always good when a manufacturer offers a rang of sizes.
    1 point
  42. Since those mid-November announcements I am crossing my fingers that we will receive our devices before Christmas. Currently it seems like less than 50% that this will actually happen. Let's wait for an official update (@Erik? ;)), but I'm not holding my breath..
    1 point
  43. With Android 10 you are able to use desktop mode over HDMI. It needs little bit tweaking but I believe it will be more useful after devs look into it. https://www.xda-developers.com/make-android-10-desktop-mode-useful/
    1 point
  44. Though I would love it if the Pro1 would sell in the multi milions like Nokia did in the hay days, I find it highly unlikely. So dedicated tools are hardly in play here, more than perhaps some moulds - but honestly I think it more likely that it is programable machines that cut things than moulds.
    1 point
  45. I am always a little bewildered by how 'emotional' some people are, especially regarding a buying decision pertaining a cell phone. I mean, it's just a phone. If the amount of money that I "invest" into a phone is anything but negligible, I made a wrong decision in the first place! (read: if your "business success" depends on a cell phone, I might question the business case :D) Sure, I get the hype about finally having a cell with an actual keyboard again. Trust me - I want it just as much as the other guy, but honestly: It's just a phone and if I have to be honest to myself: 95%+ a
    1 point
  46. Guys i must admit that its by far the most worst experience i ever have buying online. I have been with this since feb and by now i think i am loosing it. it just drags on and on. everyone here go to the extreme level to guess all about batching and when is shipping. thats what FX could be doing. but they are just keep dragging forever. Mid nov is no far so we will see what happens. i am too considering to cancel order because its just turning into a nightmare.
    1 point
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