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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/06/2019 in Posts

  1. Hi everyone, A brief, honest informal update as promised. The US/APAC shipment from the 2nd batch has now been fulfilled, and some of you should have already been contacted by your couriers to confirm your delivery date. In the meantime, the 1st US batch is still stuck somewhere in a US customs office sorting hub awaiting to be shipped back to our main warehouse in Hong Kong. Customers from the 2nd US batch will be contacted by FedEx for their customs payment, as we have now decided to ship devices directly from Hong Kong in an effort to save time and avoid further foreign importer c
    29 points
  2. I was late with the update yesterday, we've been quite busy lately :). I am noting your questions, and I'll make an informal update on the news thread today.
    13 points
  3. Thank you so much for the consideration. I won't take donations for this project myself but please do donate to Lineage, the EFF, or your favorite open source project.
    9 points
  4. That you are creating an EDL package for the rest of us to recover our bricks is simply amazing! I'm so grateful! Thank you! With friends like you, this project cannot fail!
    8 points
  5. So I have spent most of the day today trying to get TWRP to decrypt FBE. It has been quite an adventure, as my only prior experience with TWRP decrypt has been FDE on Android 7.0 which is quite simple to support. FBE on Android 9.0 requires a lot of infrastructure that I had not known about. I'm not done yet. Hope to have it working in the next couple of days. I'm also preparing an EDL package for user consumption. This will allow anyone to un-brick their device and restore the stock factory image no matter how badly they damage the software. But don't go erasing your entire
    8 points
  6. Since this seems all like a lot of work, may I ask you if you have some kind of donation intake? Or would it help if we use the general lineage donation stuff?
    6 points
  7. Well, the dates have changed, but the principle has not, and now some of us have our devices! Soon we all shall have them! Also, no touchscreen typing here LOL; I daily drive a Droid4, and use a PRIV occasionally in the evening. Physical keyboards for the win! πŸ™‚
    5 points
  8. Hahah I totally mentioned the wrong Eric πŸ˜‚
    4 points
  9. Hurray! A great update from @eric!!
    4 points
  10. It's pretty hard to fail worse than Microsoft Kin.
    4 points
  11. Get a refund is not an option. I may order a second one, depending on the size of my Christmas bonus this year. I desperately wish to own this device, and for F(x)tec to succeed, and people buying units is how that occurs. EDIT: I also recently learned that my Droid 4 will work for another year, so all is well for now!
    4 points
  12. Jeez you guys are jonesing for this thing. I'm only an hour away by road from London and I make it a rule to never go there unless I'm being paid ... Now Munich on the other hand - I've had to work quite hard over the years to prevent several clients from figuring out they didn't really need to pay me extra to go there
    4 points
  13. If there are between a 1/10th and a 1/5th of phones shipping each week and there are only 2 weeks left until Christmas, then it's not pessimistic to say *the majority* of pre-orders won't be completed by Xmas, it's simple maths. Whilst it would be lovely and exciting to get it before xmas, I simply want this phone! I will get it when I get it. I spent money on the Cosmo over 1yr before getting that device. (The next part aimed at F(x)tec) Of course with thousands of well paid engineers here at Google UK's hq, it would definitely be in F(x)tec's benefit to have me walking aroun
    4 points
  14. Got mine too - fedex 1224703xxxxx Seems they're shipping US orders direct from HK too.... mine's still at the airport over there according to tracking. email:
    4 points
  15. This might be disappointing news to some (not me), BUT the forthright communication is much appreciated by all (including me)! It's long overdue and much needed. Thank you.
    4 points
  16. 3 points
  17. Sooooo.... I did something shameful.... I trolled the twitter account and made a seething complaint under an image... I caved and became a petulant 13 year old! (On the bonus I received a reply where they said they will look into my order.) @Erik has come back to us in the forums again and again and is, so obviously, doing all he can. And like everyone else I can not deny I want this phone on a materialistic level (I will not die without it although on occasions I feel it). However, now there are phones being shipped on a regular basis I feel positive. Yes they are not in large
    3 points
  18. I think you meant to say "justice for delivering a form factor that no one else would dare to bet on", as in "their just reward". I think Eske explained difference between "miscalculations" and "lies", don't be a drama queen. I can assure you, drop in sales on stuff that will not come before the holidays is happening across the board, people are spending their money on gifts
    3 points
  19. I am sincerely hoping your future telling skills suck. haha 🀣
    3 points
  20. Also, you can always check this thread:
    3 points
  21. Why on earth did you flash Windows to that poor little device?! SO cruel!!
    3 points
  22. I hardly think there would not be enough money for the goodness if they would earn less money from ads. There is enough money for that, just not for shareholders. And that is the point, it always has to go up, yeah they may not sell the data now. But what if the shareholders are not happy any more because google hit the grow-limit? What if the ad economy breaks down? P.S. The point with china is worthless. They tried hard to do a specialized engine for china, only the engineers are not in for it. As any big company they happily help the regime because china is a big market
    3 points
  23. 3 points
  24. I had a pallet full of drywall delivered today, it was a struggle and we destroyed the plants on the driveway by crashing it on there from a crane-truck-thing :).
    3 points
  25. Brave Browser offers exactly what you're suggesting. You really should investigate it.
    3 points
  26. Sixaxis, unfortunately, their estimates on delivery have not proven to be accurate, no matter where they come from, website, email, video, forum post, etc. The latest news said the latest preorders are not likely to make it before Christmas, and you are one of the later ones. Some of us have been waiting years, since first backing the project that started this in 2017. So if you need a phone by Dec 24, you may wish to reconsider. It seems like you might be Russian, so in that case, since Christmas comes later for you anyway, you could still possibly maybe have a chance of getting it in t
    3 points
  27. Got a tracking # for 12/10 This is the most progress I have had so far. I'm in the US, It's moving.
    3 points
  28. Thank you all for the feedback! Team is working on the fix for the keyboard unresponsive issue. It's quite random and cannot replicate easily. But we will do out best and solve ASAP.
    3 points
  29. And if it does, can you have an esim, a normal sim, and a microSD card at the same time?
    3 points
  30. Good to hear in the other topic that finally also US customers are going to receive their phones soon.
    3 points
  31. I dont know why Fx Tec need to refund a tax applied by US customs. it will be a loss for FX Tec. cant we pay a bit more to help FX Tec?
    2 points
  32. 2 points
  33. I just want to make a quick statement: The US government can and does get access to my data without a warrant since I am not a US citizen. No amount of technological safeguards can stop that. Look up programs such as PRISM that systematically gather tons and tons of data on non-US citizens, and there are likely many more like it that have popped up since PRISM.
    2 points
  34. You can try contact cleaner spray. Despite being a 'wet' method it dries out pretty quickly as it is volatile stuff.
    2 points
  35. Sometimes you can get a corner of a piece of paper, or thin stiff plastic, in aiong the edge of a button, and with a little luck push whatever pocket lint that got in there to a side.
    2 points
  36. only in October, I guess? πŸ˜‰
    2 points
  37. See my italics in the quote above... As for the first part, it sounds like a serious headache. I have never looked into FBE, but have done some FDE stuff and agree it's rather simple. Oh, come on now, you're being quite the killjoy! πŸ˜€ Sounds like more reasons to backup some of the other (unmounted) partitions! Again, thanks for the all the time your investing and I look forward to the EDL package!
    2 points
  38. Thanks for the insight. Another view would be: No collection, no risk of loosing it. wilfully or accidentally. An old saying goes: The road to hell is paved with good intentions. In the US almost anyone can get a gun, most likely primarily bought with good intentions for protection, and big surprise a lot of malicious stuff follows by that. In other countries were guns are harder to get at, big surprise: Fewer are shot. And don't get me wrong, a lot of evil happens all over the world, so it is by far limited to guns. The price of easy access to lethal weapons are dead people
    2 points
  39. I would suggest to start with some out-dated sim and a small SD, so damage by destroying either would be very limited. Then you are more certain to do it right on the real cards. I do not know if dual slots are identical for different vendors, but I would guess so. So most likely the created dual-card could be used in another device - but that is purely theoretical, as you of course will not want anything but the Pro1 for the next many years, unless they make a pro2 😜😜 ...And by then the devices will have eSim, and 512GB will be considered small....
    2 points
  40. I may try it but I really do not like that idea. ...but I am afraid that is the only potentially working method... I really hate the idea as then I will not really able to use that SIM but only in Pro1. As far as I know, it will cost about 20 USD sooner or later to replace the card when I have a phone in which I would like to use the SIM. ...also, I have to do it in a working day when the service provider has open office in case something went wrong and they may have strange look at me when I will "lost" my card second time in a day.
    2 points
  41. Here here ...And to everyone (like me) who has been upset for a while and is still waiting ...this is what we have been asking for - and now we have got it ...So let us all treat Erik with respect and make sure he feels welcome here, and feels comfortable to be honest at all times, irrespective of whether he is the bearer of good or bad news!
    2 points
  42. Thank you these information. May I ask you what is the relation between all pre-orders and those which have IGG coupons? Also, could you share the approximate percent of pre-orders currently reached?
    2 points
  43. So it will take between 5 and 10 weeks to complete all the pre orders then I guess.
    2 points
  44. Some will, but I can't confirm that on an individual basis, there may or may not be a lot of people in the queue before you. Each batch now covers between 1-2/10ths of all pre-orders. This might disappoint some, and we understand this given how much all of you had to wait for the device, but the bigger picture is positive - we are producing and shipping devices a lot more frequently now that we addressed production and logistics related issues that were slowing us down.
    2 points
  45. Yeah, kinda makes me jealous as so far no stock assigned email for me. Now, with selfish mode off, I am also satisfied to see things keep moving along.
    2 points
  46. Now that we have a working Lineage install, I think we need an issue tracker. I think the easiest thing to do is to use github since it has a built-in issue tracker for projects. https://github.com/tdm/android_device_fxtec_pro1/issues
    2 points
  47. Nope, it does not work. So what happens - and that is the same as with stock android - you press "d" on the keyboard and "s" appears. The numeric row is fine. I didn't try any special characters like Àâü. For stock Android the solution was to go to System, then "Language and Settings", then "Physical keyboard", then click "Fxtec Pro1 (Default)" and in the pop-up select "German" (Or Deutsch if your system is set to German). For stock android that allowed the keyboard to work. On Lineage that doesn't do anything as far as I can tell. Another issue: The WIFi symbol looks like it only
    2 points
  48. Hi everyone, A small update for you today. As some of you know our US shipment from the first batch has still not reached our US customers due to strict US customs regulations. According to the latest, the first US batch is being returned to our Hong Kong hub, but it's currently being queued in a customs office's sorting facility. We know the stock will arrive back, but by the time that happens, our next batches from the factory will be ready for shipping. Consequently, we will be bumping up the numbers of units in the next batches to accommodate for the customers designated from the firs
    2 points
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